Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut udah minus 143

2008-09-25 Terurut Topik Hubert Nice
Tertunda !
House Republicans Fragment Over Rescue Plan, Stalling Progress 

By James Rowley and Alison Vekshin
Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Congressional Republicans splintered over the proposed 
$700 billion rescue of the U.S. financial system, imperiling prospects for an 
agreement just hours after a bipartisan group of negotiators and the White 
House said one was near. 
A group of House Republicans led by Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia said 
they wouldn't back a plan based on the approach outlined by Treasury Secretary 
Henry Paulson and backed by President George W. Bush and Democratic leaders. 
The Republican lawmakers instead offered a plan calling for Wall Street firms 
to purchase insurance on mortgage-backed securities and advocating tax cuts and 
relaxed regulations. Treasury officials had rejected a plan focusing on 
insurance in favor of one that purchased troubled assets, Cantor said. 
The snag sent Paulson back into late-night meeting on Capitol Hill with 
lawmakers. ``We are sitting down where were we were at the end of day one,'' 
Senator Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, said as he headed into the meeting. 
After the meeting, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank and 
his Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said some progress in 
negotiations had been made but said House Republicans needed to participate. 
`Got to Decide' 
``The president and his party have got to decide whether or not they want to be 
a part of this,'' Dodd said. 
Frank said ``if the House Republicans continue to reject the president's 
approach then there is no bill.'' 
The White House issued a statement saying Bush still ``supports the core of 
Secretary Paulson's plan,'' and Democrats and some Republicans said the 
alternative proposal threatened to derail negotiations and delay passage of 
legislation to calm financial markets. 
The plan circulated by Cantor calls for a mortgage-backed security insurance 
fund, rather than taxpayer-funded purchases of those securities. The plan calls 
on the Treasury to design a system to charge premiums to mortgage-backed 
security holders to finance this insurance, according to a fact sheet. 
Republicans also seek to ``remove regulatory and tax barriers that are 
currently blocking private capital formation.'' It also suggests that 
regulators call on financial institutions to suspend dividends, along with 
other steps to address liquidity problems. 
`Wall Street Pays' 
Cantor said the House Republican proposal ``does not leave the American 
taxpayers with the bag and makes sure that Wall Street pays for this 
Representative Jeb Hensarling of Texas said it shouldn't be ``Paulson's plan or 
no plan.'' 
Dodd said support for Cantor's plan would have forced lawmakers to ``start all 
over again.'' 
Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his Democratic counterpart 
Barack Obama met with Bush, Paulson and congressional leaders at the White 
House earlier in the day. Democrats blamed McCain for initiating the meeting, 
which they said slowed down the pace of negotiations. 
Dodd said on CNN that the Republican plan threatens to force negotiations to 
begin anew. He said the White House meeting ``looked like a rescue plan for 
John McCain for two hours, and it took us away from the work we were trying to 
do today.'' 
Obama suggested the talks were damaged by politics. 
``When you start injecting presidential politics into delicate negotiations you 
can actually create more problems rather than less,'' Obama said on CNN. 
McCain Comment 
McCain's campaign said more negotiations were needed to draft legislation that 
would pass Congress. 
``There is not yet a majority of Democrats and Republicans who are willing to 
vote yes for anything,'' said Steve Schmidt, a senior adviser to McCain's 
Kevin Smith, a spokesman for House Republican Leader John Boehner, said the 
speed with which Dodd's plan was put together was designed ``to deny Senator 
McCain a role in trying to craft a bipartisan solution.'' 
Cantor was told by Boehner to start working on an alternative two days ago, 
Smith said. Pelosi was told today. 
Michele Davis, a spokeswoman for Paulson, said, ``Secretary Paulson appreciates 
the hard work by members on both sides of the aisle to address the threat we 
face to our economy,'' and urged lawmakers to resolve their differences. 
Paulson has not rejected any ideas, Davis said. 
To contact the reporters on this story: James Rowley in Washington at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]; Alison Vekshin in Washington at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Last Updated: 
September 25, 2008 22:21 EDT 

--- On Thu, 9/25/08, Yanuar Mustofa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Yanuar Mustofa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut udah minus 143
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008, 11:00 PM

ada yg tau news nya.
apa bail outnya 

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut udah minus 143

2008-09-25 Terurut Topik gavriel ardian
US Lawmakers split on Bailout Plan:
malam ini (pagi di indo) Rep vs Dem sedang keukeuh dengan plan masing2 dan
belum mau kompromi, berita-nya ada di, dan
juga Regional yg sempat naik pagi tadi langsung drop
begitu berita tersebut keluar..

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:00:31 
+0800Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Fut udah minus 143

ada yg tau news nya.apa bail outnya emang ga jadi lagi.

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