[nysbirds-l] changes in A.O.U. taxonomy

2010-07-28 Thread Tom Fiore
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010 - Changes to North American Bird Check-list  
of the American Ornithological Union (A.O.U.)

Many subscribers to this list are probably 'on top' of these  
developments in North American bird taxonomy and nomenclature - but  
for those not, and/or with interest in some of the ways the changes  
are discussed:

There are others who may write eloquently on these changes which will  
affect how many "life" birds a lot of North American birders count in  
their personal listings.  The changes also involve re-namings and a  
little shuffling of the taxonomic cards.  Those who have traveled a  
bit more might get a few lifers from these new changes - perhaps  
without even getting up off the proverbial old couch!

Here are thoughts from just one rather well-traveled bird tour leader  
and writer... I have no affiliation with that company nor this writer  
other than the pleasure of meeting in the field.

I''m a member of the American Birding Association, but again have no $  
stake in their group [#1]:

Another take (again I've not a penny invested with this business):
(scroll to *MISCELLANEA* in the web page for the relevant topic)

from the "EarBirding blog, lots of discussions about this taxonomy:

and from Birder's World mag. (I wrote an unpaid article for them):

"Sources" of these:

Below is actual copy in PDF file format that can be downloaded. It is  
the complete 19 page treatise from "The Auk", Volume 127, pages 726 -  
744 inclusive, unedited and as supplied. (I take no responsibility for  
the file):

(A tip of the hat to David Mark, writing on the Genesee Birds list)

- - - - -  -
A few thoughts on the birds that move on in July - NOT all are sea &  
shore birds... here are some musings and observations from a Cornell- 
area birder which give a local sense (central New York state) to the  
Lately, a LOT of birds have been moving - MANY are "land" birds.

- - -
different topic  (sort of)- there are Black-bellied Whistling Ducks  
reported from Maine, & Ontario (Canada), and New Jersey (Cape May),  
and there are Scissor-tailed Flycatchers reported in Massachusetts and  
New Jersey (yes, Cape May NJ again... after a mid_July report of a  
Scissor-tailed from northern NJ).  There are many other interesting  
mid-summer wanderers and we can all be on the lookout, from shores to  

[#1]: as a non-profit org. ABA membership is tax-deduct., so can't be  
construed as an "investment" in the "bird biz".  I'm a traveling  
birder, spend more on bird-finding than I do on 96" TV monitors. Not  
quite shocking.

Birds & more birds!

Tom Fiore,


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] changes in A.O.U. taxonomy

2010-07-28 Thread Tom Fiore
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010 - Changes to North American Bird Check-list  
of the American Ornithological Union (A.O.U.)

Many subscribers to this list are probably 'on top' of these  
developments in North American bird taxonomy and nomenclature - but  
for those not, and/or with interest in some of the ways the changes  
are discussed:

There are others who may write eloquently on these changes which will  
affect how many life birds a lot of North American birders count in  
their personal listings.  The changes also involve re-namings and a  
little shuffling of the taxonomic cards.  Those who have traveled a  
bit more might get a few lifers from these new changes - perhaps  
without even getting up off the proverbial old couch!

Here are thoughts from just one rather well-traveled bird tour leader  
and writer... I have no affiliation with that company nor this writer  
other than the pleasure of meeting in the field.

I''m a member of the American Birding Association, but again have no $  
stake in their group [#1]:

Another take (again I've not a penny invested with this business):
(scroll to *MISCELLANEA* in the web page for the relevant topic)

from the EarBirding blog, lots of discussions about this taxonomy:

and from Birder's World mag. (I wrote an unpaid article for them):

Sources of these:

Below is actual copy in PDF file format that can be downloaded. It is  
the complete 19 page treatise from The Auk, Volume 127, pages 726 -  
744 inclusive, unedited and as supplied. (I take no responsibility for  
the file):

(A tip of the hat to David Mark, writing on the Genesee Birds list)

- - - - -  -
A few thoughts on the birds that move on in July - NOT all are sea   
shore birds... here are some musings and observations from a Cornell- 
area birder which give a local sense (central New York state) to the  
Lately, a LOT of birds have been moving - MANY are land birds.

- - -
different topic  (sort of)- there are Black-bellied Whistling Ducks  
reported from Maine,  Ontario (Canada), and New Jersey (Cape May),  
and there are Scissor-tailed Flycatchers reported in Massachusetts and  
New Jersey (yes, Cape May NJ again... after a mid_July report of a  
Scissor-tailed from northern NJ).  There are many other interesting  
mid-summer wanderers and we can all be on the lookout, from shores to  

[#1]: as a non-profit org. ABA membership is tax-deduct., so can't be  
construed as an investment in the bird biz.  I'm a traveling  
birder, spend more on bird-finding than I do on 96 TV monitors. Not  
quite shocking.

Birds  more birds!

Tom Fiore,


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

Please submit your observations to eBird:
