[obm-l] Interested in bargain meds offers?

2009-03-22 Por tôpico Victor Jenkins
Times are hard, we All know that.
I would like to know if you are interested in receiving offers of medications 
in bargain prices?

If yes then please send e-mail stating that you're interested like Yes I'm 
interested to: bargainoff...@ymail.com
(e-mail address provided in previous e-mail message: verifiedm...@yahoo.co.uk 
is wrong)

We have unbeatable prices and unbeatable quality of our meds. Just let us know.

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[obm-l] Interested in bargain meds offers?

2009-03-20 Por tôpico Miriam Esposito
Times are hard, we All know that.
I would like to know if you are interested in receiving offers of medications 
in bargain prices?

If yes then please send empty e-mail or write Yes I'm interested to: 
We have unbeatable prices and unbeatable quality of our meds. Just let us know.

Instruções para entrar na lista, sair da lista e usar a lista em