5/26/24 - Montezuma N.W.R. complex, Savannah/Tyre/Montezuma/Seneca Falls, NY
Observers: Andrew BlockTime: 9:15 to 530pm
many Canada Geese1 Mute Swan5 Trumpeter Swans (1 crippled; Sandhill Crane Unit, 
Main Pool, May's Pt. Pool) several Wood Ducks2 Gadwallsmany Mallards3 Redheads1 
Northern Pintailmany Pied-billed Grebes4 Mourning Doves1 Sora3+ American 
Cootsmany Common Gallinules7 Sandhill Cranes (LaRue's Lagoon, Sandhill Crane 
Unit, Tschache Pool) 1 Killdeer10+ Caspian Ternsseveral Black Terns7+ 
Double-crested Cormorants4 American Bitternsmany Great Blue Herons1 Great 
Egret2 Black-crowned Night-Herons3 Turkey Vultures2 Ospreys3 Bald Eagles2 
Red-tailed Hawks2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers4 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers1 Downy 
Woodpecker3 Northern Flickers1 Pileated Woodpecker1 Eastern Kingbird2 Great 
Crested Flycatchers2 Eastern Wood-Pewees2 Alder Flycatchersseveral Willow 
Flycatchers2 Least Flycatchers3+ Red-eyed Vireos4 Warbling Vireos7+ American 
Crowsmany Tree Swallowsseveral Barn Swallowsseveral Purple Martinsseveral Bank 
Swallowsseveral Cedar Waxwings1 House Wrenmany Marsh Wrens1 Carolina Wren5 Gray 
Catbirdsmany European Starlings1 Eastern Bluebird4 American Robins3 House 
Sparrows3 American Goldfinches5+ Chipping Sparrows4 Song Sparrows1 Baltimore 
Oriolemany Red-winged Blackbirds6 Common Grackles1 Ovenbird5+ Common 
Yellowthroats3+ American Redstarts3 Cerulean Warblers6 Yellow Warblers2 
Northern Cardinals1 Indigo Bunting
Also had an American Mink, Snapping Turtle, 30+ huge Common Carps, Midland 
Painted Turtles, and several leps and dragonflies.
Andrew BlockConsulting Naturalist
Yonkers, New York www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/albums

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