Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TA will take control TODAY

2008-01-29 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Luar biasa Kang Ocoy memang pakar valuasi...  I can really learn a lot from
you.. Valuasi kang ocoy juga yang saya pakai (secara asal) untuk memilih
antm over bumi seminggu yang lalu.  Tapi memang kalo bozz2 kaya om AB dah
turun tangan valuasi bisa di putar balik, n saya ga mau melawan pasar deh,
akhirnya saya split porto antm sebagian ke bumi. Even so, tetep saya selalu
berpegang ke valuasinya Kang Ocoy untuk jadi fundamen untuk asumsi waktu
bikin garisan2 (asal2an) saya.

Thanks for the very useful worksheet,

On 1/29/08, kang_ocoy_maen_saham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   iya kalo gunta-ganti elemen kaya gitu bisa jadi justifikasi.. analis
 di sell-side biasanya gitu.. mo downgrade, kecilin estimate earning,
 perbesar dicount factor trus kurangin growth.. sebaliknya kalo mo
 upgrade harga tinggal naekkin estimate earning, turunin discount
 factor trus perbesar growth...

 hanya dr model yg saya berikan minimal kita bisa men-tes diri kita
 sendiri... andaikan saya investor beli saham xxx di harga xxx,
 berapa laba dan pertumbuhan serta resiko yg masih menopang harga di
 pasar ini melindungi kita dr kesimpang-siuran keputusan
 investasi... masalah mahal ato engga kan selera masing2 (saya misalnya
 cuman berani perkirain earning bumi sekian, bapak berani en yakin
 masih realistis untuk dinaikkan setengah lagi, ato malah diturunkan.
 itu kan pandangan masing2...) cuman kan serelatif2nya ada yg namanya
 batasan-rasional... saya berani 100 bapak berani 150 masih relatif
 pak... tp kalo tingkat harga wajar saat ini mensyaratkan minimal 300
 mah serelatif2nya juga jatohnya KEMAHALAN itu mah, pake 100 mahal
 pake 150 jg mahal...

 soalnya pertanyaan2 semacam ini kan tergantung keyakinan masing2 :

 Bisa gAK Earning tahun kmrn berulang?? minimal 0.7 kalinya...

 utk BUMI agak berat krn tahun kmaren ada one-time earning dan kini
 share BUMI atas KPC n AI berkurang 30%.

 Bisa Gak ANTM en INCO ngulang pendapatan tahun kemaren??
 nah volume sih mungkin ga masalah tp apa harga jual rata2 tahun kmaren
 bisa bertahan...

 nah ilustrasinya kaya gitu...

 model diworksheet saya didasarkan pada modifikasi gordon model...

 dasarnya adalah model gordon standar memiliki kelemahan fatal bahwa
 asumsi growth yg dipakai disitu adalah (RR*Roe), ini sama aja
 perusahaan, padahal engga

 semua tergantung 2 hal paling engga :

 apakah memang ada ruang untuk memanfaatkan modal kerja itu??

 contoh : TLKM Retention lumayan, kas jg banyak, ROE tinggi...
 tapi apakah setiap rupiah yg dicadangkan bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi
 investasi yg baik??

 belum tentu, apakah memang ada ruangnya (ekspansi di suatu perusahaan
 ga bisa dilakukan kecuali demandnya emang ada), katakanlah jika semua
 orang di indonesia sudah pake telepon.. telkom masih bisa ekspansi
 jikapun Retained earningnya 100%??... kan ga gitu pak yah...

 terus faktor kedua, apakah manajemen sanggup meng-execute retain
 earning itu dengan baik??

 nah misalkan manajemen gembar gembor mo akuisisi perusahaan, gataunya
 boro2 untung, udah mah akuisisinya di harga premium, eh perusahaannya
 merugi lagi... nah hal-hal kaya gitu kan tergantung kehebatan manajemen...

 ini masalah apakah perusahaan punya visibility dan track-record
 economic value added creation apa engga...

 nah, standard DDM itu flaw nya banyak maka saya modifikasi sdikit ;

 base value saya pake formula ((ROE/15%)^2) * Book Value) + (Div * 10)
 atau disingkat asset accumulated value + dividend value

 saya membagi ROE perusahaan dibagi 15% karena 15% itu standar ROE
 perusahaan, perusahaan yg bisa menghasilkan ROE diatas 15% mendapatkan
 premium sebanding, lalu dipangkatkan 2 untuk mendapatkan efek
 akumulasi terhadap kehandalan Aset perusahaan itu pada jangka panjang.
 kemudian itu dikali net-asset(book value)... lalu saya tambah dengan
 dividen dikali 10... (asumsi horizon model ini 10 tahun)

 kemudian utk investment value saya menggunakan pendekatan owner
 earning Warren Buffet yg dikombinasikan sama pendekatan aset atau BV..

 formulanya ((ROE/15) * BV) + (Earning/(CoE - Individual Growth rate))
 atau singkatnya asset value + earning power value

 asumsi disini adalah semua earning asumsinya distributable(baik dibagi
 dividen ato engga, toh cuman pindah tangan doank), sehingga efek
 akumulasi book value diwakilkan pada earning power value sehingga
 pangkat di aset value dihilangkan., nah untuk earningnya diasumsikan
 semua earning distributable, dibagi dengan CoE sesuai tingkat resiko
 yg dikurang individual growth rate. nah individual growth rate ini
 adalah pertumbuhan organik laba tanpa tambahan model kerja / capex
 tadi. karena diasumsikan semua earning sudah didistribusikan. maka
 pertumbuhan yg dihitung hanya pertumbuhan organik added value jangka
 panjangnya saja. wujud pertumbuhan organik ini biasanya tren ekspansi
 margin keuntungan perusahaan pd jangka 

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut n Eropa JEBLOS - false rebound?

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik james rajasa
8.51 pm

Index Futures ngeri range dah -2 sampe -4%an

Eropa ga mo kalah, FTSE dah -3.68%

I hope mbah is right, i.e. yesterday's low is this months low.  Tapi di
tengah ketidakpastian n keraguan pasar akan ketahanan ekonomi AS, saya dah
buang semua tadi after lunch, gain ga maksimal tp blajar safety first.

Sperti Pak Oentoeng bilang, this is the end of the beginning.  Saya cuma
berpikiran this could be the end of the beginning. So saya masih berpegang
pada prinsip sendiri,  opportunity loss is better than loss..


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Ilmu THAIPAK.....Re: Analisa DE: Belanja APA dan KAPAN

2008-01-23 Terurut Topik james rajasa

Saya mo blajar deh asal bisa tau kapan next crash..

2008/1/24 Khongchakim [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Ilmu Mbah lebih hebat dech… Mbah bisa memprediksi jauh2 hari kedepan…

 Kalau ilmu saya ini cetek.. dan ga boleh pakai emosi…

 Kalau Mbah percaya sama ilmu THAIPAK…

 Coba dulu rapal mantera nya..


 Itu buat awalnya aja, itupun kalau percaya ya … hihihi…




 *From:* [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *jsx_consultant
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 24, 2008 12:08 PM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Ilmu THAIPAK.Re: Analisa DE: Belanja APA
 dan KAPAN

 --- In,
 Khongchakim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hahaha. ga diminta pun uda dikasi pencerahan.
  Salut untuk Mbah. klo wa sih pake ilmu THAIPAK.. Hehehe.

 Menarik NIH...

 Bisa engga tolong diceritain dikit tentang ilmu THAIPAK ini
 dan penerapannya untuk trading ?.



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: REBOUND

2008-01-22 Terurut Topik james rajasa

You're the man :)

2008/1/22 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   --- In,
 Cumi Goreng Tepung
  Apakah MBAH = BOZZ ?

 Jawabannya YES BANGET, yaitu kuncen milis OB...hehehe...

  On 1/22/08, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Utk kedua kalinya Mbah meramalkan rebound pasar (tadi sore sdh
   komando Serbu!) dan Fed nyatanya menurunkan Fed rate 75 bps
 mirip kejadian
   16 Agustus lalu. Feeling Mbah jitu dan utk kedua kalinya bisa
 saya tanyakan
   ke Mbah, Mbah ini benar2 malaikat yah? Mungkin tidak, tapi anda
   hebat Mbah!
   Hendra Susanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: EMERGENCY
   CUT by 75 bps.. BSK HEAVY REBOUND
   Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!
 Mobile. Try it
  Sent from Gmail for mobile |


[obrolan-bandar] Dow 1st session Green!

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Promissing High tide for JSX's first session, lucky for those buying at
bottom price yesterday, I think jsx surfers could ride the morning tide but
lets not forget to sell for second session could be deep red..

just a thought,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Berapa persen IHSG turun besok?

2008-01-16 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Regional start Ijo, smalam Dow midday ijo tutup merah, hari ini BEI gap up n
mungkin sore nyungsep hehe


On 1/17/08, Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ^IXIC Nasdaq Composite: -0.95%. Yang -2.3% itu ^NIN pak, NYSE

 Btw, TLK tutup -3.61% di NYSE


 On Jan 16, 2008 10:52 PM, Hendra Susanto  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NASDAQ -2,3%.. bsk IHSG calon -5% lagi neh..
  2400 masih support kuat IHSG ..
  kalo 2400 jebol baru mulai panik ..
  tp kalo kuat siap2 aja terbang lagi ke langit2 ketujuh ;pp


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: -3% for today?

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Now this I like!

Though my last weeks profit is gone now, but I'm ready to welcome 2400 or
better yet, 1600

On 1/16/08, oentoeng_qq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Just for guidance...

 Hari ini adalah penurunan TERDALAM untuk minggu ini.
 Tapi jangan harap ada rebound yg SIGNIFIKAN dlm wkt dekat, minim
 sampe Jum'at.

 Now,...let's fight...or sitting beautiful like Tukul said.

 Good Luck!

 --- In,
 Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *Today IHSG can get down to -3%. What a mess. 2400 in 3 days? -15%
 in 2
  weeks? LOL why not.. seems lots haven't sell their portos..
  Shut up, Elaine, you're talking bullshit
  I agree with Elaine, bring it ON
  Some wants IHSG to go bullish all the time. Some wants to have at
  price possible. There're always two sides of the story. Oh, this'd
 be the
  last day for CPO and other plantation stocks glory. TAKE PROFIT,
 that if you
  have any :)
  Just like Oentoeng said, there will be another entry point.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] welcome back Indonesia

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa

If BEI suffers the largest, then be prepared for the largest rebound!

On 1/16/08, exindo_trade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Setelah sekian lama kehilangan jati diri, akhirnya BEJ kembali pada
 kodratnya. Kalo minus, harus yg terbesar. Hidup BEJ!!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Blood of vengeance

2008-01-15 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Heheh totally agree

Compared to the real BOZZ, she (he) is no more than office boy, just doing
what (she) he is told to, distract ob members...

On 1/16/08, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   maksudnya disuruh jualan diri di milis kali pakai gambar2 yg nggak
 puguh ... biasa man like to be teased

 On 1/16/08, exindo_trade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  selain komplain dan provoke, emang bisa apa lagi ya? kalo action kan
  gak di sini, tapi di broker masing-masing. Bingung dan makin bingung
  saya. hahahahahahaha
  --- In,
 Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   *What*ever*.. all you can do is complain.. and provoke.. If that's
   what you want, then so be it. Come on, show me what YOU can do..
   2008/1/16 James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
kl minta emang bisa kabulin nggak nih, kl nggak bisa penuhi yah
percuma. OMDO ...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Inilah pilihanku!

2008-01-13 Terurut Topik james rajasa
How bout short term kang? Say 3 months.

I have faith in Agri sector, but the others have gone a lot, i.e, AALI and
LSIP, so UNSP and/or TBLA should still be highly collectible?

Howbout short term star for mining sector?

On 1/11/08, kang_ocoy_maen_saham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kalo mid-term sih pilih yg earning growthnya nyata dan solid,
 ato yg valuasinya murah...

 BBRI,SMGR,BLTA,TLKM... Kalo kuda hitamnya (spekulatifnya) saya jg suka
 MEDC, hehe rasio dan eps jelek.. tp kartu as simpenanya banyak...
 Senoro apalagi tuh... tp masih lama jg.. tp diluar senoro katalis medc
 tahun 2008 banyak yg bakal implied soalnya... kalo plantation buat
 mid-term saya unsp...

 --- In,
 Dean Earwicker
  Thanks Kang.
  500 bio kecil? wah wah wah kelas berat nih si Akang. :) Wew..
  Anyway, Kang, boleh banget tuh disharing, kalau untuk *hold mid
 term*, let's
  say 6-12 mo, kira-kira Kang Ocoy pilih apa? Bebas pick nya.
  Mid term pick saya adalah: BUMI TINS MEDC LSIP, target terserah
 market aja.
  Note: Embah = jsx-consultant = moderator = penggemar JLo. Hehe..
  Thanks a lot, Kang Ocoy. Ditunggu replynya
  On Jan 11, 2008 10:33 AM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham 
   im not a leader nor a big player big bro dean, apa sih arti 500
   disini perseorangan yg maennya trilyunan lebih banyak, lagipula stance
   saya defensif, nunggu... baru gerak kalo udah masuk margin of
   safety... tp kalo ikutan milih boleh deh...
   Cuman Boleh Satu ya Dean, dua ga boleh ya hehe??.. tp lock-up 5 tahun
   a. - AALI, strongest cashflow.. relatively fair-valued... dengan
   cashflow sebanyak itu... tarohlah 2 tahun ini hard-time in economy,
   plenty of cashflow bisa jamin dividen dan kelangsungan perusahaan...
   rata2 plantationnya yg sudah tua juga secara sistematis bisa
   diregenerasi karena jumlah cashflow yg very very sufficient di
   b. - ANTM, jangan tanya kenapa.. soalnya lock-upnya 5 tahun... but i
   definetely not buying it on current price.. cuman karena rulenya 5
   tahun dengan terpaksa ANTM over INCO deh...
   c. -PTBA, same reason dgn B... 5 tahun lock-up. all growth story is
   implied. the unlocking factor sudah cashflow generating or atleast
   have the good visibility degree of revenue recogniton.(railway,
   newport,power plant, CBM)
   d. -ELTY, simply because its the best among the list. but i dont like
   e. -BBNI, all we need is a simple and turnaround on the management
   side.. 5 tahun harusnya jangka waktu yg cukuplah buat dapetin tim
   manajemen yg bagus dan didukung seluruh karyawan.
   f. -TLKM, definitely. thos cashpile in hand give the management enough
   ammo to handle the competition...
   g. -UNVR, the divident yield and the stability.
   h. -PGAS, for the same reason as everybody else i guess.. haha...
   note that the above pick is only apply if the game is pick and lock
   for 5 years span...
   tp kalo permainanya adalah performa setahun ato dua tahun ato malah 6
   bulan.., picknya beda jauh sama yg diatas...
   Mbah,... Mbah apa nih??...


[obrolan-bandar] ENRG

2008-01-06 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Nobody pays attention to ENRG, 3 factors:

1. With oil price hike, big brother already rise, ENRG is yet to follow.
2. Its being consolidated.
3. Long Ascending triangle pattern.



Re: [obrolan-bandar] It's me again..

2008-01-01 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Old trick,

Elaine comes with bad news, IHSG may go down but it will not be anything
like nuke, new years firecrackers at best.

ELAINE = Diversion,

Watch major rebound from sleeping stocks like Antm

Just a thought.

On 12/31/07, Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I don't have to prove anything, right? And don't challenge me.

 Any smart investor here would know that IHSG performance lately is very
 ABNORMAL. Out of sync. The biggest cap in BEI is downed *-20%* from its
 highest. Once called the safest stock, this DEFENSIVE one I'm talking
 about here is not playing defense anymore.

 Once the defense is breached, things will get ugly. Other defensive stocks
 WILL follow.

 Thanks to new IPOs and BUMI/ANTM race, the IHSG is saved until the
 closing bell of 2007. It has NEVER been like this before, so you might not
 be prepared. If there weren't any race, IHSG would be 2400,.. or worse.

 Now, I want answers from you. WHICH stock/sector *would defend *the IHSG?
 Can we count on mining (again?), cpo? utility? property? banks? My answer is
 NO. Not yet.

 Btw, I create statements. YOU are the one who were overreacting. :) If you
 believe in your stocks, *hold'em tight*, or you may want to stay away.
 Whether you want to hold or sell, it's not my business.

 I am not evil. I don't like bears either, but I'd be the first to warn.
 You'll be glad if I am around, than hearing sweet lies...


 **Thanks Embah for allowing me to be here again.**

 On Dec 31, 2007 7:55 AM, Wong Effendy  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 EL, last time u want to bring index to 2400 but never happen. Now
  it's ur last chance to prove u right. Now or never.
   - Original Message 
  From: Bandar Sedang  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:06:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] It's me again..
   If you look back on the beginning of 2007.
  yes, it happened .now, will the history repeat itself ?
  we'll see.i bet it will happen as one of the bozz agenda..
  BUT...if you guys together fight backthe bozz might think twice


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Index Vs Jumlah Postingan

2007-12-17 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Shares trading is funny, the one guy sells and the other guy buys, and they
both think they're smart..

On 12/17/07, Mas Anto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kalau begitu gw mau nambah-nambahin postingan, meskipun OOT.

 Saya punya cerita (bukan orisinil, sdh saya modifikasi, cerita aslinya
 saya sdh lupa siapa yang menulis).

 Pada suatu hari, seorang investor sedang liburan ke desa kecil,
 tibalah saatnya dia harus naik perahu untuk menyeberangi sungai yang
 cukup lebar. Diatas perahu, terjadilah percakapan sbb:

 Investor: Maaf Pak, Bapak tahu mengenai saham tidak?
 Tukang Perahu: Tahu Pak, waktu itu saya jual sawah trus saya belikan
 Investor: Wah Bapak termasuk orang yang berani, Bapak tahu TA?
 Tukang Perahau: Tidak Pak.
 Investor: Wah kalau begitu Bapak bisa rugi 30%, kalau FA?
 Tukang Perahau: Tidak juga Pak.
 Investor: Wah kalau begitu Bapak bisa rugi 30%, kalau BA?
 Tukang Perahau: Tidak juga Pak.
 Investor: Wah kalau begitu Bapak bisa rugi 30%, Ya..kalau begitu
 berdoa saja, mudah-mudahan dengan kesempatan 10%, saham Bapak akan
 terus berkembang.

 Gantian Tukang Perahu yang mengajukan pertanyaan.

 Tukang Perahu: Maaf Pak, apakah Bapak bisa berenang?
 Investor:Tidak bisa, memangnya kenapa?
 Tukang Perahu:Kalau begitu kemungkinan 90% Bapak akan kehilangan
 seluruh saham dan seluruh harta Bapak, sebaiknya Bapak berdoa saja,
 mudah-mudahan Bapak bisa selamat dari banjir yang akan segera datang.


 On Dec 17, 2007 2:36 PM, Color Of Universe [EMAIL 
  Jumlah posting di OB berkorelasi positip dengan IHSG.
  So, keep posting! Save the IHSG!

[obrolan-bandar] CS BK racing for BUMI

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik james rajasa
CS  BK are racing to buy BUMI today so as not to miss oil hike.  PTBA now
well over double BUMI price, whereas BUMI was once 70% of PTBA price. With a
fraction of 50 to 5000, every price movement is 1%, so the increase will be

Just a thought,

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TLKM : BUY / HOLD = BUY! (ON ELAINE, LCY, DE, and JSX)

2007-11-02 Terurut Topik james rajasa
*On Elaine*

I'm convinced (and I'm sure Mbah agree) Elaine is one hundred per cent
BOZZ's mysterious hand (among His many other). 1st appearance to make
precise prediction, i.e., 2% drop.  No one listens so Bozz plan to drop is
not interupted. Then her (I'm also 100% sure elaine is a man, but like the
idea of it being a female) prediction is proven, people shocked, and started
believing her.

Then, make false predictions i.e. drop nuke (while I watch nudes on youtube)
and scare people off by also referring to LCY's prediction (but of course
not our beloved Mbah and many other bandarmologist in this group) so that
Bozz's plan goes smooth uninterupted.  And then BOOOM, here comes 2700, most
of its gain being in Bozz's hand due to the UNBELIEVERS wetting their pants
off and CL.

*On LCY*

ANother exact predictions of Elaine is watch LCY will dissapear indeed.
He's been out for few intruiging days, which proofs elaine is right for few
days too, coz I'm convinced LCY will be back soon.  But why would Elaine
makes prediction on LCY dissapearance? NO REASON! other than of course, they
know each other, and Elaine knows LCY will not appear for a while.

But why predict JCI 2000 and most blue chips shares fall on average 30%? LCY
has been right many times, but sometimes he did not explain his reasoning,
including, and especially, that JCI go 2000.  SOOO, LCY could be on BOZZ
side at least on OCtober.  I'm confident LCY has inside relation to BOZZ,
but how close and on whose side? what do you think mbah?

*On DE*

DE is not LCY and not Elaine, DE is DE, a good man close to a part of the
BOZZ(es) and giving us all invaluable knowledge, while every once in a while
making profits (possibly on others expense) (Hey, business is business).
That's why attacks come to DE.

*On JSX*

BOZZ is GOD, to JSX.  So JSX is las vegas to its players.  Why? If BOZZ
wants to, JSX could go to 2000 (as LCY predict) anytime given any negative
momentum, without any TA or FA could predict, except afterwards.  How?
because BOZZ can. In JSX, BOZZ can say, KUN FAYAKUN!!! What it wants,
happens, though not 100% precise. Todays JCI is a very easy example. TLKM
could be a difficult one, but look, just like Mbah said, drop TLKM, then
issue negative news, and vice versa, make it look so real. So bearing that
unpredictable possibility, how does JSX not a gamble?

Here is how.

Indonesia's economy is a growing a company, with some prominent financial
institutions predicting Indonesia to be 6th or at least top ten Economic
Power in 2050, and JSX being an attractive emerging market with good
fundamental. BOZZ wants profit.  So things go in line. JSX trend is up.

BOZZ will not make too crazy KUN, take TLKM down to less than 9.000 for
example, as BOZZ don't want JSX to be TOOO MUCH OF A GAMBLING and make it
disfunctional or scare real investors away. BOZZ also wants JCI trend to be
healthy, THIS I TRUST!  So invest in JSX, using TA or FA, will make it not a
NORMALLY!  And as Mbah reminds, HAVE FAITH IN BOZZ!  Makes JSX like life
itself doesn't it? well it is part of life anyways.

You are our guardian!  Its a difficult task, i.e., safeguarding small retail
investors while trying your best not to be enemy of the BOZZ! Salute to you.

Just a silly thought from a bandarmologist Wannabe.


On 11/2/07, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In,
 james rajasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  See KZ buying back TLKM today, No doubt for TLKM on Monday.

 TA bagus lagi yah... didukung ama bos KZ lagi

 Kalo KEMAREN, analisanya jelek2in FLEXI+TLKM, coba sekarang bagus2in

 FA dan TA itu seperti istri ke 1 dan istri ke 2, tinggal si
 BOZZ mau pilih yg mana hehehe

 Kalo pinjem istilah si Elaine:
 - BEJ is so HILLARIOUS and
 - MAN is so EASY... (orang itu gampangan atau gampang
 dikibulin ?)...hehehe..


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG+TLKM: Bedanya para Prof Trader dengan yg BIASA...

2007-10-30 Terurut Topik james rajasa
So Good to have a good god slash bozz.

Discounted Tlkm, dont miss it.

Toge2nya include WIKA and SULI, right mbah?

On 10/31/07, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Regional UDAH mulai plus

 TLKM masih -700, IHSG rebound ke -31

 Yang mau mempelajari ilmu bandarologi, ini yang namanya:
 - THE ACT of god (god huruf kecil)..

 BEJ akan selalu MERIAH dan BERGAIRAH selama BOZZ masih EXIST...

 Long life to BOZZ

 --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-
  Toge toge biru lagi DIKASIH PUPUK...
  --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-
  consultant@ wrote:
   Sector MINING +0,7% , IHSG -40
   --- In,
 Armando Anthony
   armando.anthony@ wrote:
BK dan ML buang banyak banget mbah, saya ngantri di 10450 kira2
EL, where is your nuklear? I look forward to receiving it
jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
DJI cuman -46 saat ini... (Under Control)
TLKM di JKT dikerjain -4%, TLK di NY dikerjain -10%
TLK di NY udah rebound dari -10% ke -6%... sepertinya PANIK
Trader TLK di NY tadi pasti ampe KENCING DICELANA saat TLK
dibikin -10%...
Have a NICE SLEEP lah, mudah mudahan siBOZZ bekerja malam ini
untuk KITA, to GET RID of the NON BELIEVER...
--- In,
 boyz m4573rs@ wrote:

 bisa jadi scenario-nya spt itu ...
 but, who knows?


 andreas vindyartono wrote:
  mungkin ga Mbah kalau scenarionya sbb:
  Ketika DJIA turun, FM besar akan mengguyur saham2 tertentu
  saham2 J) sehingga retailer pada panik dan jual saham2
  Atas rencana/kesepakatan bersama, pada FM besar akan kompak
masuk ke
  saham2 tertentu (saham2 B) dalam jumlah besar. Hal itu
  harga saham2 (saham B) mereka tidak turun, bahkan malah
  Adapun untuk saham2 B ini, ada kemungkinan bahwa FM besar
  punya banyak barang sebelumnya.
  Beberapa ari kemudian, setelah retail mulai sadar dari
  mulai melakukan pembelian selektif (saham2 yang dianggap
  saham B).Pada saat inilah maka FM besar mulai jualan di
  sambil beli saham2 bagus yang ditinggalkan retail.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] POLY gimana yach ?

2007-10-29 Terurut Topik james rajasa
Poly will not go bankrupt, Legally speaking, as it is already in SOP
(suspension of payment) state. MA is adventurer's effort.

On 10/29/07, sbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di 50 aja bisa dapat, hanya kalo Poly dipailitkan maka baru ambles
 lah jadi berdoalah agar Poly jangan sampe dipailitkan.

 *From:* [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Satriadi Santosa
 *Sent:* 29 Oktober 2007 11:24
 *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] POLY gimana yach ?

 Kalau beli sekarang posisi 52 sepertinya dah tidak
 bakalan nyangkut dan resiko turun sudah kecil ..
 Ini yang disebut long term investment..

 Ini pendapat aku saja.. mohon jgn di masukan ke hati..


  Para sesepuh ..minta pencerahannya dong mengenai
  Saya nyangkut di 102 nih  kira-2 kedepannya
  Saham ini gmn ya ...
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