[nysbirds-l] Long Island Birding Highlights 6-13

2017-06-14 Thread Andrew Baksh

Cupsogue: 1 Wilson's Storm Petrel - the only highlight from an hour of 

On the Cupsogue Flats: 4 Roseate, 3 Royal, 1 Black (1st Summer) and 2 
GULL-BILLED TERNS. Were present in addition to the expected Sternidaes.

For shorebirds, the highlights were 4 White-rumped Sandpipers, 23 Red Knots and 
14 Short-billed Dowitchers.

Jones Beach Swale:  continuing 2 Black-necked Stilts (BNST), 3 White-rumped 
Sandpipers, 1 Western Sandpiper and two 1Cy LBBGs were the highlights there. 

If the BNSTs are the same birds observed by one Stan Furtak at the end of May 
(30th, it would mean these birds have hung around the Jones Beach area for more 
than 2 weeks.

Nickerson Beach: lots of Beach activity and vehicular disturbances. I never 
really had a huge number of Terns to look at. The highlights were four 1st 
summer COTEs. 

A hike along the beach sorting through the Gulls turned up two 3Cy Lesser 
Black-backed Gulls.


"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of 
others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick 

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu  The Art of War

> (__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (") 
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 

Andrew Baksh

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Long Island Birding Highlights 6-13

2017-06-14 Thread Andrew Baksh

Cupsogue: 1 Wilson's Storm Petrel - the only highlight from an hour of 

On the Cupsogue Flats: 4 Roseate, 3 Royal, 1 Black (1st Summer) and 2 
GULL-BILLED TERNS. Were present in addition to the expected Sternidaes.

For shorebirds, the highlights were 4 White-rumped Sandpipers, 23 Red Knots and 
14 Short-billed Dowitchers.

Jones Beach Swale:  continuing 2 Black-necked Stilts (BNST), 3 White-rumped 
Sandpipers, 1 Western Sandpiper and two 1Cy LBBGs were the highlights there. 

If the BNSTs are the same birds observed by one Stan Furtak at the end of May 
(30th, it would mean these birds have hung around the Jones Beach area for more 
than 2 weeks.

Nickerson Beach: lots of Beach activity and vehicular disturbances. I never 
really had a huge number of Terns to look at. The highlights were four 1st 
summer COTEs. 

A hike along the beach sorting through the Gulls turned up two 3Cy Lesser 
Black-backed Gulls.


"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of 
others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence." ~ Frederick 

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu  The Art of War

> (__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (") 
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 

Andrew Baksh

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Long Island birding: 29-30 Dec 2011

2011-12-30 Thread Shawn Billerman
Hi all,

Over the past two days, Nick Sly and I have birded a variety of locations
across Long Island.  On Thursday (29-Dec), we checked the Massapequa
Preserve, where we were doing some scouting for the Southern Nassau CBC.
There, highlights included Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, and 2 Fox
Sparrows.  Later in the day, we headed to Point Lookout with Drew Panko,
Trudy Battaly, and Mary Beth Billerman where we had 3 *Harlequin Ducks* (1
male, 2 female), 6 *Common Eider*, 1 *Red-necked Grebe* (in the inlet), and
1 adult *Black-legged Kittiwake* flying from east to west on the ocean
south of the inlet.

Today (Friday, 30-Dec), Nick Sly, Mary Beth Billerman and I headed east
toward Montauk.  While conditions seemed less than ideal for concentrating
good numbers of seabirds, we were pleasantly surprised by what we saw.
There were 10+ thousand scoters (all three species) and thousands of Common
Eider.  Good numbers of Razorbill were also flying past the point (over 100
over the course of the morning flew past the point between the lighthouse
and Camp Hero), and a single *Common Murre* that we observed sitting on the
water from Camp Hero.  We also saw 19 *Purple Sandpipers* on   A quick
check of Montauk Harbor turned up no cormorants, but there was an
adult *Iceland
Gull* loafing with the Herring Gulls on the jetty.

We ended the day watching the *Mountain Bluebird* in its usual spot just
east of Hulse Landing Rd. along Rt. 25a.

Good birding,

Shawn Billerman


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Long Island birding: 29-30 Dec 2011

2011-12-30 Thread Shawn Billerman
Hi all,

Over the past two days, Nick Sly and I have birded a variety of locations
across Long Island.  On Thursday (29-Dec), we checked the Massapequa
Preserve, where we were doing some scouting for the Southern Nassau CBC.
There, highlights included Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, and 2 Fox
Sparrows.  Later in the day, we headed to Point Lookout with Drew Panko,
Trudy Battaly, and Mary Beth Billerman where we had 3 *Harlequin Ducks* (1
male, 2 female), 6 *Common Eider*, 1 *Red-necked Grebe* (in the inlet), and
1 adult *Black-legged Kittiwake* flying from east to west on the ocean
south of the inlet.

Today (Friday, 30-Dec), Nick Sly, Mary Beth Billerman and I headed east
toward Montauk.  While conditions seemed less than ideal for concentrating
good numbers of seabirds, we were pleasantly surprised by what we saw.
There were 10+ thousand scoters (all three species) and thousands of Common
Eider.  Good numbers of Razorbill were also flying past the point (over 100
over the course of the morning flew past the point between the lighthouse
and Camp Hero), and a single *Common Murre* that we observed sitting on the
water from Camp Hero.  We also saw 19 *Purple Sandpipers* on   A quick
check of Montauk Harbor turned up no cormorants, but there was an
adult *Iceland
Gull* loafing with the Herring Gulls on the jetty.

We ended the day watching the *Mountain Bluebird* in its usual spot just
east of Hulse Landing Rd. along Rt. 25a.

Good birding,

Shawn Billerman


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Long Island birding

2009-09-04 Thread Shawn Matthew Billerman
Hi all,

For the past few days, I have been out birding various locations around
Long Island with Nick Sly.  Here are some of the highlights:

2-Sept-2009 -
Island east of Ponquogue Bridge
3-4 ROSEATE TERN (among many Common Tern, 2 Red Knot, and many of the
expected shorebirds and gulls)

Dune Road:

Montauk Point: thousands of terns foraging in the distance out from the
point, including several BLACK TERN.  Most of the Sterna terns were too
distant to get positive ID.

Napeague: the tern roost that Angus Wilson described was present on the
clam docks in Napeague Bay, however, due to lack of time, we were unable
to get close enough to sort through them properly.  There were several
BLACK TERN seen flying around the Bay

Jones Beach West End 2: swale south of parking lot: 1 WESTERN SANDPIPER
(juv.) among a few Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers.  Due to the
retreating tides, there were very few shorebirds in the swale.

Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area: CLAPPER RAIL - an entire family group,
including at least 5 still fluffy young, and 1 adult, feeding and bathing
in a channel.

Good birding,
Shawn Billerman

NYSbirds-L List Info:

Temporary archive:

Please submit your observations to eBird:

[nysbirds-l] Long Island birding

2009-09-04 Thread Shawn Matthew Billerman
Hi all,

For the past few days, I have been out birding various locations around
Long Island with Nick Sly.  Here are some of the highlights:

2-Sept-2009 -
Island east of Ponquogue Bridge
3-4 ROSEATE TERN (among many Common Tern, 2 Red Knot, and many of the
expected shorebirds and gulls)

Dune Road:

Montauk Point: thousands of terns foraging in the distance out from the
point, including several BLACK TERN.  Most of the Sterna terns were too
distant to get positive ID.

Napeague: the tern roost that Angus Wilson described was present on the
clam docks in Napeague Bay, however, due to lack of time, we were unable
to get close enough to sort through them properly.  There were several
BLACK TERN seen flying around the Bay

Jones Beach West End 2: swale south of parking lot: 1 WESTERN SANDPIPER
(juv.) among a few Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers.  Due to the
retreating tides, there were very few shorebirds in the swale.

Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area: CLAPPER RAIL - an entire family group,
including at least 5 still fluffy young, and 1 adult, feeding and bathing
in a channel.

Good birding,
Shawn Billerman

NYSbirds-L List Info:

Temporary archive:

Please submit your observations to eBird:

[nysbirds-l] Long Island birding

2009-09-04 Thread Shawn Matthew Billerman
Hi all,

For the past few days, I have been out birding various locations around
Long Island with Nick Sly.  Here are some of the highlights:

2-Sept-2009 -
Island east of Ponquogue Bridge
3-4 ROSEATE TERN (among many Common Tern, 2 Red Knot, and many of the
expected shorebirds and gulls)

Dune Road:

Montauk Point: thousands of terns foraging in the distance out from the
point, including several BLACK TERN.  Most of the Sterna terns were too
distant to get positive ID.

Napeague: the tern roost that Angus Wilson described was present on the
clam docks in Napeague Bay, however, due to lack of time, we were unable
to get close enough to sort through them properly.  There were several
BLACK TERN seen flying around the Bay

Jones Beach West End 2: swale south of parking lot: 1 WESTERN SANDPIPER
(juv.) among a few Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers.  Due to the
retreating tides, there were very few shorebirds in the swale.

Oceanside Marine Nature Study Area: CLAPPER RAIL - an entire family group,
including at least 5 still fluffy young, and 1 adult, feeding and bathing
in a channel.

Good birding,
Shawn Billerman

NYSbirds-L List Info:

Temporary archive:

Please submit your observations to eBird: