Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Justin Richer
The HTTP *request* should be able to be covered by a JWT signature, and that 
should be applicable to any interaction with the token endpoint. I’m aware that 
Nat’s draft is talking about the authorization endpoint, but the same logic 
could be applied here at the token endpoint. It could actually even be easier 
there because we could simply specify that the Content-Type of the input POST 
is application/jwt and the payload of said JWT simply contains all the 
parameters to the token endpoint. Orthogonal functionality that meshes well 

Brian’s draft puts everything as a parameter, including the input token (which 
can be arbitrary — the requester doesn’t need to know what’s in the tokens at 
all). This could easily be turned wholesale into an input JWT using the 
transform just described.

The current draft is a weird halfway state where some input parameters are in a 
JWT that’s passed as an input parameter alongside other things that are outside 
the JWT. I don’t think that works particularly well, and I think there’s a 
better, simpler solution that solves all of these use cases and then some.

 — Justin

 On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:26 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
 On 08/07/15 01:41, Mike Jones wrote:
 I’ll start by saying that if you compare and,
 unsurprisingly, you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and
 responses formatted using JSON objects, both have input and output
 tokens, both have security token type parameters describing their
 corresponding inputs and outputs.  Both can convey act_as and
 on_behalf_of tokens.  And despite what was written below, both define a
 new grant_type value that is used to make this new kind of request at
 the Token Endpoint.
 The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the
 ability for the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is
 critical to establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in
 many use cases.  That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so
 a signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when
 it’s not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)
 The requester is a client talking to the token endpoint and this client needs 
 to authenticate, why it needs to sign the token-exchange related parts too ?

 Thanks, Sergey
 Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate
 “input token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally)
 signed request **is** the input token.  Thinking some more about the
 token chaining use case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have
 that token to be a separate element in the request.  I believe the best
 way to accomplish that is to add an optional claim to the request that
 would contain that token.  (I think the closest equivalent in Brian’s
 draft is the possibility of using an access token or assertion as the
 client authentication mechanism, possibly passing it as defined in RFC
 6750, although the draft doesn’t say that.)  Passing the input token as
 a claim lets it be part of the signed request.
 It’s completely up to us when using a different grant_type to define
 what the input and output parameters when using that grant_type are.
 (RFC 6749 already has different sets, depending upon the grant_type
 used.)  I personally find it cleaner to return the output security token
 that may not be an access token in a “security_token” parameter rather
 than repurposing the “access_token” parameter to hold something that’s
 not an access token, but now we’re more discussing syntax than
 semantics.  Still, if something is different, it’s probably less error
 prone to use a different syntax for it.
 I’m sympathetic to your comment about Nat’s signed requests draft,
 except that the requests that draft specifies are requests to the
 interactive Authorization Endpoint, whereas the requests we’re dealing
 with here are requests to the non-interactive Token Endpoint.  Still,
 thinking of the Token Exchange requests as signed requests to the Token
 Endpoint, just like Nat’s draft makes signed requests to the
 Authorization Endpoint, is probably a good unifying mental framework for
 all of us to consider applying to this problem space.
 -- Mike
 *From:*Justin Richer []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2015 4:47 PM
 *To:* Mike Jones
 *Cc:* Brian Campbell;
 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case
 This approach is not a good fit for my use cases, and it’s still not
  OAuth-y at all. It requires a specially-formed security assertion on
 the way in, which the client must understand and generate. I still can’t
 take an arbitrary token I’ve been handed by someone 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Sergey Beryozkin

On 08/07/15 01:41, Mike Jones wrote:

I’ll start by saying that if you compare and,
unsurprisingly, you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and
responses formatted using JSON objects, both have input and output
tokens, both have security token type parameters describing their
corresponding inputs and outputs.  Both can convey act_as and
on_behalf_of tokens.  And despite what was written below, both define a
new grant_type value that is used to make this new kind of request at
the Token Endpoint.

The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the
ability for the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is
critical to establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in
many use cases.  That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so
a signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when
it’s not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)

The requester is a client talking to the token endpoint and this client 
needs to authenticate, why it needs to sign the token-exchange related 
parts too ?

Thanks, Sergey

Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate
“input token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally)
signed request **is** the input token.  Thinking some more about the
token chaining use case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have
that token to be a separate element in the request.  I believe the best
way to accomplish that is to add an optional claim to the request that
would contain that token.  (I think the closest equivalent in Brian’s
draft is the possibility of using an access token or assertion as the
client authentication mechanism, possibly passing it as defined in RFC
6750, although the draft doesn’t say that.)  Passing the input token as
a claim lets it be part of the signed request.

It’s completely up to us when using a different grant_type to define
what the input and output parameters when using that grant_type are.
(RFC 6749 already has different sets, depending upon the grant_type
used.)  I personally find it cleaner to return the output security token
that may not be an access token in a “security_token” parameter rather
than repurposing the “access_token” parameter to hold something that’s
not an access token, but now we’re more discussing syntax than
semantics.  Still, if something is different, it’s probably less error
prone to use a different syntax for it.

I’m sympathetic to your comment about Nat’s signed requests draft,
except that the requests that draft specifies are requests to the
interactive Authorization Endpoint, whereas the requests we’re dealing
with here are requests to the non-interactive Token Endpoint.  Still,
thinking of the Token Exchange requests as signed requests to the Token
Endpoint, just like Nat’s draft makes signed requests to the
Authorization Endpoint, is probably a good unifying mental framework for
all of us to consider applying to this problem space.


 -- Mike

*From:*Justin Richer []
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2015 4:47 PM
*To:* Mike Jones
*Cc:* Brian Campbell;
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

This approach is not a good fit for my use cases, and it’s still not
  OAuth-y at all. It requires a specially-formed security assertion on
the way in, which the client must understand and generate. I still can’t
take an arbitrary token I’ve been handed by someone else and pass it off
to be pushed forward. The new “*_type” parameters seem to merely kick
the can down the road instead of addressing the problems with the
current specification.

I think that Brian’s approach works much better. It unrolls important
parameters, properly uses the token endpoint, and allows for arbitrarily
formatted input tokens.

When combined with Nat’s draft that specifies how to perform all generic
OAuth requests as JWTs (or even some of the upcoming PoP work if we ever
do that), you’ve pretty much got the draft below but with much more
flexibility and power.

  — Justin

On Jul 7, 2015, at 6:51 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

As just updated, I believe that
the working group token exchange draft can
now also serve the “OAuthy” token exchange use cases, such as Justin
and Phil’s token chaining use case, as well as support general token
exchange, including exchange of JWT and SAML tokens.  The mechanism
would be the same one that Brian suggested below – defining security
token type values for OAuth 2.0 access tokens and refresh tokens –
enabling them to 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Brian Campbell
There is a lot in common, yes. Fundamentally we're working to address the
same needs, which should lead to some commonality. But I was also trying to
be conciliatory in the work I did and make a good faith effort at
establishing some commonality from which collaborative work could move
forward. In retrospect I should probably have just outright opposed the
adoption of draft-jones-oauth-token-exchange as a WG item. I thought trying
to work with you would be more effective than working against you. At the
time you seemed amenable to that and even proposed co-editing with. Hannes
followed that indicating support for adding other co-authors (he didn't say
it but kind of implied perhaps Justin and/or Phil based on prior related
work). Since that time, however, there's been little willingness to
consider changes to the draft (other than very trivial items). And Tony was
added as a co-author, which to me (and I suspect many others) signals a
complete lack of willingness to actually collaborate towards a solution
that's acceptable to more than one contingent.

There are differences in the drafts too. I won't list them all here but did
want to call out that, contrary to what you said, the request in my draft
is made up of regular old HTTP form-urlencoded POST parameters. Which is a
simplification and efficiently improvement that seems to be preferred.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Mike Jones

  I’ll start by saying that if you compare and,
 unsurprisingly, you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and
 responses formatted using JSON objects, both have input and output tokens,
 both have security token type parameters describing their corresponding
 inputs and outputs.  Both can convey act_as and on_behalf_of tokens.  And
 despite what was written below, both define a new grant_type value that is
 used to make this new kind of request at the Token Endpoint.

 The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the
 ability for the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is
 critical to establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in
 many use cases.  That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so a
 signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when it’s
 not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)

 Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate
 “input token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally)
 signed request **is** the input token.  Thinking some more about the
 token chaining use case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have
 that token to be a separate element in the request.  I believe the best way
 to accomplish that is to add an optional claim to the request that would
 contain that token.  (I think the closest equivalent in Brian’s draft is
 the possibility of using an access token or assertion as the client
 authentication mechanism, possibly passing it as defined in RFC 6750,
 although the draft doesn’t say that.)  Passing the input token as a claim
 lets it be part of the signed request.

 It’s completely up to us when using a different grant_type to define what
 the input and output parameters when using that grant_type are.  (RFC 6749
 already has different sets, depending upon the grant_type used.)  I
 personally find it cleaner to return the output security token that may not
 be an access token in a “security_token” parameter rather than repurposing
 the “access_token” parameter to hold something that’s not an access token,
 but now we’re more discussing syntax than semantics.  Still, if something
 is different, it’s probably less error prone to use a different syntax for

 I’m sympathetic to your comment about Nat’s signed requests draft, except
 that the requests that draft specifies are requests to the interactive
 Authorization Endpoint, whereas the requests we’re dealing with here are
 requests to the non-interactive Token Endpoint.  Still, thinking of the
 Token Exchange requests as signed requests to the Token Endpoint, just like
 Nat’s draft makes signed requests to the Authorization Endpoint, is
 probably a good unifying mental framework for all of us to consider
 applying to this problem space.


 -- Mike

 *From:* Justin Richer []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2015 4:47 PM
 *To:* Mike Jones
 *Cc:* Brian Campbell;

 *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

 This approach is not a good fit for my use cases, and it’s still not
  OAuth-y at all. It requires a specially-formed security assertion on the
 way in, which the client must understand and generate. I still can’t take
 an arbitrary token I’ve been handed 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Mike Jones
Hi all.  After reading Brian’s note, he and I spoke on the phone to try to 
clear a few things up and work on a collaborative path forward.  Here’s some of 
what we talked about…

First, I’m sorry that I may have contributed to the impression that there’s 
little willingness on my part to consider changes to the draft.  That’s not the 
case and the truth is actually much simpler than that…  I’d been super-busy 
doing other things, including finishing JWT, JOSE, OAuth Assertions, helping 
develop and launch the OpenID Certification 
program, and several other valuable things, 
and I simply hadn’t given token exchange any significant bandwidth for a while 
as a result.  Now that many of those things are done, I do have bandwidth to 
work on it now.

One concrete thing Brian and I agreed to do as a next step is to work on a list 
of issues and choices for the working group to consider together, which we’ll 
jointly present in Prague.  Hopefully that will help reduce some of the 
confusion and replace it with a clear an actionable engineering analysis of the 
options available to us.

I know we both share the goal of keeping things as simple and efficient as 
possible, while enabling support for the token exchange use cases that 
different applications actually need.

One other thing that we both think would help people better understand and use 
the resulting spec is to have a number of clear, illustrative examples.  Face 
it, whatever you call it (delegation, impersonation, on-behalf-of, act-as, 
etc.), some of the concepts are subtle, and so the more we can shed light on 
them through concrete examples, the easier I suspect that we can make it for 
people to both understand what they are and how they apply to their use cases.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in Prague pretty soon!

-- Mike

From: Brian Campbell []
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 12:33 PM
To: Mike Jones
Cc: Justin Richer;
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

There is a lot in common, yes. Fundamentally we're working to address the same 
needs, which should lead to some commonality. But I was also trying to be 
conciliatory in the work I did and make a good faith effort at establishing 
some commonality from which collaborative work could move forward. In 
retrospect I should probably have just outright opposed the adoption of 
draft-jones-oauth-token-exchange as a WG item. I thought trying to work with 
you would be more effective than working against you. At the time you seemed 
amenable to that and even proposed co-editing with. Hannes followed that 
indicating support for adding other co-authors (he didn't say it but kind of 
implied perhaps Justin and/or Phil based on prior related work). Since that 
time, however, there's been little willingness to consider changes to the draft 
(other than very trivial items). And Tony was added as a co-author, which to me 
(and I suspect many others) signals a complete lack of willingness to actually 
collaborate towards a solution that's acceptable to more than one contingent.
There are differences in the drafts too. I won't list them all here but did 
want to call out that, contrary to what you said, the request in my draft is 
made up of regular old HTTP form-urlencoded POST parameters. Which is a 
simplification and efficiently improvement that seems to be preferred.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
I’ll start by saying that if you compare and, unsurprisingly, 
you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and responses formatted using 
JSON objects, both have input and output tokens, both have security token type 
parameters describing their corresponding inputs and outputs.  Both can convey 
act_as and on_behalf_of tokens.  And despite what was written below, both 
define a new grant_type value that is used to make this new kind of request at 
the Token Endpoint.

The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the ability for 
the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is critical to 
establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in many use cases.  
That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so a signature can be 
applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when it’s not needed, “alg”: 
“none” can be used.)

Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate “input 
token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally) signed 
request *is* the input token.  Thinking some more about the token chaining use 
case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have that token to be a 
separate element in the request.  I believe the best way to 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Brian Campbell
Agree Sergey. That line of thinking is largely why utilizes normal OAuth
client authentication.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:26 AM, Sergey Beryozkin

 On 08/07/15 01:41, Mike Jones wrote:

  [...] That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so
 a signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when
 it’s not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)

 The requester is a client talking to the token endpoint and this client
 needs to authenticate, why it needs to sign the token-exchange related
 parts too ?

 Thanks, Sergey

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread John Bradley
We seem to be developing request signing for the RS as part of POP, signed 
requests for the Authorization endpoint,  and a option of wrapping everything 
in a JWT for the token endpoint.

The Authorization endpoint being accessed via a redirect is one case,  and the 
others are for direct access.

In other things I have been tempted to just wrap everything inside the JWT, but 
that is perhaps not a good example of how to build a REST API.

Perhaps looking at the POP idea in Justin's draft of sending a detached 
signature in a JWT is something that could be generalized for direct 
communications beyond the RS.

We probably want a strategy on how we want to deal with signed requests across 
the various endpoints and with an eye to the upcoming token binding specs where 

I think everyone agrees that we need some token in token out functionality that 
supports impersonation and composite output tokens and can work with both 
bearer and pop types of output tokens.  

We also seem to have some differing ideas.   It is up to us to pull those 

John B.

 On Jul 8, 2015, at 8:40 AM, Justin Richer wrote:
 The HTTP *request* should be able to be covered by a JWT signature, and that 
 should be applicable to any interaction with the token endpoint. I’m aware 
 that Nat’s draft is talking about the authorization endpoint, but the same 
 logic could be applied here at the token endpoint. It could actually even be 
 easier there because we could simply specify that the Content-Type of the 
 input POST is application/jwt and the payload of said JWT simply contains all 
 the parameters to the token endpoint. Orthogonal functionality that meshes 
 well together.
 Brian’s draft puts everything as a parameter, including the input token 
 (which can be arbitrary — the requester doesn’t need to know what’s in the 
 tokens at all). This could easily be turned wholesale into an input JWT using 
 the transform just described.
 The current draft is a weird halfway state where some input parameters are in 
 a JWT that’s passed as an input parameter alongside other things that are 
 outside the JWT. I don’t think that works particularly well, and I think 
 there’s a better, simpler solution that solves all of these use cases and 
 then some.
 — Justin
 On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:26 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
 On 08/07/15 01:41, Mike Jones wrote:
 I’ll start by saying that if you compare and,
 unsurprisingly, you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and
 responses formatted using JSON objects, both have input and output
 tokens, both have security token type parameters describing their
 corresponding inputs and outputs.  Both can convey act_as and
 on_behalf_of tokens.  And despite what was written below, both define a
 new grant_type value that is used to make this new kind of request at
 the Token Endpoint.
 The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the
 ability for the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is
 critical to establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in
 many use cases.  That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so
 a signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when
 it’s not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)
 The requester is a client talking to the token endpoint and this client 
 needs to authenticate, why it needs to sign the token-exchange related parts 
 too ?
 Thanks, Sergey
 Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate
 “input token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally)
 signed request **is** the input token.  Thinking some more about the
 token chaining use case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have
 that token to be a separate element in the request.  I believe the best
 way to accomplish that is to add an optional claim to the request that
 would contain that token.  (I think the closest equivalent in Brian’s
 draft is the possibility of using an access token or assertion as the
 client authentication mechanism, possibly passing it as defined in RFC
 6750, although the draft doesn’t say that.)  Passing the input token as
 a claim lets it be part of the signed request.
 It’s completely up to us when using a different grant_type to define
 what the input and output parameters when using that grant_type are.
 (RFC 6749 already has different sets, depending upon the grant_type
 used.)  I personally find it cleaner to return the output security token
 that may not be an access token in a “security_token” parameter rather
 than repurposing the “access_token” parameter to hold something that’s
 not an access token, but now we’re more discussing syntax than
 semantics.  Still, if something is different, it’s probably less error
 prone to use a 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case

2015-07-08 Thread Brian Campbell
Probably goes without saying but I'm generally in agreement with Justin

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 5:40 AM, Justin Richer wrote:

 The HTTP *request* should be able to be covered by a JWT signature, and
 that should be applicable to any interaction with the token endpoint. I’m
 aware that Nat’s draft is talking about the authorization endpoint, but the
 same logic could be applied here at the token endpoint. It could actually
 even be easier there because we could simply specify that the Content-Type
 of the input POST is application/jwt and the payload of said JWT simply
 contains all the parameters to the token endpoint. Orthogonal functionality
 that meshes well together.

 Brian’s draft puts everything as a parameter, including the input token
 (which can be arbitrary — the requester doesn’t need to know what’s in the
 tokens at all). This could easily be turned wholesale into an input JWT
 using the transform just described.

 The current draft is a weird halfway state where some input parameters are
 in a JWT that’s passed as an input parameter alongside other things that
 are outside the JWT. I don’t think that works particularly well, and I
 think there’s a better, simpler solution that solves all of these use cases
 and then some.

  — Justin

  On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:26 AM, Sergey Beryozkin
  On 08/07/15 01:41, Mike Jones wrote:
  I’ll start by saying that if you compare and,
  unsurprisingly, you’ll find a lot in common.  Both have requests and
  responses formatted using JSON objects, both have input and output
  tokens, both have security token type parameters describing their
  corresponding inputs and outputs.  Both can convey act_as and
  on_behalf_of tokens.  And despite what was written below, both define a
  new grant_type value that is used to make this new kind of request at
  the Token Endpoint.
  The primary thing that Brian’s draft is missing semantically is the
  ability for the requester to sign the set of input parameters.  This is
  critical to establishing proper trust to enable the exchange to occur in
  many use cases.  That’s why the WG draft uses a JWT as the request – so
  a signature can be applied to the request, when appropriate.  (And when
  it’s not needed, “alg”: “none” can be used.)
  The requester is a client talking to the token endpoint and this client
 needs to authenticate, why it needs to sign the token-exchange related
 parts too ?

  Thanks, Sergey
  Justin, you’re right that the current WG draft doesn’t have a separate
  “input token” request parameter.  In the current draft, the (optionally)
  signed request **is** the input token.  Thinking some more about the
  token chaining use case you’re interested in, I see why you want to have
  that token to be a separate element in the request.  I believe the best
  way to accomplish that is to add an optional claim to the request that
  would contain that token.  (I think the closest equivalent in Brian’s
  draft is the possibility of using an access token or assertion as the
  client authentication mechanism, possibly passing it as defined in RFC
  6750, although the draft doesn’t say that.)  Passing the input token as
  a claim lets it be part of the signed request.
  It’s completely up to us when using a different grant_type to define
  what the input and output parameters when using that grant_type are.
  (RFC 6749 already has different sets, depending upon the grant_type
  used.)  I personally find it cleaner to return the output security token
  that may not be an access token in a “security_token” parameter rather
  than repurposing the “access_token” parameter to hold something that’s
  not an access token, but now we’re more discussing syntax than
  semantics.  Still, if something is different, it’s probably less error
  prone to use a different syntax for it.
  I’m sympathetic to your comment about Nat’s signed requests draft,
  except that the requests that draft specifies are requests to the
  interactive Authorization Endpoint, whereas the requests we’re dealing
  with here are requests to the non-interactive Token Endpoint.  Still,
  thinking of the Token Exchange requests as signed requests to the Token
  Endpoint, just like Nat’s draft makes signed requests to the
  Authorization Endpoint, is probably a good unifying mental framework for
  all of us to consider applying to this problem space.
  -- Mike
  *From:*Justin Richer []
  *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2015 4:47 PM
  *To:* Mike Jones
  *Cc:* Brian Campbell;
  *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Chaining Use Case
  This approach is not a good fit for my use cases, and 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-spop-14.txt

2015-07-08 Thread William Denniss
Following up the discussion on today's NAPPS call, I understand why plain
is not presented as the recommended approach in the spec (though it still
has some value over not doing PKCE at all, in that it mitigates against the
current known attack where a rogue app registers the same custom URI scheme
as another), but I feel that after all the back and forth the picture is a
little confusing.

In particular, 4.2 and 4.4.1 include some examples where plain is supported:

 Clients SHOULD use the S256 transformation.  The plain transformation is
 for compatibility with existing deployments and for constrained
 environments that can't use the S256 transformation.

 If the client is capable of using S256, it MUST use S256, as S256 is
 Mandatory To Implement (MTI) on the server. Clients are permitted to use
 plain only if they cannot support S256 for some technical reason and
 knows that the server supports plain.

But then 7.2 is very vocal that it MUST NOT be used for new implementations:

 Because of this, plain SHOULD NOT be used, and exists only
 for compatibility with deployed implementations where the request path
 is already protected.  The plain method MUST NOT be used in
 new implementations.

 What if those new implementations are constrained, as indicated in 4.2 and

Also, while S256 is clearly indicated as MTI, little is said about plain,
although it's alluded to that it's not MTI in 4.4.1 (and knows that the
server supports plain).

Should we be more explicit upfront that plain is optional for servers to
support, if that's the intention?

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 10:51 PM, William Denniss

 t_m works for me, I just think we should have some indication that it's
 the name of the transform. Will you also update where it is referenced in
 the description below Figure 2?

 On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 6:28 PM, John Bradley wrote:

 Thanks, I fixed my finger dyslexia for the next draft.

 I changed it to t_m rather than “t”  I think that is clearer.  If I were
 to do it the other way XML2RFC would have double quotes in the text version.

 John B.

 On Jul 7, 2015, at 9:38 PM, William Denniss wrote:

 In version 14, there's a typo on this line (deso) in Section 7.2:

 `plain method deso not protect`

 Also, in the 1.1 Protocol Flow diagram, regarding the text:

 `+ t(code_verifier), t`

 I wonder if it makes more sense to represent as `+ t(code_verifier), t`
 (note the quotes on the second 't') given that it's a string representation
 of the method that's being sent?

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 4:05 PM, wrote:

 A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
  This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol Working
 Group of the IETF.

 Title   : Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public
 Authors : Nat Sakimura
   John Bradley
   Naveen Agarwal
 Filename: draft-ietf-oauth-spop-14.txt
 Pages   : 20
 Date: 2015-07-06

OAuth 2.0 public clients utilizing the Authorization Code Grant are
susceptible to the authorization code interception attack.  This
specification describes the attack as well as a technique to mitigate
against the threat through the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange
(PKCE, pronounced pixy).

 The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

 There's also a htmlized version available at:

 A diff from the previous version is available at:

 Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of
 until the htmlized version and diff are available at

 Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

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