[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 10/16-17-18-19 - including Vesper Sparrow Tues., 20 Warbler species for the period

2017-10-20 Thread Thomas Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City
Monday, Tues., Wed., & Thursday, 16-17-18-19 October, 2017

There have been a good many lingering birds, especially for warbler diversity, 
and in some other groups, at the same time as some fresh arivals & departures 
of large numbers of various migrants were taking place.  

A minimum of 20 Warbler species were still being found, park-wide, through this 
4-day period ending Thursday.  And a minimum of 16 of those Warbler species 
were still around on Thursday Oct. 19th, and were being noted by multiple 

Blue-winged Warbler (1 thru at least Wed. Oct. 18, at The Pond, quite late; 
N.B. others of this species have turned up in the region this week.)
Tennessee Warbler (thru at least Wed. Oct. 18, north end)
Orange-crowned Warbler (multiple individuals, from at least 3 locations, to at 
least Wed./18th)
Nashville Warbler (at least several, thru Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Northern Parula (at least several to Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (1, possibly 2 individuals in Ramble, to Wed., Oct. 18th)
Magnolia Warbler (at least several thru Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Cape May Warbler (multiple, in several locations thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (multiple, in several locations thru Thurs., Oct. 
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler (multiple, thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Black-throated Green Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Pine Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Palm Warbler (multiple individuals, multiple locations, every day)
Blackpoll Warbler (at least 1 thru Thursday, Oct. 19th, north end)
Black-and-white Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
American Redstart (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Ovenbird (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Northern Waterthrush (minimum of 2 individuals thru Thursday, Oct. 19th, at The 
Pond, & The Pool, many observers, esp. of an individual at the Pool, which is 
near W. 100-103rd Sts.; the Pond is a couple of miles away near the SE corner 
of the park.)
Common Yellowthroat (multiple individuals, multiple locations, every day)
Wilson's Warbler (at least 1 thru Wed., Oct. 18th, Pond area)

With a good overnight arrival flight on Monday night into Tuesday morning, 
expectations ran high; this didn’t especially seem to pan out for too many 
uncommon species being seen, but one, at least, made furtive appearance on 
Tuesday (17th) at the rise north of the NE edges of the N. Meadow ballfields 
that contain a few fenced butterfly & pollinator plantings, known to birders as 
the “Grassy Knoll” - a VESPER Sparrow.  This was still being seen as late as 
after 6 p.m. Tuesday, but seems not to have been re-found since?  

Otherwise on Tuesday, there was a very obvious increase in both species of 
Kinglets, and of a variety of other rather-expected migrants or 
winter-visitors:  E. Phoebe, Winter Wren, Blue-headed Vireo, Catharus [genus] 
thrushes almost all of which now are Hermit (but a few Swainson’s, late-ish 
Gray-cheeked type, & Wood Thrush were still moving at least to even Wed./18th), 
Brown Thrasher, Gray Catbird, and sparrows-a-plenty, including (barely) the 
season’s apparent first [Red] Fox Sparrows (north woods, by Thurs./19th), & 
many of: Chipping, Song, & White-throated; lesser no’s. of Swamp, Field, 
Savannah, White-crowned (few of the latter), as well as Dark-eyed 
[Slate-colored] Junco and Eastern Towhee, plus a smattering of icterids 
including a couple of Baltimore Orioles in passage.  A Yellow-billed Cuckoo on 
Wed./18th in the north end was a bit late, but not unprecedented for the region.

Additionally, there was a fairly good show of Chimney Swifts moving on Tues., 
with some raptor & vulture activity. There were still at least small no’s. of 
Ch. Swifts passing on Thurs./19th, and also some Turkey Vultures (over a dozen) 
moving past on Thursday.  Raptors passing thru so far this week have included 
Bald Eagle, Osprey (getting a bit late), N. Harrier, Sharp-shinned & Cooper’s 
Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawk (few), & American Kestrel & Merlin, as well as the 
local city resident Red-tailed Hawks & Peregrines being noted.

Some additional migrants (a few running a bit late-ish), as well as some 
wintering-visiting-lingering species so far this week also included:

Common Loon (fly-overs)
Pied-billed Grebe (reservoir)
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Snow Goose (modest numbers passed thru in several skeins on Tues./17th)
Canada Goose
Brant (Tues. & also a smaller no. on Thurs., fly-overs seen moving SE)
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot (reservoir)
Laughing Gull (reservoir)
Ring-billed Gull
[American] Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Wed./18th, 

[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 10/16-17-18-19 - including Vesper Sparrow Tues., 20 Warbler species for the period

2017-10-20 Thread Thomas Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City
Monday, Tues., Wed., & Thursday, 16-17-18-19 October, 2017

There have been a good many lingering birds, especially for warbler diversity, 
and in some other groups, at the same time as some fresh arivals & departures 
of large numbers of various migrants were taking place.  

A minimum of 20 Warbler species were still being found, park-wide, through this 
4-day period ending Thursday.  And a minimum of 16 of those Warbler species 
were still around on Thursday Oct. 19th, and were being noted by multiple 

Blue-winged Warbler (1 thru at least Wed. Oct. 18, at The Pond, quite late; 
N.B. others of this species have turned up in the region this week.)
Tennessee Warbler (thru at least Wed. Oct. 18, north end)
Orange-crowned Warbler (multiple individuals, from at least 3 locations, to at 
least Wed./18th)
Nashville Warbler (at least several, thru Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Northern Parula (at least several to Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (1, possibly 2 individuals in Ramble, to Wed., Oct. 18th)
Magnolia Warbler (at least several thru Thursday, Oct. 19th)
Cape May Warbler (multiple, in several locations thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (multiple, in several locations thru Thurs., Oct. 
Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] Warbler (multiple, thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Black-throated Green Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Pine Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Palm Warbler (multiple individuals, multiple locations, every day)
Blackpoll Warbler (at least 1 thru Thursday, Oct. 19th, north end)
Black-and-white Warbler (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
American Redstart (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Ovenbird (at least several thru Thurs., Oct. 19th)
Northern Waterthrush (minimum of 2 individuals thru Thursday, Oct. 19th, at The 
Pond, & The Pool, many observers, esp. of an individual at the Pool, which is 
near W. 100-103rd Sts.; the Pond is a couple of miles away near the SE corner 
of the park.)
Common Yellowthroat (multiple individuals, multiple locations, every day)
Wilson's Warbler (at least 1 thru Wed., Oct. 18th, Pond area)

With a good overnight arrival flight on Monday night into Tuesday morning, 
expectations ran high; this didn’t especially seem to pan out for too many 
uncommon species being seen, but one, at least, made furtive appearance on 
Tuesday (17th) at the rise north of the NE edges of the N. Meadow ballfields 
that contain a few fenced butterfly & pollinator plantings, known to birders as 
the “Grassy Knoll” - a VESPER Sparrow.  This was still being seen as late as 
after 6 p.m. Tuesday, but seems not to have been re-found since?  

Otherwise on Tuesday, there was a very obvious increase in both species of 
Kinglets, and of a variety of other rather-expected migrants or 
winter-visitors:  E. Phoebe, Winter Wren, Blue-headed Vireo, Catharus [genus] 
thrushes almost all of which now are Hermit (but a few Swainson’s, late-ish 
Gray-cheeked type, & Wood Thrush were still moving at least to even Wed./18th), 
Brown Thrasher, Gray Catbird, and sparrows-a-plenty, including (barely) the 
season’s apparent first [Red] Fox Sparrows (north woods, by Thurs./19th), & 
many of: Chipping, Song, & White-throated; lesser no’s. of Swamp, Field, 
Savannah, White-crowned (few of the latter), as well as Dark-eyed 
[Slate-colored] Junco and Eastern Towhee, plus a smattering of icterids 
including a couple of Baltimore Orioles in passage.  A Yellow-billed Cuckoo on 
Wed./18th in the north end was a bit late, but not unprecedented for the region.

Additionally, there was a fairly good show of Chimney Swifts moving on Tues., 
with some raptor & vulture activity. There were still at least small no’s. of 
Ch. Swifts passing on Thurs./19th, and also some Turkey Vultures (over a dozen) 
moving past on Thursday.  Raptors passing thru so far this week have included 
Bald Eagle, Osprey (getting a bit late), N. Harrier, Sharp-shinned & Cooper’s 
Hawks, Red-shouldered Hawk (few), & American Kestrel & Merlin, as well as the 
local city resident Red-tailed Hawks & Peregrines being noted.

Some additional migrants (a few running a bit late-ish), as well as some 
wintering-visiting-lingering species so far this week also included:

Common Loon (fly-overs)
Pied-billed Grebe (reservoir)
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Snow Goose (modest numbers passed thru in several skeins on Tues./17th)
Canada Goose
Brant (Tues. & also a smaller no. on Thurs., fly-overs seen moving SE)
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Ruddy Duck
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot (reservoir)
Laughing Gull (reservoir)
Ring-billed Gull
[American] Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Wed./18th,