Re: [OAUTH-WG] Looking for a compromise on signatures and other open issues

2010-09-28 Thread Keenan, Bill

Eran, thanks for framing this up...

On Sep 28, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

> +1 seems like a pragmatic compromise
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Marius Scurtescu
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:05 AM, George Fletcher  wrote:
>>> +1 I think this is a great path forward
>> +1
>> Marius
>> ___
>> OAuth mailing list
> ___
> OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] POLL: Are you going to Maastricht?

2010-07-08 Thread Keenan, Bill

On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:29 AM, David Recordon wrote:

I'm honestly trying to decide myself and a few other people are in similar 
situations. Thus a poll:
A) Yes, I'm going to be in Maastricht
B) Maybe, depends on the number of OAuth WG members going
C) Maybe, depends on some other reason
D) No

If you're missing context, in a few weeks it is the IETF meeting in Maastricht 
( The OAuth WG has a meeting scheduled all 
afternoon Tuesday the 27th.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] multiple access tokens from a single authorization flow?

2010-05-24 Thread Keenan, Bill
Thanks Torsten for more of your good thinking and write-up...

At Intuit, using 1.0a, we did an experiment with one of our mobile apps using 
multiple tokens. The programming model of having the client maintain a mapping 
of token to ROA endpoint, so they used the correct token turned out to be a 
headache. We bailed on this, and moved to a single token, and used a mechanism 
server-side to manage the principle of least-privilege. As all the resources 
the mobile app needed were hosted by Intuit, we had this option. As we get to 
apps doing mashups of entities from multiple data providers, apps will need to 
manage multiple tokens.

At Intuit, we have been wrestling with scope for several months. With 100's 
going to 1000's of entities, which each have 4 - 15 verbs, expressing the set 
of endpoints, which a token should allow access to is complicated. I don't see 
an opportunity to normalize the complexity, so we are all interoperable on the 
cardinality of tokens to the protected resources an application needs from a 
specific provider. I'll push for single token in my world; others want multiple 
tokens (maybe).

Experience pushes me towards providing the application developer a way to say 
everything they need, and getting a single token to use in accessing those 
endpoints. Much of our access control is built around an RBAC, so issuing a 
token with one or more roles would provide access to all the endpoints 
available to the role(s). The developer learns, from SDK documentation, the 
roles an API is available to. In our case, we don't want developers 
understanding how Intuit's datacenters are organized, so we would not want them 
getting multiple tokens because they thought they were crossing some boundary 
of our internal deployment.

Right now, multiple tokens does not help me. I am sure it could help some. My 
caution to those going down the multi-token path is exposing more of your 
deployment than needed by having developers get tokens for specific areas.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Torsten Lodderstedt
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 9:18 AM
To: OAuth WG (
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] multiple access tokens from a single authorization flow?

How many access tokens can be the result of a single OAuth authorization 

A recent discussion about OpenID Connect on the OpenId mailing list 
raised that question and I would like to initiate a discussion on this 

Currently, every flow (and the refresh token request) results in a 
single access token and (optionally) a single refresh token. I think a 
single access token might not be enough when it comes to multiple scopes.

Let's assume a client wants to access the calendar and contact list of 
an end-user. Since access to the corresponding resource servers is 
managed by the same authorization server, the resources are 
distinguished by different scopes, say "calendar" and "contacts".

The client sends a request

  GET /authorize?type=web_server&client_id=s6BhdRkqt3&redirect_uri=
https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb&scope=calendar%20contacts HTTP/1.1

and after the authorization flow has been conducted sucessfully, the 
client's access token request would be answered as follows.

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: application/json
  Cache-Control: no-store


So the token "SlAV32hkKG" must be good for two different protected 
resources, "calendar" and "contacts".

I think this works if:
1) the token is a handle that can be swoped for user identity and 
authorization data during service request or
2) it is a self-contained token AND both resources are provided by the 
same resource server.

But what if the authorization server issues self-contained tokens and 
the resources are hosted on different, independent resource servers?

Let's assume the authorization server issues self-contained, signed, and 
encrypted bearer tokens. Signature and encryption are based on shared 
secrets between authorization server and resource server. In such a 
scenario, operational security requires to issue different tokens with 
different signature values and to encrypt those tokens with different 
keys. Moreover, the resource servers might need different user 
attributes and permissions, so even the tokens payload might differ.

I believe this scenario will become even more important with the advent 
of OpenID Connect. With OpenID connect, every client asking for an 
end-user's OpenID (+user data) and, additionally, authorization for 
another resource will need at least two tokens under the assumptions 
given above.

In order to support such scenarios, I would propose to return an array 
of access tokens from every authorization flow and the refresh request. 
An authorization server should know which resou

[OAUTH-WG] how does the spec move forward

2010-04-29 Thread Keenan, Bill
For the ignorant (me), how does the spec, now hosted at IETF, move


Do we still discuss on this list?


Who does the editing work?


Is .txt what we all have to read now?


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] 'Scope' parameter proposal

2010-04-27 Thread Keenan, Bill
The amount of writing done on scope the past few weeks indicates this
concept generates a lot of passion. I hope we will spend some time on it
during IIW X and at our 20-May f2f.


For me, delegation is an identity in my system authorizing my system to
issue a toke to an identity, which is not in my system. The rights and
privileges attached to the token will almost never be the same as the
authorizing user. [My colleague, Tom Holodnik, is working on a user
story around tax return data you must share with the financial aid
department at a university your child is applying to.] My current
thinking is to present a set of constraints in the UI presented to the
authorizing user. Our systems would maintain these constrains - others
may choose to encode the constraints into their opaque token. I'm having
a hard time seeing how I can trust the scope parameter passed in by a
delegate. Even if I could trust the passed in scope, it does not help me
with access control of a complex entity model (e.g., tax return). I
still need some other mechanism for access control, and I'm concerned
scope defined in the specification may create unintended conflict cases
with my access control model.




From: [] On Behalf
Of John Panzer
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Torsten Lodderstedt
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] 'Scope' parameter proposal


The old AOL Blogs API, which used AOL's OpenAuth service, provided a
url= parameter on WWW-Authenticate: challenges:


*  If authorization fails, a 401 response is returned with a
WWW-Authenticate: header providing additional details.

WWW-Authenticate: OpenAuth realm="AOLBlogs", status="status",
msg="message", url="url"


This is from 2007 ;).


On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt

Am 24.04.2010 02:05, schrieb Brian Eaton:


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Manger, James H

We mustn't drop advertisements (details in 401 responses).
We mustn't drop the goal of a standard for interoperability.

I share the goals, I just don't think that a specification is
the way
to get there.  I think working examples in the wild would help


Defining a scope field in a 401 response is the novel aspect
that "might not actually work". Allowing a 'scope' query parameter in
authz URIs is be quite separate.

Yeah, I agree with that analysis.

Though I don't know of any providers that are returning
URLs in 401 responses right now.  That's novel, too.



That's novel, yes. But I think no one did it before because there was no
need to do so. BASIC and DIGEST don't require authorization endpoint
coordinates. SPNEGO/Kerberos would be a candidate because of its
architecture, but it uses the standard Kerberos mechanisms (config or
DNS-based discovery via SRV records).

I think there is a need for a standardized way of authorization server
discovery. Using the WWW-Authentication header is better than nothing
from my point of view.

Alternatively, resource servers could publish their supported
authentication servers via XRD or a similar mechanism. The authorization
server in turn could publish its endpoints (and capabilities) the same


OAuth mailing list


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Autonomous clients and resource owners (editorial)

2010-04-27 Thread Keenan, Bill
With Doug in an all day mtg, we have not sync'd on one of us
may respond again on this topic.

I think I am +1 w/ Brian E.

In the flow from SAML gateway to STS to protected resource, I don't see
caching both an access and refresh token as getting me any efficiency.
Certainly, it adds complexity to regression testing.

I appreciate the desire for symmetry on the set of flows...refresh token
seems like a place for asymmetry.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Chuck Mortimore
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:06 AM
To: Torsten Lodderstedt; Brian Eaton
Cc: Foiles, Doug; OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Autonomous clients and resource owners

Same here - we don't intend to issue refresh tokens for either of these
flows, and we'll only be accepting 1 time use assertions.


From: Torsten Lodderstedt []
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:00 AM
To: Brian Eaton
Cc: Chuck Mortimore; Foiles, Doug; OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Autonomous clients and resource owners

returning access token would suffice in this flow, from my point of


Am 27.04.2010 um 08:33 schrieb Brian Eaton :

> From my perspective, the main thing is that the assertion flow can be
> used to connect existing authentication systems with APIs that are
> using OAuth2 for authorization.
> This will let us leverage existing trust relationships across systems.
> Note that this breaks, however, if the flow returns a refresh token.
> Refresh tokens are a new trust relationship, and they require
> additional user/administrator involvement to manage.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt
>  wrote:
>> +1
>> we need the assertion flow for the same purpose. Can we add a
>> variant of the
>> flow to section "End User Credentials Flows"?
>> regards,
>> Torsten.
>> Am 26.04.2010 23:17, schrieb Chuck Mortimore:
>> +1.
>> Our primary use-cases for the assertion flow are for clients acting
>> on
>> behalf of users, and not autonomously.   I believe Eran already has
>> this on
>> his list of feedback when the assertion flow gets edited.
>> We also have need for a 2 legged Oauth model, and are looking at
>> the client
>> credentials flow for exactly that purpose.
>> -cmort
>> On 4/25/10 10:34 AM, "Foiles, Doug"  wrote:
>> I have a bit of confusion on the Autonomous Client Flows ... and spe
>> cifically
>> related to Eve's comment below that suggests to me that the autono
>> mous
>> client is NOT ALWAYS the resource owner.
>> Can the Autonomous Client Flows support clients that ARE NOT the
>> actual
>> resource owner?  For example for an Assertion Flow where the
>> Subject of the
>> SAML assertion is a user identity (and the resource owner) and not
>> that of
>> the client.
>> Is the intent of the Client Credentials Flow to support something
>> like
>> Google's "OAuth for Google Apps domains" 2 Legged OAuth use ca
>> se?
>> If the Autonomous Client Flows support clients that can act on
>> behalf a
>> resource owner that is not themselves  ... it then seems the resourc
>> e owner
>> must provide some level of consent outside the OAuth specific flow.
>> Thanks.
>> Doug
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of
>> Eve Maler
>> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 7:21 AM
>> To: OAuth WG
>> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Autonomous clients and resource owners
>> (editorial)
>> Regarding the second comment I made below: I realized last night that
>> Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 get this more correct, by saying that an
>> autonomous
>> client represents a "separate resource owner". So Section 2.2
>> definitely
>> needs a slight change, from:
>> "...and autonomous flows where the client is acting for itself (the
>> client
>> is also the resource owner)."
>> to something like:
>> "...and autonomous flows where the client is acting on behalf of a
>> different
>> resource owner."
>> Thanks,
>> Eve
>> On 21 Apr 2010, at 4:43 PM, Eve Maler wrote:
>> Tacking this response to the end of the thread for lack of a better
>> place to
>> do it: The name "username" seems not quite apt in the case of an
>> autonomous
>> client that isn't representing an end-user. Would "identifier" be
>> better?
>> (Actually, it sort of reminds me of SAML's "SessionIndex"...) Or
>> would the
>> parameter be reserved for user-delegation flows?
>> Speaking of autonomous clients, Section 2.2 -- among possibly other
>> places
>> -- states that an autonomous client is also the resource owner, but
>> that's
>> not always the case, is it? The client might be seeking access on
>> behalf of
>> itself. (FWIW, I made roughly this same comment on David's first
>> draft on