Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT Token on-behalf of Use case

2015-07-07 Thread Sam Hartman
Speaking as someone who is reasonably familiar with Kerberos and the
general concepts involved, I find both Microsoft/Kerberos technology
((constrained delegation/protocol transition) and the ws-trust text
horribly confusing and would recommend against all of the above as
examples of clarity.
After several years I've finally gotten to a point where I understand
the Kerberos terms, but that's simply by using them regularly, not
because there was clarity.

This may be a case where new terminology is worthwhile if you can find
something that multiple people (especially new readers not overly
familiar with the concepts) find to be clear.

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] AD review of Draft-ietf-dyn-reg

2015-02-18 Thread Sam Hartman
 Kathleen == Kathleen Moriarty writes:

Kathleen registry, but setting HTTP Basic as the default seems like
Kathleen a really bad choice. HOBA is on it's way to becoming an
Kathleen RFC from the HTTPAuth working group.  HTTPAuth also has an
Kathleen updated version of Basic that is in IETF last call, but I
Kathleen know you are pointing to the OAuth 2.0 document, so it
Kathleen would be that document that gets updated and not this
Kathleen draft.  The new version of HTTP Basic fixes some
Kathleen internationalization problems and spells out the security
Kathleen issues much more clearly, so it probably doesn't matter
Kathleen too much to update the reference, but maybe makes it more
Kathleen clear that basic is not a secure form of authentication.
Kathleen Can you provide some justification as to why this is okay
Kathleen to set basic as the default and add that to the draft?
Kathleen Section 2.3.1 of OAuth 2.0 just says this MUST be
Kathleen implemented, but that any HTTP schemes can be used.  Why
Kathleen not register another method and use that instead as the
Kathleen default?  You could use digest and there is library
Kathleen support.  It's not a great answer, but slightly better
Kathleen than passwords with basic.  You could register HOBA and
Kathleen use that instead, the only downside is limited library
Kathleen support at the moment.  

I'm disappointed to be reading the above, particularly the last
sentence, today.
I'd hope that we'd have a better wide-spread understanding of the issues
in deploying credentials by this point.

Yes, you absolutely can choose whatever you like as the authentication
scheme for a single-use account.  If my account will only be used with a
particularly dynamically registration then I probably can get away with
choosing whatever I want as a default authentication and statements like
the only down-side will be limited library availability, will be true.

However, a lot of deployments re-use accounts.  That is, the
deploymentwill allow some form of single sign-on.  The same account may
be used for an oauth dynamic registration as well as a bunch of other
Even more of an issue, the backend database of credentials may already
exist and may not be defined by this particular application.

Digest is absolutely impossible to use if I've got a database of  NTLM
hashes (read Active Directory) that are my credentials.  (In the
particular case of AD and digest, you probably have a solution if you
are using Microsoft's implementation.)
However, if I've got some relational (or nosql) database storing hashes
that  I've been accumulating as I sign up users for the last few years,
I can only use authentication schemes compatible with those hashes.

The huge deployment advantage of basic is that if you present me the
password, I can match against whatever I have on the backend.  I can try
various normalizations, try code-page conversions, rehash, whatever.
If your client implements scram, and I have NTLM, we're never going to
be able to talk.  Me implementing scram doesn't help if that's not how
I've got credentials stored.

Put another way, end protocols like this are not the right place to
fight passwords.  You transition credential technologies at the
deployment level, not at the protocol level.

For interoperability in something like this we're likely going to do no
better than basic.  Anything else from httpauth will fall squarely into
the category of MUST BUT WE KNOW YOU WON't for some significant

What I've said above doesn't apply particularly to protocols where the
credentials will not be reused.

I'd be happy to talk some time about strategies for giving deployments
the tools they need to move their credential interface away from
passwords, but it does need to be thought of as a deployment issue
crossing all the applications and protocols that a set of credentials
use.  This is the wrong place to fight that battle.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] IPR on OAuth bearer

2012-05-09 Thread Sam Hartman
So, here are statements that  you could make as part of this discussion
that would be entirely in scope:

1) I've read the IPR. Prior to this disclosure I was interested in
developing|deploying|shipping  an implementation of this
specification. Now I am not.

2) I think you could go so far as to say. Based on this IPR I would no
longer feel comfortable making an open-source implementation of this
spec available.

3) Or on the other  side: I've reviewed this new IPR and I believe I
could implement|ship|deploy|whatever this specification.

Or if you don't like giving out as much information as 1-3:

4) I've reviewed the new IPr and I recommend that we not advance this

5) I've reviewed the IPR and I do recommend we advance.

Obviously, people may weigh statements of the form 1-3 with more value
than 4-5. However it's really hard to get many organizations to say
something in the 1-3 range.

Other valid things to say in such a context include:

6) We've successfully obtained any licenses we believe that we need in
order to implement this specification given the IPR.

7) We attempted to obtain the licenses we needed in order to implement
given this IPR but were unsuccessful.

 believe all the above statements are acceptable. In particular, none of
 them comment on the validity of the IPR nor give legal advice about

I believe you could even go so far as to say  something like I believe
that an open-source implementation of this technology is|is not
important to whether we should standardize it. I believe we've come very
close to that in the past. 
OAuth mailing list