[obrolan-bandar] Re: Thank you for the insult

2008-03-23 Terurut Topik icchanks
Syukur deh.. Mbk El dah mau jauh-jauh, pertanda bearish dah selesai
nih, hheheheh 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Felicia Rumondor

 Duh..mbak El sepertinya bahagia banget yach bisa menjatuhkan
mental-mental OB er..,ho.ho.ho ati2 loch mbak takutnya kalo kelewat
sombong malah kejeblos..katanya sih masih ada langit di atas
langit..jadi mungkin sifat-sifat low profile malah bisa menyelamatkan
mbak El..Ox mbak semoga sukses aja dech
 - Original Message 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:09:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Thank you for the insult
 No. You're on your own. I've warned the last two crashes (January /
Mar 08), I think thats enough. From now on I'll be just watching you
guys handling the market from this day forward, just like I did in
August 07. Starting Monday, I'll be your opponent. Sorry, but it's
your choice. 
 Besides, I already made lots of forture (fortune  torture :) in the
last six months, maybe I have your money in my bag.. lol..  you call
me evil maniac, I'll call you a loser.. right Andrew?
 You may see a rally this year, but half of this community may
already got wiped out before that. lol I'm so excited.
 On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:51 AM, abdulrahim abdulrahim
abdul.rahman. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
 Come on Elaine. Tell me you won't stop share your prophecies ;)
 It's not an attack, neither an insult. It simply proves that they love
 you. You are special for them. Look. Just look at me. Have you ever
 found someone give such attention to me? *grin* I think you haven't
 and maybe you won't. Do you know why? Coz, I am nothing for them...
 hiksss. But you? You are so special for them. They pay full attention
 in a single word you wrote. And lately they love you more since you
 are nicer and, they really appreciate that you add some analysis to
 the prophecies :D you've revealed.
 Finally... ph.. .. just ignore postings which you consider
 insulting, teasing and attacking. Just as you are doing to Boyz' ones
 (hehehe... cian de lo pak Boyz... jangan marah Pak ya).
 BTW, no one but Embah who can get rid of you I think. So, no worry.
 On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Elaine
 you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com wrote:
  Hahaha right, I was reading lines.
  Try it yourself, are you speaking fluently while typing, alone? unless
  you're a public speaker. Prediction? Well, no more prediction for
you. I'm
  giving too much free stuff. lol Are you kidding me? I'm just a
  right, I barely know how to trade. See Andrew's post? Andrew told
us to use
  our own analysis, so go ahead. Use it. No need to share anything,
just do it
  for yourselves. Pick your own stocks. Draw your own lines. Trade
your own
  money. You're smart right? Why do you need me for?
  Your email is the most insulting one I've ever read. No, I'm not
mad and I
  don't hate you, I just think there's no point to help ppl like
you. Thank
  God there are Embah and Oentoeng who are willing to guide you guys
for free.
  I do feel that some of the members here were trying to get rid of
me, either
  by teasing, insulting or even attacking. So Embah, Oentoeng, Fred
  ;) and all experts, please take care of your community here. I'll
be playing
  from a distance now.
  On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Forever Apprentice
  apprentice.forever@ yahoo.com wrote:
   hmm... strange, u don't sound like a Singaporean at all (believe
me, i
  talk with them A LOT). to me sounds more like a girl who was told
to read
  some lines, a girl who happen to not be able to speak english
   sorry, we really should not talk about YOU, but rather about YOUR
  PREDICTION about the market. my apology EL ;) kekeke

 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now. 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Thank you for the insult

2008-03-22 Terurut Topik tbumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ElaineDan bagusnya, jika 
ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin
   TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri Mulyani, ibu mentri
   engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja baca tulisan EL.
Tulisan Elaine juga akan dibaca oleh calon ibu presiden USA, Clinton.
Apalagi postingnya semua pakai bahasa Engisch.
Saat ini bursa komoditi lagi berguguran setelah penurunan bunga
the FED. Banyak spekulan komoditi sdh memindahkan dananya ke bursa
saham. Minyak, emas dll naik tajam dulu karena permainan spekulan

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Thank you for the insult

2008-03-22 Terurut Topik abdulrahim abdulrahim
2008/3/22 tbumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ElaineDan bagusnya, jika
  ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin
 TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri Mulyani, ibu mentri
 engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja baca tulisan EL.

  Tulisan Elaine juga akan dibaca oleh calon ibu presiden USA, Clinton.
  Apalagi postingnya semua pakai bahasa Engisch.
  Saat ini bursa komoditi lagi berguguran setelah penurunan bunga
  the FED. Banyak spekulan komoditi sdh memindahkan dananya ke bursa
  saham. Minyak, emas dll naik tajam dulu karena permainan spekulan

Wah TBumi penggemar berat ibu Clinton ya? Naksir ya? ;) hehehe canda Pak.
Kayaknya sih udah sulit tuh Pak posisi ibu Clinton. Apalagi seorang
temen akrab Clinton, yang seorang Super Delegate, baru saja memberikan
dukungan kepada Obama.

Omong2 , Obama jelas lebih baik lho Pak. Clinton mah ngesok doang
berpengalaman dsb-dsbnya. Ngebet pengen jadi Presiden sih jelas
keliatan hehehe. Sedangkan Obama kalem orangnya. Dan Obama lebih baik
untuk ekonomi dan perdamaian dunia kayaknya. Coba Obama yang jadi
presiden entar, khan minimal US bisda menghemat ratusan milyar US$
setahun tuh.
Irak mungkin juga akan lebih tenteram. Pasokan minyak bisa nambah deh.
Keamanan regional di Timteng lebih baik, akhirnya ekonomi di sana
lebih mendorong ekonomi dunia untuk membaik. Hehehe itu sih komentar
bodo2an saya aja. Gak pake data sama sekali. Jadi jangan terlalu
dianggap ya.
Eh ngomong2 si mc Cain lebih parah lagi. Dia mah mau aja disuruh cuci
piring sama Bush yang pengen nyelamatin mukanya di Irak. McCain,
ngebedain al-qaedah dengan faksi2 yang bertikai di Irak aja gak tau :P

Ujung2nya mudah2an, ekonomi membaik deh. Siapapun presiden di sono entar.

Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Thank you for the insult

2008-03-22 Terurut Topik bayu murti
Pak TBUMI, mo nanya nech...
Komoditi turun...
Emas juga turun..
Padahal nilai dollar juga turun...
Trus kata Pak Tbumi lari kesaham..
Saham yang mana...
Jelas saham komoditi juga akan turun..
Apa saham PERBANKAN???
Karena turunya inflasi menguntungkan PERBANKAN...
Kl benar bgt, feeling saya benar..
Thanks Pak..

--- tbumi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine   
 Dan bagusnya, jika 
 ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin
TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri
 Mulyani, ibu mentri
engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja
 baca tulisan EL.
 Tulisan Elaine juga akan dibaca oleh calon ibu
 presiden USA, Clinton.
 Apalagi postingnya semua pakai bahasa Engisch.
 Saat ini bursa komoditi lagi berguguran setelah
 penurunan bunga
 the FED. Banyak spekulan komoditi sdh memindahkan
 dananya ke bursa
 saham. Minyak, emas dll naik tajam dulu karena
 permainan spekulan

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