Gold Investments Year-End Review 2008 - Outlook for 2009

Gold Outperformed Most Assets in 2008 - Gold Up 3.9% in USD; Up 5.3% in EUR and 
Up 34.4% in GBP 

Today’s London AM fix (23/12/08) was $844.01 (USD), £570.85 (GBP) and €603.72 
(EUR). At the start of 2008 ( January 2nd 2008), gold’s London AM Fix was at 
$840.75 (USD), £424.81 (GBP) and €573.34 (EUR). 

Thus, in 2008 gold is up by 3.9% against the dollar, up 5.3% against the euro 
and up 34.4% against the pound. The London AM Fix is a widely followed 
benchmark for physical gold and silver prices and is reported in major 
newspapers and at many gold-related websites

This has led to a sharp outperformance of gold vis-à-vis every major equity 
indices and commodity in the word, not to mention most property markets (see 
Chart and Performance table). 

In March, gold fell from a record nominal high of just over $1,000/oz but it is 
important to remember that gold is only down some 15% from that record nominal 
high and this is after surging nearly 60% in the previous 7 months.. In the 
seven months from the start of the credit crunch and the collapse of Bear 
Stearns, gold had surged by nearly 60% - from $640 in August 2007 to over 
$1,000 in March 2008. 

Thus after a 60% surge in just 7 months, gold had become overvalued and was due 
a correction. This is exactly what has happened and despite carnage in equity, 
commodity and property markets internationally gold remains higher in 2008 in 
all major currencies including one of the strongest currencies in the world 
during the second half of 2008 – the US dollar.

Considering that gold had already outperformed all other asset classes in the 
last 7 years (a roughly 20% return per annum), this is quite an achievement. 
Especially given the extraordinary and unprecedented financial and economic 
times that have confronted us in 2008.

Gold and silver may rise or fall a small number of percent between here and 
actual year end. Should gold close down on the year, it will be only very 
marginally and will be the first annual fall in gold prices in dollar terms 
since 2000. Even were gold to end up being down some 5% in dollar terms in the 
year – that would be quite an achievement considering how badly property 
markets and major equity indices such as the FTSE (-33.4%), S&P 500 (-41%) and 
Nikkei (-43%) have performed in 2008.

Equity indices are down by even larger amounts from peak to trough or from 
their recent record highs. 

Gold has done exactly what it should do in a financial and economic crisis – it 
has outperformed other asset classes and preserved the wealth of those who have 
prudently diversified.


Outlook for 2009

Never in modern history has the outlook for global financial markets and 
economies been so uncertain.

The financial markets and global economy remain in a state of heightened flux. 
Deflation is clearly winning the early to middle rounds of the titanic 
“flation” battle. But the concern is that inflation and stagflation will come 
out swinging in the following rounds. The taboo word of ‘hyperinflation’ may 
soon become a topic of debate in the coming months as stagflation and deflation 
have done in recent months.

Bernanke’s academic knowledge of the Great Depression and Japan’s ‘Lost decade’ 
while useful is quite obsessive and myopic . He would do well to also study 
Weimar Germany as there are parallels with America’s massive fiscal deficits 
and world’s largest debtor status with those of Germany after World War I that 
are increasing by the day.

There are real concerns of a disorderly run on the dollar as the creditors of 
the world’s largest debtor nation get worried about their US dollar denominated 
assets and need their own currency reserves to help protect and stimulate their 
own struggling economies. 

A prime distinction between the 1930’s deflation and Great Depression and today 
is that then the US was the world’s largest creditor nation and the dollar was 
backed by gold. Thus the US dollar strengthened in value as everything deflated 
in value versus it (stocks and property fell by some 80%).. Gold was even 
stronger as Roosevelt devalued the dollar by 60% and revalued gold by 60% from 
$22/oz to $35/oz in 1933. 

Today, the US is the largest debtor nation the world has ever seen and the 
levels of debt are increasing dramatically. And the US dollar is now a fiat 
paper currency, only backed by the “good faith and credit” of the US government.

It would not require significant selling by the Chinese, Japanese, Russian or 
OPEC nations to create a run on the dollar and sharp move upwards in long term 
interest rates (as US government bonds are sold) rather only a sharp reduction 
in their purchases of US debt instruments. This possibility is looking more 
probable and could see President elect Obama facing a monetary crisis in his 
first term. 

Especially as the economic meltdown is leading to the US’ creditor nations 
having their own domestic financial and economic crisis to deal with. A sharp 
decline in the dollar will likely see other nations devaluing their currencies 
in competitive currency devaluations which would see the value of all 
currencies decline relative to gold. Competitive currency devaluations are 
already taking place in many countries internationally including in Japan (just 
last week Japanese Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa signaled Japan is ready to 
sell yen in order to artificially manipulate a weaker currency), Russia and 

Massive and Deepening Macroeconomic Risk in the form of Deflation now and 
Stagflation or Hyperinflation in the Medium to Long Term


Deflation Now
Vicious deflation (particularly in asset markets that were based on massive 
amounts of debt and leverage) looks set to be the prevailing theme of 2009 or 
at least most of 2009. However, in the medium to long term we are likely to get 
a sharp bout of stagflation which, if not tendered to carefully or should there 
be a run on the dollar, could lead to a more serious bout of hyperinflation in 
the US and in other debtor nations. 

Contrary to misinformed commentators and “expert” claims that gold does not 
perform well in deflation, it is worth noting that gold outperforms other asset 
classes not just in periods of inflation or stagflation. Gold also outperforms 
in deflationary depressions as it did in the 1930s when the dollar (which was 
backed by gold unlike today in our modern floating fiat currency monetary 
system) was sharply devalued overnight by Roosevelt from $22/oz to $35/oz. Thus 
overnight in January 1934, gold was revalued by 59%. 

It is worth remembering that the Dow Jones fell by 90% during the period and 
property prices fell by more than 50%.

Stagflation and potentially Hyperinflation
President Obama must be careful that his fiscal stimulus and efforts to reflate 
the rapidly deflating economy do not result in deepening inflation and 
stagflation. As this would then necessitate a Paul Volker style Federal Reserve 
Chairman who would hawkishly increase interest rates in order to tame inflation 
and encourage Americans to forego consumption and rebuild a culture of prudent 
saving, manufacturing and exports which will be necessary if America wishes to 
regain its economic health again.

With central bankers, President Obama and politicians internationally 
desperately trying to inflate their way out of the current deflationary spiral, 
the concern is that while they may succeed in vanquishing the Charybdis of 
deflation they are eventually slaughtered by the Scylla of inflation, 
stagflation and potentially even hyperinflation.

Investors and savers should be cognoscente of the big picture historical trends 
and prepare, invest and save accordingly.

Solvency of the U.S. government
America is the largest debtor nation the world has ever seen and its global 
ascendancy is now threatened by this staggering debt and by the emergence of 
new powers and a new multipolar world.

American consumers have $14 trillion worth of personal debt and the national 
debt has risen sharply to some $11 trillion ($5.7 Trillion when President Bush 
came to power) and projections that this debt could surge to as high as $20 
trillion in the coming years. And this does not count the staggering unfunded 
liabilities of either Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The head of the 
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Richard W. Fisher has said that the unfunded 
liabilities from Medicare and Social Security adds up to $99..2 trillion.

There is absolutely no way that the American people can fund these Social 
Security and Medicare obligations. The United States has been living way beyond 
its means and will become a third world country unless something is immediately 
done to drastically cut humongous military expenditures and government spending.

The demographic time bomb facing the US as 78 million baby-boomers begin to 
retire in the coming years may make the current financial crisis look like 
child's play.

Mr. David Walker, the US Comptroller General, chief accountability officer and 
head of the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has drawn parallels 
between the US today and the end of the Roman Empire, warning there are 
"striking similarities" between America's current situation and the factors 
that brought down Rome, including "declining moral values and political 
civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands 
and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government" (see David Walker's 
recent article in CNN via Fortune magazine in the COMMENTARY section today).

The US government fiscal position increasingly resembles that of a Latin 
American ‘Banana Republic’. While levels of corruption are not on a par with 
these Banana Republics, corruption is rife and it increasingly looks like the 
lower and middle classes of America have been pillaged by the Wall Street 
moneyed elite and their appointed lackeys in the higher echelons of the US 

This is not "anti American" as "pro American" liberals and conservatives alike 
have echoed these warnings in recent years. The Government Accountability 
Office (GAO) has rightly earned a reputation for professional, objective, 
fact-based, nonpartisan, non ideological, fair and balanced reviews of 
government programs and operations. 

Walker has said that fiscal responsibility must be a top priority and if this 
is done the problems challenging the US can be overcome but "if they don't, I 
think the risk of a serious crisis rises considerably". This crisis would 
almost certainly be monetary in nature with a possible collapse in the dollar 
and the dollar losing its privileged status as the global reserve currency.

The new President will face a herculean task if he is to succeed in preventing 
America from becoming a second tier power as happened to Great Britain at the 
turn of the last century. This has obvious ramifications for investors who 
should focus on wealth preservation in the coming years.

Even the most sanguine, tunnel-visioned bull would have to admit that the 
fundamentals of the US economy are bad and deteriorating.


Solvency of UK and of many other debtor nations
Sterling has fallen precipitously in recent weeks leading to fears of a 
currency crisis. The Bank of England resisted cutting interest rates by more 
than 1 per cent earlier this month amid fears that the economy and sterling 
would collapse. The bank revealed yesterday that its Monetary Policy Committee 
had "considered cutting rates further", but it feared that "there was a risk 
that going further could cause an excessive fall in the exchange rate" causing 
inflation in the long term.

Ben Read, managing economist at Centre for Economics and Business Research, 
told the Telegraph: that “with the credibility of UK fiscal and monetary policy 
now under serious scrutiny across the international markets, each policy option 
comes with potentially serious consequences for the credit worthiness of UK 

As governments and central banks internationally engage in a global currency 
debasement those who think that printing money is a risk free panacea to our 
deflationary woes will be found wrong once again. The UK is now in the midst of 
a sterling crisis and the risk is that given the scale of debt internationally, 
the scale of the global imbalances (huge US trade, current account and now 
budget deficits) and the scale of currency debasement that a global monetary 
crisis could be the ultimate unfortunate outcome.


Competitive Currency Devaluations
Competitive currency devaluations on an international scale are a recipe for 
wealth destruction on a massive scale. Devaluation is a short term panacea 
which fails to address underlying uncompetitive challenges facing economies. 
Countries that devalue their currencies tend not to do well over the long term 
as seen in many emerging markets and South American economies in modern 

Countries that have strong currencies in modern history (such as Germany and 
Switzerland) tend to move up the value chain in terms of exports and prosper in 
the long term. A sound currency is a prerequisite for a sound economy and alas 
the UK ,US (after years of profligacy ) and many other nations face major 
challenges on both fronts.

Gold is a finite currency will be the default currency of choice and a monetary 
safety valve where large sums of capital will flow - thus resulting in sharply 
higher prices.


Supply/ Demand Situation in Gold and Silver Remains Very Bullish

Global gold production is now estimated at some 2,500 tonnes per annum and 
demand is around 4,000 tonnes. The supply demand deficit has been made up for 
many years by sales by certain imprudent central banks (such as Gordon Brown’s 
Bank of England) and these central banks are now greatly reducing their sales 
and many central banks internationally, especially large creditor nations with 
huge US dollar reserves, are now diversifying their currency reserves with gold.

Gold ETFs have created hundreds of tonnes (the world's largest ETF, the SPDR 
Gold Trust, said its bullion holdings rose 6.1 tonnes, or almost 1 percent, on 
Dec. 17 to a record high of 775.33 tonnes of bullion) and billions of dollars 
worth of extra demand for gold in recent years. As have the creation of many 
other gold storage and ownership programmes such as digital gold and Perth Mint 
Certificates (the Perth Mint refines and produces some 10% of the world’s 
bullion, doubled output in the past six months).

Meanwhile, global gold production has not increased despite the increase in 
demand and increase in gold prices in recent years. Gold is a precious, finite 
metal and gold production only increases at a rate of some 2 to 2.5% per annum 
and falling.

Of the world’s three biggest gold producers (China, South Africa and 
Australia), only China has managed to increase gold production in recent years 
and their increase in production has been met with a corresponding sharp 
increase in Chinese demand meaning that Chinese gold does not add to supply in 
the international marketplace as it is all consumed in China which is a net 
importer and increasingly so. 

South African gold output has been falling since 1970 when annual production 
was over 1,000 tonnes. Last year South Africa produced 272 tonnes of gold.. 
South African gold output fell to its lowest level in 84 years in 2006 because 
of declining mining grades. The last time South Africa produced less than 260 
tonnes of gold was in 1920.

This means that the supply/demand balance in gold is becoming increasingly 
tight and likely to lead to markedly higher prices in the coming years.


Massive Systemic Risk

The risk posed to the entire global financial system has never been as high and 
counter party risk has never been as high. In a world where huge banks such as 
Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers can collapse and behemoths such as Fannie Mae, 
Freddie Mac, General Motors and a long list of others need to be bailed out, 
investors need to again consider systemic risk and counter party risk. Systemic 
risk hasn’t gone away, and it’s entirely possible that the risk may re-elevate 
in the next six months.

Stockbrokers, pension providers and many other financial intermediaries will be 
at risk of failure in the coming months and investors need to be aware of 
counter party risk and intermediation. They should only deal with financial 
entities and investment providers who they have done much due diligence on and 
who they are reassured regarding the solvency. Credit ratings of providers 
should again be evaluated and scrutinized

=-= Conclusion =-=

As long as the markets continue to be volatile and uncertain which 
unfortunately seems very likely - demand for physical gold and silver bullion 
will likely stay very strong and should result in higher prices.

Thus, the confluence of decreasing supply (as outlined above) and increasing 
demand due to strong international geopolitical, systemic and macroeconomic 
factors is leading to extremely bullish conditions for the gold and silver 
markets. Probably even more bullish than in the 1970s when silver rose from 
$1.39/oz to over $50/oz or 3,600% and gold rose some 2,400% from $35 to over 
$850 in just 9 years.

Taken individually, any one of these factors would be bullish for gold but in 
unison, these combination of factors will likely lead to gold prices surging in 
2009. The inflation adjusted high of $2,400/oz in 1980 remains a conservative 
estimate for gold to reach in the next 2 to 5 years. Similarly, the inflation 
adjusted high for silver in 1980 of some $120/oz remains a conservative price 
target that will very likely be reached within to 2 to 5 years.

Disclaimer: The information in this document has been obtained from sources, 
which we believe to be reliable. We cannot guarantee its accuracy or 
completeness. It does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of 
any investment. Any person acting on the information contained in this document 
does so at their own risk. Recommendations in this document may not be suitable 
for all investors. Individual circumstances should be considered before a 
decision to invest is taken. Investors should note the following: The value of 
investments may fall or rise against investors’ interests. Income levels from 
investments may fluctuate. Changes in exchange rates may have an adverse effect 
on the value of, or income from, investments denominated in foreign currencies. 
Past experience is not necessarily a guide to future performance

Financial Regulation: Gold & Silver Investments Limited trading as Gold 
Investments is regulated by the Financial Regulator as a multi-agency 
intermediary. Our Financial Regulator Reference Number is 39656. Gold 
Investments is registered in the Companies Registration Office under Company 
number 377252. Registered for VAT under number 6397252A. Codes of Conduct are 
imposed by the Financial Regulator and can be accessed at or from the Financial Regulator at PO Box 9138, 
College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Property, Commodities and Precious Metals are 
not regulated by the Financial Regulator.


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