3/6/15 Long Lake (Hamilton Co.; where it was -23 degrees this March


What has been interesting and a bit unusual this winter is that we have had
no consolidation of all the snow - no above freezing day to produce a
supportive icy layer.  As a result, at least here in the central
Adirondacks, the snow is thigh deep.  The deer look like rabbits as they hop
through it.  Also as a result, the "town" Gray Squirrels, who normally
discover our winter feeders and make their way over the mountain we live on,
were not able to get here this winter!  But, today, after the little bit of
icing a couple days ago, squirrels can now walk on top of the snow (but it
is not supportive enough for humans, deer, or the poor Woodchuck I saw
struggling yesterday in the Lake Champlain valley!).  So this morning, the
first Gray Squirrel of the winter showed up on our back porch!


3/5/15 Lake Champlain Valley (Essex Co.)


I found a Killdeer at Camp Dudley in Westport yesterday!  It was foraging
along the edge of the road.  A woodchuck was at the edge of the Stevenson
Road.  It headed into the forest, breaking through the snow and struggling.
A flock of ~50 Bohemian Waxwings was found along Lake Shore Road north of
Westport.  At the bubbler near the Essex Ferry, there was only a tiny patch
of open water.  There were hundreds of Mallards and Amer. Black Ducks
roosting all over the ice on the lake.  It was windy and cold - it must be


Joan Collins

Editor, New York Birders

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell       

(518) 624-5528 home





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