[nysbirds-l] Kestrels in Brooklyn

2018-06-17 Thread Matthew Wills

My wife and I have been observing American Kestrels outside
our Brooklyn apartment since January. The male showed up first, the female soon
afterwards. They seemed paired up by late February, when I happened to see one
shoot into a cornice down the block (not, unfortunately, visible from our
apartment). I understand that a part of their pair-bonding is scouting nest sites.
Well, that's the one they chose, above a bodega. 


Today, apropos for Father's Day, I glimpsed the first
evidence of the payoff for all their hard work: a young male, still inside the
cornice. We certainly hope there's more, and that the (nerve-wracking for us)
fledgling proceeds apace.


This has been the most sustained nature observation I've
ever experienced and it has been amazing, and gory: have watched more than a
few songbird feet being gulped down kestrel throats.  There are pictures galore on my blog Backyard and Beyond, https://matthewwills.com.  If you want to skip straight to all the #BrooklynKestrels it's https://matthewwills.com/tag/kestrels/  Keep your eyes on those old TV antennas,Matthew

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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Falcons

2018-02-14 Thread Matthew Wills
I'm still seing one or two Peregrines on top of the taller of the two 
smokestacks at Industry City (2nd Ave. and  32nd St.) most mornings. This has 
been a regular sight since mid-December. Assume they roost nearby -- as dawn 
gets earlier so do they -- hoping they scape by... nearby, too.

A male American Kestrel has perched and called from a tree across the street 
from my apartment for three of the last four days. In the rain Sunday, the wet 
bird was quite the sight. This morning, an Accipiter landed in the same tree 
and buzzed the Kestrel repeatedly before succeeding in chasing the falcon off. 
Later, both the hawk and the falcon returned to the tree again, with more 
to-do, and then later again, separately. While the hawk was grooming, this male 
Kestrel or another was on the large antenna at 40th St and 5th Avenue with a 

I've posted some pictures of this morning's encounter on ebirds, where I hedged 
my bets by splitting the Accipiter difference. 

I think female Sharp-shinned as opposed to male Cooper's, but I'd certainly 
welcome input on this ID, off-list if you prefer. 

There will be more photos on my natural history blog eventually.

Matthew Wills




I'm still seing one or two Peregrines on top of the taller
of the two smokestacks at Industry City (2nd Ave. and  32nd St.) most mornings. 
This has been going
on since mid-December. Assume we they roost nearby, hoping they scape by
nearby, too.


A male American Kestrels has perched and called from a tree
across the street for three of the last four days. In the rain Sunday, the bird
was soaked. This morning, an Accipiter landed in the same tree and buzzed the
Kestrel repeatedly before succeeding in making the falcon fly. Later, both the 
and the falcon returned to the tree at different times.  I've posted some 
pictures on ebird, where I
hedged my bets by calling on what kind of Accipiter it is. I think female
Sharp-shinned as opposed to male Cooper's, but I'd certainly welcome input on
this ID . https://www.ebird.org/profile/MjUyOTcw/world


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[nysbirds-l] Purple Martins at Lemon Creek, Richmond Co.

2017-07-04 Thread Matthew Wills
We stopped off at the Purple Martin colony at Lemon Creek Park on Staten Island 
yesterday for the first time in four years. Glad to see the birds are still 
returning. There were fledglings out and about, and, judging from parents still 
entering nests regularly, nestlings to be fed. 

There are at least a half dozen Purple Martin nests in the houses; counting is 
complicated by all the coming and going. House Sparrows and European Starlings 
have taken a good number of the nest spots. 

In Birds of the New York Area (1964), Ball cites a long study that marked a 
single pair of nesting Purple Martins at Princess Bay* (which Lemon Creek feeds 
into) in 1917. Then nothing until 1951, when 2 pairs nested. In 1961 there were 
50 pairs. 

*"Princess Bay" is found on older maps, but it is now more generally called 
"Prince's Bay."

Happy 4th! 


Backyard and Beyond



We stopped off at the Purple
Martin colony at Lemon Creek Park on Staten Island yesterday for the first time
in four years. Glad to see the martins are still returning. There were 
out and about, and, judging from parents still entering nests regularly,
nestlings to be fed. There are at least a half dozen nests in the houses;
counting is difficult with all the activity. House Sparrows and European
Starlings have taken a good number of the nest holes. 


In Birds of the New York Area, Ball
cites a single pair of nesting martins at Princess Bay (which Lemon Creek feeds
into) a century ago. Then nothing until 1951, when 2 pairs nested. In 1961
there were 50 pairs. 

*"Princess Bay" is
found on older maps, but it is now more generally called "Prince's Bay."


Happy Fourth! 


Backyard and Beyond



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[nysbirds-l] 5 Ravens, Sunset Park, Brooklyn

2016-06-03 Thread Matthew Wills
I've just been observing five Common Ravens on a building on 39th St. between 
3rd and 4th Avenues in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Fish Crows on the offensive 
alerted me to their presence and I hustled down from the home office on 6th Ave 
to confirm what were obviously much larger corvids from 2.5 long avenues away. 
Spent several minutes observing of trio of youngsters on 10th story building 
edge. Short coasting flights, lots of hopping around, too.  

39th is a truck route, so it's loud, but I did hear some modest vocalizations 
from these fledglings. Two chimneys and two side-by-side water towers make the 
roof top of this old industrial pile and its shorter neighbor a virtual avian 
jungle jim. Parents flew in, presumably after foraging (one at least had 
something in bill), and out again.

At one point a Kestrel circled over, vocalizing its displeasure at the 

I have a mess of photos to sort though, and should get some up on my blog 
Backyard and Beyond by tomorrow morning.

Keep your eyes, and ears, on the sky,





I've just been observing five Common Ravens on a building
on 39th St. between 3rd and 4th Avenues in
Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Crows alerted me to their presence and I hustled down
from the home office on 6th Ave to confirm what were obviously much
larger corvids from two long blocks away. Good observation of trio of
youngsters on 10th story building edge. Short coasting flights, lots
of hopping around, too.  39th
is a truck route, so it's loud, but I did hear some timid vocalizations. Two
chimneys and two side-by-side water towers make the roof top of this  old 
industrial bldg. (which is for sale) a
virtual avian jungle jim. Parents flew in, presumably after foraging (one at
least had something in bill), and out again.


I'll have photos on my blog Backyard and Beyond tomorrow




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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Osprey

2016-04-16 Thread Matthew Wills
On the look-out for the pair of Common Ravens frequently seen along the Upper 
Harbor coast of Brooklyn, I spotted what I think is a new Osprey nest at the 
South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, between Industry City and the water. They can 
be seen from 35th Street and 2nd Avenue (with bins). Nest is atop one of the 
very tall light towers on the parking lot -- I think this is still NYC Economic 
Development Corporation property, inaccessible to civilians. Both birds were 
visible up there through chain-link fencing. One of them was also transporting 
nesting materials. 

They overlook Gowanus Bay. I hope they fly farther than that for food!

Backyard & Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Croton Point Park 2/27

2016-02-27 Thread Matthew Wills
Highlights of a glorious, barely winter day today at Croton Point Park. We 
walked from the train station to the Point and back, 11:30-3:15.
At least one adult Bald Eagle  -- 3 sightings of an adult bird over span of 
walk may have been more than one individual -- and one sub-adult (being 
shadowed by a Red-tailed Hawk).

Two Black Vultures. Unexpected.

A Common Raven. Even more unexpected. Bird was snacking on the ground, then 
cleaning its bill and puffing up like a pufferfish on a nearby perch. 

Northern Harrier male over the landfill.
Red-Shouldered Hawk perched by bridge.


Backyard & Beyond (6th anniversary!)



Highlights of a glorious, barely winter day today at Croton
Point Park. We walked from train station to the Point and back, 11:30-3:15.


At least one adult Bald Eagle  -- 3 sightings of an adult over span of walk may
have been more than one individual -- and one sub-adult (being shadowed by a
Red-tail Hawk).


Two Black Vultures. 


A Common Raven. Bird was snacking on the ground, then
cleaning its bill and puffing up like a pufferfish on a nearby perch. 


Northern Harrier male over the landfill.


Red-Shouldered Hawk perched by bridge.




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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Raptors

2015-03-08 Thread Matthew Wills
A raptor-ous day. There were a minimum of two light morph Rough-legged hawks at 
Floyd Bennett Field this afternoon along with one female Kestrel, at least two 
Red-tailed hawks, and at least one Cooper's. 

Peregrine, N. Harrier, and a distant bird that sparked some debate that I'm 
calling a jv. Red-shouldered at Marine Park. 

For the night shift, Marine Park was also graced with a Short-eared owl in 
flight around the little hill.

Mammals beware,



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[nysbirds-l] Croton Point

2015-02-21 Thread Matthew Wills
A birthday walk in Croton Point Park before the snow today revealed a dearth of Bald Eagles. We had 9 sightings of eagles, mostly distant. (Only 9! I know, we're getting spoiled.) A male Norther Harrier was bouncing over the hill. A Merlin nicely perched near the Point. A single Red-tailed hawk. No Common Redpoll. Cold and bitter with the damp wind, with ice everywhere except around the Point itself. I was expecting to see some eagles on the train ride up the Croton-Harmon and then back to NYC, but only one each way.A good day for a flask of whisky, for reinforcements.Matthewhttp://matthewwills.com
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[nysbirds-l] Bald Eagle in Brooklyn's Green-Wood

2015-01-25 Thread Matthew Wills
An adult Bald Eagle was flying low over and perching in Green-Wood this 
afternoon. At one point, it broke the high branch it was on, sending the wood 
plummeting as it flapped away. Two other birders I ran into saw it leave the 
cemetery in a northwesterly direction. Band visible on one foot, but not 
readable. Pictures tomorrow on my blog.

I also twice saw a Peregrine buzz the Monk Parakeet nest on the 5th Avenue 



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[nysbirds-l] Canvasback at Brooklyn Bridge Park

2015-01-19 Thread Matthew Wills
Found a male Canvasback hanging out with small crowd of Gadwall on the rocks at 
the little beach at Pier 4 ruins in Brooklyn Bridge Park this afternoon. First 
time I've seen one here. Bright white body, with those fantastic red eyes! 
Seemed pretty tolerant of holiday scamps & leashed dogs on the beach. I will 
post pictures on my blog soon/later.

(Subscribe for free!)


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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Ravens

2015-01-02 Thread Matthew Wills
I saw two Common Ravens yesterday afternoon at the western end of 39th St. in 
Sunset Park and environs. The birds were vocalizing, riding the wind, eating, 
and hanging out together on ledges and edges of the very cliff-like warehouses 
there, with much grooming going on between them. It was a spectacular way to 
begin the year. 

I've posted pictures on my blog and will write more about the experience soon.



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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Peregrine Update

2014-06-04 Thread Matthew Wills
I learned today from a building owner that the BBC was on his roof filming 
THREE young Peregrines in their Atlantic Avenue scrape for a documentary to be 
released in 2016. I've still only seen, and now heard, two from the street.

Some pics up on the blog:



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[nysbirds-l] NYC Peregrines

2014-06-02 Thread Matthew Wills
News from the two Peregrine scrapes I keep a lens or two on:

1. The 55 Water Street scrape, as you probably know, has four young Peregrines. 
The nest cam is at http://www.55water.com/falcons/live.php

2. The Brooklyn House of Detention scrape has at least two young Peregrines in 
it. We saw them poking their heads out of the chick-safe grating (by default) 
yesterday, looking down, up, and all around. These birds are much further 
along, feathering-in, though with some down still visible. 

(Was heading to a play last night and didn't have my camera.)

Backyard & Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Wood Ducklings in Kings Co.

2014-05-12 Thread Matthew Wills
Seven Wood Duck ducklings were on the Upper Pool of Brooklyn's Prospect Park 
this weekend. This species has been seen here regularly during migration 
seasons, especially in the fall, but this seems to have been the first time 
they've reproduced here in a long time.

Pics and details on the blog: http://matthewwills.com/2014/05/12/wood-ducks/

Backyard and Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Mini Broad-winged Hawk Flight 4/27 Ossining

2014-04-28 Thread Matthew Wills
Yesterday on the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail in Ossining, NY, we had great views 
of half a dozen Broad-winged Hawks moving in a roughly easterly direction 
around 1pm. Having seen many dozens two weeks ago in Bentsen State Park, TX, I 
was most pleased to see a little kettle in their diffusion into the NE.

Matthew Wills
Backyard and Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] weekend update: peregrines, Gowanus kingfisher

2014-04-20 Thread Matthew Wills
The Peregrine scrapes at 55 Water St. in Manhattan and the Brooklyn Detention 
Complex on Atlantic Avenue both seem to be active as all get out. I was away 
for more than a week (search successfully for Aplomado Falcon among numerous 
other species in south TX), so yesterday was the first time I had a chance to 
check on these sites. 

I observe 55 Water St. from across the East River, so the distance is trying, 
but it looks like there is some movement in the little house of a scrape 

Both yesterday and today, I observed falcons near and at the House of Detention 
(the old name, not sure why they made it a complex). 

Also, yesterday I had a male Kingfisher diving into the superfund site of the 
Gowanus Canal. There are fish to be had there, but I wouldn't recommend them.

Pics of both, among others, on the blog.


"The place to observe nature is where you are." — John Burroughs


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[nysbirds-l] 55 Water St. Peregrines Manhattan

2014-04-02 Thread Matthew Wills
After months of sporadically seeing a single Peregrine at the 55 Water St. 
scrape, I've finally seen two. The birds were all over the area yesterday 
afternoon, in and out of the scrape. Looks like prey is being delivered, but I 
don't think there are any eggs in the house yet.

It was great to hear one of the birds over the hellish sound of that awful 

Looks like the 55 Water St. nest cam webpage has been inactive 2011.  

I have some photos: http://matthewwills.com/2014/04/02/water-street-peregrines/

Backyard and Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Red-necked Grebe, Brooklyn Bridge Park

2014-03-25 Thread Matthew Wills
There was a Red-necked Grebe fishing between Piers 5 and 6 this afternoon at 
Brooklyn Bridge Park. The bird is showing a touch of breeding color at the top 
of its neck.

There will be a pic on my blog… soonish.




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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Peregrines

2014-02-22 Thread Matthew Wills
Observed pair of peregrines on the St. Paul's steeple, Court St./Congress St., 
two days this week. One of the birds unfortunately looks like it has a lame 
leg. Would appreciate if someone could disabuse me of this opinion. I have some 
pictures on my blog: 


Backyard and Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] 55 Water St. Peregrine, Brooklyn Cooper's

2014-02-17 Thread Matthew Wills
>From Brooklyn Bridge Park, I can see -- with my bins and telephoto, anyway -- 
>into the Peregrine scrape location across the East River at 55 Water St. On 
>2/11 I spotted a Peregrine perched there. Yesterday, I saw a Peregrine there 
>as well. And today, again. Both yesterday and today, the bird was tucked into 
>the little bit of late morning shade in the left hand corner for at least 45 
>minutes. Today I saw the bird move into the sun right in front of the scrape 
>itself before taking off. 

Today around 10:30 I also saw a large Cooper's Hawk fly to a high tree on 
Clinton St. just north of Pacific St., then make a swoop on a passerine on the 
other side of the street. The bird, which looked like a young (subadult) 
female, missed, perched briefly at eye-level in an evergreen, and then flew off 
north. About an hour and a half later, the pigeons above the BQE/Atlantic 
Avenue bridge -- five blocks from the first location -- were in turmoil as a 
Cooper's swooped though them. I believe this was the same bird. She riled up 
two other flocks before I lost track of her towards Henry St. (which is where I 
live, a block from a fancy pigeon coop raptor-magnet).



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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn Peregrines

2014-01-16 Thread Matthew Wills
Just watched a pair of Peregrines fly from the steeple of St. Paul's at 
Court/Congress. The pair were perching on either side of the cross, and flew 
east down Bergen before turning left, or north. That's the direction of the 
scrape at the Brooklyn House of Detention on Atlantic. Love must be in the air. 

St. Paul's steeple is one of the highest structures south of downtown BK; it's 
a reliable raptor perch. 

Eyes on the sky,

Backyard & Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Red-headed Woodpecker in Green-Wood Cemetery continues

2014-01-12 Thread Matthew Wills
Saw the juvenile Red-headed WP continuing in Green-Wood late this afternoon. 
The bird is starting to show a little red on the head. I have some pictures on 
my blog http://matthewwills.com/2014/01/12/red-headed-nearly/ The location was 
as noted in earlier posts here, right across the street immediately inside the 
25th St. Neo-Gothic gate.

Other highlights were four raptor species: Red-tailed (2x, including one bird 
with a full crop), Peregrine, Merlin, and Sharp-shinned. Largest clump of Fox 
Sparrows I've ever seen hanging out together (5).

Not many birds all told, but choice ones.



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[nysbirds-l] Fort Tilden King Eider Yes

2014-01-01 Thread Matthew Wills
Drake King Eider patrolling along Fort Tilden shore today. It was moving 
eastwards with a small flock of mergansers, heading towards Riis, when we saw 
it around noon. 

I think the large group of Audubon/Linnaean/Littoral New Year's Day walkers 
must have seen it as well.

Happy New Year!

(picture later)


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[nysbirds-l] Woodcock Brooklyn

2013-11-25 Thread Matthew Wills
All the posts about local American Woodcocks remind me that a friend 
photographed one in Brooklyn Heights last Thursday. 

Look up, look down.

Backyard & Beyond


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Re: [nysbirds-l] Banded Red Knot

2013-05-26 Thread Matthew Wills

-Original Message-
>From: Peter Priolo 
>Sent: May 26, 2013 9:39 PM
>To: nysbirds-l@cornell.edu
>Subject: [nysbirds-l] Banded Red Knot
>Today at Fire Island I observed a Red Knot with a green flag band on the upper 
>left leg, a red band on lower left leg, and federal aluminum on upper right. I 
>could not read the aluminum and neither colored had any ID. 
>Does anyone have any idea what project the bird is a part of?
>Peter and Julia
>Ctr Moriches
>NYSbirds-L List Info:
>1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
>2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
>3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
>Please submit your observations to eBird:


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[nysbirds-l] Marsh Wren -- Brooklyn Bridge Park

2013-05-22 Thread Matthew Wills
A very vocal Marsh Wren in the northernmost Freshwater Garden pond on Pier One 
at Brooklyn Bridge Park this evening. 

So-so picture on the blog: http://matthewwills.com/2013/05/22/marsh-wren/

Eyes wide/ears open,

Backyard & Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Gannets, continued

2013-04-14 Thread Matthew Wills
Half a dozen heading south from Dead Horse Bay in Jamaica Bay towards the Rockaways yesterday late afternoon. Surprised to see them over the bay.MatthewBackyard and Beyondhttp://matthewwills.com/

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[nysbirds-l] Northern Saw-whet (undisclosed Manhattan)

2013-03-21 Thread Matthew Wills
A friend had a Northern Saw-whet owl roosting in her air/light shaft yesterday 
in her downtown Manhattan apartment building. She sent me a cell phone picture 
to confirm the ID, which I posted on my blog. 

One never knows where, or when, something delightful will appear.

Backyard and Beyond


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[nysbirds-l] Brooklyn: Atlantic Avenue Peregrine

2013-03-16 Thread Matthew Wills
Peregrine falcon jetting down Atlantic Avenue to perch on Brooklyn Detention 
Complex at Smith St. Vocalized a bit as I passed below -- I bet that sounds 
weird from inside a cell. I understand from previous posts that the falcons 
nested on this building last year. 

Keep your eyes on the skies,



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[nysbirds-l] Hudson River Bald Eagles

2013-02-03 Thread Matthew Wills
I journeyed up to Hudson, NY, on Amtrak Saturday and returned to NYC today. I 
saw six bald eagles on the way up, eight on the way down, mostly juveniles, but 
several mature birds as well, all north of Peekskill and particularly between 
Rhinecliff and Hudson, where there was a lot of ice on the river, particularly 
Sunday. Could easily be some duplicates here, since the same roost had three 
birds Saturday, two Sunday. My viewing out the window was very unscientific and 
sporadic, but does suggest the presence of the birds up there this winter.  

While up north, we walked down Ice House Road to Nutten Hook in Stuyvesant, 
Columbia Co., where we had seven sightings of eagles, three perched on the 
other side of the river, one on the ice in the middle of the river with two 
crows probably eager for leftovers, and the others around the Hook itself. One 
perching mature bird over route 9J was close enough for us to hear the loud 
flap of its wings as it launched itself into the air.



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[nysbirds-l] Cobble Hill Hermit, Prospect Park Raven(s)

2013-01-30 Thread Matthew Wills
Saw a Hermit Thrush on Warren St. in Cobble Hill this afternoon, fluttering 
like a House Sparrow pretending to be a hummingbird at some berries. It landed 
on a stoop to show off its cinnamon tail. 

Near simultaneous reports of Common Raven in Prospect Park (from me) and 
Green-Wood (from Bobbi Manian) this morning suggest we might very well have a 
pair shuttling back and forth between Brooklyn's green hearts.



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[nysbirds-l] Common Raven in Brooklyn (Kings Co.)

2013-01-27 Thread Matthew Wills
Witnessed an aerial ballet/battle between a red-tailed hawk and common raven 
over Green-Wood Cemetery this morning at 10:35. Lasted 5-7 minutes, with the 
birds circling around each other and the hawk being the main aggressor, 
dive-bombing the raven. They worked their way south with a few vocalizations 
from the raven. This was my first sighting of a raven within the bounds of 



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Re: [nysbirds-l] Barnacle Goose in Prospect Park

2012-10-24 Thread Matthew Wills
The bird is band-less. It was on shore this afternoon, and numerous photos of its legs taken by photographers present.-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Willow 
Sent: Oct 24, 2012 3:11 PM
To: Shane Blodgett 
Subject: Re: [nysbirds-l] Barnacle Goose in Prospect Park

I am currently looking at the Barnacle Goose as well, it's sort of by itself near some Canada Geese by the boat moored in the Lake. Looks like a nice crisp adult bird.I assume some discussion of its provenance will ensue... Does anyone know how many waterfowl collections there are around the northeast? It seems possible to me, given that migratory populations of Canada Geese are moving through right now, that a Barnacle Goose from Greenland could've met up with a flock and wandered this way. I guess we should look for bands if it hops out of the water to graze... I assume most captive waterfowl would be banded?Also saw a few Shoveler & Ruddy Duck on the Lake, and a Field Sparrow and very late Veery on the nearby lawn of the Peninsula, and I'm hearing Siskins calling right now.Oh and yesterday in Central Park, spotted an American Tree Sparrow and 4 Field Sparrows with a flock of Chippies up on the grassy area by 103rd st on the West Side... Now I just need a Clay-colored for a Spizella collection!Good birding indeed,Gabriel WillowOn Oct 24, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Shane Blodgett  wrote:The Barnacle Goose-yes it is-is currently on Prospect Lake near 3 Sisters Islands with ~50 Canadas.Shane B.On Oct 24, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Rob Jett  wrote:I received a report that Alex Wilson has found a Barnacle Goose in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. The bird is on Prospect Lake. The closest entrance to the lake by car is Prospect Park Southwest and Vanderbuilt Street.Good birding,Rob
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[nysbirds-l] Barnacle Goose Prospect Park

2012-10-24 Thread Matthew Wills
Last reported on the west side of the Lake, near the Park Circle entrance (F 
train Ft Hamilton station is closest).

Here's a picture from around noon: 



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[nysbirds-l] Royal Terns Jamaica Bay

2012-10-21 Thread Matthew Wills
Two banded Royal Terns were perched on the old piers on the south side of Dead 
Horse Bay/Jamaica Bay this afternoon. Metal bands, too distant to read.

Otherwise, lots of Brants heralding the winter, and Yellow-rumps already 
enjoying the bay berries. A kestrel. Two species dragonfly, three butterfly 



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[nysbirds-l] Fort Tilden

2012-10-12 Thread Matthew Wills
An hour's worth of hawk watching at Fort Tilden this morning from 10-11 offered 
us an average of one raptor ever two minutes, mostly Kestrels, Merlins, and 
Sharp-shinned. There were also: three Osprey; 1 Peregrine; at least 1 juvenile 
N. Harrier, which may have been a local bird; and a few Cooper's. The weather 
turned completely in that time, the wind shifting and a cold front shutting out 
the blue sky from the northwest.

A Belted Kingfisher was seen passing before I arrived, and a Commmon Loon flew 
over the western end of the peninsular the "wrong way," northwards, while I was 
facing the contra-migratory way. 

Keep watching the skies,


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[nysbirds-l] Dead Horse Bay & Floyd Bennett Field 3/17

2012-03-18 Thread Matthew Wills
Highlights: three American Oystercatchers and a Ruddy Turnstone at Dead Horse 
Bay; Oystercatchers have bred there in past seasons. Big scaup raft still 
present. First E. Phoebe for us along North Forty trail at Floyd Bennett, along 
with peepers, painted turtles and first butterfly, the inevitable Cabbage 
white, at Return-A-Gift Pond.

Brant  X
Canada Goose  X
Mute Swan  X
American Black Duck  X
Mallard  X
Northern Shoveler  X
Green-winged Teal  X
Greater Scaup  X
Bufflehead  X
Hooded Merganser  X
Common Loon  X
Double-crested Cormorant  X
Turkey Vulture  X
Cooper's Hawk  X
American Oystercatcher  X
Ruddy Turnstone  X 
Ring-billed Gull  X
Herring Gull  X
Great Black-backed Gull  X
Rock Pigeon  X
Mourning Dove  X
Downy Woodpecker  X
Eastern Phoebe  X
Blue Jay  X
American Crow  X
American Robin  X
Northern Mockingbird  X
European Starling  X
Yellow-rumped Warbler  X
Song Sparrow  X
Northern Cardinal  X
Red-winged Blackbird  X
House Sparrow  X

Backyard and Beyond: A Natural History Blog


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[nysbirds-l] Croton Point 2/5

2012-02-06 Thread Matthew Wills
I'll second Joe Giuta's email about Croton Point: it was very quiet yesterday in this unseasonable mildness. We saw one mature and one juvenile Bald Eagle during the afternoon in Croton Bay. A lone juvenile Red-tailed hawk and a too quickly glimpsed falcon rounded out the raptors. We did have a little more land bird/passerine activity along the southeastern edge of the park: Mourning Dove, Carolina Wren, Golden-Crowned Kinglet, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Black-Capped Chickadee, Belted Kingfisher, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Northern Mockingbird, Fish Crow, American Crow, House Finch, Song Sparrow, Starling. Croton Point Park is an excellent field trip for car-free NYC residents: the Metro-North express gets to the Croton-Harmon station in 43 minutes ($18 roundtrip), and the park is accessible across the bridge spanning the rail yard. Now, all we need is some ice on the river!Matthewhttp://matthewwills.com/

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[nysbirds-l] Four Sparrow Marsh 6/26

2011-06-27 Thread Matthew Wills
On a walk for New York Wildflower Week, our eyes mostly on the plants, we saw 
the following birds at Four Sparrow Marsh in Brooklyn. The male indigo bunting 
was a pleasant surprise. 

Four Sparrow Marsh, Kings, US-NY
Jun 26, 2011 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Wood Duck  X
Mallard  X
Great Egret  X
Snowy Egret  X
Willet  X
Laughing Gull  X
Ring-billed Gull  X
Herring Gull  X
Great Black-backed Gull  X
Common Tern  X
Rock Pigeon  X
American Crow  X
Tree Swallow  X
Barn Swallow  X
Northern Mockingbird  X
European Starling  X
Common Yellowthroat  X
Song Sparrow  X
Northern Cardinal  X
Indigo Bunting  X
Red-winged Blackbird  X
House Sparrow  X




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[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

2011-04-07 Thread Matthew Wills
How apropos, but I planned it that way: two hours in the Refuge before this evening's Jamaica Bay Task Force meeting to discuss deranged plans to expand JKF runways into Bay. Highlights were the little blue heron; ospreys mating; very close blue-winged teal; two gangs of Black-crowned night herons; flushing a Wilson's snipe from the very muddy South Garden. Would have thought that area would be more Woodcock terrain, but I had a good view of its russet tail. 
Snow Goose X
Brant X
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan X
Gadwall X
American Black Duck X
Mallard X
Blue-winged Teal 5 (East Pond)
Northern Shoveler X
Green-winged Teal (American) 3 (West Pond)
Greater Scaup X
Bufflehead X
Red-breasted Merganser X
Ruddy Duck X
Double-crested Cormorant X
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 4
Snowy Egret 5
Little Blue Heron 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron 30 (clustered at Big John's Pond from Bench 4, West Pond)
Glossy Ibis 25
Osprey 4 (bayside nest and Crossbay Blvd nest)
Northern Harrier 1  (East Pond)
American Oystercatcher 6
Wilson's Snipe 1 (South Garden)
Laughing Gull X
Ring-billed Gull X
Herring Gull X
Herring Gull (American) X
Great Black-backed Gull X
Rock Pigeon X
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 (South Garden)
Eastern Phoebe 2
American Crow X
American Robin X
Northern Mockingbird 2
European Starling X
Song Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 3
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 6
Northern Cardinal X
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
Brown-headed Cowbird 3
American Goldfinch 6
House Sparrow X

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)Matthewhttp://matthewwills.com/

[nysbirds-l] Green-Wood Cemetery

2011-03-30 Thread Matthew Wills
Hour and half in Green-Wood today. Grackles, parakeets, and mockingbirds making 
lots of noise, but otherwise pretty quiet. Robins everywhere. Only one phoebe. 
Saw my first golden-crowned kinglet and first mourning cloak butterfly of the 
year. So it must be true about spring being here.

Red-tailed hawk
Ring-billed gull
Rock dove
Mourning dove
Monk parakeet
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Northern flicker
Eastern phoebe
Blue jay
American crow
Black-capped chickadee
White-breasted nuthatch
Red-breasted nuthatch
Golden-crowned kinglet
American robin
Northern mockingbird
European starling
Northern cardinal
Chipping sparrow
Song sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Common grackle
House sparrow



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[nysbirds-l] Coastal Brooklyn

2011-02-10 Thread Matthew Wills
Walked along the SW coast of Brooklyn this morning, from the Narrows to 
Gravesend Bay. Highlights: two drake/one hen Common goldeneye and a substantial 
raft of Greater scaup.  Bufflehead, Red-breasted merganser, American black 
duck, and lots of Brant and Ring-billed gull also noted.  



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