[obrolan-bandar] Gold 1000.xx

2009-02-20 Terurut Topik jkunci
Mas mas mau kemana? Mau ke kutub Utara toh..., DJ ke kutub Selatan.
Ini berdua koq ga akur ya?...he he (stress liat DJ)

[obrolan-bandar] Gold to Rally, Reach Record as Dollar Declines, Morgan Stanley Forecasts

2009-01-21 Terurut Topik dunia ini indah

Gold to Rally, Reach Record as Dollar Declines, Morgan Stanley Forecasts

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Gold may average higher for each of the next three years 
and climb to a record driven by increased demand and a declining dollar as 
governments ramp up spending to battle the global recession, according to 
Morgan Stanley. 

The metal may average $900 an ounce this year, up 20 percent from an earlier 
target of $750, the bank said today in a report. It may average $1,000 in 2010, 
$1,050 in 2011 and $1,075 in 2012, up as much as 34 percent from previous 
estimates, the report said. The commodity peaked at $1,032.70 on March 17.

Morgan Stanley joins Standard Chartered Plc in raising its target for gold 
prices amid concern that the dollar may drop as the supply of the currency is 
increased. President Barack Obama, sworn in yesterday, plans an $850 billion 
stimulus on top of a $700 billion bank-bailout package enacted under his 

“Devalued currencies, growing global incomes and a renewed appreciation for 
gold should keep prices higher,” Morgan Stanley’s New York-based analyst 
Hussein Allidina wrote. “A globally synchronous and aggressive fiscal and 
monetary stimulus may be needed to re-inflate the global economy, and we think 
this continues to present significant upside to gold prices.” 

The International Monetary Fund has forecast that advanced economies including 
the U.S. will contract simultaneously this year for the first time since World 
War II, spurring stimulus plans backed by more state debt. Gold, regarded by 
some investors as a safe-haven asset, can rise when the dollar falls. 

‘Weaker Dollar’ 

“Gold will remain relatively stable in the first half of the year, then later, 
a weaker dollar, pickup in inflation and flight to safety will help gold test 
its record high again,” said Chen Yonglin, an analyst at Citic Securities Co. 

Gold climbed for an eighth year in 2008, gaining 5.8 percent “in a year when 
most other asset classes saw double- digit losses,” Morgan Stanley’s Allidina 
wrote. “The U.S. dollar should weaken as the global economy recovers.” 

The metal for immediate delivery traded at $851.35 an ounce at 2:37 p.m. in 
Singapore, and has averaged $846.18 an ounce this year. 

Standard Chartered said in a report e-mailed Jan. 15 that gold may average $971 
an ounce in 2009, up 11 percent from the bank’s previous forecast. A weaker 
dollar, lower supply of the metal and safe-haven buying by investors should 
drive gold to more than $1,000 an ounce in the second half of this year, 
according to StanChart analysts led by Helen Henton. 

Jim Rogers, the chairman of Rogers Holdings who correctly predicted in April 
2006 that gold would reach $1,000 an ounce, said last month that he planned to 
buy more of the metal, adding that the price “will go much higher.” 

Platinum may average $875 in 2009, $1,000 in 2010, $1,050 in 2011, and $1,150 
in 2012, down as much as 42 percent from previous estimates, according to 
Morgan Stanley. Palladium may average $180 in 2009, $200 in 2010, $220 in 2011 
and $240 in 2012, down as much as 39 percent from earlier calls, it said.


[obrolan-bandar] Gold Investments Year-End Review 2008 - Outlook for 2009

2008-12-23 Terurut Topik dunia ini indah

Gold Investments Year-End Review 2008 - Outlook for 2009

Gold Outperformed Most Assets in 2008 - Gold Up 3.9% in USD; Up 5.3% in EUR and 
Up 34.4% in GBP 

Today’s London AM fix (23/12/08) was $844.01 (USD), £570.85 (GBP) and €603.72 
(EUR). At the start of 2008 ( January 2nd 2008), gold’s London AM Fix was at 
$840.75 (USD), £424.81 (GBP) and €573.34 (EUR). 

Thus, in 2008 gold is up by 3.9% against the dollar, up 5.3% against the euro 
and up 34.4% against the pound. The London AM Fix is a widely followed 
benchmark for physical gold and silver prices and is reported in major 
newspapers and at many gold-related websites

This has led to a sharp outperformance of gold vis-à-vis every major equity 
indices and commodity in the word, not to mention most property markets (see 
Chart and Performance table). 

In March, gold fell from a record nominal high of just over $1,000/oz but it is 
important to remember that gold is only down some 15% from that record nominal 
high and this is after surging nearly 60% in the previous 7 months.. In the 
seven months from the start of the credit crunch and the collapse of Bear 
Stearns, gold had surged by nearly 60% - from $640 in August 2007 to over 
$1,000 in March 2008. 

Thus after a 60% surge in just 7 months, gold had become overvalued and was due 
a correction. This is exactly what has happened and despite carnage in equity, 
commodity and property markets internationally gold remains higher in 2008 in 
all major currencies including one of the strongest currencies in the world 
during the second half of 2008 – the US dollar.

Considering that gold had already outperformed all other asset classes in the 
last 7 years (a roughly 20% return per annum), this is quite an achievement. 
Especially given the extraordinary and unprecedented financial and economic 
times that have confronted us in 2008.

Gold and silver may rise or fall a small number of percent between here and 
actual year end. Should gold close down on the year, it will be only very 
marginally and will be the first annual fall in gold prices in dollar terms 
since 2000. Even were gold to end up being down some 5% in dollar terms in the 
year – that would be quite an achievement considering how badly property 
markets and major equity indices such as the FTSE (-33.4%), SP 500 (-41%) and 
Nikkei (-43%) have performed in 2008.

Equity indices are down by even larger amounts from peak to trough or from 
their recent record highs. 

Gold has done exactly what it should do in a financial and economic crisis – it 
has outperformed other asset classes and preserved the wealth of those who have 
prudently diversified.


Outlook for 2009

Never in modern history has the outlook for global financial markets and 
economies been so uncertain.

The financial markets and global economy remain in a state of heightened flux. 
Deflation is clearly winning the early to middle rounds of the titanic 
“flation” battle. But the concern is that inflation and stagflation will come 
out swinging in the following rounds. The taboo word of ‘hyperinflation’ may 
soon become a topic of debate in the coming months as stagflation and deflation 
have done in recent months.

Bernanke’s academic knowledge of the Great Depression and Japan’s ‘Lost decade’ 
while useful is quite obsessive and myopic . He would do well to also study 
Weimar Germany as there are parallels with America’s massive fiscal deficits 
and world’s largest debtor status with those of Germany after World War I that 
are increasing by the day.

There are real concerns of a disorderly run on the dollar as the creditors of 
the world’s largest debtor nation get worried about their US dollar denominated 
assets and need their own currency reserves to help protect and stimulate their 
own struggling economies. 

A prime distinction between the 1930’s deflation and Great Depression and today 
is that then the US was the world’s largest creditor nation and the dollar was 
backed by gold. Thus the US dollar strengthened in value as everything deflated 
in value versus it (stocks and property fell by some 80%).. Gold was even 
stronger as Roosevelt devalued the dollar by 60% and revalued gold by 60% from 
$22/oz to $35/oz in 1933. 

Today, the US is the largest debtor nation the world has ever seen and the 
levels of debt are increasing dramatically. And the US dollar is now a fiat 
paper currency, only backed by the “good faith and credit” of the US government.

It would not require significant selling by the Chinese, Japanese, Russian or 
OPEC nations to create a run on the dollar and sharp move upwards in long term 
interest rates (as US government bonds are sold) rather only a sharp reduction 
in their purchases of US debt instruments. This possibility is looking more 
probable and could see President elect Obama facing a monetary crisis in his 
first term. 

Especially as the economic meltdown is leading to the US’ creditor nations 
having their own 

[obrolan-bandar] Gold, Silver Rally on Inflation Expectations; Platinum Advances

2008-11-15 Terurut Topik dunia ini indah

Gold, Silver Rally on Inflation Expectations; Platinum Advances

By Pham-Duy Nguyen
Last Updated: November 14, 2008 14:20 EST 

Nov. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Gold rose the most in eight weeks on speculation that 
central banks will add more liquidity to unfreeze credit markets, spurring 
inflation and boosting the appeal of the precious metal. Silver and platinum 
also gained. 

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the U.S. and other countries are 
ready to take more action to boost lending. The dollar declined against a 
basket of six major currencies after dropping 0.6 percent yesterday. More 
liquidity will devalue currencies and stoke inflation, said Frank McGhee, the 
head dealer of Integrated Brokerage Services LLC in Chicago. 

``Basically, the government needs and wants an inflationary spurt to turn this 
economy around,'' McGhee said. ``Gold is probably $100 to $150 too cheap, based 
on the amount of liquidity that's already been pumped into the system.'' 

Gold futures for December delivery rose $37.50, or 5.3 percent, to $742.50 an 
ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, the biggest 
gain for a most-active contract since Sept. 18. The metal is up 1.1 percent 
this week. 

Silver futures for December delivery jumped 69 cents, or 7.8 percent, to $9.49 
an ounce. The metal is down 4.7 percent this week. 

Platinum futures for January delivery rose $32.10, or 3.9 percent, to $845.10 
an ounce on the Nymex. Palladium for December delivery gained $2.70, or 1.3 
percent, to $216.65 an ounce. 

The Fed has cut its benchmark interest rate to 1 percent from 5.25 percent in 
September 2007 and provided more than $1 trillion in loans to financial 
institutions to help ease the worst credit crisis in seven decades. 

The collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. on Sept. 15 helped trigger 
passage of a $700 billion bailout plan by the U.S. Since then, gold traded as 
high as $936.30 on Oct. 10 and as low as $681 on Oct. 24. 

`Awash With Dollars' 

Gold may rise as the dollar begins to slide, said Walter Otstott, a senior 
broker at Dallas Commodity Co. in Dallas. 

``Bargain hunters and investors are starting to appreciate gold for its 
diversification attributes,'' Otstott said. ``Fundamentally, the world is awash 
with dollars, and we should see the greenback resume its long-term downward 

The metal reached a record $1,033.90 in March as the decline in borrowing costs 
sent the dollar to an all-time low against the euro in July


[obrolan-bandar] Gold drops to end worst month since 1983

2008-11-01 Terurut Topik dunia ini indah

Gold drops to end worst month since 1983

NEW YORK, LONDON: Gold prices dropped 2 percent on Friday, concluding their 
worst month in a quarter century as a strong dollar and recession fears drove 
investors into less volatile assets.

Gold bullion lost 17 percent in October, its biggest decline since February, 
1983, when it finished the month 18.2 percent lower.

Bullion is down 12 percent this year, well below the record high of $1,030.80 
an ounce struck in March. 

Gold's moves today are mainly currency driven, said Simon Weeks, director of 
precious metals at the Bank of Nova Scotia.

At the month-end, flows are in favor of the dollar.

Gold was at $720.35 an ounce at 2:04 p.m. EDT (1804 GMT), 2.1 percent lower 
than Thursday's close of $735.50.

The US dollar and yen posted sharp gains after bleak US economic reports 
heightened global recession fears. 

Gold tends to move opposite to the dollar, whose strength makes bullion more 
expensive for holders of other currencies.

A sharp drop of the COMEX futures open interest this week signaled more 
unwinding of long positions as extreme price volatility has dented buying 

Another big-position account probably stepped to the sidelines, said FC Stone 
broker George Nickas, referring to the tumbling open interest, a measure of 
market liquidity


The key driver for gold at the moment is the US dollar and it looks like it is 
going to strengthen again and that is definitely negative for gold, a 
London-based trader said.

US data on Friday showed consumers in September cut spending for the first time 
in two years, evidently bracing for hard times.

In times of recession, the most likely scenario for gold is it goes down a 
lot, especially if it is trading at historically high levels, said Jesper 
Dannesboe, senior commodity strategist at Societe Generale.

Because the fears of inflation will be replaced by fears of disinflation and 
that is a killer for gold ... I think gold is going below $600 in this cycle.


[obrolan-bandar] GOLD

2008-10-23 Terurut Topik Bandar Junior

semoga bermanfaat


[obrolan-bandar] Gold, precious metals higher as commodities rally

2008-10-14 Terurut Topik Cumi Enak
Gold, precious metals higher as commodities rally

06:13 AM EDT
By Jan Harvey

LONDON (Reuters) - Gold and other precious metals rose on Tuesday as fresh 
plans to stabilize the banking sector sparked a rally in commodities, with 
platinum up more than 6 percent and silver climbing 4 percent.

http://mobile.reuters.com/mobile/m/ShortArticle/p.rdt/CINV/nhotStocksNews_uUSTRE49A00F20081014attachment: gold.jpg

[obrolan-bandar] gold *again*

2008-10-10 Terurut Topik er1ck
last calll for gold..950-955 target pertama...ready for take off...brr

[obrolan-bandar] gold....

2008-10-09 Terurut Topik er1ck
happy endingjust start the engine , gigi 3 :-)

[obrolan-bandar] gold....

2008-10-07 Terurut Topik er1ck
for gold lover, harap sabar...saatnya sebentar lagi akan tiba :-)) ,
per-istirahatan pertama di 950-an..kasiiih dah ...enjoy...

*disclaimer on* :-D

Re: [obrolan-bandar] gold....

2008-10-07 Terurut Topik Juragan Cumi
duh, mesti nyewa safe deposit box dulu nih, dah gak aman kalo nyimpen di

antam pulo gadung rame gak yah?

Cumi, Cuma Mimpi

2008/10/8 er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  for gold lover, harap sabar...saatnya sebentar lagi akan tiba :-)) ,
 per-istirahatan pertama di 950-an..kasiiih dah ...enjoy...

 *disclaimer on* :-D

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik Rei
Bukannya terbalik?

2008/9/28 bayu murti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang
 karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...

 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]* menulis:

 Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

   yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya klo
 ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi ,
 target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D

  On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi
 k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg
 mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
 @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik Rei
Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah?

2008/9/28 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bukannya terbalik?

 2008/9/28 bayu murti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang
 karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...

 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]* menulis:

 Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

   yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya klo
 ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi ,
 target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D

  On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan
 bagi k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold 
 lg mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
 @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik Rei
Tergantung melihatnya gimana kali ya pak...kalo market melihat dgn bailout
ini ekonomi US akan stabil, bisa saja usd menguat setelah knee jerk reaction
(melemah) dan komo/gold akhirnya turun...dan vice versa.
Senior saya org Singapore dulu pernah bilang ke saya Tidak ada yg pasti di
market, semua tergantung dari faktor mana yg paling dominan krn tidak
mungkin hanya ada 1 faktor saja...jadi semua juga ujung2nya cuma
tebak-tebakan. Cuma ada yg educated guess based on data/theory, ada juga yg
lucky guess...hehehe

2008/9/28 Halim Mintareja [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Short term sih harusnya melemah.

 sentimen jelek sekali kalau sampai bailout terjadi.

 Tapi pertanyaan berikutnya ..
 Short term itu berapa lama ? 6 bulan ?? 1 bulan ?? 1 minggu ?? atau jangan
 jangan cuman kurang dari 24 jam ha.ha..

 semua serba short term saat ini.
 walaupun ada beberapa saham non komoditas dan financial yang mulai
 menunjukan ke stabilan harga.

 moga-moga kita bisa mulai masuk masa-masa sideways

 2008/9/28 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah?

 2008/9/28 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bukannya terbalik?

 2008/9/28 bayu murti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang
 karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...

 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]* menulis:

 Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

   yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya
 klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000
 lagi , target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D

  On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan
 bagi k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold 
 lg mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
 @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik Gambler.BEJ
Karena jumlah uang USD yg beredar bertambah?

Rei wrote:

 Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah?


 Bukannya terbalik?

 2008/9/28 bayu murti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan
 terbang karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena


 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck /[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* menulis:

 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

 yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan ,
 target saya klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur
 goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi , target maks dlm 1-2 taun
 bisa ke 1.500 :-D

 On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja
 terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 31gram dpt deh
 harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold
 sekarang lg mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas

 Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa
 lebih baik langsung dari antm...harganya sdh naik
 banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, *Dick Q* passion8899@ gmail.com
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak
 usah khawatir mengenai keasliannya.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Rei mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas
 batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? atau
 via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail
 dan @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik Halim Mintareja
Short term sih harusnya melemah.

sentimen jelek sekali kalau sampai bailout terjadi.

Tapi pertanyaan berikutnya ..
Short term itu berapa lama ? 6 bulan ?? 1 bulan ?? 1 minggu ?? atau jangan
jangan cuman kurang dari 24 jam ha.ha..

semua serba short term saat ini.
walaupun ada beberapa saham non komoditas dan financial yang mulai
menunjukan ke stabilan harga.

moga-moga kita bisa mulai masuk masa-masa sideways

2008/9/28 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah?

 2008/9/28 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bukannya terbalik?

 2008/9/28 bayu murti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang
 karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...

 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]* menulis:

 Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

   yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya klo
 ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi ,
 target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D

  On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan
 bagi k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold 
 lg mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. comobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
 @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik bayu murti
Intinya gmn pak? tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan 
terbang karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...
kebalikan dari saya apa setuju ma pendapat saya?Saya bingung saat ini bailout 
disetujui, kok malah dollar menguat?Emmm susah bgt diprediksi...
--- Pada Ming, 28/9/08, Halim Mintareja [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Halim Mintareja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Minggu, 28 September, 2008, 11:39 AM


Short term sih harusnya melemah.

sentimen jelek sekali kalau sampai bailout terjadi.

Tapi pertanyaan berikutnya ..
Short term itu berapa lama ? 6 bulan ?? 1 bulan ?? 1 minggu ?? atau jangan 
jangan cuman kurang dari 24 jam ha.ha..

semua serba short term saat ini.
walaupun ada beberapa saham non komoditas dan financial yang mulai menunjukan 
ke stabilan harga.

moga-moga kita bisa mulai masuk masa-masa sideways

2008/9/28 Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com

Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah? 

2008/9/28 Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com

Bukannya terbalik? 

2008/9/28 bayu murti bayumurti1981@ yahoo.co. id

tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang karena 
inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi...

--- Pada Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] com menulis:

Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya klo ini si 
DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi , target 
maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D 

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg wrote:

Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 
31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg mahal 
kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya. 

Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

From: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari 
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com wrote: 

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

- Original Message - 
From: Rei 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? 
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 

Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain! 




Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-28 Terurut Topik bayu murti
BetuullTu mesin printingnya dach bunyi! CEKREKKREK 
ZENNG (dipanasi dulu) 
Soale mo dipaksa kerja extra berat 
--- Pada Ming, 28/9/08, Gambler.BEJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Minggu, 28 September, 2008, 11:51 AM


Karena jumlah uang USD yg beredar bertambah?

Rei wrote:

 Kalo disetujui, apakah asumsi usd akan melemah?


 2008/9/28 Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com mailto:highwaystar91@ gmail.com

 Bukannya terbalik?

 2008/9/28 bayu murti bayumurti1981@ yahoo.co. id

 mailto:bayumurti1981@ yahoo.co. id

 tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan

 terbang karena inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena



 --- Pada *Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck /[EMAIL PROTECTED] com

 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com/* menulis:

 Dari: er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] com mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com

 Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM

 yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan ,

 target saya klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur

 goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi , target maks dlm 1-2 taun

 bisa ke 1.500 :-D

 On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY


 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg wrote:

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja

 terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 31gram dpt deh

 harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold

 sekarang lg mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas


 Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

  - - - - 
 - -

 *From*: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com

 mailto:highwaystar91@ gmail.com

 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa

 lebih baik langsung dari antm...harganya sdh naik

 banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, *Dick Q* passion8899@ gmail.com

 mailto:passion8899@ gmail.com wrote:

 Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..

 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak

 usah khawatir mengenai keasliannya.



 - Original Message -

 *From:* Rei mailto:highwaystar91@ gmail.com

 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM

 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold


 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas

 batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? atau

 via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

  - - - - - -

 Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru

 http://sg.rd. yahoo.com/ id/mail/domainch oice/mail/ signature/ 
 *http://mail. promotions. yahoo.com/ newdomains/ id/

 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail

 dan @rocketmail. br Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!




Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di di bidang Anda! Kunjungi 
Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-27 Terurut Topik Rei
Understood pak SB, thank you!


On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi
 k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg
 mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
 atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-27 Terurut Topik er1ck
yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya klo ini
si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi ,
target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D

 On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi
 k.l. 31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg
 mahal kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

 Sent from my BlackBerry (R) wireless device

 *Date*: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

  - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-27 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Mungkin Nilai Gold nya tidak kemana mana pak..
tapi nilai USD nya yang terus melorot kebawah.. :)
--- Pada Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 7:38 PM


yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya 
klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi 
, target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D 

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg wrote:

Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 
31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg mahal 
kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya. 

Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

From: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari 
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com wrote: 

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

- Original Message - 

From: Rei 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? 
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 





Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-27 Terurut Topik bayu murti
tinggal nunggu bailout gmn, kl disetujui keknya gold akan terbang karena 
inflasi, kl ditolak gold akan nyungsep karena resesi... 

--- Pada Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 12:38 PM


yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya 
klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi 
, target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D 

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg wrote:

Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 
31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg mahal 
kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya. 

Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

From: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari 
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com wrote: 

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

- Original Message - 

From: Rei 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? 
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 





Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-26 Terurut Topik SbudianaY

Kalo belinya LM (Logam Mulia), dulu sih beli dimana aja sama, krn percentage 
kadar karat nya sudah tercetak disitu.

Sent from my BlackBerry � wireless device

-Original Message-

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:17:34 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-26 Terurut Topik SbudianaY

Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 
31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg mahal 
kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya.

Sent from my BlackBerry � wireless device

-Original Message-

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
 atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


[obrolan-bandar] Gold Up Slightly, Attention on U.S. Bailout Plan

2008-09-24 Terurut Topik  bussBerry™
New York gold prices inched slightly higher Wednesday, as the markets watched 
the financial debate and waited for any Washington movement on the U.S. $700 
billion bailout plan. Silver, gold and platinum futures rose, 2.1 percent, 0.4 
percent, and 1.2 percent, respectively.

Powered by  bussBerry®
buss offers a comprehensive  holistic proven business model for entrepreneurs 
interested to own a long-term and sustainable distribution business.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-22 Terurut Topik Gambler.BEJ
Langsung ke antam biar tidak ada biaya perantara, mau beli berapa kilo 
pak Rei?

Rei wrote:
 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke 
 antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-22 Terurut Topik Gambler.BEJ
Masa sih produsen bisa kalah harga dari retailer, apalagi saat ini 
dimana spreadnya cukup besar karena harga cukup volatile.

Dick Q wrote:
 Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-22 Terurut Topik Ned Putra
Mbah oil lompat mbah.105.80 ..jam13.58 

- Original Message 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 1:26:59 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Masa sih produsen bisa kalah harga dari retailer, apalagi saat ini 
dimana spreadnya cukup besar karena harga cukup volatile.

Dick Q wrote:
 Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-22 Terurut Topik Dick Q
Anda mau beli berapa kg ? kalo maen kg harga emas di logam mulia lebih 
 Tapi kalo baru main gram  (kepingan)  kenyataannya harga di retail lebih 
check aja di toko emas langganan anda.

- Original Message - 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Masa sih produsen bisa kalah harga dari retailer, apalagi saat ini
 dimana spreadnya cukup besar karena harga cukup volatile.

 Dick Q wrote:
 Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)


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[obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Rei
Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Dick Q
Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rei 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

  Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? 
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Rei
Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
 atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Dick Q
Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rei 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

  Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari 
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

  On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rei 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

  Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke 
antm? atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik er1ck
beli di sini aja, www.oanda.com kalo mau beneran trading :-)

2008/9/22 Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:31 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
 atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Juragan Cumi
Bukannya harga di toko emas ngikutin harga antam ditambah sekitar 2000
rupiah per gram?
Harganya bisa dilihat di http://www.logammulia.com/news.php?id=9 atau telpon
aja kesana langsung.

Cumi, Cuma Mimpi

2008/9/22 Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Di toko emas malah bisa dapet lebih murah :)

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:31 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari
 antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

 On 9/22/08, Dick Q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
 ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai

 - Original Message -
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Sent:* Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm?
 atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims!


[obrolan-bandar] Gold and Platinum Drop Sharply with Oil

2008-09-02 Terurut Topik C‡st♥™
New York silver, gold and platinum all dropped sharply Tuesday, helped by 
falling crude-oil prices and a rally in the U.S. dollar. The latter was spurred 
along by furthering concerns over the economic picture in Europe and Asia.  

Posted by:  coinhobbyist  

Full Story: www.coinnews.net 

Sent From My buss|Berry®

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[obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Bandar Junior



[obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Ricky Wakiman
Yang next few years, entar-sok aja deh, Mas. Sekarang mikirin gimana bisa lepas 
dari saham nyangkut dulu. Hik, hik.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Bandar Junior 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 2:59 PM
  Subject: [!! SPAM] [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few 



Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik abdulrahim abdulrahim
=)) =)) =))

Sabar pak Ricky
Orang sabar, ditunggu chwan

2008/6/20 Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Yang next few years, entar-sok aja deh, Mas. Sekarang mikirin gimana bisa
 lepas dari saham nyangkut dulu. Hik, hik.


 - Original Message -
 From: Bandar Junior
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 2:59 PM
 Subject: [!! SPAM] [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few


Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years

2008-06-20 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

saya rasa, kecil kemungkinan ke $5000, seandainya pun ke angka tersebut akan 
sangat mudah meledak dan pullback down.

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart Investment ideas 

--- On Fri, 6/20/08, Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Ricky Wakiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few years
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 4:03 PM

Yang next few years, entar-sok aja deh, Mas. Sekarang mikirin gimana bisa lepas 
dari saham nyangkut dulu. Hik, hik.

- Original Message - 
From: Bandar Junior 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 2:59 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] [obrolan-bandar] GOLD may rise to $5,000 in the next few 

http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 



[obrolan-bandar] Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128

2008-05-18 Terurut Topik Pusat Dunia

Gold Price Above $900, Oil Sets Record Near $128 

May 16, 2008 -- Gold prices have hit $905 an ounce on the New York exchange 
market, rising from $882 late last week. Rapidly rising oil prices, which 
reached $128 a barrel, have sparked a buying spree. Silver has also risen in 
price, reaching $17 an ounce. Earlier this year gold prices broke the $1,000 an 
ounce barrier before falling back again. Financial analysts believe gold could 
hit $2,500 an ounce within a few years.

THE RISING PRICE OF OIL isn't just swelling Americans' energy bills — it's also 
holding back their stock portfolios.

Wall Street got some seemingly auspicious signs last week about home 
construction and consumer level inflation. But with oil climbing to new 
records, and more reports expected this week on rising prices and the housing 
market, investors are holding on to a conservative stance.

Oil's stubborn trek to record highs is a major reason why investors have yet to 
push the major indexes into positive territory for the year. Just this month, 
crude has so far tacked on about $13 to breach $127 a barrel, while the price 
tag on a gallon of gasoline for the average U.S. driver has soared 17 cents to 
nearly $3.79.

Those price surges cast an air of skepticism over last week's report from the 
Labor Department showing a modest 0.2 percent uptick in consumer prices in 

Meanwhile, the Commerce Department's upbeat report on housing starts also met 
with some doubt among investors, particularly because the huge rise was due 
mostly to apartment construction, which can vary widely from month to month.

Still the market, betting that better times are not that far off, finished the 
week with a solid advance. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 1.89 percent, 
while the Standard  Poor's 500 index gained 2.67 percent and the Nasdaq 
composite index picked up 3.41 percent

So are we at an inflection point in housing right now? Very possibly. But 
let's be clear here. Nothing in the data suggests we're about to see a sharp 
rebound, wrote Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group LLC in a research 

We are still looking for oil to ease off and for the dollar to rise off 
the floor. Without those moves, even if we have good earnings for Q1, 
we won’t be able to assume the consumer can hold up in Q2. (APP)


[obrolan-bandar] GOLD : 995

2008-03-13 Terurut Topik hendrik_lwww
1000 tonight???
Good for ANTM, 1500 is the next ...
Nikel juga udah di atas 31 ribu.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD : 995

2008-03-13 Terurut Topik VIVID VIDI VICI

2008/3/13, hendrik_lwww [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   1000 tonight???
 Good for ANTM, 1500 is the next ...
 Nikel juga udah di atas 31 ribu.



[obrolan-bandar] Gold, Nickel Rebound, Platina Rally naik trus,

2008-02-19 Terurut Topik hendrik_lwww
kapan ANTM???

[obrolan-bandar] Gold ready to spike

2008-01-29 Terurut Topik Bell Boy
Watch Batu Sihir (Gold) is overlooked now ready to sparkling againsupport 
$1000 if   breakthrough goes to $1100-$1200 per TO. TP $2000. They never let 
the damn good Yellow fall because others ready to swoop it down!

Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.


2008-01-25 Terurut Topik hendrik_lwww

biarpun gold cuman 8% dari produksi ANTM tapi kalo kenaikannya kayak 
gini pasti berpengaruh positif ke profit ANTM...

Let's My ANTM Horse, Run, Run,... Jump, FLY

Kalo dilihat dari analisa aneh - aneh hubungkan BEI ama XAU, kayaknya 
senin ijo deh...


2008-01-25 Terurut Topik Cumi Goreng Tepung
Anglo Gold Ashanti tambangnya tutup karena mati lampu.

an. 25
(Bloomberg) -- Gold and platinum rose to records in London as a
shortage of electricity in South Africa forced mining companies to
shut production. Oil and copper also advanced.

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., Gold Fields Ltd. and Anglo Platinum Ltd. shut
their South African mines because of power problems. The nation is the
world's biggest platinum producer and ranks second, after China, for
gold output. Oil rose after U.S. lawmakers announced an economic
package to avoid recession in the world's biggest energy-consuming
country. Copper advanced to its highest in more than a week after
Chinese stockpiles plunged.

On 1/25/08, Wilson Indra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kalo menurut pendapat saya, kenapa ga beli saham tambang emas aja
 sekalian, seperti newmont, freeport mc-moran, anglo gold ashanti,
 kinross gold, dll, ketimbang beli saham antm, lebih cenderung ngikutin
 harga nikel dunia.
 Tapi belinya wait n see dulu lah, nunggu perkembangan djia n nyse, di
 awal bulan februari, khawatir index di us jatoh lage setelah laporan
 keuangan perusahaan2 di amrik untuk full year 07 dipublish, terutama
 untuk sektor finance, banking n mortgage finance. Dan saham2 tambang
 emas yg bagus malah ikut2an turun ngikutin pasar.
 Ini hanya pandangan saya saja.

 salam sejahtera,

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[obrolan-bandar] Gold Hits Record

2008-01-08 Terurut Topik bernanke20551
Mau kemana nih kira2 ya ... ?

[obrolan-bandar] Gold at $900/oz in 2008

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Ery Prasetyawan
Gold at $900/oz in 2008

THE GOLD price will surge to a record high of $900/oz,
driven by a weaker US dollar and economic turmoil in
2008, while a surplus in the metal will narrow by 97
tonnes, possibly dipping into a deficit, keeping
prices strong, according to the VM Group/Fortis
bi-annual The Yellow Book.

“We argue that although a recovery in the US dollar is
not impossible, and when it does come is likely to
take us all by surprise, it won’t be in 2008,” Jessica
Cross, CEO of VM Group wrote in the report.

US interest rates will drop to three percent by the
end of next year as the Federal Reserve takes measures
to avoid a recession, taking the dollar to fresh lows
against other currencies, she argued. 
If price doesn't rise to $900/oz it will be a great
“Such an interest rate cut may not in itself be
sufficient to prevent a recession, which will see
equity prices weaken. Gold could therefore benefit
from this .double whammy: lower interest rates and a
rush from equities,” she said.

“If the price does not rise to $900/oz some time in
2008 it will be a great surprise, and if the
background macro-economic picture in the US and a
weaker dollar prevails and gold fails to hit $900/oz,
it will be a strong indicator that gold has reached a
new historic ceiling,” she said.

Mine supply is not expected to change materially in
2008 because many expansions and new projects will
come after next year.

The Yellow Book forecast gold-backed exchange-traded
funds will hold in excess of 1,000 tonnes of gold in
2008 and possibly more if new similar products are
launched in the Middle East and Asia. Over the last
three years, ETFs have absorbed 200 tonnes of gold a
year and 2008 is expected to be of the same magnitude.

Central banks within the European Gold Agreement (EGA)
are expected to sell less gold than the maximum limit
of 500 tonnes in the EGA year ending September 2008.

“We maintain, furthermore, that China’s central bank
will not add to its gold reserves,” Cross said.

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“The amounts that would need to be purchased to make a
difference would be so large as to make China a holder
of gold on the European scale, and the Chinese will be
aware that the Europeans have needed a sales limit in
order to exit the market in an orderly fashion.”

Dehedging by gold producers will slow from this year’s
forecast 400 tonnes, which is fractionally below the
level set in 2006, to about 210 tonnes.

“Yet the risks are on the side of higher dehedging,
the success so far of what in effect is a gamble on
higher prices will not have been lost on companies and
their shareholders and there are few signs of major
new hedge programmes coming to the fore.”

The gold surplus in 2008 will narrow to 123 tonnes in
2008 from this year’s 22 tonnes.

“We expect the physical market to record a small
surplus, of 123t, suggesting that for prices to remain
strong, investors need to remain faithful to bullion,
which, given the background macro-economic problems
relating to the probability of a US recession and a
still weaker US currency, is more than likely.”

Ery Prasetyawan
Penulis Buku  Bagaimana Bebas Utang Selamanya
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[obrolan-bandar] Gold Price Rises US$13.3 per Troy Ounce

2007-12-10 Terurut Topik Ery Prasetyawan
From E-bursa:
  Tuesday, 11 December 2007 12:06:57
StockWatch (Jakarta) - Gold contract for delivery of February 2008 which is the 
most active in New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) was up on Monday (10/12) by 
US$13.3 per trouy once (1.6%) at US$813.5 per troy ounce. 

The futures contract for delivery of February 2008 moved within trading range 
of US$806.5-817.5 per troy ounce on volume transaction of 72,766 units of 

In the spot market - gold contract for delivery of December 2007 - closed 
higher by US$13.3 per troy ounce at US$807.7 per troy ounce from US$794.4 on 
Friday (7/10) but the volume transaction was only 122 units of contract.

In the continued trading on NYMEX electronic facility, Access, gold contract 
for delivery of February 2008 opened at US$814.1 per troy ounce. On Monday at 
11:02 New York time (about 11:02 west Indonesia time), the contract was down 
US$0.5 per troy ounce at US$813.0 per troy ouce from the closing in the regular 
market on Monday. (Baso Amir/bud)

Copyright (c)2006 PT Limas Centric Indonesia Tbk. All rights reserved.
Republication or redistribution of StockWatch News and e-Bursa.com content is 
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of PT Limas Centric 
Indonesia Tbk. PT Limas Centric Indonesia Tbk. shall not be liable for any 
errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Ery Prasetyawan
Penulis Buku  Bagaimana Bebas Utang Selamanya
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[obrolan-bandar] Gold Nickel Up. ANTM ?

2007-11-26 Terurut Topik Irawan Sudarman
Gold n Nickel naik.
ANTM Sell on News ?
I think better HOLD it.
Mohon advisnya Pak TBUMI..

[obrolan-bandar] Gold Reaches 27-Year High on Dollar, Oil Records; Silver Gains

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Gold Reaches 27-Year High on Dollar, Oil Records; Silver Gains 
  By Pham-Duy Nguyen


  Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Gold rose to the highest since 1980 as record oil 
prices and a slumping dollar increased concern that inflation will accelerate. 
Silver jumped to the highest in 26 years.
  Oil surged as high as $97 a barrel in New York and the dollar extended its 
slide to the lowest ever against the euro, boosting the appeal of precious 
metals as an inflation hedge. Investment in the StreetTracks Gold Trust, an 
exchange-traded fund backed by bullion, has risen 32 percent this year to a 
record 598 metric tons.
  ``This gold market is up, up and away,'' said Ron Goodis, futures trading 
director at Equidex Brokerage Group Inc. in Closter, New Jersey. ``The dollar 
is going to keep skidding. We don't know if it's going to be a recession, 
inflation, stagflation. People want to buy gold.''
  Gold futures for December delivery rose $14, or 1.7 percent, to $824.80 an 
ounce at 10:42 a.m. on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. 
The price earlier climbed to $826.40, the highest for a most-active contract 
since Jan. 21, 1980, the day gold reached a record $873. Gold has rallied 29 
percent this year and is heading for the seventh straight annual gain.
  Silver futures for December delivery rose 56.5 cents, or 3.8 percent, to 
$15.35 an ounce, after earlier reaching $15.405, the highest price for a 
most-active contract since Jan. 21, 1981. Before today, the metal climbed 14 
percent this year.
  Weakening Dollar
  The dollar fell to $1.457 against the euro, the lowest ever, on speculation 
losses related to U.S. subprime-mortgage defaults will prompt the Federal 
Reserve to reduce interest rates for a third time this year.
  Gold gained 23 percent last year when the dollar dropped 10 percent against 
the euro. The dollar is down 9.3 percent against the euro in 2007 and has 
fallen 3.9 percent since Sept. 18, when the Fed lowered the overnight lending 
rate for the first time in four years. The Fed cut rates again by 0.25 
percentage point to 4.5 percent on Oct. 31.
  Five of the past six bear markets for the U.S. currency have resulted in a 
gold rally. Interest-rate futures indicate investors believe there is a 62 
percent chance the Fed will lower rates to 4.25 percent by Dec. 11, compared 
with a 6 percent chance a month ago.
  ``Everyone should keep accumulating gold and selling dollars,'' said James 
Turk, founder of GoldMoney.com, which had $237 million of gold and silver in 
storage for investors at the end of October.
  $1,000 Prediction
  Turk expects gold to breach $1,000 in 2008. He correctly predicted last year 
gold would rise above $800 in 2007. ``Gold remains cheap and the dollar is 
still way overvalued,'' he said.
  UBS AG today raised its one-month forecast to $850 from $700.
  ``With the two external drivers of gold -- a weak U.S. dollar and strong oil 
-- together conspiring to lift the metal higher, we are now in range of a move 
to the all-time nominal high of $850,'' said UBS AG analyst John Reade.
  Gold for immediate delivery in London rose $16.22, or 2 percent, to $822.72. 
The spot price has averaged $677.64 this year.
  Crude-oil futures traded higher on concern demand will outpace supply. Gold 
reached its record in January 1980 after oil costs doubled in a year, sparking 
a surge in the inflation rate.
  To contact the reporter on this story: Pham-Duy Nguyen in Seattle at [EMAIL 
Last Updated: November 6, 2007 10:53 EST
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[obrolan-bandar] GOLD sudah 823.80 +13.00

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
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[obrolan-bandar] Gold and tin should draw new investors

2007-04-22 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk

  Gold and tin should draw new investors
 Prospecting for gold ore continues to attract interest from investors while 
tin ore has tremendous potential for growth, according to Anusorn Nuangpolmark, 
the director-general of Primary Industries and Mines Department. 
About 400 billion baht worth of gold is estimated to be present in Thailand, 
with the main ore deposits in Phichit, Phetchabun, Loei, Phitsanulok, Prachin 
Buri, Chanthaburi, Satun and Narathiwat. 
Attractive world gold prices have drawn many miners to prospect for and develop 
ore in Thailand. The precious metal is currently trading around US$680 an 
ounce, compared with $240 in 2001. 
According to Mr Anusorn, the department has awarded special prospecting 
licences for 60 tracts and another 54 tracts are under consideration. More 
applications to explore for gold ore in the early stages. 
Tin ore, he said, also had great potential for development because the metal's 
price has almost doubled to US$15,000 per tonne, from $8,000 last year. 
To encourage tin ore production, the department is amending the law to reduce 
ore royalties to more appropriate rates to make the ventures viable. 
The amendment is being scrutinised by the Council of State, the government's 
legal advisory body, before being sent to the cabinet for approval. 
The tract with the most potential for tin mining is located in the Andaman Sea, 
off Phangnga province. 
Mr Anusorn said overall mineral production in Thailand was worth 39.5 billion 
baht last year, a 12% increase from 2005. The five minerals recording the 
highest values were limestone, lignite, gypsum, gold and zinc. The top five 
export earners were tin, gypsum, gold, tantalum and zinc. 
The highest export volume was for iron ore, at 234,000 tonnes last year 
compared with 36,000 tonnes in 2005. 
Yongyuth Petsuwan, the chairman of Mining Industry Council, said the council 
had repeatedly warned its members to strictly comply with the laws and 
regulations, especially paying serious attention to environmental concerns in 
areas surrounding mining sites. 
After mining is finished, he said, the sites should be restored or redeveloped 
into farming areas to increase their value and improve communities.
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-18 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Nggak lah terbalik! Kalo spot lebih mahal itu biasanya bullish. Macam harga nickel sekarang, perusahaan stainless steel melihat demand banyak, panik buying membuat mereka beli stock spot (pengiriman segera). Spot nickel 12,5 USD/lb , futures 3 month ada di 11, 6 USD/lb.  Harga futures/forward termasuk biasanya ada ongkos sewa gudang dan maintenance.Oskar Syahbana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Halo Pak Eka,Maaf nih saya tidak terlalu ngerti dengan pasar commodity, tapi bukannya kalau harga spot
 sekarang lebih murah dibandingkan harga futures-nya, maka komoditas tersebut ekspektasi ke depannya naik (bullish)? Please correct me if I'm wrong  On 9/17/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED]com wrote:Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures.-- Oskar Syahbanahttp://permagnus.com/http://pojokbisnis.com/ -- Business from a different point of



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-18 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Nggak lah terbalik! Kalo spot lebih mahal itu biasanya bullish. Macam harga nickel sekarang, perusahaan stainless steel melihat demand banyak, panik buying membuat mereka beli stock spot (pengiriman segera). Spot nickel 12,5 USD/lb , futures 3 month ada di 11, 6 USD/lb.  Harga futures/forward termasuk biasanya ada ongkos sewa gudang dan maintenance.Oskar Syahbana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Halo Pak Eka,Maaf nih saya tidak terlalu ngerti dengan pasar commodity, tapi bukannya kalau harga spot
 sekarang lebih murah dibandingkan harga futures-nya, maka komoditas tersebut ekspektasi ke depannya naik (bullish)? Please correct me if I'm wrong  On 9/17/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED]com wrote:Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures.-- Oskar Syahbanahttp://permagnus.com/http://pojokbisnis.com/ -- Business from a different point of



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-18 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Nggak lah terbalik! Kalo spot lebih mahal itu biasanya bullish. Macam harga nickel sekarang, perusahaan stainless steel melihat demand banyak, panik buying membuat mereka beli stock spot (pengiriman segera). Spot nickel 12,5 USD/lb , futures 3 month ada di 11, 6 USD/lb.  Harga futures/forward termasuk biasanya ada ongkos sewa gudang dan maintenance.Oskar Syahbana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Halo Pak Eka,Maaf nih saya tidak terlalu ngerti dengan pasar commodity, tapi bukannya kalau harga spot
 sekarang lebih murah dibandingkan harga futures-nya, maka komoditas tersebut ekspektasi ke depannya naik (bullish)? Please correct me if I'm wrong  On 9/17/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED]com wrote:Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures.-- Oskar Syahbanahttp://permagnus.com/http://pojokbisnis.com/ -- Business from a different point of



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-18 Terurut Topik ibonk pangrib

maaf niemau nanya...ada yang tau tentang KIE (Kontrak Indeks Emas) ga??? aq masih kurang ngerti..ada yg bisa jelasin ga?  Terimakasih  Bosman. PangaribuanEKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nggak lah terbalik! Kalo spot lebih mahal itu biasanya bullish. Macam harga nickel sekarang, perusahaan stainless steel melihat demand banyak, panik buying membuat mereka beli stock spot (pengiriman segera). Spot nickel 12,5 USD/lb , futures 3 month ada di 11, 6 USD/lb.  Harga
 futures/forward termasuk biasanya ada ongkos sewa gudang dan maintenance.Oskar Syahbana oskar.syahbana@gmail.com wrote:  Halo Pak Eka,Maaf nih saya tidak terlalu ngerti dengan pasar commodity, tapi bukannya kalau harga spot  sekarang lebih murah dibandingkan harga futures-nya, maka komoditas tersebut ekspektasi ke depannya naik (bullish)? Please correct me if I'm wrong  On 9/17/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED]com wrote:Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah
 lebih murah dari futures.-- Oskar Syahbanahttp://permagnus.com/http://pojokbisnis.com/ -- Business from a different point of  view 
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-17 Terurut Topik Bonardo Paruntungan

kalu gitu OIL berdoa supaya ikutin jejak ini?  jadi kalimatnya "selamat tinggal OIL 60, welcome OIL 56" ini sih mimpi...yang saya rada geli neh.. soalnya"dikelitikin" beginihey OIL naik , KOmoditas Naik, Indeks naik.. ah memang saya makin jauh dari pintar saja mengerti kalimat begitu..ada saran? =DBONS  EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah
 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures. 
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-17 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana

Halo Pak Eka,Maaf nih saya tidak terlalu ngerti dengan pasar commodity, tapi bukannya kalau harga spot sekarang lebih murah dibandingkan harga futures-nya, maka komoditas tersebut ekspektasi ke depannya naik (bullish)?
Please correct me if I'm wrongOn 9/17/06, EKA SUWANDANA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures.  

-- Oskar Syahbanahttp://permagnus.com/http://pojokbisnis.com/ -- Business from a different point of view




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[obrolan-bandar] GOLD bearish

2006-09-16 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Gold bearish nih!!! Sudah 570 USD/ounce. Harga spot sudah lebih murah dari futures.  



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] gold to rebound

2006-06-14 Terurut Topik hilman anugraha

Dear all,Saya percaya setelah terkoreksi hampir 25% gold udah near ke support level. Adakah yang bisa memberitahu equity apa yang paralel dengan harga gold ?Makasi sebelumnya  Hilman __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] gold to rebound

2006-06-14 Terurut Topik Karno Edy

di BEJ ya ANTM, biarpun % thd total salesnya 

  - Original Message - 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:12 
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] gold to 
  Dear all,
  Saya percaya setelah terkoreksi hampir 25% gold udah near ke support 
  level. Adakah yang bisa memberitahu equity apa yang paralel dengan harga 
  gold ?
  Makasi sebelumnya
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] gold to rebound

2006-06-14 Terurut Topik Agus Partono

Pak Hilman,  Mudah saja, equity yg paralel dgn gold ya perusahaan2 tambang yang memproduksi gold. Spt : ANTM, etc...salam,  Agushilman anugraha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Dear all,Saya percaya setelah terkoreksi hampir 25% gold udah near ke support level. Adakah yang bisa memberitahu equity apa yang paralel dengan harga gold ?Makasi sebelumnya  Hilman  __Do
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[obrolan-bandar] Gold touched USD 723

2006-05-11 Terurut Topik Teddy Halim

Gold touch US$723,30 up US$ 14 (00:04 am Jkt time)..Oil up to US$ 72.64 (Brent crude)


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[obrolan-bandar] GOLD, OIL, NICKEL, this moment.

2006-04-20 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Emas sempat sentuh 639 USD/ounce, Minyak Light sweet crude oil sudah lewat 74 USD/bbl, Nickel 8,27 USD/lb.Jangan2 nanti koreksi yg jadi alasan adalah harga minyak yg ketinggian. Gimana2 kalo minyak naik terus sampai 80 USD/bbl , APBN berat lagi. Sekarang tahan di level 70 USD/bbl karena jamannya ABURIZAL (thanx to him) subsidi BBM di cabut banyak. Tapi kalo sudah lewat 80 atau dekati 90 USD, apa menko yg sekarang lebih cepat antisipasi, dari menko yg dulu? Akankah ada kelambatan dalamdecision making?   



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD, OIL, NICKEL, this moment.

2006-04-20 Terurut Topik amgsby-qmr

Beberapa waktu lalu saya pernah beritahukan kalau saham MEDC bisa menyentuh
ke 5000 atau lebih
bila krisis IRAN-USA tidak kunjung usai dalam waktu dekat, waktu itu MEDC
kisaran 4175-4200
krn perlu kita ketahui kebutuhan minyak dunia per hari banyak disupply dari
timur tengah,
termasuk Iran, Iran menghasilkan minyak 2.8jt bbl/day jika Amrik ngotot
maka pasokan minyak dunia akan berkurang.
Sedangkan Arab Saudi hanya mampu memompa TAMBAHAN minyaknya jika terjadi
krisis hanya
1,1 jt bbl/day, ini berarti sekitar minus 1.7 jt bbl/day pasokan minyak
Sekarang saja saham2 pertambangan berbasis minyak di Amerik pada naik.
Ini ada kemungkinan BLTA juga ikut kecipratan naik.

Emas sempat sentuh 639 USD/ounce, Minyak Light sweet crude oil sudah lewat
74 USD/bbl, Nickel 8,27 USD/lb.

Jangan2 nanti koreksi yg jadi alasan adalah harga minyak yg ketinggian.
Gimana2 kalo minyak naik terus sampai 80 USD/bbl , APBN berat lagi.
Sekarang tahan di level 70 USD/bbl karena jamannya ABURIZAL (thanx to him)
subsidi BBM di cabut banyak. Tapi kalo sudah lewat 80 atau dekati 90 USD,
apa menko yg sekarang lebih cepat antisipasi, dari menko yg dulu? Akankah
ada kelambatan dalam decision making?



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] GOLD, OIL, NICKEL, this moment.

2006-04-20 Terurut Topik Bonardo Paruntungan

MEDC? dan OIL.. tetap saja agak janggal entahlah..
sangat mungkin salah UNTR dan MEDC.. dulu WAVEnya
hampir sama slow but sure 

Jika kemudian UNTR di tarik jauh ke atas.. jujur saya
jadi NGEDUMEL.. cut loss saya ngak sebanding sama
opportunity gainnya... hehehe...

gerakan MEDC entah persis pernyataan rata2
perhatikan betapa tidak ambisiusnya statement
eksekutif MEDC dan APEX.. yang gampangnya
FUndamental sangat mendukung... bedain dengan
PERTAMINA.. hehee..nyolot kerjaannya.. hehehe... yah
ini sedikit keluh kesah.. hhee...

buat semua... trims.. I do learn sesuatu yang dulu
jauh di otak kecil saya ini.. 
buat MEDC.. jauhi ambisius soal target price...
kecuali ada udang di balik minyak mentah ye.. warnanya
GELAP... kagak keliatan..
BLTA.. hmmm. not sure... tapi tolonglah sikit...


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Beberapa waktu lalu saya pernah beritahukan kalau
 saham MEDC bisa menyentuh
 ke 5000 atau lebih
 bila krisis IRAN-USA tidak kunjung usai dalam waktu
 dekat, waktu itu MEDC
 kisaran 4175-4200
 krn perlu kita ketahui kebutuhan minyak dunia per
 hari banyak disupply dari
 timur tengah,
 termasuk Iran, Iran menghasilkan minyak 2.8jt
 bbl/day jika Amrik ngotot
 maka pasokan minyak dunia akan berkurang.
 Sedangkan Arab Saudi hanya mampu memompa TAMBAHAN
 minyaknya jika terjadi
 krisis hanya
 1,1 jt bbl/day, ini berarti sekitar minus 1.7 jt
 bbl/day pasokan minyak
 Sekarang saja saham2 pertambangan berbasis minyak di
 Amerik pada naik.
 Ini ada kemungkinan BLTA juga ikut kecipratan naik.
 Emas sempat sentuh 639 USD/ounce, Minyak Light sweet
 crude oil sudah lewat
 74 USD/bbl, Nickel 8,27 USD/lb.
 Jangan2 nanti koreksi yg jadi alasan adalah harga
 minyak yg ketinggian.
 Gimana2 kalo minyak naik terus sampai 80 USD/bbl ,
 APBN berat lagi.
 Sekarang tahan di level 70 USD/bbl karena jamannya
 ABURIZAL (thanx to him)
 subsidi BBM di cabut banyak. Tapi kalo sudah lewat
 80 atau dekati 90 USD,
 apa menko yg sekarang lebih cepat antisipasi, dari
 menko yg dulu? Akankah
 ada kelambatan dalam decision making?

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[obrolan-bandar] GOLD USD EURO(Euro rises to fresh highs)/ CEPAT BURU ANTM!!!!

2004-12-25 Terurut Topik EKA SUWANDANA

Nilai tukar USD pada perdagangan tgl 24 desember ditutup melemah , terendah sepanjang sejarah terhadap EURO (berita terlampir).

Biasanya (selalu-sih!) kalau dollar amrik melemah seperti akhir november lalu, harga emas naik. Dan seminggu ini emas sudah bertahan di level 440 USD/ounce. Tertinggi bulan lalu ketika USD menyentuh USD 1,3 =1 EURO, Gold was at 455USD/ounce.

Sekarang 1 USD= 1,35 euro, jadi emas bakal=? , emas naik, antm pasti naik.

So guys.always check Gold price at http://www.cnnfn.com/markets/commodities or at http://www.kitco.com (utk lihat historical graph).

Jangan lupa beli ANTM kalo2 digoreng bandar-nya! BUY utk longterms (januari bakal Rp2200, nickel juga masih tinggi USD 6.6/lb ), spec.buy utk shrt terms!


Holiday rally for global markets 

European shares edge up, Asian stocks hit fresh highs, dollar stumbles against euro, oil falls.December 24, 2004: 10:21 AM EST 

LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks pushed higher in Europe and Asia in a shortened holiday trading session Friday while the euro hit record highs against the dollar for a second day running. 
Oil prices fell in London and gold edged higher. 

U.S. markets were closed for the Christmas holiday. Market activity is expected to remain light next week in the run-up to the New Year. The London Stock Exchange is closed Monday and Tuesday. 

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In Europe, stocks edged up in a shortened session before Christmas. 
"This is the time of the year when markets, if they do tend to move, they go up. Valuations for most markets, certainly for the UK and Europe, are still very attractive," said Mike Lenhoff, chief strategist at wealth manager Brewin Dolphin Securities. 
In London, the FTSE 100 index rose 0.2 percent and the Paris CAC-40 edged higher. The FTSEurofirst 300 index of European blue-chips held its ground, about 3 points below a 2-1/2 year high hit earlier in the week. 
Euro rises to fresh highs
The euro's rise to record highs for a second straight day dashed hopes for a seasonal respite in the dollar's long-term downward trend. 
The euro peaked at a new high of $1.3548 as traders took advantage of Thursday's batch of patchy U.S. economic data to sell the greenback and buy the European currency. 

"Momentum is once again against the dollar and the fundamental concerns about the U.S. deficits remain," said Chris Gothard, currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman in London. 
"This is going to be an issue which hurts the dollar in the new year also. Technically there's also pressure on the dollar and in a thin market there isn't much support for it," he added. 
The euro pushed above $1.3500 on Thursday after U.S. new home sales tumbled 12 percent in November, the sharpest decline in more than a decade, as investors mostly ignored other reports showing an improvement in U.S. durable goods orders and consumer confidence. 
The dollar bought around ¥103.50, little changed from late Thursday in the United States. 
In energy trading, Brent crude fell more than 1 percent in London as traders focused on forecasts for milder winter weather, especially in the U.S. Northeast. (For more on oil, click here). 
Bull run in Asia
In Tokyo, the Nikkei average closed up 1.4 percent at a 2-1/2 month closing high, bolstered by Wall Street's recent run of gains and a growing consensus that Japanese stocks looked relatively cheap. 
Asian shares outside Japan rose to their highest level in nearly five years on Friday after U.S. stocks closed at 3-1/2 year peaks. 
Australian shares resumed their record-breaking rally, rising 0.6 percent. Shares rose 0.4 percent in South Korea and Taiwan, while Singapore shares were flat. Hong Kong was the only loser among major regional indexes, falling 0.3 percent. 
India's key share index continued a dizzying climb Friday, with the 30-share Bombay Stock Exchange index up about 1 percent. The index is up about 11 percent in 2004. 
For more on Asian markets,click here. 
Gold edged higher in quiet trading, adding 75 cents to about $442 an ounce.  

Copyright 2004 Reuters All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed




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