Kakakakakakakakakakakk Kakakakakakkakakakkak. Ane dah semangat buy 
BUMI karena berita buy back di av 2500 sebanyak 2 juta lot sd 31 
Desember 2008, ternyata Buy Back nya masih baru mau ngutang. 
Kakakakakakaka Kakakakakakak

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "abdulrahim abdulrahim" 
> D'oh. Akrobat apa lagi seeee iniiii?
> Ampun de. Otoritas BEI, tulunk delist aja deh emiten yang 
> investasi para investor.
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:36 PM, moogen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > JAKARTA, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Indonesia's largest coal producer, PT 
> > Resources Tbk (BUMI.JK: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), 
plans to
> > raise $600 million by issuing medium-term notes to help fund a 
share buyback
> > plan, an arranger for the deal said on Monday.
> >
> > Wim Al Fatih, president director of Asia Kapitalindo, one of the 
> > said the notes will be issued in both dollar and rupiah terms and 
will offer
> > a 20 percent coupon for rupiah funds and 15 percent for dollars.
> >
> > "We are in the book-building process. We have some interest coming 
in," Al
> > Fatih told Reuters. "This is part of Bumi's buyback programme. The 
> > of the buyback could be to settle the repurchase agreements in 
> > shares."
> >
> > Dileep Srivastava, corporate secretary of Bumi Resources, declined 
> > comment on the plan.
> >
> >
> >
> > http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNews/idUKJAK38275620081117?
> >

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