Bls: [ob] DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?

2009-05-04 Terurut Topik dario kurniawan
Warren Buffet di CNBC jumat kemaren bilang mbah : Bull Is Everywhere Now...

Dario Amran

--- Pada Sel, 5/5/09, jsx_consultant menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant
Topik: [ob] DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?
Tanggal: Selasa, 5 Mei, 2009, 1:25 AM

  DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?

Saat ini DJI 8391 +179 jam 01:20 pagi WIB

Apakah index Dow sudah memasuki periode Bullish Market ?

Liat jawabannya pada gambar dibawah secara Marketwise Technical:

- http://www.obrolanb pwldjiazz. htm




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Re: Bls: [ob] DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?

2009-05-04 Terurut Topik Vic

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Standard  Poor's 500 index is up for the year. And
for once, it was the housing market that sent stocks soaring.

The SP 500, considered Wall Street's most important indicator, bounded
up 3.4 percent Monday and erased the last of its losses for 2009. And
the Dow Jones industrials shot up more than 200 points and had their
first finish above 8,400 since Jan. 13.

Two months ago, an SP 500 in positive ground would have seemed
impossible, with the stock market having fallen to 12-year lows on fears
of a worsening recession. Monday's rally was led by the same financial
and housing stocks that were decimated by the credit crisis and the
sinking economy, and it added more momentum to a stunning rally that
began March 10.

A double dose of good housing news ignited the advance: Pending U.S.
home sales rose more than forecast and had their second straight monthly
gain, while construction spending rose unexpectedly in March after five
straight declines.

With Monday's gain, the SP has soared 34.1 percent in the 39 trading
days since the rally began, its steepest gain over that many days since
1933. The Dow, meanwhile, is up 28.7 percent.\

--- In, dario kurniawan
darioamran1...@... wrote:

 Warren Buffet di CNBC jumat kemaren bilang mbah : Bull Is Everywhere

 Dario Amran

 --- Pada Sel, 5/5/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Topik: [ob] DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?
 Tanggal: Selasa, 5 Mei, 2009, 1:25 AM

   DJIA: Is it a BULL market ?

 Saat ini DJI 8391 +179 jam 01:20 pagi WIB

 Apakah index Dow sudah memasuki periode Bullish Market ?

 Liat jawabannya pada gambar dibawah secara Marketwise Technical:

 - http://www.obrolanb pwldjiazz. htm

   Mulai chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!!
Membuat tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah.