[nysbirds-l] Bridgehampton Cattle Egret

2017-04-22 Thread Eileen Schwinn
The previously reported Cattle Egret is still present , atop the metal 
structure in the cattle field, Mecox  Rd and Halsey Lane, Bridgehampton.
A Glaucous Gull is also present, in the field to the east of the cattle field.
Happy Earth Day-
Eileen Schwinn 

Sent from my iPhone


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[nysbirds-l] Cliff swallow brooklyn

2017-04-22 Thread Dennis Hrehowsik
Cliff swallow on prospect park lake. Found on BBC Walk.

Dennis hrehowsik 


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[nysbirds-l] Louisiana Waterthrush, Forest Park, Queens

2017-04-22 Thread Steve Walter

Currently at waterhole. Also Rusty Blackbirds.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

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[nysbirds-l] Red-headed Woodpecker, Pelham Bay Park, Bronx

2017-04-22 Thread Jack Rothman
This Red-headed was intent on occupying a cavity where a Red-bellied Woodpecker 
was already inside. He continued to drum inches away from her cavity and she 
poked out her head every so often. The male Red-bellied eventually came by and 
chased the Red-headed away but he was persistent and returned again in a few 
minutes. This happened several times.
We watched the drama for about 20 minutes, fascinating.

To find the bird, walk up the path from the Orchard Beach parking lot, Bronx. 
The path is located on the NE corner and goes to Hunter Island.
As you proceed up the hill look for a path to your right and a cylindrical 
trash container. Continue up the hill about 20 feet more and look on your left 
for a tree wth woodpecker cavities. 

For those who knew about the GH Owl nest on Hunter Island, the three owlets 
have all fledged. 

The Red-headed Woodpecker was also seen by Bronx Brendan Keogh and another 
birder we met on the trail, Michael Walter.
photos: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S36172821 

Jack Rothman


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[nysbirds-l] Red-headed Woodpecker Correction

2017-04-22 Thread Jack Rothman
My apologies to birder Michael Waldron, who was with us when we observed the 
Red-headed Woodpecker today in Pelham Bay Park.
His name as not Michael Walter, as I reported. 


Jack Rothman


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[nysbirds-l] Montezuma: B-n Stilt, pelicans, Little Gulls, Am. Golden-Plover, Eur. G-w Teal, Cattle Egret

2017-04-22 Thread Jay McGowan
It got a little crazy in the Savannah Mucklands in Seneca County this
morning. From the potatoes building, the two AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS
continued in the fields south of the road, the BLACK-NECKED STILT made a
few appearances while often flying off to the north out of view, two adult
LITTLE GULLS, one in close to full alternate hooded glory, one in more
basic plumage, showed up in the Bonaparte's flock close to the road. From a
bit farther east on 31, we were able to see two male EURASIAN WIGEON, one
on each side of the road, as well as a male EURASIAN GREEN-WINGED TEAL, a
DIFFERENT individual from the Eurasian Green-winged I found a few weeks ago
that was also present today at the Montezuma Visitor Center. Finally,
shorebirds making appearances included DUNLIN, PECTORAL SANDPIPERS, both
YELLOWLEGS, and a rare-in-spring AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER that flew over the
potatoes building and landed out in front of the decoys. The plover was in
dull basic plumage, making it hard to pick out from the corn stubble. I
last saw it in flight with a yellowlegs flock at the west end of the
Mucklands. Finally, continuing high dabbling duck numbers and all three
swan species made for a spectacular (albeit chilly) stop. Full checklist
with a few documentation photos here:

Dave Kennedy's CATTLE EGRET continued at the edge of the Chiropractic
College campus this morning at well:

And Dave Nutter's group found two BLACK VULTURES along the shoreline north
of Frontenac Park in Union Springs earlier today, only one of which was
visible near the end of the point along the north side of the bay when we
made a quick stop on our way back down the lake:

Who knows what else is out there! The Mucklands are looking prime for a
Ruff or other spring shorebird, and a Glossy Ibis must be somewhere in the
wetlands complex right now.


Jay McGowan
Macaulay Library
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC - Saturday Apr. 22, 2017 - Wild Turkey, Northern Parula, Orange-crowned Warbler

2017-04-22 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC 
Saturday Apr. 22, 2017 
OBS: Robert DeCandido, Deborah Allen, m.ob., on bird walks starting from the 
Boathouse at 7:30 & 9:00am.

Highlights: On a murky morning with intermittent rain, we still had some good 
birds: Wild Turkey, Northern Parula, Orange-crowned Warbler (plus 5 other Wood 
Warbler species). Yes, the Wild Turkey originally reported at the Loch by 
Carolyn Smith on eBird Thursday, and spotted by David Barrett late Friday 
southeast of the Maintenance Field, turned up this morning near the Boathouse 
before the 7:30 walk. 

Canada Goose - on eggs at Turtle Pond (Jeffrey M. Ward)
Mallard - not many - Turtle Pond & Reservoir
Bufflehead - pair north end Reservoir (before walk)
Wild Turkey - Boathouse/Point (Bob & Deb 6:30am), Falconer's Hill (after lunch 
- thanks to Ryan Zucker & Jeff Ward)
Red-necked Grebe - WBF release SE Reservoir heading north 7:30am (Deb)
Mourning Dove - residents
Chimney Swift - 2 over Upper Lobe (Jeff Ward)
Double-crested Cormorant - 4 Turtle Pond, plus flyovers
Green Heron - with orange legs at the Point (first noted today on 7:30 walk)
Black-crowned Night-Heron- Turtle Pond (Jeff Ward)
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 (San Remo (Carine Mitchell), 2 flyovers Castle (Jeff W.))
Belted Kingfisher - 1 or 2 (female in willows near the Riviera, flyover 
Shakespeare Garden (Jeff Ward))
Red-headed Woodpecker - first-spring at the Dene
Red-bellied Woodpecker - residents
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - female Tupelo Field (David Barrett)
Downy Woodpecker - residents
Northern Flicker - 2 or 3
American Kestrel - male high over the Maintenance Field (Carine Mitchell)
Blue-headed Vireo 3 (2 Tupelo Field (David Barrett), 1 Shakespeare Garden)
Blue Jay - residents (quiet at this season)
American Crow - flyover
Black-capped Chickadee - at least 3 (Turtle Pond, Upper Lobe, Feeders, Point)
Tufted Titmouse - very few but some singing
White-breasted Nuthatch - Point (Tom Ahlf)
House Wren - Shakespeare Garden (Tom Ahlf & Andrew)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 6 (3 Point, 1 Tupelo Field, 2 Shakespeare Garden)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet -  10+ (4 Point, 2 Turtle Pond, 2 Shakespeare Garden, 2 
Upper Lobe, Swampy Pin Oak)
Hermit Thrush - 4 or 5
Wood Thrush - west of Rock Wall (Drew)
American Robin - many, some nesting
Brown Thrasher - Swampy Pin Oak/Summer House Meadow
House Finch - 2 males at feeders
American Goldfinch - the Point (Peter Haskel)
Louisiana Waterthrush - Upper Lobe (Xander Vitarelli)
Northern Waterthrush - 2 (singing - Point/Oven & Upper Lobe (Jeff Ward))
Orange-crowned Warbler - the Point (7:30 walk), later at Upper Lobe (thanks to 
tweet from Kevin Topping)
Northern Parula - Upper Lobe
Palm Warbler - 4 at the Point
Pine Warbler - 3 along the south shore of Turtle Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler - at least 8 (4 Point, 3 Turtle Pond, 1 Shakespeare 
Eastern Towhee - at least 3 (male between Rock Wall and Upper Lobe, 2 males 
Reservoir (before walk))
Field Sparrow - 3 Maintenance Field (Jeff Ward)
Song Sparrow - Bow Bridge Island
Swamp Sparrow - 2 (Oven & Point - David Barrett)
White-throated Sparrow - still many
Northern Cardinal - residents
Brown-headed Cowbird - male & female south side Turtle Pond (Castle Walk)
Common Grackle - residents nesting

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Elba and Montezuma Mucklands

2017-04-22 Thread Willie D'Anna
Betsy and I went back to the Elba Mucklands (Genesee County) this morning
and again, it was really nice. There are several flooded fields here that
are holding many ducks and shorebirds. As Steve Taylor has pointed out, the
drive in to the area on West Muck Road is a dirt road that is presently very
muddy in several spots. Four-wheel or all-wheel drive is strongly
recommended if you are going to drive in. Note that I am referring to
driving in on the west side of Rt 98 and on the north side of the big
drainage ditch, which crosses Rt 98. Alternatively, one could park at the
beginning of the road, next to Rt 98, and walk in. It's roughly a half mile
to the first flooded fields and well over a mile to where the road/trail
ends. Today, both species of yellowlegs and snipe were mostly on the north
side in the big field that is just before the "Dead End" sign. (The Dead End
sign is about a mile from Rt 98.) The Pectorals and Dunlin were on the south
side in the very flooded field that is just after the Dead End sign.
Specifically, there was a small area of mud and corn stubble sticking above
the water that was tucked up against the north side of that field and which
was difficult to see - that's where the Pecs and Dunlin were. The EURASIAN
WIGEON was in the very flooded field on the north side that is just after
the Dead End sign. The ducks were using these same fields plus others. A
scope is necessary to see most of these birds. We also had our first SPOTTED
SANDPIPER of the year here. Here is our eBird checklist:


After checking the Elba Mucklands, we continued east to the Montezuma
Mucklands (Seneca and Wayne Counties). Whereas the Elba Mucklands were
really nice, the Montezuma Mucklands were a spectacle of nature, and well
worth the trip! Thousands of ducks here and a great variety of other birds.
The number of rarities that were found along a very short stretch of Rt 31,
from Rt 89 on the west to the Seneca River on the east was amazing!
Continuing birds today were two WHITE PELICANS, one BLACK-NECKED STILT, two
adult LITTLE GULLS, and reported by others, two EURASIAN WIGEONS, a COMMON
TEAL, and an AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER. To check out most of the area, park at
the potatoes building on the north side of Rt 31. Look from there and also
walk east along the road to check out other wetlands. A scope is essential.
Here is our eBird checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S36172279


About eight miles south of the Montezuma Mucklands at the NY Chiropractic
College, a CATTLE EGRET continues.


Good birding!



Willie D'Anna

Wilson, NY




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[nysbirds-l] Pete Seeger Park, Beacon

2017-04-22 Thread Andrew Block
I was up taking a walk at the Pete Seeger Park and adjacent  Folk Music Center 
which is next to the Beacon Metro North station and had a bedraggled female 
Red-breasted Merganser feeding near shore.  I don't usually see them along the 
Hudson River.  Nice place to see one in close.  This is the sight that a 
Slaty-backed Gull was briefly seen a few years back.
Andrew Andrew v. F. Block
Consulting Naturalist
20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3
Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4629
Phone: 914-963-3080; Cell: 914-319-9701 

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[nysbirds-l] eagle over Cross County Center

2017-04-22 Thread Andrew Block
I forgot to report an adult Bald Eagle over the Cross County Shopping Center in 
Yonkers a few days ago.  It was fairly low and heading towards LI.
Andrew Andrew v. F. Block
Consulting Naturalist
20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3
Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4629
Phone: 914-963-3080; Cell: 914-319-9701 

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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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[nysbirds-l] Red breasted Nuthatch

2017-04-22 Thread Orhan Birol
Still showing at the suet feeder been around since November, rather late??
Orhan Birol
Shelter Island


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Re: [nysbirds-l] Red breasted Nuthatch

2017-04-22 Thread Larry Trachtenberg
Not sure if late as its been years since I have had them regularly until this 
year. But I also saw 1x at our feeders today. Two RB nuthatch (at least one 
seen) virtually every day I have been around to look since Oct. 19, 2016 which 
was first day last fall I noticed.

L. Trachtenberg

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 22, 2017, at 10:08 PM, Orhan Birol 
mailto:orhanbir...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Still showing at the suet feeder been around since November, rather late??
Orhan Birol
Shelter Island
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