Re: [obrolan-bandar] SCENARIO RAMBO

2008-03-04 Terurut Topik Clear Day
pak jack kudu jadi singa sebab harimau takut sama


 Pada tanggal 04/03/08, Jack Cowok
 Trik memancing harimau turun gunung (dalam
 istilah silat barangkali).
  Dengan membuang Bluechip secara merata tetapi
 dengan VOLUME yg dicicil.
  ( entah istilah apa didalam ilmu Bandarmologinya
  Kemarin seekor harimau sempat terpancing keluar
 Gunung Bumi. (600M lebih)
  Masih ada Harimau besar di BUMI yang belum
  Kita tunggu saja. Siapa pemenangnya.
  Saya mau masuk BUMI hari ini.
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re:Where do we go from here?

2008-02-19 Terurut Topik Clear Day
 wah pak FS muncul lagi neh

--- Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thought You are bullish for 2850.
   second wave of huge selling could occur in the
 third or fourth week of March. If not, everything
 looks okay until second week of May... Barvo for
 your insight view 
   disclaimer on... 

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] BOZZ dan index...Eropa jam 15:00 kan open GAP UP...

2008-02-17 Terurut Topik Clear Day
mother has patience and zealous.

Mother nature, never father nature
  Why? May be because every thing started from mother.
  BOZZ probably was there before most of us were even born in BEI, right Embah? 
- Original Message - 
  From: Dean Earwicker 
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 1:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BOZZ dan index...Eropa jam 15:00 kan open GAP 

SHE? Must be a quite powerful woman..



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Capital inflow?

2008-02-14 Terurut Topik Clear Day
did you buy after you stated that IHSG was still bearish to 2450?

Bettina Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Based o information I've 
received from a forex dealer in Jakarta, a
mild capital inflow from nothern america and middle east flowing into
Indonesia. IDR also strengthen over USD.

TA indicators shows an initial stage of bullish and regional is moving
off lows this morning. It is a good sign to buy or IDX want to follow
DJI which closed lower last night? We'll see.. I still have 30% idle
cash in case IDX drops to buy more. Financial report will be released
in the near term, be prepared to buy good quality stocks.. anynone
have the info which company has a good result?


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Bought lots of UNTR

2008-02-13 Terurut Topik Clear Day
kalo pak de yg nyupirin kita ngikut azza deh,
  biar lari kayak keong gak apa2 yang penting nanjak.

Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bukan ajakan atau anjuran. Nyangkut jangan ngomel dan siap pegang 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisis Goe Siauw Hong

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik Clear Day
tapi sebelum memutuskan investasi belajar dulu yg bener ke orang yg benr juga, 
dijamin hasilnya bener..

Andrew wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Yg pasti putuskan sendiri 
investasi anda. Jangan dengarkan para pialang, analis, atau ahli. Tutup telinga 
anda saat berada di pasar saham, karena orang yg disebut ahli ini berbicara 
demi keuntungan yg akan mereka raih tanpa memperdulikan keuntungan anda. 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisis Goe Siauw Hong

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik Clear Day
orang yg tidak mengajarkan ilmunya dg benar berarti bukan orang benar. gak 
perlu kita belajar sama org semacam ini

Andrew wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Jangan belajar dari orang yg 
benar, tetapi ambil cara orang benar. Dan juga anda harus punya talenta 
investasi sendiri. Bila tidak bagilah rejeki sedikit ke orang melalui 
reksadana. Orang yg benar belum tentu mau membagi ilmu nya secara benar, 
kecuali mungkin adan orang kepercayaannya. 

  Pada tanggal 24/01/08, Clear Day [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis: 
tapi sebelum memutuskan investasi belajar dulu yg bener ke orang yg benr juga, 
dijamin hasilnya bener..

Andrew wijaya  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Yg pasti putuskan sendiri 
investasi anda. Jangan dengarkan para pialang, analis, atau ahli. Tutup telinga 
anda saat berada di pasar saham, karena orang yg disebut ahli ini berbicara 
demi keuntungan yg akan mereka raih tanpa memperdulikan keuntungan anda. 

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Analisis Goe Siauw Hong

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik Clear Day
1. gurunya jangan satu tapi harus lebih dr satu untuk pembanding dan jgn 
langsung nyebur latihan dulu lah,
  2. sy kira masih ada orang yg senang berbuat baik pak, spt di milis ini yg 
sdh dg suka rela berbagi ilmunya yg pada akhirnya mendatangkan cuan.

Andrew wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Untuk tau sang pengajar benar atau salah kan baru ketahuan setelah 
ada aksi/tindakan (bagi yg belum ngerti/masih belajar, kecuali yg sudah 
ngerti), pada saat itu kita mungkin sudah terlanjur berdarah. Siapa sih yg mau 
bagi duit ke kita kecuali orang yg pernah berhutang budi dgn kita atau punya 
kepentingan terhadap kita (tidak termasuk orang lain yg tidak punya hubungan 

  Pada tanggal 24/01/08, Clear Day [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis: 
orang yg tidak mengajarkan ilmunya dg benar berarti bukan orang benar. gak 
perlu kita belajar sama org semacam ini

Andrew wijaya  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Jangan belajar dari orang yg 
benar, tetapi ambil cara orang benar. Dan juga anda harus punya talenta 
investasi sendiri. Bila tidak bagilah rejeki sedikit ke orang melalui 
reksadana. Orang yg benar belum tentu mau membagi ilmu nya secara benar, 
kecuali mungkin adan orang kepercayaannya. 

  Pada tanggal 24/01/08, Clear Day [EMAIL PROTECTED]  menulis: 
tapi sebelum memutuskan investasi belajar dulu yg bener ke orang yg benr juga, 
dijamin hasilnya bener..

Andrew wijaya  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Yg pasti putuskan sendiri 
investasi anda. Jangan dengarkan para pialang, analis, atau ahli. Tutup telinga 
anda saat berada di pasar saham, karena orang yg disebut ahli ini berbicara 
demi keuntungan yg akan mereka raih tanpa memperdulikan keuntungan anda. 

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  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Prediction: Today's LOW = This Month's LOW

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Clear Day
Bisa dijelaskan alasannya mbah spy kita lebih paham please?

jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Prediction: Today's LOW = This Month's LOW 

Buat para trader and speculator ,
embah membuat prediksi dengan dasar ilmu bandarmologi:

Prediction: Today's LOW = This Month's LOW 

yg artinya:
- Harga terendah hari ini tidak akan DIJEBOL ampe akhir bulan



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Prediction: Today's LOW = This Month's LOW (2336)

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Clear Day
kalo mojok sama yg montok takut gak?

Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Saya belum pak Rei. Saya lebih suka biar telat asal selamat 
(mudahan), saya ini orangnya penakut soalnya .. hehe.. tapi kalau mau masuk 
sekarang ya silakan saja, toh FM lokal juga udah mulai masuk...

Tapi yah itu, FM asing lagi pada rabies semua... 


  2008/1/22 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Tinggal Pak DE...kalo beliau juga sdh dukung, LET'S GO!!! Tapi saya 
juga sdh nggak ada peluru ding huehehee...



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] BERSATU ITU INDAH LOH

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Clear Day
mana attachmentnya pak jack?

Jack Cowok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tadi monitor layar, walaupun tidak beli lagi.
  Terlihat beberapa broker dengan kode MERAH. berusahan mengacaukan INDEX.
  Berusaha menekan harga HANYA dengan VOLUME KECIL.
  Memanfaatkan FEAR yang telah dibentuk.
  Coba saja lihat attachment: Akan terlihat kacau dengan warna.
  Coba lakukan langkah dibawah ini :
1. Buka file terlampir
2. Tekan Ctrl A
3. Klik Format - row - height - masukkan angka 15.33
4. Klik Format - coloumn - width - masukkan angka 2.4
5. JRENGG!!! Anda pasti kagum akan hasilnya. Benar2 brilian!!!

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Bursa India lagi naik kencang sesudah SUSPENSE

2008-01-21 Terurut Topik Clear Day
-9% lagi mbah

jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Bursa India lagi naik 
kencang sesudah SUSPENSE..

Korea juga lagi rebound

Mudah mudahan PIG nya nular ke BEI...


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] PIG's IHSG Marketwise technical (7/1/08)

2008-01-07 Terurut Topik Clear Day
sy udah liat gambarnya mbah..
btw asal sapinya jangan kena virus anthrax aja mbah,
kalo kena bsa berabe,



--- jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 PIG's  IHSG Marketwise technical (7/1/08)
 07/01/08 16:00
 - The CORRECTION red wave garpu has been BROKEN.
 - NOW, IHSG move in the hijau muda bullish baby
 - The baby garpu must break the UPPER finger of
the BLACK garpu to confirm the continuation
of the bigger BULLISH GREEN garpu.
 See the graphics at
   04/01/08 16:00 (Yesterday)
 - IHSG kembali masuk ke daerah GARPU BULL
 - Terbentuk juga GARPU baby BULL HIJAU MUDA
 - RESIS MINI SIDEWAY 2748 tembus keatas
   close di 2765
 - So, secara MARKETWISE technical, IHSG punya
   kecendrungan NAIK. TAPI index AMERIKA
   JEBLOK !!!
 03/01/08 11:30 (previous day)
 - Linkaran HITAM is the intersection of
   Bullish and Bearish wave.
 - Who will be the WINNER ?.
 - NOONE know...
 - We just WATCH what will be Mr Market's DECISION
 - After that, we just follow THE WINNER
 - Beautifull and MARKET WISE ... Isn't it ?.


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] It's me again..

2008-01-02 Terurut Topik Clear Day
wah jd panas nih



--- Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sell? I want to buy, not sell, you silly :)
 On Jan 3, 2008 8:07 AM, Jack Cowok
  *IHSG will GO 3000 and you will SLEEP BEAUTY WITH
  *Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] * wrote:
   LOL James..
  Some called me tricky, liar, antagonist, bad
 girl, evil...
  Yeah maybe I missed the numbers. The hell with em.
 -2% today wouldn't
  hurt, right? After all, my target is only $400mio,
 -15% in two weeks IF
  things go well. You don't have to sell if you
 don't want to. Just pretend
  nothing happens. It helps me a lot if you guys
 don't get along.
  Blame it on the rain, yeah yeah.
  On Jan 2, 2008 3:54 PM, James Arifin
  First time she told you and you believe, IT'S
   Second time she told you again and you believe,
 but another SUCKS.
   Third time she told again, everybody think that
 she may get wrong again
   and play contrarian and at that time the NUKE
 may happened as she had saved
   her major investment.. ..hehehe, so please be
 prepared yourself with any
   possible scenario.
   There is high possibility IHSG will face big
 BEARISH on February
 On 1/2/08, james rajasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Old trick,
Elaine comes with bad news, IHSG may go down
 but it will not be
anything like nuke, new years firecrackers at
ELAINE = Diversion,
Watch major rebound from sleeping stocks like
Just a thought.
On 12/31/07, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I don't have to prove anything, right? And
 don't challenge me.

 Any smart investor here would know that IHSG
 performance lately is
 very ABNORMAL. Out of sync. The biggest cap
 in BEI is downed *-20%*from its highest. Once called
 the safest stock, this DEFENSIVE one I'm
 talking about here is not playing defense

 Once the defense is breached, things will
 get ugly. Other defensive
 stocks WILL follow.

 Thanks to new IPOs and BUMI/ANTM race, the
 IHSG is saved until the
 closing bell of 2007. It has NEVER been like
 this before, so you might not
 be prepared. If there weren't any race, IHSG
 would be 2400,.. or worse.

 Now, I want answers from you. WHICH
 stock/sector *would defend *the
 IHSG? Can we count on mining (again?), cpo?
 utility? property? banks? My
 answer is NO. Not yet.

 Btw, I create statements. YOU are the one
 who were overreacting. :)
 If you believe in your stocks, *hold'em
 tight*, or you may want to
 stay away. Whether you want to hold or sell,
 it's not my business.

 I am not evil. I don't like bears either,
 but I'd be the first to
 warn. You'll be glad if I am around, than
 hearing sweet lies...


 **Thanks Embah for allowing me to be here
 again. **

 On Dec 31, 2007 7:55 AM, Wong Effendy 

  EL, last time u want to bring index to
 2400 but never happen.
  Now it's ur last chance to prove u right.
 Now or never.
   - Original Message 
  From: Bandar Sedang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:06:07
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] It's me
   If you look back on the beginning of
  yes, it happened .now, will the
 history repeat itself ?
  we'll see. i bet it will happen as
 one of the bozz
  BUT...if you guys together fight
 backthe bozz might think

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