Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Our tank is full

2007-12-12 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Ok, -15 is good enough, considering other markets are much worse than ours.
But still the candle is green, it shows some optimism. Tomorrow should be a
gap up, IF dow rebounds (dow fut is +83)

As for MIRA (if you have it) , all I can say is  good luck, because
whoever brought this one to 800, was actually doing a ONE DAY TRADING. Just
becareful with it.

On Dec 12, 2007 3:08 PM, Bandar Sedang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't play against SMALL retail.
 but against another FM


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Our tank is full

2007-12-12 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Apa bedanya I'm out for BUMI, I've out of BUMI, I'm out of BUMI dan I
would've out with BUMI ?

Dari 4 kata diatas, mana yang menyatakan kalau dia nyangkut...?

Sori, gak penting yah.. hehe.. :)

On Dec 12, 2007 4:43 PM, RATU SIMA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Om PM,

 On UNSP, I have gone out of it right on 6 December. Technically, it's not
 BUT, this stock is not bad, worth holding. CPO/agri is prospective.
 Currently, it's like played ting tong for profit-taking.

 English lesson:

 I'm out of BUMI = expression to be said right on time you're out. A
 present continuous tense saying a 'remark and doing simultaneously'.
 I have gone/got out of BUMI = expression of present perfect tense:
 indicating activity that has been done, NOT EMPHASIZING on current doing.

 I have gone out BUMI means indicating sometime in the past but
 indefinitely. If definite, it will become past tense.
 E.g. I went out of BUMI yesterday when candlestick was in 3 black crows

 *I was a foreign company official translator before.*



Re: [obrolan-bandar] TLKM

2007-12-12 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Jangan panik, TLKM sedang diakumulasi di harga bawah. Avg down jika
memungkinkan. Lowest di 10500.

On Dec 13, 2007 10:24 AM, H Gozali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

please help, mbah  rekan-rekan lain.

 Ada apa dengan TLKM ?
 Di NYSE tutup lebih tinggi, malah di rumah sendiri dihajar.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: A MUST READ for beginner: No 1= GROWTH, No 2 = GROWTH, No 3 = GROWTH

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Fully agree. We will always watch our investment carefully. Q3 (July, Aug,
Sept) result is somehow *always* negative compared to Q2 on some sector
(which is the perfect time to collect :)

I wonder why..

That's why our analyst always compare Q-o-Q performance

On Dec 11, 2007 2:15 PM, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   --- In,
 Oom senang
  I prefer to use annual than quarterly report
  ANNUALY most mining and agri sector have positive growth acceleration,
  especially in the last 3 years

 I see...
 But be carefull, if you are using annual report because
 BIG fluctuation of commodity price such as nickel is not
 shown CLEARLY in annual report.

 Bisa bisa commodity price nya udah AMBROL, laporan annualnya
 masih bagus.

 Effect of lower nickel price is shown clearly in Q3 QUARTELY
 is easily detected...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI jilid III

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Robin Hood? :)

Sorry, just kidding. Sudah lah, semua juga tahu TMPI itu saham samber nyawa,
nggak usah dibahas deh. Mau main silahkan, mau menghindar juga boleh. Yang
penting manajemen resiko tetap #1. 1% dari portofolio buat ngetes nyali sih
boleh-boleh aja, anggap saja judi bola.

On Dec 11, 2007 4:41 PM, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kl untungnya dari bikin rugi yg laen namanya apa?

 On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:23:34 +0700, Mr. Boen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Tapi kalau yang untung 50% dalam 2 hari gimana dong ??
  Jadi Keledai atau jadi Kuda ?

[obrolan-bandar] This is a perfect time to fill in

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Panic selling? Maybe only in the session 1. We'll wait until 11am, and see
if things will go better later today.

You can try to take short position, but the result might be unpleasant  :)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Jangan Bias/prejudice or whatever di dunia saham

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Asal jangan lupa jual aja :)... kaya tmpi/poly/myrx nasibnya cukup tragis
kalau terlambat jual

kecuali kalau mau di hold long term 100 tahun sih boleh saja

On Dec 12, 2007 9:31 AM, jko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

tak ada saham bagus atau jelek, yang ada hanya saham murah atau
  mahal.. benjamin graham, um tapi di indonesiakan hehehe..

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SERBU DEWA !!

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang

Size 7MB

On Dec 12, 2007 10:33 AM, Eka Suwandana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   coba lihat profit NNT kalo ada yg punya data taruh

[obrolan-bandar] Our tank is full

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Oom senang
We hope the market will be cooperative. If things go well, we'll see a green
at the end of the day, and even greener tomorrow. :)

[obrolan-bandar] We're almost full

2007-12-10 Terurut Topik Oom senang
When it's done, let's fly with us.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] A MUST READ for beginner: No 1= GROWTH, No 2 = GROWTH, No 3 = GROWTH

2007-12-10 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Little correction: the most important thing is GROWTH ACCELERATION

For example:

Growth 100(0) 200(+100%)  250(+25%) 300 (+20%)
It's a declining growth, and it's not good enough

Growth 10(0) 15(+50%) 30(+100%) 60 (+100%) 150(+150%)
It's an accelerating growth from time to time

And I agree on ANTM and TINS

On Dec 11, 2007 12:58 PM, OB Help desk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Apasih yg paling PENTING agar saham yg kita punya NAIK banyak ?

 Jawabannya bukan di PER atau ROE !!!

 Yang paling menentukan kenaikan harga saham yg SPEKTAKULER
 ialah GROWTH ...

 Jika Penjualan, Laba operasi dan Laba bersih NAIK banyak ,
 maka OTOMATIS harga saham akan naik secara SPEKTAKULER..
 Begitu juga sebaliknya.

 Sebagai contoh saya kirimkan lagi Financial performance untuk
 ANTM dan TINS berikut grafik QUARTERLY GROWTHnya...


 OB Help desk


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: A MUST READ for beginner: No 1= GROWTH, No 2 = GROWTH, No 3 = GROWTH

2007-12-10 Terurut Topik Oom senang
I prefer to use annual than quarterly report

ANNUALY most mining and agri sector have positive growth acceleration,
especially in the last 3 years

On Dec 11, 2007 1:38 PM, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Do you have an example of BEI stock that

 Does ANTM in Q3/2007 has negative GROWTH ACCELERATION ?

 --- In,
 Oom senang

  Little correction: the most important thing is GROWTH ACCELERATION
  For example:
  Growth 100(0) 200(+100%) 250(+25%) 300 (+20%)
  It's a declining growth, and it's not good enough
  Growth 10(0) 15(+50%) 30(+100%) 60 (+100%) 150(+150%)
  It's an accelerating growth from time to time
  And I agree on ANTM and TINS

[obrolan-bandar] Mohon penawaran harga yang murah

2007-12-09 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Saya dan kawan-kawan saya belanja banyak sekali minggu ini dan minggu depan,
untuk itu mohon kesediaanya memberikan penawaran (offer) harga yang murah,
terutama di sektor properti, infrastruktur dan bank. Mohon maaf kami juga
mau ikutan naik kereta BEI Express, namun tidak mudah bagi kami untuk
switching portfolio secara cepat tanpa merusak harga pasar. Nanti kalau
proses switching sudah selesai, kita angkat bersama-sama agar semua senang.

Terima kasih sebelumnya.

[obrolan-bandar] 3 simple methods to get rich and happiness

2007-12-09 Terurut Topik Oom senang
1. Buy mining/energy/cpo stocks when they're in the correction phase. They
perform better than any sector, ever.
2. Close RTI, Hots, bloomberg, CNBC, whatever, and get a life
3. Let the management/directors/CEO handle the company. It's their job, not

Bandar? They MANAGE, not OWN the money. The money belongs to investors. Let
them work for you, not against you. Don't go against them, as they are often
too powerful. Don't believe me? Watch 2nd session. The bull is a bear in

We're still waiting for the prices to decline even more until we're fully
loaded. Don't hate us, it's just business.

Re: Pasar Modal bukan zero sum game RE: [obrolan-bandar] sesama trader, KAWAN atau LAWAN?

2007-12-08 Terurut Topik Oom senang
Saham bukan zero sum game karena ada yang namanya:

1. dividen
2. right issue
3. msop/esop
4. delisting/default
5. convertible bonds

On Dec 8, 2007 5:03 PM, Mudy Situmorang  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pasar modal tidak sepenuhnya zero sum game. Bahkan sama sekali berbeda.

 Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi pasar modal, bukan hanya capital
 dan outflow. Sehingga bisa saja semua untung atau semua rugi. Ini
 bertentangan dengan definisi zero sum game.

 Jadi Pasar Modal BUKAN (tidak identik dengan) zero sum game.

 Pada kasus tertentu pada masa tertentu bisa saja Pasar Modal memenuhi zero
 sum game, tapi jualan baso juga sama :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:
 On Behalf Of naruto.saham
 Sent: 08 Desember 2007 15:51
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] sesama trader, KAWAN atau LAWAN?

 Di milis ini, sesama trader saling tukar menukar informasi dan opini
 seolah-olah pasar saham itu NON zero-sum games.

 Padahal, Alexander Elder, penulis Trading for A Living, pernah
 mendefinisikan trading sebagai permainan mencoba merampok pemain lain
 yang berusaha merampok anda.

 Bingung aku!

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2007-12-08 Terurut Topik Oom senang