At the informal Token Binding meeting we had a discussion of Java servers 
supporting TB, the support would have to come out of JSSE, kere is the analysis 
on what it would take to change JSSE

Implementing 5705 itself, would not take too long and appears to be pretty 
straightforward.  The EKM is created by using the same PRF function as the 
creating of the key material from the TLS Master secret.

To generate the key material, compute

      key_block = PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret,

                      "key expansion",

                      SecurityParameters.server_random +


For EKM,

If no context is provided, it then computes:

           PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret, label,

               SecurityParameters.client_random +



   If context is provided, it computes:

           PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret, label,

               SecurityParameters.client_random +

               SecurityParameters.server_random +

               context_value_length + context_value


As it states in the RFC:  "The issue is the designing a secure mechanism that 
uses exporters is not necessarily straightforward. This document only provides 
the exporter mechanism, but the problem of agreeing on the surrounding context 
and the meaning of the information passed to and from the exporter remains. Any 
new uses of the exporter mechanism should be subject to careful review."

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