[obrolan-bandar] Good News... the fed funds rate will remain unchanged at 2%

2008-06-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

The Conference Board's confidence index fell to 50.4, the lowest level since 
February 1992, from a revised 58.1 in May. Consumers were the most pessimistic 
about the future in the 41- year history of the index. A separate report today 
showed home prices in April dropped the most since at least 2001. 

Falling property values, rising unemployment and higher food and fuel bills 
have shaken consumers and may cause purchases to slump once the rebate money is 
gone. While price increases signal the Federal Reserve may raise borrowing 
costs later this year, policy makers are forecast to hold the target rate 
unchanged tomorrow as concern over growth lingers

The market expects the fed funds rate will remain unchanged at 2.00%

``I don't think we're going to have the inflation problem that the markets 
The number one concern for the Fed right now is the financial crisis and the 
impact from the financial crisis on the overall economy.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


Re: [obrolan-bandar] CNNMoney.com: Rumah lagi, rumah lagi

2008-06-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
kalo begitu 
the fed akan berpikir dua kali sebelum memutuskan menaikkan suku bunga.


# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Tue, 6/24/08, Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] CNNMoney.com: Rumah lagi, rumah lagi
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 10:13 PM

Home prices post record 15.3% drop
The SP/Case-Shiller 20-city Home Price Index has fallen for 21 straight months.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- U.S. home prices posted record declines in April, 
continuing a long losing streak for U.S. home prices.
The SP/Case-Shiller 20-city Home Price Index fell to a record low of 15.3% on 
a year-over-year basis, and was down 1.4% from March. The 10-city index was 
down 16.3% year-over-year and 1.6% for the month.
The 20 city index is based on data going back 19 years, while the 10 city index 
is 21 years old.
There might be some regional pockets of improvement, but on an annual basis 
the overall numbers continue to decline, said David Blitzer, Chairman of the 
Index Committee at Standard  Poor's.
The declines have been remarkably consistent through the past two years with 
prices on the 20-city index dropping for 21 straight months, since July 2006. 
The 10-city index has fallen every month since June 2006. 
What's more, recent drops have been particularly steep. The 20-city index fell 
3.5% in March, 2.6% in February and 2.3% in January, and now it has gone down 
another 1.4%.


Re: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
menurut dari berbagai sumber sih katanya,
untuk bulan juli 2008.
lebih cepat kan lebih baik..


# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Sun, 6/22/08, Indonesian Private Investors [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Indonesian Private Investors [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet 
demand: Saudi source
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 4:03 PM

baca disini deh.. 
http://www.cnbc. com/id/25298153

Di naikkan nya tahun depan kok... efek short term nya mungkin kecil sekali ke 
equities.. karena produksi oil saudi dinaikkan nya tahun 2009 bukan 2008 ini..

Pusat Dunia [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

Published: Reuter - Saturday June 21, 2008
http://biz.yahoo. com/rb/080621/ jeddah_oil. html?.v=6

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia has 
decided to increase oil supply to meet demand from customers, a Saudi oil 
source said on Saturday.
Saudi Arabia will raise output to 9.7 million barrels per day in July, the 
fastest daily rate in decades.

We increased because they (our customers) asked for it, the source said.

He was speaking as delegates from oil consuming and producing countries arrived 
in Jeddah for a meeting on Sunday to try tackle record oil prices.

There was no consensus yet between consumers and producers on the causes of 
high oil prices, he said, but he believed there was a collective will to try to 
stem the record rally.

I really believe strongly that there is a political will of oil producers and 
consumers to lower the price and stabilize it, otherwise they would not have 
come, he said.

Oil markets were well-balanced but the price of oil was unjustifiably high, the 
source said.

Right now the majority of people think the price of oil is very high, he 
said. There is no justification for this price.

The kingdom currently has spare output capacity of around 2 million barrels per 
day, he said.

Saudi Arabia has a long-held policy of keeping a cushion to deal with any 
surprise global supply disruptions of between 1.5 million and 2 million bpd

-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=- =-- 
# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 
opportunity . 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

 - - - - - ---

Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


[obrolan-bandar] At Saudi summit, some urge crackdown on speculators

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

At Saudi summit, some urge crackdown on speculators

Published: MarketWatch - Sunday June 22, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Some attendees of this weekend's summit of oil 
producers and consumers in Saudi Arabia are calling for stricter regulation of 
financial speculators to curb skyrocketing oil prices, according to a news 

A working paper for the summit's final declaration obtained by AFP calls for 
action to improve the transparency and regulation of financial markets through 
measures to capture more data on index fund activity and to examine cross 
exchange inter-actions in the crude market, said the news service Saturday.

A senior energy official told the AFP that the call to rein in speculators may 
be toned down because of U.S. opposition to such measures.

A U.S. delegation led by Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman is joining the swiftly 
convened meeting of large oil consuming and producing nations, arranged by 
Saudi Arabia to address complaints about oil prices near $140 a barrel.

The White House has urged more production, both at home and abroad, as the best 
solution to reversing a rally in oil prices. Some in Congress, however, are 
pushing for more regulation of financial investors in commodities.

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest producer of oil, is expected to reveal more 
about its production plans on Sunday. On Friday, Saudi Oil Minister Ali 
al-Naimi told reporters in Jeddah the country would raise its production level 
by 200,000 barrels a day starting next month, according to media reports. That 
increase, which had been anticipated, would lift total daily production to 9.7 
million barrels per day.

A Saudi source told Reuters Saturday that the planned increase in output was 
designed to meet customers' request.

Nonetheless, the kingdom and other members of the Organization of Petroleum 
Exporting Countries, have maintained that global supplies are generally 
adequate to meet demand. Instead, they have pointed the finger at financial 
speculators, the weak dollar and other factors for driving up world oil prices 
more than four times their levels five years ago.

The subject of financial speculation has been a hot topic in the U.S. Congress, 
where lawmakers have proposed a range of legislative fixes that, at the most 
extreme, would bar large asset managers from investing in oil and other 
commodities futures.

Congress will debate these topics this week at a series of Capital Hill 

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


[obrolan-bandar] Democrats offer another bill to curb oil speculation

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Democrats offer another bill to curb oil speculation

Published: CNNMoney.com - Sunday June 22, 9:45 am ET 

Speculation, a dirty word across America as Wall Street traders take the 
blame for record oil and gasoline prices, drew more attention Friday from 
Congress as three Democratic House members introduced yet another bill 
attempting to limit activity.

To underline his case, Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., said speculators now control 
71% of oil on the market. That means only 29% control the physical oil being 
traded, down from 61% eight years ago.

Stupak blamed loosely regulated trading markets with numerous loopholes for the 
ease that traders have to buy and sell crude.

As a result, Stupak introduced legislation with the support of two other 
Democratic Congressmen to close loopholes that allow oil to be traded 
electronically in unregulated oil markets. The bill would also regulate other 
methods that Stupak claims oil traders use to avoid federal oversight.

We can eliminate a major avenue that traders use to avoid oversight, said 
Stupak at a press conference Friday. It's time for Congress to close the Enron 
loophole and lower our gas and diesel prices by 50%.

Many in Congress have suggested that closing a provision in the Commodity 
Futures Modernization Act of 2000 that critics call the Enron loophole, after 
the energy trading company whose bankruptcy was the centerpiece of the 
corporate scandals early this decade. The provision allows oil futures to be 
traded in markets outside of the jurisdiction of the Commodities Futures 
Trading Commission.

Stupak, the chair of a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee, has pledged to 
investigate regulation of speculation further in a hearing on Monday.

Congress is currently awash in nine different bills - including Friday's 
proposal - that attempt to limit the role of speculators. Several have 
bipartisan support, but only one was co-sponsored by a Republican.

Proposals have included requiring foreign exchanges to provide more information 
about crude oil trades, limiting the number of contracts speculators are 
allowed to hold, increasing the amount of money speculators need to put up to 
buy an oil contract, and removing speculators from the market entirely and 
limiting trade to just producers and consumers.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


[obrolan-bandar] Taiwan to let brokerages invest in China

2008-06-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Taiwan to let brokerages invest in China

Published: Saturday, June 21, 2008

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan's incoming top financial regulator said yesterday he 
aims to allow local brokerages to invest in their Chinese counterparts by the 
end of 2008 as part of a plan to boost trade ties with China.

Taiwan allowed local banks to invest in mainland lenders via their offshore 
subsidiaries earlier this year and a similar model was likely for brokers, said 
Gordon Chen, who becomes chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) 
on July 1.

I think indirect investments will be acceptable at the first stage and 
brokerage houses can invest through their Hong Kong units, Chen, who replaces 
Hu Sheng-cheng, told Reuters.

The move is part of a broader series of efforts by Taiwan lift to its economy 
through closer business ties with China under the new administration of 
President Ma Ying-jeou, whose Kuomintang (KMT) triumphed in recent polls on a 
promise of improving relations with Beijing. 

To make it easier for a flow of investments, the FSC has said it plans to allow 
the island's brokerages to invest up to 30 percent of their net assets in 
China, up from 10 percent previously.

That would be good news for Taiwan's top brokerage houses, including Capital 
Securities, whose board has approved a plan to invest in China.

In his first interview with foreign media before taking over as the FSC 
chairman, Chen said Taiwan also expects to sign a closer economic agreement 
with China, a pact similar to the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 
(CEPA) agreement that Hong Kong has with China, by the end of 2009.

Taiwan is also aiming to allow China's qualified institutional investors to 
invest in Taiwan's stocks and mutual funds by the end of next year, he said.

Other plans in that series included allowing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) 
launched by Taiwan's and China's fund management firms to trade in each other's 

We hope we can have more room to improve on the financial side and create a 
win-win situation, said Chen, who was a vice finance minister and the chairman 
of the Taiwan Stock Exchange before.

China and Taiwan split after civil war in 1949. Taiwan has ruled itself since 
then, but China still claims the island as part of its territory and has 
threatened to take it by force.

Despite political differences, China has been the favorite overseas destination 
for Taiwan firms, which have pumped more than US$100 billion into mainland 

Taiwan's financial sub-index closed down 1.8 percent Friday, in line with the 
main TAIEX index's fall to a four-month closing low due to inflation fears.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


[obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

2008-06-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

Published: Reuter - Saturday June 21, 2008

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia has 
decided to increase oil supply to meet demand from customers, a Saudi oil 
source said on Saturday.
Saudi Arabia will raise output to 9.7 million barrels per day in July, the 
fastest daily rate in decades.

We increased because they (our customers) asked for it, the source said.

He was speaking as delegates from oil consuming and producing countries arrived 
in Jeddah for a meeting on Sunday to try tackle record oil prices.

There was no consensus yet between consumers and producers on the causes of 
high oil prices, he said, but he believed there was a collective will to try to 
stem the record rally.

I really believe strongly that there is a political will of oil producers and 
consumers to lower the price and stabilize it, otherwise they would not have 
come, he said.

Oil markets were well-balanced but the price of oil was unjustifiably high, the 
source said.

Right now the majority of people think the price of oil is very high, he 
said. There is no justification for this price.

The kingdom currently has spare output capacity of around 2 million barrels per 
day, he said.

Saudi Arabia has a long-held policy of keeping a cushion to deal with any 
surprise global supply disruptions of between 1.5 million and 2 million bpd

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

saya rasa, kecil kemungkinan ke $5000, seandainya pun ke angka tersebut akan 
sangat mudah meledak dan pullback down.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Fri, 6/20/08, Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 4:03 PM

Yang next few years, entar-sok aja deh, Mas. Sekarang mikirin gimana bisa lepas 
dari saham nyangkut dulu. Hik, hik.

- Original Message - 
From: Bandar Junior 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 2:59 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few 

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 



[obrolan-bandar] Bear Stearns to pay preferred stock dividend on July 15 2008

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Bear Stearns to pay preferred stock dividend on July 15 2008

Published: June 20, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- JPMorgan Chase  Co. and its subsidiary Bear 
Stearns Cos. on Friday declared a quarterly dividend on its outstanding 
preferred shares, ranging from $2.745 to $3.075 a share. The dividends will be 
paid on July 15 to stockholders of record at the close of business on June 30.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


[obrolan-bandar] Tips to Succeed in Stock Market

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Tips to Succeed in Stock Market

Legendary Investor Warren Buffett once advised, Be greedy when others are 
Buy when you cannot find a Bull. Thanks to a fear-filled summer, many top notch 
stocks are still trading well below their potential, giving savvy investors the 
opportunity to strike it rich.

Time to Get Greedy?

Graham taught Buffett to ignore the markets and focus upon buying the 
underlying worth of the stock. Buying stocks below their book value and having 
a margin of safety were key Graham investing themes. Graham taught Buffett to 
look beyond the current stock price to the intrinsic value of the stock.. 
And, then, to only buy the stock if it could be purchased at a steep discount 
to its intrinsic value, giving a large margin of safety

Buffett's partnership portfolio over ten years grew by a modest 1,156% compared 
to the Dow's 122.9% and other major world indices.

The Start of a Bull Market ?

The bottom of the market starts at a time when the stock market is weak and the 
general population is pessimistic. At this point most investors sell after 
having endured a long and torturous bear market. This extreme pessimism found 
at a bottom is always irrational and undeserved. Now the market is undervalued 
and is a bargain. Savvy investors, the “smart money”, buy bargain stocks 
knowing that they will be able to sell them higher in the near future. Smart 
money buying, called accumulation, causes stocks to rise. The smart money often 
consists of NYSE specialists, Nasdaq Market Makers, hedge fund traders and 
corporate insiders. These traders have access to information that the general 
public does not.

Rising stocks eventually gain the respect of mutual funds, as Billions of 
dollars of capital is introduced into the market place. Mutual fund investment 
causes the stock market to advance in a powerful manner. Much of the steady 
large trends are powered by mutual funds and other institutional investors.

Stock Market: Buy or Not?

When you go to the store and see a pair of designer slacks that you've had your 
eye on for some time on sale, do you buy them? Or, do you fret, thinking that 
if you wait they might be even more discounted? Of course, in the latter 
scenario you stand the risk of someone else buying them first and they aren't 
available at all. 

Such is the state of the current stock market. If you buy now, the market could 
go down further and you'll be sorry. If you wait, the market could go up, and 
you'll still be sorry because you didn't buy earlier. Dissatisfaction with your 
decision can plaque you either way... That is just plain disconcerting.

Will you become the next Warren Buffett? Yes or No. But, I'll leave you with 
this: History repeats itself, and we can learn a great deal from history. 
And, hopefully, not repeat the mistakes of others. Maybe, even, in some limited 
way, we can repeat some of the successes others before us have achieved, if we 
understand their methodology at the time and absorb some of the lessons they 
have learned in the past.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
sarijaya pusat ? atw cabang mana neh...

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. quot;A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. quot;Buy when you cannot find a Bullquot;.

# Only buy something that you#39;d be perfectly happy to hold if the market 
shut down for 10 years.

--Warren Buffett Quotes --
Smart Investment ideas

--- On Wed, 6/18/08, Andi Wahyudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Andi Wahyudi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 5:15 PM

Neng Novi umur 21 tahun, dari Sarijaya Sekuritas.

Udah lapor Pak DE belon? 

--- On Wed, 18/6/08, Noviana Astuti noophan_imoet@ yahoo.co. id wrote:

From: Noviana Astuti noophan_imoet@ yahoo.co. id
Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] IHSG
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, 18 June, 2008, 3:42 PM

kabar pnbn gmana ce bnernya?
leh nanya kn!!!help me please

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger .yahoo.com  


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow menjelang rapat fed

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
With the U.S. economy still slowing, the Fed cannot raise rates this year


# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Thu, 6/19/08, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow menjelang rapat fed
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 7:21 AM

As usual as predicted. Biar om ben ga buru2 naikin rate ha ha ha 



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: KENAPA KOK INDEKS GAK MAU NAIK

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
market masih mau melihat apa keputusan Om.Bernanke nanti
moga2 aja baik...

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Thu, 6/19/08, hendrik_lwww [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: hendrik_lwww [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: KENAPA KOK INDEKS GAK MAU NAIK
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 9:44 AM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Pemain Mini pemainmini@ ... 

 ada apa sih dengan indeks indonesia ?
 kok goblok banget sih gak bisa naek
 aneh2 aja nih. ...


pak pemain mini.. met pagi...
market kok dibilang goblok ih pak
market isinya bukan badan amal pak yang mau gitu aja serahin unag buat 
retailer he3..
kalau market naik terus banyak yang cuan kan, trus,... siapa yang mau 
rugi ^^? buat mengimbangin yang cuan?



[obrolan-bandar] Top News: Paulson to push for oversight reforms - reports

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Top News: Paulson to push for oversight reforms - reports

Reuters - Published: June 19, 2008

WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is 
expected to urge that the Federal Reserve be given new powers to regulate Wall 
Street after the collapse of brokerage Bear Stearns Cos. Inc., U.S. media 
reported on Wednesday.

In a speech to be delivered on Thursday, Paulson will say that the fall of Bear 
Stearns has expedited the need for the government to address the outdated 
regulatory oversight structure while not intervening too much in the 
functioning of markets, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post said.

We should quickly consider how to most appropriately give the Fed the 
authority to access necessary information from highly complex financial 
institutions and the responsibility to intervene in order to protect the 
system, so they can carry out the role our nation has come to expect -- 
stabilizing the overall system when it is threatened, Paulson will say, 
according to prepared remarks obtained by the newspapers.

Bear Stearns, once the fifth-largest U.S. investment bank, was sold in March to 
JPMorgan Chase  Co in an emergency takeover deal orchestrated by the U.S. 
central bank in close consultation with the Treasury Department.

In a speech earlier this month, New York Federal Reserve President Timothy 
Geithner said regulatory reforms should mitigate and reduce the need for future 
interventions, but that it was not realistic to attempt pre-emptively to 
diffuse pockets of risk and leverage.

I do believe, however, that we can make the system better able to handle 
failure by making the shock absorbers stronger, Geithner said.

The Bear Stearns takeover came after the firm's sudden collapse, when investors 
and trading partners withdrew their business and their cash from a bank heavily 
exposed to the U.S. mortgage crisis.

Top U.S. regulators defended the rescue arguing that Bear Stearns could not be 
allowed to collapse because it could have shattered confidence in financial 
markets and caused lasting damage to the economy.

It was the Federal Reserve's first rescue of a broker since the Great 
Depression in an effort to soothe financial markets roiled by fallout from 
rising mortgage defaults.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 


[obrolan-bandar] Oil Falls a Third Day on Signs Demand to Drop, Field May Start

2008-06-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Oil Falls a Third Day on Signs Demand to Drop, Field May Start

Tuesday, June 17 2008

June 17 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil fell for a third day on signs that slower 
economic growth will curb fuel consumption, production at an offshore Norwegian 
field may resume after a fire and Kuwait said prices are too high. 

Housing starts and industrial production in the U.S., consumer of almost 25 
percent of the world's oil, dropped last month, government reports showed 
today. StatoilHydro ASA said its Oseberg field may resume operations this week 
after a fire on a platform halted production June 15. Prices above $100 a 
barrel are too high, the finance minister of Kuwait said today. 

``I think it's high,'' Kuwaiti Finance Minister Mustafa Al- Shimali said in an 
interview in Isfahan, Iran, today. A reasonable oil price would be ``more or 
less $100,'' he said. 

Kuwait is the fourth-biggest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum 
Exporting Countries.


[obrolan-bandar] Korea Seeks Investor-Friendly Financial Regulatory System

2008-06-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Korea Seeks Investor-Friendly Financial Regulatory System

KoreaTimes - Wednesday, June 17 2008

Deputy Governor of Financial Supervisory Service

It is interesting to note that in today's marketplace, analysis of companies 
traded on the New York Stock Exchange is disseminated in real time by analysts 
in Mumbai, India, and stock prices react instantaneously around the world. A 
newspaper company in California can also hire a reporter in a far-flung place 
to gather U.S. news on the Internet for Californian readers.

The world is becoming a local market at a pace unimaginable just a few years 
ago. This is especially true for financial markets, where the forces of 
liberalization and globalization have brought trading and investing in just 
about every market in every continent within easy reach. So, the axiom that 
global issues require global responses rings more true than ever before.

The 8th ASEM Finance Ministers' Meeting that Korea hosts in Jeju is a good 
occasion to take stock of economic and financial market situations in the Asian 
and European countries and discuss wide-ranging regional issues.

As countries seek to develop their financial markets, we are seeing an 
unprecedented level of cooperation among countries. But, at the same time, 
competition among countries has grown increasingly intense. It can be said that 
cooperation and competition truly go hand in hand.

To survive in the highly competitive global marketplace, we have steadily 
carried out reform efforts and achieved significant improvements in the 
profitability, efficiency and soundness of the financial industry. However, 
there is still much to be done. Inefficiencies remain in the financial system 
and we see many improvements to be made to our regulatory framework. We would 
also like to see our financial markets and firms become more global. 

Let me briefly outline some of our key initiatives. First and foremost, 
deregulation is at the core of our reform efforts. Our goal is to strengthen 
the competitiveness of our financial industry and give financial firms the 
freedom they need to innovate and compete. 

We are also looking at principles-based supervision where financial firms are 
given greater flexibility in choosing how to meet their regulatory 
responsibilities. Moreover, as part of efforts to create a market-friendly 
regulatory environment, we are sharing our expertise with financial firms and 
making recommendations to address weaknesses that our examiners identify. We 
are also preparing a comprehensive online system to enhance convenience and 
provide easier access to our services.

Secondly, we are reviewing our financial regulations and bringing them in line 
with prevailing global standards. We will create an attractive business and 
investment climate where domestic and foreign firms can compete freely on a 
level playing field.

Thirdly, as we proceed with financial deregulation, we will step up monitoring 
to ensure that stability of the financial system and the soundness of financial 
firms are not harmed. We are implementing a risk-based supervisory approach and 
encouraging financial firms to set the right risk tolerance levels and conduct 
their business within those risk parameters. 

We are also insisting on a sound system of internal controls and safeguards 
from them. The heavy losses that major investment banks and others have 
suffered lately in the sub prime market can be traced to failures in internal 
controls and risk management. 

Lastly, we will strengthen cooperation with the financial regulators and 
international regulatory organizations. We are fully committed to supporting 
domestic firms that are looking to expand into international markets. 

The 8th ASEM Finance Ministers' Meeting is a unique opportunity for Asian and 
European policymakers to engage in earnest dialogue on ways to advance our 
common economic interests


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Bisakah Bernanke berpikir terbalik?

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
bernanke bertindak serba salah, kalo interest rate dinaikkan yang akan mati 
adalah perbankan sendiri,
nah sedangkan si bernanke itu pro bank.
kelihatanya dia lebih menyukai cut rates dibandingkan raise rate.
dalam pikirannya : inflation is number two.
bagaimana pun juga, kalo interest-rate dinaikkan, yang akan terpukul juga 90% 
perusahaan2 di AS.
beban semakin meningkat, dan banyak yang gagal bayar.
i dont know why, :)

--- On Mon, 6/16/08, vividtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: vividtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Bisakah Bernanke berpikir terbalik?
To: obrolan-bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 10:15 PM

Di yahoo finance:
Washington Post says Bernanke will not raise rates
Monday June 16, 9:14 am ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben 
Bernanke does not intend to raise interest rates because he is more worried 
about soaring oil prices slowing global growth than he is about their firing 
inflation, the Washington Post said on Monday.
A column by Robert Novak, citing unnamed sources close to him, said Bernanke 
has no plans for a raise.
The Federal Reserve declined to comment on the Washington Post column.
The column said there was an unusual difference in outlook on the global 
economy between Bernanke and European Central Bank president Jean-Claude 
Trichet, who has hinted that the ECB will raise rates to combat inflation.
(Writing by Glenn Somerville, Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)
Gara2 Bernanke bilang gak akan menaikkan interest rate dollar jadi 
melemah.oil naik  lagi-lagi..  saham anjlok
padahal sumber masalahnya sebenernya dollar yg terus melemahpadahal semua 
orang juga tau klo Many investors buy commodities such as oil as a hedge 
against inflation when the dollar falls.payah nih.

Mengapa dia tidak berpikir terbalik...  interest rate naik...  dollar 
menguat.  spekulasi di oil menurun  saham naik...  karena saham naik 
dan oil turun kepercayaan diri pelaku ekonomi naik  kepercayaan diri naik 
ekonomi akan tumbuh

http://www.vividtra der.blogspot. com  


[obrolan-bandar] Bill Jamieson says: An Oil Bubble Ready To Burst

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Bill Jamieson says: An oil bubble ready to burst

Published Date: 17 June 2008 

By Bill Jamieson
Bill Jamieson looks at whether the end is near for soaring prices.

FOR the past 18 months economies worldwide have been at the mercy of the 
biggest ever commodity price boom. The benchmark CRB commodity index rose 15% 
in the opening three months of this year, eclipsing moves in the Seventies.. 
Oil has led the advancADVERTISEMENTe with a doubling of the price in barely a 

The boom has combined with a global credit crunch to create a massive policy 
crisis for governments and central banks. Little wonder that the commodities 
boom, along with record oil prices, inflation and the wavering dollar are 
centre stage of the G8 summit this weekend in Japan. This killer combination is 
driving the world's most powerful economies towards a painful and extended 
slowdown – and with pressure on central banks to raise interest rates, not cut 
them. Inflation in America rose 0.8% last month to an annual rate of 4.2%.

The boom, in the eyes of a growing number, has come to resemble a speculative 
bubble. And they warn that like all bubbles before it – emerging markets in the 
Eighties, technology and internet stocks in the Nineties, house prices in the 
US and Britain in the past six years – it will end in bust.

Paul Walker, of GFMS metals and mining consultancy, believes so. He says we are 
seeing a last hurrah in commodity markets – a final surge upwards in prices 
as the credit crisis lurches towards its conclusion – and that we will see a 
severe retrenchment of prices as financial markets recover.

The US Commodities Futures Trading Commission suspects so too. It has been 
probing how agricultural commodities are traded and pondering moves that could 
curb financial speculation in grains, soy beans and other foodstuffs. It has 
also launched inquiries into the recent heavy speculative activity in oil 

So why hasn't the bubble burst before now? There are two problems with the 
'bubble' thesis. One is that there has always been speculative activity in 
these markets and that warnings of a bust have been around for a long time. 

How long can the oil price stay above $130? The supply-demand fundamentals do 
not explain the sharpness of the ascent this year – 60% since January. Nor does 
it make any allowance for the reaction of the end consumer. Stockbrokers 
Charles Stanley estimate that oil speculators have amassed 1.1 billion barrels 
of oil, more than eight times the amount added by the US to its strategic 
reserve, making them the largest single influence on oil-related commodity 
futures trading. William Enghadi, research associate at the Centre for Research 
on Globalisation, conservatively estimates that at least 60% of today's crude 
oil price comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and 
financial groups.

It would be wholly wrong to suggest that speculative activity in the futures 
market is solely or even mainly to blame for the spectacular rise in oil. But 
it has certainly exaggerated the price trend in recent months. One 
characteristic of a pending bust is when the price of a share or commodity 
becomes a national – or supra national – obsession. That is certainly the case 
now, with riots across Europe and Asia and haulier protests and blockades in 
the UK. 

It doesn't necessarily follow that prices then automatically behave in the 
manner that presidents and finance ministers would like. But a growing 
determination to see a firmer dollar would certainly help drive the oil price 
down. And the key factor most likely to make speculators switch positions is 
already evident: an adverse market response to an ever higher price. 

There are signs that the commodities bubble may already be bursting in some 
areas. Prices for wheat and rice have come off the boil. Nickel prices have 
fallen by 25% since mid March. 

The economies of the oil consumers are now slowing and oil demand falling as 
businesses and households cut back. 

At the same time, governments in developing countries that have been operating 
price subsidies to shield consumers from the full impact of fuel price rises 
have been forced to lower or withdraw these subsidies in a move that will hit 
demand hard. Longer term, oil demand will be further hit by the accelerated 
push towards alternative energy sources.

Falling oil demand is every inch as fundamental a consideration as constraints 
on supply. With clear signs of a slowdown in both developed and developing 
country economies, the likelihood of oil rising much above current levels looks 
ever more stretched. Meanwhile oil companies have a greater incentive to step 
up exploration and development that will in time boost supply.

The more these two reactions become evident, the greater the likelihood traders 
will turn speculative long positions into short ones – betting on a price fall. 
Expressions of concern at G8 summits and 

[obrolan-bandar] Credit Suisse China Investment Bank Venture Approved

2008-06-15 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Credit Suisse China Investment Bank Venture Approved

Saturday, June 14 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Credit Suisse Group said China's 
securities regulator approved its investment-banking venture, letting the 
second-biggest Swiss bank participate in the domestic stock underwriting market 
that topped $68 billion last year.

The Zurich-based bank owns 33.3 percent of the venture, and Founder Securities 
Co. owns the rest, Credit Suisse said in an e- mailed statement today. It will 
also be able to underwrite foreign-currency shares, and government and 
corporate bonds. 

China's market generated a record $1.2 billion in equity underwriting fees last 
year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The approval is the first since 
China announced rules in December that retained its 33 percent cap on foreign 
ownership of investment banks and restricted participation to publicly traded 

``This is a very important milestone in the implementation of Credit Suisse's 
ambitious Asia-Pacific growth strategy, particularly for a vitally important 
country like China,'' Kai Nargolwala, chief executive officer of Credit Suisse 
Asia Pacific, said in the statement. 

Lei Jie, chairman of Founder Securities, a unit of Beijing- based Founder 
Group, was appointed chairman of the investment bank. Neil Ge, a managing 
director of Credit Suisse's investment banking in Shanghai, was named CEO. 

Resisting Competition 

New York-based Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Zurich-based UBS AG, the biggest 
Swiss bank, so far are the only global securities firms with management control 
of investment-banking units in China. UBS's China venture was the third-largest 
arranger of domestic stock offerings last year, with 13 percent market share.

China has resisted opening its market further to foreign competition. Shielding 
the domestic brokerage industry from Wall Street firms has helped make 
Beijing-based Citic Securities Co. Asia's biggest brokerage by market value. 

Founder Securities ranked 19th among China's 102 brokerages for the value of 
stock, mutual fund, bond and options transactions last year, according to the 
Securities Association of China, an industry group supervised by the China 
Securities Regulatory Commission. 

Founder Group owns five companies listed in China, Malaysia and Hong Kong and 
more than 20 businesses and joint ventures, according to its Web site. The 
company, which employs 20,000, said it has branched out from its roots in 
information technology to health care and pharmaceuticals. It bought Founder 
Securities, previously called Zhejiang Securities, in 2002. 

Morgan Stanley 

China's securities regulator has been encouraging smaller securities companies 
to increase market share through mergers and acquisitions, according to a 
report by the regulator published in January. 

The approval of the Credit Suisse venture allows the Swiss firm to leapfrog 
rivals Morgan Stanley and Citigroup Inc. in grabbing a slice of China's 
domestic equity underwriting. 

Chinese stocks had their biggest weekly decline on record this past week, 
dragging the benchmark index below 3,000 for the first time since April 2007, 
on concern government policies to curtail inflation will hurt profits. 

Morgan Stanley signed a preliminary agreement with Fortune Securities last year 
to form a venture, which has yet to be approved by the regulator. The U.S. bank 
already owns 34 percent of China International Capital Corp., the first 
Sino-foreign securities venture, as a passive investor.


[obrolan-bandar] Saudi Arabia May Announce Oil Production Increase June 22, Official Says

2008-06-15 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Saudi Arabia May Announce Oil Production Increase June 22, Official Says

Sunday, June 15 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia may announce an oil output 
increase at a meeting it will host in Jeddah on June 22 for oil producers and 
consumers because customers are asking for more crude, an OPEC official said 

There is more demand for Saudi oil from ``all over'' the world, the 
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries' official said in a phone 
interview. He spoke on condition he not to be identified because no final 
decision has been taken. He declined to comment on the size of the possible 
increase and denied reports that the Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi would make 
a statement today on oil production. 

The kingdom will host the Jeddah summit after oil prices more than doubled in a 
year to a record $139.12 a barrel on June 6. Crude oil fell on June 13 to 
settle at $134.86 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange as al-Naimi said 
prices were ``unjustified.'' 

Surging oil and food prices have replaced the credit squeeze as the biggest 
threat to the world economy, finance ministers from the Group of Eight nations 
said after meeting in Osaka, Japan yesterday. Higher commodity prices pose a 
``serious challenge'' to global growth, they said in a statement. 

State-owned Saudi Aramco said June 13 that it would start pumping oil from its 
500,000 barrel-a-day Khursaniyah field within a month, a project it previously 
had said would start operating last December. After confirming the delay in 
opening the field in January, Aramco said it was ready to use its spare 
capacity, which included 1 million barrels of Arab Light crude, to meet market 

`Abnormally High' 

``An increase of some 500,000 barrels a day would flood the market and bring 
prices down,'' Raja Kiwan, an analyst with PFC Energy, said by phone from 
Manama, Bahrain today. ``Most would go into stocks, and dispel rumors that the 
Saudis don't have spare capacity that they can bring on stream quickly.'' 

Saudi's King Abdullah will do ``what he can'' to bring oil prices down to 
``adequate levels,'' the United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-Moon said 
after meeting the monarch late yesterday, Agence France-Presse reported today. 
The king told Ban that oil prices are ``abnormally high,'' AFP reported. 

Saudi Arabia pumped 9.134 million barrels of crude a day last month, according 
to a monthly report from OPEC June 13, which cited secondary sources including 
analysts and news agencies. The country's crude output was 9.25 million barrels 
a day in May, according to Bloomberg estimates. 

`Calm Market Sentiment' 

The kingdom last month said it would ship an additional 300,000 barrels a day 
of crude from June to satisfy customer demand. 

``Saudi output of 10 million barrels a day would be sufficient to calm market 
sentiment in the short-term, but OPEC members will ask what it means for the 
second half of the year, when things may cool off price-wise,'' Kiwan said.

The world has enough oil, OPEC said in its monthly report published June 13, 
blaming the price surge on market speculators and rejecting argument of oil 
consumers including the U.S. that there's a shortage of supply. 

OPEC President Chakib Khelil last week ruled out the possibility that the group 
will raise output to curb prices, saying that supply is ``more than enough''. 
Iran, Venezuela and Libya ministers concurred that there is no need for an 
output increase.


[obrolan-bandar] China Stocks Cheaper Than U.S. Shares for First Time Since 2006

2008-06-14 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

China Stocks Cheaper Than U.S. Shares for First Time Since 2006

June 13, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Chinese stocks became cheaper than U.S. shares for 
the first time in more than two years relative to earnings after the country's 
central bank told lenders to set aside a record amount of money in reserve to 
curb inflation. 

The 44 percent slump this year in China's CSI 300 Index, the steepest decline 
among the world's 20 biggest equity markets, closed the price-earnings gap with 
the Standard  Poor's 500 Index from a 127 percent premium at the start of 
2008, data compiled by Bloomberg show. 

The gauge of Chinese companies traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen is valued at 
21.82 times earnings, compared with 21.84 for the SP 500. The last time the 
CSI 300 traded at a discount to the benchmark for American equities was in 
March 2006.

Investors should buy Chinese stocks after the shares' recent declines and 
because companies in the nation will have ``much better'' pricing power on 
slower inflation, JPMorgan Chase  Co. said. 

JPMorgan named Anhui Conch Cement Co., Sinotruk (Hong Kong) Ltd., and 
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. as its top China picks, according 
to a report released today. China Shenhua Energy Co., the nation's No. 1 coal 
producer, and China Petroleum  Chemical Corp., its largest refiner, were also 
among the brokerage's favored stocks.

``Investors may want to start buying China again,'' analysts at JPMorgan 
including Frank Gong wrote. Gong's team was ranked the best China researchers 
by Institutional Investor magazine's fund manager survey this year. 


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mendingan Crash dechh....

2008-06-11 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
benar pada asik nonton bola.

makanya indeks crash dulu. hihi..

ngomong2, even sebesar piala eropa, koq euro melemah thd dollar ya

any comment ??

--- On Wed, 6/11/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mendingan Crash dechh
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, 1:54 PM

lagi sibuk taruhan PIALA EROPA

On 6/11/08, thomaszone_2000 thomaszone_2000@ yahoo.com wrote: 

Gw suka bull nih... tapi kalo gini mending crash dech ya... 
sep  ii banget. kaya kuburan

Bandar2 and Bozz Bozz kayaknya lagi liburan ato field trip nih

Sepii abizz...



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Cina panik sesaat???

2008-06-10 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
ohya...dengar 100 bps ya.

cukup besar, di luar perkiraan pasar.

tetapi market china memang agak hancur2an beberapa minggu ini,

kalo crash ... tidak tanggung2, bisa diatas 3% per hari wow.

hari ini saja turun 7.7%. paling besar di market asia.

Btw, tampaknya DOW Jon malam ini akan turun [dilihat dari indeks futures]

--- On Tue, 6/10/08, Kidod25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Cina panik sesaat???
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 3:29 PM

Di Cina turun besar karena kenaikan reserve ratio banknya, disamping 
kemarin udah naik tinggi, ini cuma shock theraphy???



[obrolan-bandar] Re: Hati2 senin Besok !

2008-06-08 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
dengar2 sih, downtrend masih belum berakhir,

menjelang pemilu AS, kondisi politik - ekonomi masih labil.

Apalagi ada issue, bahwa, para konglomerat AS kurang menyukai Obama menjadi 
presiden AS, mungkin berkaitan dengan isue SARA.

atau apalah saya kurang tahu pasti.

Bagi yang trading margin, harap berhati2 sebab market masih labil.

bisa2 kena margin call tuh/



--- On Sun, 6/8/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] Re: Hati2 Jumat Besok !
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008, 10:24 AM

Hati2 IHSG kans ke 2000 sangat besar apalagi kalau level 2220, 2157
ditembus, hati2 aja.

Kalau DOW nggak bisa ditahan di 12200 (level close semalam) maka ada
kans retest 11700. Kalau level 11700 nggak bisa ditahan maka
1-10500 sudah di depan mata.

Kabar baiknya: level 12200 sudah ditest beberapa kali dan membal. Ada
kans Senin malam DOW membal ... probability sekitar 30-40%.

On 6/7/08,  salomonrobinson@ yahoo.com wrote:

 Udah hati-hati tinggal kejedut hari Senin. DJIA membara oic. BSDE PART
 II CTRP (May be Yes, May be No)?

 Tahan di CPO, COAL  OIL maka hijau IHSG. Atau jangan jangan BD lagi
 taruhan Swiss vs Ceko. Pilih Ceko a




2008-06-08 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
world news: bom kembali meledak di Algerian.
berita buruk bagi crude oilnbsp; nbsp;oohnbsp;tidak.
'Twelve die' in Algerian blasts 

Last updated at 01:04 GMT, Monday, 9 June 2008 02:04 UK

At least 12 people have been killed by two explosions at a train station east 
of the Algerian capital. 

Two bombs detonated within minutes in the town of Beni Amrane in Boumerdes 
region, 50km (30 miles) from Algiers. 

The first bomb killed a French citizen and his Algerian driver as they were 
leaving the town's railway station. 

The second device exploded as rescue workers arrived. No group has claimed the 
bombings, which follow attacks blamed on al-Qaeda-aligned militants. 

The Frenchman was an engineer working for a French firm on a renovation project 
at the station. 

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner condemned the attack. 

I want to express my feeling of disgust and my absolute condemnation of this 
blind terrorist violence that nothing can justify, he said in a statement. 

Mr Kouchner praised the Algerian people and authorities who were fighting with 
courage and determination the scourge of terrorism. 

Al-Qaeda campaign? 

Three employees of the same company were wounded by a bomb attack last 
September, which was claimed by the al-Qaeda in Islamic North Africa group. 

A bomb attack by suspected Islamist militants killed six soldiers in the same 
province on Thursday. 

That strike came a day after a bomber attacked barracks in eastern Algiers. 

Security forces have blamed a group calling itself Al-Qaeda in Islamic North 
Africa for the attacks. 

In December, the group claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a UN 
building in Algiers, in which 41 people were killed. 

Al-Qaeda in Islamic North Africa is the by-product of an Islamist militia that 
waged battle with the government throughout much of the 1990s. 

The group, which adopted its new name last year, has tried to assassinate 
President Bouteflika and appears to be modelling its attacks on al-Qaeda in 
using suicide bombs and targeting international symbols such as the UN. 

The group's ambition is to create a broad, al-Qaeda-inspired jihadist across 
North Africa. 

Last year when al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al Zawahiri, urged the 
group's supporters in the region to cleanse it of Spaniards and French.

--- On Mon, 6/9/08, wencen79 lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; wrote:

From: wencen79 lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 9, 2008, 10:33 AM

Tomorrow Crude Oil certainly 145



[obrolan-bandar] Analysts Lose 17% for Investors in Brokerage

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Analysts Lose 17% for Investors in Brokerage

June 6, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- Investors who followed the advice of analysts who 
say when to buy and sell shares of brokerage firms and banks lost 17 percent in 
the past year, twice the decline of the Standard  Poor's 500 Index. 

Buying shares on the advice of Merrill Lynch  Co.'s Guy Moszkowski, the 
top-ranked brokerage analyst in Institutional Investor's annual survey, cost 
investors 17 percent, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Deutsche Bank AG 
analyst Michael Mayo's counsel to purchase New York-based Lehman Brothers 
Holdings Inc. lost 59 percent. Citigroup Inc.'s Prashant Bhatia still rates 
Merrill ``buy'' after its 56 percent retreat from a January 2007 record. 

Of the 38 analysts tracked by Bloomberg who follow stocks in the Amex 
Securities Broker/Dealer Index, 31 produced losses for investors. Investors who 
bought brokerages on ``buy'' recommendations, sold when they switched to 
``hold'' and speculated prices would decline when analysts said ``sell,'' lost 
17 percent in the last year through June 3, compared with the SP 500's  8.5 
percent drop.

``One would expect that if there was any industry Wall Street estimates would 
be more precise on, it would be their own,'' said Richard Weiss, who oversees 
$60 billion as chief investment officer at City National Bank in Beverly Hills, 
California. ``But this particular debacle was so global in nature and 
pervasive, you can't blame them for missing this one.'' 

The Amex index of 11 companies fell 38 percent in the past 12 months as the 
meltdown of the subprime mortgage market forced the world's biggest financial 
firms to report $386 billion of losses and writedowns.

`Worst Excesses' 

``Ten years ago, the expectation was that analysts would simply avoid the worst 
excesses,'' Bove said in an interview. ``The idea was just to beat the 
benchmark. Today, analysts have got to make you money in both up and down 
markets. You don't have any excuse.'' 

Bove said other analysts may have made money-losing recommendations because 
they based their reports on brokerage earnings rather than examining risk in 
credit markets. 

Peabody and Devine didn't return calls seeking comment. 

Analysts lost influence after 10 securities firms paid $1.4 billion in 2003 to 
settle allegations that they used tainted research to promote investment 
banking clients. Regulation FD, a Securities and Exchange Commission rule 
implemented in 2000, prevents companies from disclosing information to analysts 
that they don't tell the public.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
iya donk... kasih tau

siapa tau aja bener. he..he

dapet dari MAMA LAUREN ya ?

--- On Fri, 6/6/08, Ally McProfit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Ally McProfit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 3:22 PM

Ihya pak,
tgl main  jam pertunjukan- nya ya


--- oentoeng_qq oentoeng_qq@ yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Elaine
  you.can.call. me.elaine@  wrote:
   *Biar seru saja. ^_^ this month maybe? Elaine
 Emangnya Eloe aja yg tahu...LOL
 Gimana kalau saya kasih tahu tanggalnya sekalian??
 This month? Next week???
 Good Luck!



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saya juga dengar kabar dari forum channel news asia.

belum tahu pasti info itu betul apa tdk.

Kalau ada panic selling, biasanya hedge fund manager sudah dapat bocoran.

Apakah ada da tanggapan dari para hedge fund manager besar/asing yg 

tergabung di forum ini ?

--- On Fri, 6/6/08, hendrik_lwww [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: hendrik_lwww [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 4:50 PM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 Senior senior OB rata rata NEGATIF terhadap IHSG...
 Senior OB yg masif POSITIF terhadap IHSG ada engga ?.

senior udah pada cah out kali mbah,
ninggalin newbie nyangkut,he3. .

makanya pengen crash...

benernya mungkin ngga ada cras lagi, resisten kuat di 2350
sama sekali ngga ditembus lagi. kalau tembus GASWAT, ^^

tapi buat pastikan BULL juga masih belum
nunggu di 2455 
jadi masih sideway kali ya dan belum ada kepastian
untuk bikin crash belum ada berita yang bisa mendukung
jadi menurut saya ngga akan ada crash dalam waktu dekat


X Factor Happen. contoh :
Kerusuhan (nyatanya BLT mampu menanggulangi)



[obrolan-bandar] Unwelcome News Sends Stocks in a free fall

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Unwelcome News Sends Stocks in a free fall.

June 06, 2008

Stocks in New York were in a free fall early Friday as traders were unnerved by 
another drop in monthly nonfarm payrolls, a big jump in the U.S. unemployment 
rate and another surge in crude-oil prices.

The mood worsened after the Labor Department said that payrolls shrank by 
49,000 in May and that the jobless rate surged to 5.5% from 5% in April, 
marking the largest increase in 22 years.

Analysts were looking for a decrease of 60,000 workers and an uptick in 
unemployment to 5.1%. Also, the data for the prior two months were revised 
downward to show a loss of an additional 15,000 jobs. 

Peter Morici, a business professor at the University of Maryland and former 
director of economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission, called this 
fifth straight month of losses the strongest evidence yet that the economic 
expansion has slipped into a recession of uncertain depth and duration. That 
reiterates a prediction he issued yesterday.

Neither of these make much sense to us, but we're stuck with them, at least 
until the next benchmark exercise, he said. Strip them out, and the 
year-over-year drop in core payrolls, 343,000, was the biggest so far in the 
cycle. More to come, too. 


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mau tidak crash once more? short sell now

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
ini yang aku tunggu2.

sempat tegang tadi, soalnya aku tahan sell indeks Nikkei [jumat 06/06/2008].

mudah2an indeks nikkei senin turun -300 poin.

--- On Fri, 6/6/08, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mau tidak crash once more?
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:27 PM

Ya sudah, kalau memang lebih suka yangkut, that's your choice, I'm just sharing 
anyway. Member lain ada yang tahu tetapi takut di maki-maki, jadi Elaine saja 
yang bicara. I know EXACTLY how ppl would react to my post, ada yang mature, 
ada yang childish... 

Hey I said I was bored, and you guys surely give me a good laugh.. thanks for 
the replies. :D Why'd I mad on anyone? I LOVE THIS GROUP. All of you.

Elaine perhatikan kalau Elaine bilang bull, semua happy dan kasih pujian. 
Elaine bilang crash, semua kesal dan being cynical, cari salah etc.

Coba tiru Kang Ocoy, Rei, Dean, Embah or that old guy Sudjana. They're so cool 
on everything.. Elaine yakin mereka gain a lot. Trading is about emotion 
control. Elaine juga baca ada yang kesal dengan bandar dan marah-marah. Kasihan 

Elaine juga tidak mau ada crash, but when It's about to come, then I have no 
better things to do than to anticipate it, and I suggest you do the same. But 
again, It's up to you.

I am no santa claus, you have to catch your own fortune.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 9:44 PM, ys Tjong gogreen.tjong@ gmail.com wrote:

As I remember Elaine is an investor not a trader nor a problem maker.
Sometime you are so admirable, but this time (this month maybe) you are so 
GBU anyway.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com 

Biar seru saja. ^_^ this month maybe? Elaine bosan..





2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
The dollar's weakness Friday, led by a big jump in the US jobless rate, is 
being further aggravated by higher oil prices.
And some analysts say pressure on oil is coming in part from Israel warning 
that it would be willing to attack Iran if the latter pursues nuclear-weapons 
capabilities. I don't think the dollar's move down is based on the Israel 
reports, but it may be trading off the higher oil. The Israel news is a bigger 
story in oil markets, a currency strategist said.
-Dow Jones Newswires-

--- On Sat, 6/7/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt; wrote:

From: abdulrahim abdulrahim lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] MINYAK TEMBUS $133, PESTA CPO DAN BATUBARA
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, June 7, 2008, 12:42 AM

2008/6/6 Bumi T lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED] co.idgt;:
gt; Banyak pengamat minyak menyatakan minyak bahkan bisa tembus $ 150
gt; di Juni 2008.

Kira2 kapan bisa pesta saham CPO pak TBUM?

Soalnya sejak om TBUM bilang saham CPO bakal menggeser saham Coal dan
Nickel (weekend kemaren ngomongnya), saham CPO terjun bebas semua
deh. khi khi khi (seemingly, some bandars are watching you)
Klo gak nunggu deviden, udah gw buang semua tuh AALI.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Saya punya pertanyaan...

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

berpengaruh bagi bursa saham

Apalagi jika bencana alam, serangan teroris, maupun sosial [kerusuhan]

terjadi di negara2 yang memiliki kapitalisasi besar

seperti AS.

Kita bisa membuka chart history,

misalnya serangan teroris September 2001, dalam dua hari dow jon turun

hampir 5 persen

dan indeks asia Hang Seng, mencapai 8 %.

Ada juga badai katrina di AS beberapa waktu yg lalu.

Indeks dunia pun ikut turun.

Gempa bumi di China bulan ini , sempat membuat indeks bursa saham shanghai 

drop selama 1 minggu lebih.

Jadi bagi yang trading indeks futures, maupun single stock

peristiwa penting ini

bisa menjadi moment untuk short selling.

untukk mendapatkan profit besar.

--- On Sat, 5/24/08, Bernie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Saya punya pertanyaan...
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008, 10:06 PM

Legenda Wall Street, Jesse Livermore pernah cuan gede dari dampak gempa San 
Fransisco dengan ngeshort. Salah satu profit yang bikin dia jadi raja short sell

On 5/24/08, wencen79 [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Para senior, saya mau tanya nih.
Jika terjadi bencana dahsyat di US,misalnya gempa besar, apakah akan 
membuat bursa saham disana hancur? trus kalau hancur, apakah 
berpengaruh besar dgn bursa global? thx atas jawabannya.



[obrolan-bandar] Re: TIME TO SELL AND EMPTY YOUR PORTO???

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
kondisi tahun 2005 tidak sama dengan kondisi sekarang.

dimana pada tahun 2005, ekonomi global masih stabil.

dan kenaikan BBM hanya berefek pada bursa lokal.
sedikit juga di asia.

Namun sekarang, market diseluruh dunia sedang kacau.
Apalagi Amerika yang merupakan kiblat bursa dunia.

Jumat kemarin di rilis data April Home sales turun 1%.

dan banyak analis memprediksikan bahwa ekonomi AS
sedang menuju resesi [ belum berakhir ]
hingga 2009,

We've got a background that is very unwelcome for equity markets, this uneasy 
combination of slower, stagnating growth with rising inflation, primarily 
induced by rising commodity prices 

A survey of over 70 US hedge fund managers and their advisors found that most 
have a broadly pessimistic view on the prospects for the US economy in 2008. 
Most hedge fund managers had a pessimistic view of the US economy. Over 80% 
said US economic growth by the end of the year will either be negative or 
stagnant, according to a poll by Kinetic Partners

--- On Sat, 5/24/08, rudd haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: rudd haas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] TIME TO SELL AND EMPTY YOUR PORTO???
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008, 6:56 PM

tahun 2005 dan 2008 kejadian sama, tapi ga sama persis
2005 kenaikan BBM tinggi sekali, mungkin sekitar 80% di banding tahun ini 28%
tahun ini, Index sudah memulai gelombang koreksi nya dari Feb, dan di ulang 
lagi april, dimana koreksi2 ini juga dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan Oil 
global sebagai faktor external, kemudian spekulasi kenaikan bbm di dalam negri, 
kenaikan inflasi dan terakhir kenaikan suku bunga secara bertahap
Fear dan greedy memeng tipis bedanya, sebenarnya hampir semuanya trader sudah 
mengetahui rencana kenaikan bbm 28% hari sabtu dinihari, karena sudah ada 
sosialisasi beberapa hari sebelumnya, bahkan sesi 1 hari jumat kelihatan  nya 
tidak banyak yang menghiraukan kenaikan bbm, dalam waktu hitungan jam, berubah 
jadi fear, index langsung terjun di sesi 2
Tapi saya yakin, kali ini hanya shock impact asja, tidak akan mengulang efek 
tahun 2005 , mungkin hanya beberapa hari koreksi, setelah itu akan rally lagi

Lim_Lie_ Cie lim_lie_cie@ hotmail.com wrote:


Berdasarkan pengalaman di tahun 2005, index kita mengalami koreksi sekitar 10% 
setelah kenaikan harga BBM. Namun sebelum pengumuman kenaikan harga BBM index 
saat itu udah mengalami kejatuhan sebesar 20% pada bulan agustus 2005. 

Tahun ini index kita dari awal tahun sudah mengalami banyak turbulensi dan 
kejatuhan sebesar kurang lebih 30%. Apakah index kali ini akan mengalami 
penurunan lagi sebesar 10% lagi?

Namun yang pasti, hari jumat kemaren index kita mengalami bearish engulfing.. 
Kalao dilihat dari index hari jumat sesi 2, index kita akan mengalami bearish. 

Bagi para trader boleh profit taking dulu...namun buat para investor boleh buy 
on weakness seperti Elaine :)



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Toxic Derivatives

2008-05-24 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
sejak dahulu kala, memang seperti itu.

yang punya dana besar, bisa mempermainkan harga dunia.

misalnya spekulator besar seperti Mr.George Soros,

dia hanya salah satu dari market maker dunia

masih banyak lagi kelompok2 spekulator lainnya.


Ada juga uang2 negara yang sengaja diparkir disana.

dan itu biasanya atas izin pejabat negara.

Kenapa indonesia tidak pernah berpikir untuk melakukan hedge ya?

apakah SDM masih kurang ?

misalnya di pasar crude oil.

Toh...kalo harga minyak naik, masih ditahan oleh posisi long/buy

kalo turun, yang diuntungkan adalah harga subsidi.

:-) he..he

--- On Sun, 5/25/08, Andi Wahyudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Andi Wahyudi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Toxic Derivatives
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008, 5:14 AM

Setuju Bro...Maslaahnya, paper trading jumlahnya lebih bejibun dibanding real 
trading..Makanya kmrn OPEC bingung 

felix gunawan bluehangseng@ yahoo.com wrote:

APABILA, transaksi komoditi dibarengin dengan pengiriman barang, Saya rasa 
transaksi perusak ini akan berkurang drastis. Karena sang pembeli yg menaikkan 
harga terus alias menggoreng di papan trading room akan dibarengin dengan 
pengiriman barang yg sebenarnya ke alamat dia.

MF global, salah satu pemain kontrak komoditi dunia, pada saat saya bicara 
dengan mereka ..mreka tidak mau mengirim barangnya. Jadi bener2 maunya main 
buy open n sell close.

apabila barang dikirim kealamat si pemilik option buy tersebut, tentu itu 
barang mau gak mau dia akn jual lagi ke pasar dan otomatis harga REAL dipasar 
kan turun. Kcuali dia punya gudang bawah tanah seperti gudang penyimpanan oil 
di amrik di bawah tanah. Tapi mau sampai berapa dia tarik dan mau seberapa 
banyak dia simpen.

- Original Message 
From: TH teddy.halim@ gmail.com
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 5:03:40 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Toxic Derivatives

http://www.kompas. com/kompascetak. php/read/ xml/2008/ 02/29/0048145

Baca ttg derivatif beracuni ini yg bisa membawa krisis baru yg besar.

Sumber tulisan Kompas itu dari tulisan Paul B.Farrel : di Market Watch.com 

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger .yahoo.com  


[obrolan-bandar] Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128

2008-05-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128 

May 16, 2008 -- Gold prices have hit $905 an ounce on the New York exchange 
market, rising from $882 late last week. Rapidly rising oil prices, which 
reached $128 a barrel, have sparked a buying spree. Silver has also risen in 
price, reaching $17 an ounce. Earlier this year gold prices broke the $1,000 an 
ounce barrier before falling back again. Financial analysts believe gold could 
hit $2,500 an ounce within a few years.

THE RISING PRICE OF OIL isn't just swelling Americans' energy bills — it's also 
holding back their stock portfolios.

Wall Street got some seemingly auspicious signs last week about home 
construction and consumer level inflation. But with oil climbing to new 
records, and more reports expected this week on rising prices and the housing 
market, investors are holding on to a conservative stance.

Oil's stubborn trek to record highs is a major reason why investors have yet to 
push the major indexes into positive territory for the year. Just this month, 
crude has so far tacked on about $13 to breach $127 a barrel, while the price 
tag on a gallon of gasoline for the average U.S. driver has soared 17 cents to 
nearly $3.79.

Those price surges cast an air of skepticism over last week's report from the 
Labor Department showing a modest 0.2 percent uptick in consumer prices in 

Meanwhile, the Commerce Department's upbeat report on housing starts also met 
with some doubt among investors, particularly because the huge rise was due 
mostly to apartment construction, which can vary widely from month to month.

Still the market, betting that better times are not that far off, finished the 
week with a solid advance. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 1.89 percent, 
while the Standard  Poor's 500 index gained 2.67 percent and the Nasdaq 
composite index picked up 3.41 percent

So are we at an inflection point in housing right now? Very possibly. But 
let's be clear here. Nothing in the data suggests we're about to see a sharp 
rebound, wrote Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group LLC in a research 

We are still looking for oil to ease off and for the dollar to rise off 
the floor. Without those moves, even if we have good earnings for Q1, 
we won’t be able to assume the consumer can hold up in Q2. (APP)


Re: [obrolan-bandar] 1000+ points rally is about to come... but not soon..

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

buy on dips ya !!

bisa saja ke 2000 ... [beli lagi].

Inflation numbers are going to stay high for a while and there's no sign of 
relief on that front, and that's going to make life very difficult for the most 
people [around the world]

--- On Wed, 5/14/08, tumis kangkung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: tumis kangkung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Fwd: 1000+ points rally is about to come... but 
not soon..
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 5:58 PM

YES, when u said your 2000 target, I really love it !

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com 

Re-post. Read the BIG ONES. Kalau ikut Elaine pick di bottom last month, AT 
LEAST you've gained around 50%-100%. (But I dunno your stockpick, so it 
depends. But you can't be that stupid). The answer for  the trivia is #1. 
Strong US Dollar.

I'm too good to be true, so I'll just say lol :) Don't worry, we still have a 
looong way to go.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com
Date: Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 12:27 AM
Subject: 1000+ points rally is about to come... but not soon..
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com


Credit crunch, weak dollar, carrytrade unwind, commodity bubble, recession, 
Structural damage, Election Syndrome, oil surges, Outflows, Redemption, tanda 
alam, ... etc etc..

Conclusion: Super bearish.

Yes, we're all aware of that, thank you. BUT... someone here asked me about the 
bull, well I have this..

This year (obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet unstoppable 1000+ 
points rally that could last for months. Please print this email and stick it 
on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you can sucessfully pick ANY bluechips at 
the bottom, at the end of this year you can get a filthy 50% gain to say the 
least, 100% if you're good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.

Fair enough? :)

Now, the big question is where is the bottom at?, I'll give that to you to 
think my dear friends..

Give me your best analysis on this, which is the best possible TRIGGER? Is it:
1. Strong US dollar, rejecting the rate cut = weak dollar myth
2. Money flow from commodity markets e.g. Gold/Oil crash
3. After the Judgement Day (you know what this is, the war to end all war, make 
a guess..)

You can use technical, fundamental, whatever you like, just give me some 
feedback.  Maybe I can then contribute something useful so you can love me more 
(lol forgive me for being bitchy..) 

To elaine haters=Now I'm challenging you to have your words instead of whining 
like an old fart..lol. Don't be so intimidated by women, we're good on this,... 
right Mimi?

I'm aware that some of the members here always think I was a man, because they 
think women can't do better than men and it sucks for men to get beaten up by 
women. lol.. Mind my manners, this' just business.

Don't underestimate women, we're far better on handling resources like wealth, 
information and, of course, men. So take your time, make some analysis, while I 
prepare the remaining ICBMs.. Don't worry too much about my 2000 target (as 
just confirmed by Oentoeng, he's good). It's just an entry point. You'll love 
it like I do.




[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia c.bank Raises Key Rate; Says May `Adjust' Further

2008-05-06 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Indonesia c.bank Raises Key Rate; Says May `Adjust'

May 6 -- Indonesia's central bank unexpectedly raised
interest rates for the first time in more than two
years to tame inflation and said it will consider
further increases.

Bank Indonesia raised the benchmark rate used as a
reference for bill sales to 8.25 percent from 8
percent, acting Governor Miranda Goeltom said in
Jakarta today. The decision was predicted by just
three of 18 economists surveyed by Bloomberg

Soaring prices of food and kerosene propelled
inflation to 9 percent last month in Southeast Asia's
largest economy. Indonesia's government is preparing
to increase fuel costs by as much as 30 percent, which
may further stoke price gains. 

``Bank Indonesia is taking a lead here,'' said Lim Su
Sian, an economist with DBS Group Holdings Ltd. in
Singapore. ``It's a signal that they are doing
something to control prices, though their ability to
bring inflation down is limited.'' 

Lim expects the central bank to raise its benchmark
rate to 8.75 percent by the end of the year.

``Today's move suggests that Bank Indonesia's main
policy concern has shifted from growth to inflation,''
Matt Hildebrandt, a Singapore-based economist at
JPMorgan Chase  Co, said in a note to clients.

China, India and Pakistan have raised borrowing costs
this year as Asian nations grapple with record food
and fuel prices. Philippine central bank Governor
Amando Tetangco said today he would ``act decisively''
to contain inflation expectations. 

The Reserve Bank of India on April 29 unexpectedly
ordered lenders to set aside more funds for the second
time in less than two weeks, raising its cash reserve
ratio to 8.25 percent from 8 percent. China last month
increased its limit for the third time this year to a
record 16 percent.

Here is a partial text of some key comments translated
from a statement released by Bank Indonesia after its
policy meeting.

Inflationary pressures are seen higher due to high
global commodity prices and domestic factors related
to the high consumption of non-food items.

To manage expectations, Bank Indonesia will continue
to adjust BI rate in line with inflation trend.

High inflationary pressures on the core inflation are
influenced by expectations of higher commodity prices
and market expectations of a fuel price hike.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DJ mulai MERAH

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
High 13,132.46
Low 12,981.83 

Stocks up sharply in morning trading before pulling
back in the afternoon,

but ended the day in positive territory.

Dow Jones industrial average up 0.4 percent for the
day, to close at 13,058.40.

--- icchanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wah...watch out 4 monday...


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Hot News Microsoft Withdraws Yahoo Offer After Sweetened Bid Is Rejected

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Microsoft Abandons Yahoo Takeover After Price Fight 

SAN FRANCISCO - Microsoft Corp withdrew its offer for
Yahoo Inc on Saturday after negotiations fell through
because Yahoo wanted more than the $33 a share that
Microsoft was willing to offer.

Microsoft Corp. has withdrawn its $42.3 billion bid to
buy Yahoo Inc.
In a letter to Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang,
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said the company raised
its offer by about $5 billion to $33 a share, but
Yahoo wanted $37 a share.

Despite our best efforts, including raising our bid by
roughly $5 billion, Yahoo! has not moved toward
accepting our offer, Ballmer said in a statement.

After careful consideration, we believe the economics
demanded by Yahoo! do not make sense for us, and it is
in the best interests of Microsoft stockholders,
employees and other stakeholders to withdraw our
proposal, said Ballmer.

``Unbelievable,'' said Laura Martin, an analyst at New
York- based Soleil Securities Corp. ``This is
management putting its employees and its job security
ahead of current Yahoo shareholders' interest.''

But the breakdown in the talks is likely to send
Yahoo's shares plunging and generate uncertainty among
investors about the company's management. Yahoo has
been exploring alternatives to Microsoft's bid,
including a search advertising partnership with
Google, which could lift its profits and perhaps its
stock price, analysts say.

Yahoo Shares 

She estimated Yahoo shares will fall $8, or 28
percent, on Monday (May 05) because Microsoft's
withdrawal combined with concern about the economy and
the advertising market will weigh on investors. 

Yahoo, the second most popular Internet search engine,
rose $1.86 to $28.67 yesterday in Nasdaq Stock Market
trading. Microsoft fell 16 cents to $29.24.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Oil rebounds nearly $4 a barrel to 116.32

2008-05-03 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Oil rebounds nearly $4 a barrel to 116.32 

May 3, 2008 

Crude oil rose nearly $4 a barrel in New York, the
most in month, after a report showed the U.S. lost
fewer jobs than forecast in April and as Turkey
renewed its military offensive against Kurdish rebels
in an oil-rich section of Iraq. 

The unemployment number wasn't anywhere near as bad as
expected, said Kyle Cooper, an analyst at IAF
Advisors in Houston. Maybe the economy isn't falling
into the abyss and demand won't fall as much as

At the New York Mercantile Exchange, rose $3.80, or
3.4 percent, to settle at $116.32 a barrel, the first
increase in four days. It was the biggest gain since
April 2. Futures, which have climbed 83 percent from a
year ago, are down 1.9 percent this week. 

It could go up just a little bit more, said Fred
Rozell, retail pricing director at the Oil Price
Information Service, in Wall, N.J., but, I think it's
running out of steam. 

The dollar rose to a five-week high against the euro
after the smaller-than-expected job loss last month,
which may indicate the labor market is weathering the
economic slowdown.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Stocks Settle Lower After Fed Meeting

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Stocks Settle Lower After Fed Meeting

Wall Street's data-inspired rally faded into the close
Wednesday, and the major indices finished slightly
lower after traders and analysts found themselves
struggling to discern the Federal Reserve's intentions
on the future direction of interest rates. 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, up nearly 180 points
earlier, squandered all of those gains to end down
11.81 points, or 0.09%, at 12,820.13. The SP 500 shed
5.35 points, or 0.38%, at 1385.59, and the Nasdaq
Composite lost 13.3 points, or 0.55%, to 2412.80. 

The story of the day was the Fed, which cut its fed
funds target by 25 basis points, taking the overnight
interbank lending rate to 2% and extending a series of
reductions that have lowered rates by 325 basis points
since September. The discount rate, or that at which
the Fed lends money to banks, was also lowered by a
quarter-point, to 2.25%. 

In its decision, the Federal Open Market Committee,
the policymaking arm of the Fed, cited financial
markets that remain under considerable stress, a
softening labor market, tight credit conditions and
the deepening housing contraction. 

The downturn in the stock market came as the FOMC set
off a debate about whether it might pause the
rate-easing cycle or continue to cut. Notably, the Fed
removed language from its statement about risks being
weighted to the downside. 

The substantial easing of monetary policy to date,
combined with ongoing measures to foster market
liquidity, should help to promote moderate growth over
time and to mitigate risks to economic activity, the
FOMC statement said. 

While a number of observers felt the central bank was
signaling that it will keep rates on hold, not
everyone was convinced. 

Richard Yamarone, chief economist with Argus Research,
said, The Fed's shut the door on rate cuts, but it's
unlocked. It's only unlocked in the event that there's
some financial calamity which forces them to reopen
the door, but for all intents and purposes, I think
this rate-cutting campaign has ended. 

Brian Bethune, chief financial economist with Global
Insight, said: If the Fed is right, then wonderful.
We're finally seeing the light at the end of the
tunnel. But if the Fed is premature in terms of the
decision to pause, then that could be problematic. 

As a result, the market was having trouble digesting
the Fed's stance, he said. I think there's a sense
that [traders would] love to believe this is the end.
But then our gut is telling us that it's too good to
be true, and that the headwinds we're facing suggest
that the Fed may not have written the final chapter

Meanwhile, Marc Pado, U.S. market economist with
Cantor Fitzgerald, said the U.S. dollar weakened
because he believed the Fed didn't entirely set aside
the possibility of further rate cuts. 

People were looking for resistance to come in at
13,000 [on the Dow] anyway, so they started pounding
it, he said. They weren't pounding it for any
fundamental reason. The upside trade had been made, so
they just got on it. 

Pado noted that there are eight weeks between this Fed
meeting and the next. That's a lot of time for things
to change, so I think the statement can be seen as,
they're comfortable with this through eight weeks, and
then they will reassess. 

The Fed also mentioned the relentless upward drive in
commodities prices lately and said that it will
continue to monitor those developments carefully, but
is expecting inflation to moderate in coming quarters.

Still, said Pado, the Fed could have gotten away with
something a lot firmer, especially with oil up around
$120. The key to the weakness in that statement was
that they still expect inflation pressure to subside
in the second half of the year. 

Two members of the FOMC-- Richard Fisher of Dallas and
Charles Plosser of Philadelphia -- dissented from the
decision, preferring no cut at all. Both also
disagreed with the last reduction, citing inflationary

Ryan Detrick, senior technical strategist with
Schaeffer's Investment Research, said, in the short
term, I think it really shows how much volatility Fed
days really do bring. It takes a couple of days for
things to play out. 

Detrick also noted that the SP appeared to be
approaching resistance at the 1400 level, and that
investors may be looking for another catalyst to bring
it over the top. The Fed has done a lot for the
market, but what people want to see are economic
numbers turning around, and we haven't quite seen that
yet, he said. 

As for equities, buyers had the edge earlier in the
day after the Commerce Department issued a preliminary
gross domestic product report that showed growth of
0.6% in the first quarter, a hair higher than
consensus and flat with last quarter. GDP numbers
often undergo revisions. If they remain substantively
accurate, though, they would indicate that the U.S.
economy, at least for now, has avoided a recession,
contrary to what many economists and consumers

[obrolan-bandar] Soros sees additional market declines after temporary reprieve in stock market

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Soros sees additional market declines after temporary
reprieve in stock market.

May 1 - Billionaire George Soros called the current
financial crisis the worst since the Great Depression
and said markets will fall more this year after a
brief rebound.

Soros reported that they had a good bottom, referring
to the rally in stocks. He stated that this would
probably not prove to be the final bottom, adding the
recovery might last 6 weeks to 3 months as the U.S.
moves closer to recession.


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tancap Gas

2008-05-01 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Don't be fooled by a larger-than-expected increase in
consumer spending.

People aren't buying more -- they're just paying more
for what they buy.
That is raising doubts about whether the 130 million
stimulus payments the government began sending out
this week will be enough to lift consumers' sagging

The Commerce Department reported Thursday that
consumer spending was up 0.4 percent, double the
increase economists had forecast. However, once
inflation was removed, spending edged up a much slower
0.1 percent.

The March reading was the fourth straight lackluster
performance and did nothing to alleviate worries that
consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of
total economic activity, remains under severe strains,
reflecting an economy beset by multiple problems.

Rising food costs, soaring energy prices and falling
employment have pushed consumer confidence to its
lowest levels in five years. Incomes in March rose a
weak 0.3, but after removing inflation, after-tax
incomes were flat.

Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets,
said economic growth could still turn negative this
quarter even with the rebates. He cited a recent
Associated Press-Ipsos poll that found only 19 percent
of people plan to spend their rebates, with others
surveyed preferring instead to use the $600 to $1,200
checks for the typical family to pay off bills or
boost savings.

Guatieri said he expected the rebate checks to be a
moderate tonic, but he cautioned that once the
rebates are spent, growth could turn negative later
this year.

On Wall Street, investors brushed aside weak economic
reports to focus instead on a rebound in the dollar's
value against other currencies and falling oil prices.
The Dow Jones industrial average surged 189.87 points
to close at 13,010.00, the first close above 13,000
since Jan. 3.

The government reported Wednesday that the overall
economy, as measured by the gross domestic product,
eked out a 0.6 percent growth in the first three
months of this year, weak but still in positive
territory. Much of the drag in the first quarter came
from a tiny 1 percent growth in consumer spending, the
weakest increase since the economy was last in
recession in 2001.

Some analysts are worried that the GDP could turn
negative this quarter if there is a significant
cutback on production by businesses trying to work off
excess inventories and if consumers grow more glum in
the face of continued increases in unemployment.

The Labor Department reported Thursday that jobless
claims jumped by a bigger-than-expected 35,000 last
week to total 380,000 with the number of people
receiving benefit checks rising to 3.02 million, the
first time that figure has surpassed 3 million in four

In other signs of economic stress, the Commerce
Department said Thursday that construction spending
fell 1.1 percent in March with housing activity
plunging by a record 4.6 percent, indicating builders
are still cutting back sharply in the face of the
worst slump in housing in more than two decades.

On the inflation front, a price gauge tied to consumer
spending rose by 0.3 percent in March, triple the 0.1
percent rise in February. Much of that jump reflected
higher food and energy costs. Core inflation, which
excludes those categories, rose by 0.2 percent in
March and is up 2.1 percent over the past 12 months,
higher than the Fed's 1 percent to 2 percent comfort

If that performance continues, it would fly in the
face of the sell in May or June, and go away

suggests the possibility, not the probability, that
recent euphoric moves in equity prices and credit
market spreads might be premature.

--- farhan zailani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pak Oentoeng...bilang ama sopirnya untuk tancap
 gaskemon Bang...
 - Original Message 
 From: Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, May 2, 2008 10:22:48 AM
 Probable Spam] [obrolan-bandar] MINING turun
 Sejujurnya saya kagum sekali sama Embah. Menurut
 saya, beliau adalah peramal TREN IHSG paling
 kredible di milis ini. Timingnya sangat akurat
 dengan keyakinan diri (self confidence) yang sangat
 tinggi. Ramalannya bener-bener ahead of trend,
 bukannya follow trend. 
 Ramalan-ramalan lain biasanya follow trend. Waktu
 indeks bearish, meramal bakal bearish. Waktu indeks
 sudah bullish, meramal bakal bullish. 
 Embah nanya ke Mama Lauren ya? :-) (Just kidding)
 - Original Message - 
 From: www.titan 
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
 Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 10:11 AM
 Subject: [?? Probable Spam] [obrolan-bandar] MINING
 Shm2 BC naik, kecuali tbumi 

 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now. 

[obrolan-bandar] Stock Rebound May Be Premature

2008-04-30 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Stock Rebound May Be Premature 

A recent euphoric rebound in stocks and
non-government bonds may be premature as deeper home
price declines threaten the economy and financial
markets, the manager of the world's biggest bond fund

Bill Gross, chief investment officer of Pacific
Investment Management Co. (PIMCO), also warned that
additional interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve
may do harm by weakening the dollar further and
stoking inflation. 

The Federal Reserve has slashed the benchmark U.S.
federal funds target rate by 3 percentage points since
September to 2.25 percent. 

The letter -- likening the market turmoil of the past
year to trench warfare -- warns investors against
jumping too quickly to the conclusion that the
bloodshed in financial markets is over, despite the
comparative tranquility of financial markets in recent

Since the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase  Co's
rescue of Bear Stearns Cos in mid-March, the U.S. SP
500 index has rebounded by about 9 percent to the
highest levels since early January. 

Recession, and its vicious-cycle effect on employment
and consumer spending, remains a threat, and this
recession, although currently mild and as of yet not
even officially validated, may not be your
garden-variety ... downturn, Gross said. 

suggests the possibility, not the probability, that
recent euphoric moves in equity prices and credit
market spreads might be premature. he wrote.


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Fed Cuts Key Rate 25 BPs to 2% ; Pause Now Likely

2008-04-30 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday lowered its key
interest rate but also signaled the seven-month easing
cycle may be coming to an end by referring to
substantial action to date and dropping a reference
to downside growth risks. 

The cut, the seventh since September, was modest by
recent standards, reflecting upward pressure on
inflation from higher food and energy prices and the
weak dollar. Those trends suggest further rate cuts
might do more harm than good in the months ahead. 

The Federal Open Market Committee voted 8-2 to lower
its target for the fed funds rate at which banks lend
money to each other by 0.25 percentage point to 2%,
its lowest since November 2004. 

It lowered the discount rate charged to banks and
brokers that borrow directly from the Fed by 0.25
percentage point to 2.25%, responding to requests by
Fed banks in New York, Cleveland, Atlanta and San

The moves were widely expected, according to a Dow
Jones Newswires survey. 

Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher and Philadelphia
Fed President Charles Plosser dissented for a
second-straight meeting, this time favoring no change
in rates. It is the sixth-straight dissent Fed
Chairman Ben Bernanke has faced on a fed-funds

Economic activity remains weak, the Fed said, citing
subdued consumer and business spending and a
further softening in labor markets. Markets remain
under considerable stress, the Fed said, while
housing should continue to weigh on the economy. Those
statements largely reiterated March's policy

Barring an unforeseen collapse in the economy or
financial markets, rates will probably stay where they
are for several months at least, though the Fed left
the door open to more cuts if needed. 

The substantial easing of monetary policy to
date...should help to promote moderate growth over
time, the Fed said. Prior policy statements hadn't
described past cuts as substantial. 

Notably, officials dropped their previous reference to
downside growth risks. They said they would act as
needed to promote growth, but dropped the longstanding
reference to timely action. 

Fed watchers usually interpret reference to cumulative
actions as a sign that officials are wary to lower
rates further. 

The Fed tried to send similar signals in the past and
failed, most notably in October when it said -
prematurely - that growth and inflation risks were
roughly balanced. 

The Fed in its statement Wednesday repeated past
assertions that inflation should moderate, and
reiterated that it expects energy and commodity prices
to flatten out. However, officials warned that those
commodity prices have increased recently and that
inflation uncertainty remains high. 

Officials nodded for a second-straight time to rising
inflation expectations.


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Prices May Climb to $150 a Barrel, Boone Pickens Says

2008-04-29 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil may rise to $125 to $150 a barrel later this year,
Boone Pickens, a billionaire energy investor, said

``The second half of the year I think you'll be back
up substantially above where you are now,'' Pickens
said in an interview with Bloomberg's Rhonda

Crude oil for June delivery dropped $3.12, or 2.6
percent, to settle at $115.63 a barrel at 2:58 p.m. on
the New York Mercantile Exchange, the lowest close
since April 17. It was the biggest one-day decline
since March 31. Futures surged to a record $119.93 a
barrel yesterday. Prices are 74 percent higher than a
year ago. 

Pickens said prices eventually might rise to a level
that could affect consumption. 

``When I hear these politicians, I'm amused when they
want to bring the price down, cause if they bring the
price down it will encourage more use,'' Pickens said.
``And so then if you have more use, then demand goes
up and then the price is immediately back up higher
than it was before.'' 

A possible Brazilian discovery that could have 8
billion barrels of oil wouldn't bring dramatic
changes, he said. 

``The 8 billion will come in handy, and that's about
all,'' Pickens said. ``It's not going to solve any


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[obrolan-bandar] World Bank President James Wolfensohn 'Pessimistic' as Financial Losses Rise

2008-04-28 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
World Bank President James Wolfensohn 'Pessimistic' as
Financial Losses Rise

Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn said he's
``pessimistic'' on the outlook for financial markets
and predicted losses from the global credit turmoil
may climb to $1 trillion. 

``I'm more pessimistic than optimistic,'' Wolfensohn,
74, said an interview today in London. ``That doesn't
necessarily mean a crash, but it means we're not
through the woods yet. There are continued dangers.'' 

U.S. Treasury Undersecretary Robert Steel forecast
last week that tighter credit conditions ``will take a
while to work through.'' Banks worldwide have reported
more than $309 billion of writedowns and credit losses
caused by the U.S. subprime collapse and the seizure
in credit markets. 

``It does seem to be a major adjustment on any
level,'' Wolfensohn said, after addressing the
European Pensions and Savings Summit 2008. ``There may
be a $1,000 billion worth of losses in it somewhere.''
He said he ``cannot recall anything similar, certainly
in the last 30 to 40 years that I've worked.'' 

The International Monetary Fund predicts that losses
from the crisis, including those tied to commercial
real-estate, may total $945 billion and says global
economic expansion may be the slowest since 2003 this
year. Wolfensohn said the fund's loss forecast of
about $1 trillion is now a ``consensus estimate.''

Emerging Markets 

Emerging markets ``have enormous internal growth and
are expanding in other markets such as Africa,'' he
said. ``When you're walking around Beijing or
Shanghai, it's hard to feel pessimistic. If you can

Still, in the U.S. and U.K., the impact of the credit
crisis ``is likely to be substantial,'' Wolfensohn

Steel said in a Bloomberg Television interview on
April 25 that there will be ``bumps and fallbacks'' as
financial institutions recover from the collapse of
the U.S. subprime mortgage market. 

Governments in the U.S. and elsewhere are doing their
best to prevent the credit squeeze from deepening,
Wolfensohn said. Finance ministers ``are talking about
nothing else,'' he said. 

``The crisis that you observe is never the same as the
last one,'' Wolfensohn said. ``We have a capacity to
invent new ones.'' 


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Need advice: Saham BC vs. Reksadana

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

saat ini masih ada peluang untuk membeli reksadana,
mumpung lagi diskon.
for long term.


--- Brandon Alvaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sebenarnya yang cocok buat kasih rekomendasi itu
 MBAH sebagai
 inspirator kami ber-main sebagai Long Term
 Investor di BEI,
 Saya hanya sharing pengalaman saja, mungkin dapat
 berguna buat Pak HINNS
 Th.2002 awal saya mulai maen pake modal FEELING
 yang berakhir
 hampir 50% uang saya amblass. Setelah saya baca
 postingan mbah spt yg
 dibawah ini , saya shock, bahwa saya kena TIPU
 main di BURSA
 EFEK BANDAR. dan menurut saya itu masih relevan
 ditahun 2008 ini. Sejak
 itu saya berhenti main sama sekali  uang kembali
 deposito, Kalo ada orang cerita saham saya jadi
 sinist  ingat
 kata mbah.
 Tahun 2004 awal, ada teman yang meyakinkan saya
 reksadana aman,  tertarik untuk menaruh sedikit
 demi sedikit
 tabungan saya disitu dan hasilnya lumayan.
 Bulan sept' 2004 di pesta ultah anak temen, saya
 bertemu kawan baik
 saya dari kecil yg kebetulan punya sekuritas, Kami
 temen-2 ngobrol
 sekitar saham  saya tanyakan apa betul spt mbah
 pernah katakan,
 surprise krn 100% mbah katakan benar. Tapi dia
 katakan eh kamu nggak
 perlu pusingin hal itu, kamu cukup beli terus tutup
 mata tunggu 1 tahun
 hasilnya nambah nggak ?  kamu pengin pensiun kaya
 nggak ? etc….
 Wah.. pulang nggak bisa tidur kepikiran terus…krn
 diketawain… setelah diskusi cukup lama kami berlima
 oktober sepakat buka rekening atas nama temen dan
 beli saham yg
 direkomendasikan , semua temen saya yg ngurus krn
 saya trauma hanya
 setor uangnya saja. Hasilnya sangat bagus, jadi kami
 berpikir untuk
 menambah portofolio kami sedikit-demi sedikit setiap
 awal tahun dan
 sampai 3 tahun  ini hasilnya lebih dari lumayan,
 tidak pernah jual
 apalagi Cut Loss, serta potofolio saya direksadana
 hanya tersisa 15% di
 schrodder  fortis saja.
 Untuk Swing Trade (biasanya mingguan) kami hanya
 menyisihkan 10% saja
 dari portofolio kami untuk having fun Ngikutin para
 suhu OBers hasilnya
 ya lumayan juga sih.
 Biasanya kami sepakat tunggu aba-aba EMBAH SERBU
 he…he…cari nomer cantik (pasukan indramayu katanya).
 Jadi sampai tahun 2008 ini saya masih optimist dan
 menambah investasi
 kami (Long Term Invest)  di BEI.
 Saya open aja ini Portofolio yang kami beli dari
 januari hingga 25 april
 kemarin untuk long invest ngaak pake AV:
 dari 8 menjadi 10 saham, tahun ini nambah 2 yaitu
=== message truncated ===


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Rises to Record on U.K. Pipeline Shutdown, Nigeria Attack

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Oil Rises to Record on U.K. Pipeline Shutdown, Nigeria

April 28  -- Crude oil rose to a record after BP Plc
shut a North Sea pipeline and gunmen attacked a police
station in Bonny Island, the site of one of Nigeria's
largest oil and gas export terminals. 

BP closed the Forties Pipeline System, carrying 40
percent of the U.K.'s oil output, after a strike at
the Grangemouth refinery cut power supplies to the
network that delivers 700,000 barrels daily. Five
police were killed and guns and ammunition seized in
yesterday's attack in the Niger Delta where output has
already been halved by strikes and attacks on

``The production affected at the moment is pretty
substantial,'' said David Moore, commodity strategist
at Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ltd. in Sydney. ``It
all counts nowadays. The price would suggest the
market is very tight.'' 

Crude oil for June delivery rose as much as $1.41, or
1.2 percent, to $119.93 a barrel in after-hours
electronic trading on the New York Mercantile
Exchange, the highest since the futures began trading
in 1983. It was at $119.41 at 9:15 a.m. in Sydney. 

The contract gained 2.1 percent to $118.52 a barrel on
April 25 when the refinery strike and pipeline closure
were announced. Refinery production will resume
tomorrow morning local time. Units crucial to restart
flows on the Forties pipeline will have priority,
Richard Longden, spokesman for operator Ineos Group
Holdings Plc, said yesterday.

Fed May Be Nearing Rate Pause as Inflation Quickens

Federal Reserve policy makers, sensing both renewed
inflation dangers and a possible economic boost from
government rebate checks, may be nearing a pause in
interest-rate cuts after the fastest reductions in two

In remarks this week, Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, San
Francisco Fed President Janet Yellen and three other
district- bank presidents voiced concerns about rising
prices. Harvard University economist Martin Feldstein,
who for almost 30 years has headed the group that
decides the dates of recessions, called for an end to
Fed rate cuts

Investors are increasingly taking such talk, along
with economic data and company earnings, as signs that
the Fed will leave interest rates unchanged for the
rest of the year after a quarter-point cut on April
30. The central bank has already reduced rates three
times this year, to 2.25 percent. 

``We are close to the end of rate cuts,'' said Dean
Maki, chief U.S. economist at Barclays Capital Inc. in
New York. ``The economy will be improving. Also, the
inflation pressures are only intensifying at this


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[obrolan-bandar] Hong Kong's Exchange Fund had a loss HK$14.6 billion in 1Q

2008-04-27 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Hong Kong's Exchange Fund had a loss HK$14.6 billion
the first quarter, its first quarterly loss since
Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph
Yam said Monday. 

Of the fund's loss in the first quarter, about HK$30.0
billion was made in the 

domestic stock market, because the Hang Seng Index has
fallen about 30% during 

the period. The fund reported a loss of HK$22.40
billion in overseas stocks. 

The investment loss in the first quarter comes after
the Exchange Fund posted 

record earnings of HK$142.2 billion (US$18.2 billion)
in 2007, up from HK$103.8 

billion in 2006. 

In the first quarter of 2007, the fund reported
investment income totaling 

HK20.7 billion. 

The Exchange Fund is used to manage Hong Kong's
exchange rate and maintain 

financial stability. The Exchange Fund's last
investment loss was in the first 

quarter of 2005, when it posted a loss of HK$2.1 billion.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
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[obrolan-bandar] Fed likely to cut U.S. interest rates only 0.25%

2008-04-25 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Futures traders and a growing number of economists are
now expecting just a quarter-point cut to interest
rates when Federal Reserve policymakers meet next
week, with forecasters saying improved sentiment in
financial markets has relieved pressure for a more
aggressive easing. 

Barclays Capital late Tuesday said it had lowered its
forecast for a reduction in the federal funds target
rate to a quarter-percentage point cut, to 2%, where
it will hold for the rest of the year. Previously,
Barclays had anticipated a half-point cut, to 1.75% 

The current rate-cutting cycle has largely responded
to developments in the financial markets, and those
have improved since that last meeting, they said. 

There seems to be a sense in the market that perhaps
the worst is behind us, said Julia Coronado, senior
U.S. economist at Barclays Capital. There are still
pockets of stress on Wall Street and more fallout is
likely from the housing market, she cautioned. The
cost of borrowing between banks, as priced in Libor,
jumped last week. 

Still, there's a better sense of the magnitude of the
problem, Coronado said. Barclays anticipates the Fed
will start raising rates at its March 2009 meeting. 

Wall Street's fear factor, the CBOE market volatility
index, has fallen to December levels 

And an index tracking spreads on corporate
credit-default swaps, a type of tradable insurance
against the possibility a company will renege on its
debt, tumbled 40% from mid-March to the end of last
week. The credit spreads for some of Wall Street's
biggest institutions have dropped even more sharply. 

I suspect the cessation of rate cuts is near at hand.
The Fed will likely pull the trigger on another 0.25%
and not 0.5% as was initially expected at the next
FOMC meeting, and send a signal that they intend to
pause soon.


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Bank of America Net Income Falls 77% on Writedowns

2008-04-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
Drop in earnings far sharper than forecasts, although No. 2 bank stays in 
black despite writedowns
NEW YORK -- Bank of America Corp. reported quarterly results Monday that were 
much worse than originally feared, as profits plunged 77%, but the company 
still managed to stay in the black.
  Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expected earnings of 41 cents per 
  These results clearly did not meet our expectations, Chairman and CEO 
Kenneth Lewis said in a statement. The weakness in the economy and prolonged 
disruptions in the capital markets took their toll on our performance.
  Those losses helped create a significant drag on results in the company's 
corporate and investment banking division, where profit dived 92% during the 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] If you want to realize your profit, today'd be the day..

2008-04-21 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
untuk near term, sepertinya pasar saham masih sangat
paling tidak bulan mei, laporan inflasi pasti sangat
buruk (menurut saya)
sebab efek kenaikan harga minyak dunia baru terjadi di
bulan mei untuk april ini.

--- macd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paling tidak ada yg mengingatkan kita agar kita gak
 terlalu berharap masih terus naik keunceng...
 sementara keuntungan sudah di depan mata 
 Jadi gak hilang lagi gitu loh 
 - Original Message 
 From: Adam Rajsha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 10:16:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] If you want to realize
 your profit, today'd be the day..
 border:1px solid
 0px;padding:0px 14px;}
 #ygrp-mkp hr{
 border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}
 #ygrp-mkp #hd{

 #ygrp-mkp #ads{
 #ygrp-mkp .ad{
 padding:0 0;}
 #ygrp-mkp .ad a{
 kalo menurut saya sich kurang tepat anjuran EL ini
 pada jumat lalu.
 harga BUMI pada hari senin kemarin atau hari ini,
 masih lebih tinggi dari hari jumat minggu lalu
 (tanggal posting EL).
 saya salah satu yg ikut 'terhipnotis' ama emailnya
 EL (karena kurang kuat iman), saya jual sebagian
 dihari jumat (bukan CL), maka profit jadi berkurang
 bila dibandingkan jika saya jual pada hari senin
 seperti hal dilema rokok, posting EL bagi saya lebih
 bayak merugikan ketimbang menguntungkan.
 On 4/22/08, macd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you Elaine
 - Original Message 
 If you want to sell when there are buyers who are
 willing to pay with higher price, then the time is
 now, OR you may want to hold them for like 40 years
 like Warren Buffett. It's your call..
 Wether you want to call it a tsunami, or merely a
 noise, depends on your investment timeframe.
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 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now. 


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG kehilangan tenaga

2008-04-17 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia
saham2 di hong kong naik, karena para investor disana, sifatnya agresif.
  Berbeda kalo di indonesia, banyak an investor asing yang justru lebih dominan 
menggerakkan bursa IHSG.
  Apalagi ditambah event seperti olimpiade di beijing. ikut mempengaruhi juga
  pasar di hong kong


  Mohon tanggapan
  Mengapa dalam bulan-bulan terakhir ini, kayaknya IHSG kehilangan tenaga 
dibandingkan dengan indeks tetangga ?
  Di atas kita bandingkan saja IHSG dengan HSI tampak sekali perbedaannya sejak 
akhir bulan lalu, faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya, ya ?


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[obrolan-bandar] China central bank raises bank reserve 0.5 pct

2008-04-16 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

China central bank raises bank reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 pct pt
  2008-4-16   05:33:00 p.m. HKT
  BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - China's central bank said it is raising banks' reserve 
requirement ratio by half a percentage point from April 25.
  It said the move was in line with its tight monetary policies and aimed at 
guiding reasonable growth in money supply.
  It is the third reserve requirement hike this year, and brings the level to 
16.0 pct for most banks
  The hike means that banks will have to set aside a bigger proportion of their 
funds as reserves, reducing the money available for lending. 
  The latest announcement follows the release of first-quarter and March 
economic data today.

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