
Foursquare recently encountered a scary example of a client accidentally
leaking user tokens as part of the implicit grant flow. It turns out the
official "Tweet this" button provided by twitter grabs the URL, including
fragment, at the time of page load, before the client's Javascript has had a
chance to elide the access_token hash value. And it's easy to imagine lots
of other sharing and analytics tools could be similarly aggressive in
transmitting hash values outside of the page.

We've thought a lot about what to do about this, short of disabling the flow
entirely. One thing that seems viable is to make the "access token" in this
flow actually a one-time use token. The requesting page would then make a
JSONP request exchanging the one-time use token for a permanent token that
is never visible in the URL. Has this come up? Have you had any feedback
from other implementors?

We're not excited about such a blatant deviation from the spec, but we're
not sure what else to do.

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