[obrolan-bandar] Mengapa batubara booming? Konversi energy (oil, coal, gas)

2007-12-26 Terurut Topik Agus Irawan
 Berikut perbandingan perhitungan konversi energy (oil, coal, gas)  (sumber
dari BP.com)

1 barrel = 0,136 ton minyak mentah

Kalau dibandingkan kalori yang dihasilkan
1 barrel minyak mentah = kurang lebih 0.2 ton batu bara kalori
tinggi atau
  kurang lebih 0.4 ton batubara
kalori rendah

Jadi kalau 1 barrel crude oil = 90 USD, 1 ton coal = 100 USD ternyata masih
murah banget ..

  To Convert  Crude Oil* tonnes (metric) kilolitres barrels US gallons tonnes/
year From Multiply by  Tonnes (metric) 1 1.165 7.33 307.86 -  Kilolitres
0.8581 1 6.2898 264.17 -  Barrels 0.1364 0.159 1 42 -  US Gallons 0.00325
0.0038 0.0238 1 -  Barrels/day - - - - 49.8  ***Based on worldwide average
  From Products barrels to tonnes tonnes to barrels kilolitres to tonnes tonnes
to kilolitres   Multiply by LPG 0.086 11.6 0.542 1.844 Gasoline 0.118 8.5
0.740 1.351 Kerosene 0.128 7.8 0.806 1.240 Gas oil / diesel 0.133 7.5 0.839
1.192 Fuel oil 0.149 6.7 0.939 1.065
  To Convert  Natural Gas  LNG billion cubic metres NG billion cubic feet
NG million tonnes oil equivalent million tonnes LNG trillion British thermal
units million barrels oil equivalent From Multiply by  1 billion cubic
metres NG 1 35.3 0.90 0.73 36 6.29  1 billion cubic feet NG 0.028 1 0.026
0.021 1.03 0.18  1 million tonnes oil equivalent 1.111 39.2 1 0.805 40.4
7.33  1 million tonnes LNG 1.38 48.7 1.23 1 52.0 8.68  1 trillion British
thermal units 0.028 0.98 0.025 0.02 1 0.17  1 million barrels oil equivalent
0.16 5.61 0.14 0.12 5.8 1
Units of Measure

1 metric tonne = 2204.62 lb.
= 1.1023 short tons
1 kilolitre = 6.2898 barrels
1 kilolitre = 1 cubic metre
1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.187 kJ = 3.968 Btu
1 kilojoule (kJ) = 0.239 kcal = 0.948 Btu
1 British thermal unit (Btu) = 0.252 kcal = 1.055 kJ
1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 860 kcal = 3600 kJ = 3412 Btu

*Calorific equivalents*

One tonne of oil equivalent equals approximately:   Heat units 10 million
42 gigajoules
40 million Btu Solid fuels 1.5 tonnes of hard coal
3 tonnes of lignite Gaseous fuels See natural gas and LNG table Electricity 12

One million tonnes of oil produces about 4500 gigawatt-hours (=4.5 terawatt
hours) of electricity in a modern power station.

Tonnes = metric tons

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mengapa batubara booming? Konversi energy (oil, coal, gas)

2007-12-26 Terurut Topik Forever Apprentice
Yup, coal is the cheapest per mbtu, bahkan kalopun sampai oil tembus USD 120 

Second cheapest is natural gas.

Nafasnya masih panjang deh coal, kecuali Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama macem2.
Don't ask me why 

- Original Message 
From: Agus Irawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 5:35:48 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Mengapa batubara booming? Konversi energy (oil, coal, 

Berikut perbandingan perhitungan konversi energy (oil, coal, gas)  (sumber dari 
1 barrel = 0,136 ton minyak mentah
Kalau dibandingkan kalori yang dihasilkan  
1 barrel minyak mentah = kurang lebih 0.2 ton batu bara kalori tinggi 
  kurang lebih 0.4 ton batubara 
kalori rendah  
Jadi kalau 1 barrel crude oil = 90 USD, 1 ton coal = 100 USD ternyata masih 
murah banget ..

To Convert

Crude Oil*tonnes (metric)kilolitresbarrelsUS gallonstonnes/ year
FromMultiply by

Tonnes (metric)11.1657.33307.86-



US Gallons0.003250.00380.02381-


*Based on worldwide average gravity.

Productsbarrels to tonnestonnes to barrelskilolitres to tonnestonnes to 
 Multiply by
Gas oil / diesel0.1337.50.8391.192
Fuel oil0.1496.70.9391.065

To Convert

Natural Gas  LNGbillion cubic metres NGbillion cubic feet NGmillion tonnes oil 
equivalentmillion tonnes LNGtrillion British thermal unitsmillion barrels oil 
FromMultiply by

1 billion cubic metres NG135.30.900.73366.29

1 billion cubic feet NG0.02810.0260.0211.030.18

1 million tonnes oil equivalent1.11139.210.80540.47.33

1 million tonnes LNG1.3848.71.23152.08.68

1 trillion British thermal units0.0280.980.0250.0210.17

1 million barrels oil equivalent0.165.610.140.125.81

Units of Measure

1 metric tonne = 2204.62 lb.
= 1.1023 short tons
1 kilolitre = 6.2898 barrels
1 kilolitre = 1 cubic metre 
1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.187 kJ = 3.968 Btu
1 kilojoule (kJ) = 0.239 kcal = 0.948 Btu
1 British thermal unit (Btu) = 0.252 kcal = 1.055 kJ
1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) = 860 kcal = 3600 kJ = 3412 Btu

Calorific equivalents

One tonne of oil equivalent equals approximately: Heat units10 million 
42 gigajoules
40 million Btu
Solid fuels1.5 tonnes of hard coal
3 tonnes of lignite
Gaseous fuelsSee natural gas and LNG table
Electricity12 megawatt-hours

One million tonnes of oil produces about 4500 gigawatt-hours (=4.5 terawatt 
hours) of electricity in a modern power station.
Tonnes = metric tons


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mengapa batubara booming? Konversi energy (oil, coal, gas)

2007-12-26 Terurut Topik SSTrader-03
Berharap juga Greenpeace n aktipis lingkungan dan Walhi (hihihi..biar
terdengar dikit)
tidak demo global warming ...krena Batubara merupakan bahan bakar yang super
Yang lumayan bersih natural gas ...

Kalau Walhi mungkin demo-nya lebih ke pengrusakan hutan kali ya' ...

Kayaknya kmaren juga pertemuan di Bali masih ogah tu US ngurangin emisi ...
Kagak tau nanti klau new Presiden ...

