Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-26 Thread Karno Edy

Gw kira nickel akan tembus new high 
Strong buy INCO & ANTM
PTBA, I don't think real PER will be 
Kalo sekarang EPS nya 30 itu mah namanya EPS 
boongan, makanya yg ngga kuat nahan jual aja.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:10 
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep 
  Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.
  London - Nickel gained 2.1% in London after Phelps Dodge announced a 
  $40bn buyout for two Canadian miners on Monday, suggesting that the 
  company believes metals prices will stay high in the longer term, 
  analysts said. Phelps Dodge said it would acquire Inco and 
  Falconbridge in a deal to form the world's largest nickel and second 
  largest copper producer. "From the price they are prepared to pay, you 
  have to infer that Phelps Dodge believe that (metals) prices will stay 
  strong. It's the only way they can justify these sorts of numbers," a 
  London mining analyst said. At midday London Metal Exchange nickel 
  prices were $400 higher at $19,600 a tonne. Copper for delivery in 
  three months was at $6,821 a tonne, up $41 from Friday but $2,000 below 
  May's record peak. "The new company will have greater control of 
  copper, nickel and molydenum production. This means they may be able to 
  smooth out cyclical price variations," UBS analyst Robin Bhar said. 
  "Both companies were swift to cut back production when prices were at 
  their lows in 2001...they may also be able to fast track projects when 
  prices rise." Metals prices rocketed to record highs in May, in part 
  due to strong buying from investment funds, but also because of the 
  laggardly response by producers to increase output. ABN AMRO 
  analyst Tim Huff said of the Phelps deal: "This is a very smart move. By 
  setting the bid price for Inco, they don't complicate Inco's bid for 
  Falconbridge. That pins down Inco's share price and revalues Inco's bid 
  for Falconbridge." Two rivals, Inco and Swiss-based Xstrata, have 
  been engaged in a bidding war for Falconbridge, and the Phelps Dodge move 
  gives the Inco bid a significant edge. Huff added that Phelps 
  Dodge may have been more interested in securing Falconbridge's copper 
  assets than Inco's nickel production. "There are a lot of companies 
  around the world...that want to increase exposure in dollar-denominated 
  production," he said adding: "They are strengthening their copper stable 
  and are getting into diversification at the same time." The bulk 
  of the Canadian companies' production is located in North America. 
  Miners in Australia and South Africa say they have not been able to 
  cash in on soaring metals prices because the dollar has fallen in 
  value against their domestic currencies, so reducing profits. UK 
  equity markets rose, lifted by the mining sector, led by Kazakhmys, as 
  hopes for consolidation were boosted by the Phelps Dodge bid. Fed 
  sets the tone Markets were thin ahead of a US Federal Reserve meeting 
  later this week. Analysts expect a quarter of a percentage point rise in 
  US interest rates to 5.25%, but precious metals dealers noted 
  speculation the Fed might increase rates by 50 basis points. "It 
  is too early to say which way metals will swing in the short term, but we 
  look to US economic developments - in particular the Fed policy statement 
  out on Thursday - to set the tone," Man Financial said in a daily note. 
  Aluminium was up $23 at $2,472 a tonne from the London close, while 
  zinc was up $60 at $2,920. In other commodities, oil inched down 
  after signs of increased Iraqi production but held just below $71 a 
  barrel, supported by growing US gasoline demand despite near-record 
  prices, while gold edged up to $584.00/oz. --- In, 
  "Deddy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> possibility yes, 3mths 
  highest was 22.300? > > --- In, 
  "Herman "  wrote:> >> > INCO Indonesia 
  apakah Tender Offer ?> > > > Ada yg bisa Bantu ?> 
  > > > Regards> > > > Herman> > 
  > > > > -Original Message-> > From:> 
  > [] 
  On Behalf Of up_trends> > Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:38 
  PM> > To:> 
  > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat 
  PER> > membesar selama 1 tahun ini.> > > > 
  Phelps Dodge offer for Inco equivalent of $80 a share> > Could deter 
  other bids > > View Larger Image> > Scott Hand, CEO of 
  Inco, is trying to fend off a Teck Cominco bid. > > Photograph 
  by : Photo by Peter Redman > > Article Tools> > Printer 
  friendly> > E-mail> > Font: * * * * Drew Hasselback and 
  Carrie Tait, National Post> > Published: Monday, June 26, 2006 
  > > Another week -- and another round of premium price offerings for 
  > > Canadian mining shares.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread EKA SUWANDANA

Nickel feeling sih pasti tembus 10 USD, INCO bakal diatas 25000.   Soalnya ada aturan SEC amrik, kalo akuisisi harus ambil  juga saham anak persh. Jadi suatu saat bakal ada voluntary delisting. So BD sedang creat harga tertinggi.      Gw nggak tau dgn ANTM ngaruh nggak dgn nickelnya. Geraknya kadang aneh, mudah2an sih ngikut, soalnya masih punya.     Utk PTBA kemarin q1 rugi kursnya itu sekitar Rp50Miliar, itu menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. ANTM, PTBA rugi kurs sebagai imbas Keppres (entah nomer berapa) baru oktober tahun 2005 yg lalu, supaya semua BUMN yg berpenghasilan dolar, harus langsung konversi ke rupiah dalam 1 bulan. Keppres ini gara2 krisis BBM dan jatuhnya Rupiah bulan agustus 2005. Jadi mulai okt 2005 ANTM dan PTBA acct USDnya selalu dikosongkan. Jadi bener2 BUMN2  nggak boleh nge-hedge. So saya sendiri punya perkiraan kuat PER PTBA nggak bakal
 pulih sampai q3. Sebenernya ini kepres nggak perlu, masak orang usaha nggak boleh hedging, sama sekali, saya pikir nggak ngaruh dgn currency. Economic Stupid!Karno Edy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Gw kira nickel akan tembus new high 10++  Strong buy INCO & ANTM     PTBA, I don't think real PER will be 30.  Kalo sekarang EPS nya 30 itu mah namanya EPS
 boongan, makanya yg ngga kuat nahan jual aja.         - Original Message -   From: up_trends   To:   Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:10 AM  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.  London - Nickel gained 2.1% in London after Phelps Dodge
 announced a $40bn buyout for two Canadian miners on Monday, suggesting that the company believes metals prices will stay high in the longer term, analysts said. Phelps Dodge said it would acquire Inco and Falconbridge in a deal to form the world's largest nickel and second largest copper producer. "From the price they are prepared to pay, you have to infer that Phelps Dodge believe that (metals) prices will stay strong. It's the only way they can justify these sorts of numbers," a London mining analyst said. At midday London Metal Exchange nickel prices were $400 higher at $19,600 a tonne. Copper for delivery in three months was at $6,821 a tonne, up $41 from Friday but $2,000 below May's record peak. "The new company will have greater control of copper, nickel and molydenum production. This means they may be able to smooth out cyclical price variations," UBS analyst Robin Bhar said.
 "Both companies were swift to cut back production when prices were at their lows in 2001...they may also be able to fast track projects when prices rise." Metals prices rocketed to record highs in May, in part due to strong buying from investment funds, but also because of the laggardly response by producers to increase output. ABN AMRO analyst Tim Huff said of the Phelps deal: "This is a very smart move. By setting the bid price for Inco, they don't complicate Inco's bid for Falconbridge. That pins down Inco's share price and revalues Inco's bid for Falconbridge." Two rivals, Inco and Swiss-based Xstrata, have been engaged in a bidding war for Falconbridge, and the Phelps Dodge move gives the Inco bid a significant edge. Huff added that Phelps Dodge may have been more interested in securing Falconbridge's copper assets than Inco's nickel production. "There are a lot of
 companies around the world...that want to increase exposure in dollar-denominated production," he said adding: "They are strengthening their copper stable and are getting into diversification at the same time." The bulk of the Canadian companies' production is located in North America. Miners in Australia and South Africa say they have not been able to cash in on soaring metals prices because the dollar has fallen in value against their domestic currencies, so reducing profits. UK equity markets rose, lifted by the mining sector, led by Kazakhmys, as hopes for consolidation were boosted by the Phelps Dodge bid. Fed sets the tone Markets were thin ahead of a US Federal Reserve meeting later this week. Analysts expect a quarter of a percentage point rise in US interest rates to 5.25%, but precious metals dealers noted speculation the Fed might increase rates by 50 basis points. "It is
 too early to say which way metals will swing in the short term, but we look to US economic developments - in particular the Fed policy statement out on Thursday - to set the tone," Man Financial said in a daily note. Aluminium was up $23 at $2,472 a tonne from the London close, while zinc was up $60 at $2,920. In other commodities, oil inched down after signs of increased Iraqi production but held just below $71 a barrel, supported by growing US gasoline demand despite near-record prices, while gold edged up to $584.00/oz. --- In, "Deddy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> possibility yes, 3mths highest was 22.300? > > --- In, "Herman "  wrote:> >> > INCO Indonesia apakah

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread Budi
>  Utk PTBA kemarin q1 rugi kursnya itu sekitar 
>Rp50Miliar, itu menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. ANTM, 
>PTBA rugi kurs sebagai imbas Keppres (entah nomer berapa) 
>baru oktober tahun 2005 yg lalu, supaya semua BUMN yg 
>berpenghasilan dolar, harus langsung konversi ke rupiah 
>dalam 1 bulan. Keppres ini gara2 krisis BBM dan jatuhnya 
>Rupiah bulan agustus 2005. Jadi mulai okt 2005 ANTM dan 
>PTBA acct USDnya selalu dikosongkan. Jadi bener2 BUMN2 
> nggak boleh nge-hedge. So saya sendiri punya perkiraan 
>kuat PER PTBA nggak bakal pulih sampai q3. Sebenernya ini 
>kepres nggak perlu, masak orang usaha nggak boleh 
>hedging, sama sekali, saya pikir nggak ngaruh dgn 
>currency. Economic Stupid!

Menurut saya peraturan tersebut dibuat terutama buat 
menghadang oknum2 di Pertamina,karena banyak oknum di sana 
yang spekulasi dolar dengan mendompleng Pertamina sehingga 
fluktuasi dolar tinggi sekali kalau Pertamina lagi butuh 
dolar.Cuma kan tidak mungkin peraturan dikhususkan untuk 
Pertamina,jadi harus semua BUMN yang kena.

TELKOM Group Peduli Jogja, ketik PEDULI, kirim SMS ke 5000

Dengan mengirim SMS berisi PEDULI ke nomor 5000, Anda telah menyumbang sebanyak 
Rp. 5.000,- per SMS
bagi korban bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.
Dana 100% akan disumbangkan TELKOM dan TELKOMSEL atas nama pelanggan ke Palang 
Merah Indonesia
setiap minggu selama 1 bulan, mulai 30 Mei s/d 30 Juni 2006. 
Pengumpulan dan distribusi dana akan diaudit oleh auditor independen dan 
disaksikan oleh notaris. 
Bantuan via SMS ini dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan Flexi, kartuHalo, simPATI, dan 
Kartu As. 

Khusus untuk pelanggan Flexi, Anda juga dapat menyumbang dengan nilai sumbangan 
lebih besar 
dengan mengetik 1 atau 25000 atau 5 kirim ke 5000. 

Informasi lebih lanjut, klik


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread Halim Mintareja

ngapain sih takut ama forex loss.
justru bagus.. itu kesempatan kita buat dapat 
barang murah... 
lihat aja... 
PGAS bisa kena corner sampai 1075 juga gara-gara 
TLKM bisa 6600 sebelum ss juga gara-gara FOREX 
semua saham ada masanya.. ngak akan selalu satu 
arah... FOREX GAIN-LOSS adalah salah satu bumbunya.
Sekarang ini saatnya PTBA sideways.. saat tektok... 
LK ngak mendukung untuk ditarik ke atas.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:52 
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA 
  Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.
  > Utk PTBA kemarin q1 rugi kursnya itu sekitar >Rp50Miliar, itu 
  menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. ANTM, >PTBA rugi kurs sebagai imbas 
  Keppres (entah nomer berapa) >baru oktober tahun 2005 yg lalu, supaya 
  semua BUMN yg >berpenghasilan dolar, harus langsung konversi ke rupiah 
  >dalam 1 bulan. Keppres ini gara2 krisis BBM dan jatuhnya 
  >Rupiah bulan agustus 2005. Jadi mulai okt 2005 ANTM dan >PTBA 
  acct USDnya selalu dikosongkan. Jadi bener2 BUMN2 > nggak boleh 
  nge-hedge. So saya sendiri punya perkiraan >kuat PER PTBA nggak bakal 
  pulih sampai q3. Sebenernya ini >kepres nggak perlu, masak orang usaha 
  nggak boleh >hedging, sama sekali, saya pikir nggak ngaruh dgn 
  >currency. Economic Stupid!Menurut saya peraturan tersebut 
  dibuat terutama buat menghadang oknum2 di Pertamina,karena banyak oknum di 
  sana yang spekulasi dolar dengan mendompleng Pertamina sehingga 
  fluktuasi dolar tinggi sekali kalau Pertamina lagi butuh dolar.Cuma 
  kan tidak mungkin peraturan dikhususkan untuk Pertamina,jadi harus semua 
  BUMN yang 
  Group Peduli Jogja, ketik PEDULI, kirim SMS ke 5000Dengan mengirim SMS 
  berisi PEDULI ke nomor 5000, Anda telah menyumbang sebanyak Rp. 5.000,- per 
  SMSbagi korban bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.Dana 
  100% akan disumbangkan TELKOM dan TELKOMSEL atas nama pelanggan ke Palang 
  Merah Indonesiasetiap minggu selama 1 bulan, mulai 30 Mei s/d 30 Juni 
  2006. Pengumpulan dan distribusi dana akan diaudit oleh auditor independen 
  dan disaksikan oleh notaris. Bantuan via SMS ini dapat diikuti oleh 
  pelanggan Flexi, kartuHalo, simPATI, dan Kartu As. Khusus untuk 
  pelanggan Flexi, Anda juga dapat menyumbang dengan nilai sumbangan lebih besar 
  dengan mengetik 1 atau 25000 atau 5 kirim ke 5000. 
  Informasi lebih lanjut, klik 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread dera ayu

Pak EKA, dg kondisi PTBA tsb dan juga akhir2 ini OD gemar ngeshort, dlm jangka waktu 3-6 bln apakah hold atau cut loss ?. Saya masuk di 3500-an.     Thanks advice-nyaEKA SUWANDANA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Nickel feeling sih pasti tembus 10 USD, INCO bakal diatas 25000.   Soalnya ada aturan SEC amrik, kalo akuisisi harus ambil  juga saham anak persh. Jadi suatu saat bakal ada voluntary delisting. So BD sedang creat harga tertinggi.      Gw nggak tau dgn ANTM ngaruh nggak dgn nickelnya. Geraknya kadang aneh, mudah2an sih ngikut, soalnya masih punya.     Utk PTBA kemarin q1 rugi kursnya itu sekitar Rp50Miliar, itu menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. ANTM, PTBA rugi kurs sebagai imbas Keppres (entah nomer berapa)
 baru oktober tahun 2005 yg lalu, supaya semua BUMN yg berpenghasilan dolar, harus langsung konversi ke rupiah dalam 1 bulan. Keppres ini gara2 krisis BBM dan jatuhnya Rupiah bulan agustus 2005. Jadi mulai okt 2005 ANTM dan PTBA acct USDnya selalu dikosongkan. Jadi bener2 BUMN2  nggak boleh nge-hedge. So saya sendiri punya perkiraan kuat PER PTBA nggak bakal pulih sampai q3. Sebenernya ini kepres nggak perlu, masak orang usaha nggak boleh hedging, sama sekali, saya pikir nggak ngaruh dgn currency. Economic Stupid!Karno Edy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Gw kira nickel akan tembus new high 10++  Strong buy INCO & ANTM     PTBA, I
 don't think real PER will be 30.  Kalo sekarang EPS nya 30 itu mah namanya EPS boongan, makanya yg ngga kuat nahan jual aja.         - Original Message -   From: up_trends   To:   Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:10 AM  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1
 tahun ini.  London - Nickel gained 2.1% in London after Phelps Dodge announced a $40bn buyout for two Canadian miners on Monday, suggesting that the company believes metals prices will stay high in the longer term, analysts said. Phelps Dodge said it would acquire Inco and Falconbridge in a deal to form the world's largest nickel and second largest copper producer. "From the price they are prepared to pay, you have to infer that Phelps Dodge believe that (metals) prices will stay strong. It's the only way they can justify these sorts of numbers," a London mining analyst said. At midday London Metal Exchange nickel prices were $400 higher at $19,600 a tonne. Copper for delivery in three months was at $6,821 a tonne, up $41 from Friday but $2,000 below May's record peak. "The new company will have greater control of copper, nickel and molydenum
 production. This means they may be able to smooth out cyclical price variations," UBS analyst Robin Bhar said. "Both companies were swift to cut back production when prices were at their lows in 2001...they may also be able to fast track projects when prices rise." Metals prices rocketed to record highs in May, in part due to strong buying from investment funds, but also because of the laggardly response by producers to increase output. ABN AMRO analyst Tim Huff said of the Phelps deal: "This is a very smart move. By setting the bid price for Inco, they don't complicate Inco's bid for Falconbridge. That pins down Inco's share price and revalues Inco's bid for Falconbridge." Two rivals, Inco and Swiss-based Xstrata, have been engaged in a bidding war for Falconbridge, and the Phelps Dodge move gives the Inco bid a significant edge. Huff added that Phelps Dodge may have been more interested
 in securing Falconbridge's copper assets than Inco's nickel production. "There are a lot of companies around the world...that want to increase exposure in dollar-denominated production," he said adding: "They are strengthening their copper stable and are getting into diversification at the same time." The bulk of the Canadian companies' production is located in North America. Miners in Australia and South Africa say they have not been able to cash in on soaring metals prices because the dollar has fallen in value against their domestic currencies, so reducing profits. UK equity markets rose, lifted by the mining sector, led by Kazakhmys, as hopes for consolidation were boosted by the Phelps Dodge bid. Fed sets the tone Markets were thin ahead of a US Federal Reserve meeting later this week. Analysts expect a quarter of a percentage point rise in US interest rates to 5.25%, but
 precious metals dealers noted speculation the Fed might increase rates by 50 basis points. "It is too early to say which way metals will swing in the short term, but we look to US economic developments - in particular the Fed policy statement out on Thursday - to set the tone," Man Financial said in a daily note. Aluminium was up $23 at $2,472 a tonne from the London close, while zinc was up $60 at $2,920. In other commodities, oil inched down after signs of increased Iraqi production but held just below $71 a barrel, supported by growing US gasoline demand despite near-record prices, while gold edged up to $584.00/oz. 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread Budi
> Pak EKA, dg kondisi PTBA tsb dan juga akhir2 ini OD 
>gemar ngeshort, dlm jangka waktu 3-6 bln apakah hold atau 
>cut loss ?. Saya masuk di 3500-an.

Wuih,3500?Anda pakai margin?Kalau tidak pakai margin,tidak 
usah dipikirkan,simpan saja,akhir tahun pasti untung.

TELKOM Group Peduli Jogja, ketik PEDULI, kirim SMS ke 5000

Dengan mengirim SMS berisi PEDULI ke nomor 5000, Anda telah menyumbang sebanyak 
Rp. 5.000,- per SMS
bagi korban bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.
Dana 100% akan disumbangkan TELKOM dan TELKOMSEL atas nama pelanggan ke Palang 
Merah Indonesia
setiap minggu selama 1 bulan, mulai 30 Mei s/d 30 Juni 2006. 
Pengumpulan dan distribusi dana akan diaudit oleh auditor independen dan 
disaksikan oleh notaris. 
Bantuan via SMS ini dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan Flexi, kartuHalo, simPATI, dan 
Kartu As. 

Khusus untuk pelanggan Flexi, Anda juga dapat menyumbang dengan nilai sumbangan 
lebih besar 
dengan mengetik 1 atau 25000 atau 5 kirim ke 5000. 

Informasi lebih lanjut, klik


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread EKA SUWANDANA

Banyak yg kirim email khawatir utk PTBA, bukan anda saja yg nyangkut. Kalo 3500 sih nggak gitu parah, simpan saja. Saya optimis sekali kedepan nggak akan jatuh dibawah 2900. Feeling kuat sih akhir tahun bakal 5000an.Budi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  > Pak EKA, dg kondisi PTBA tsb dan juga akhir2 ini OD >gemar ngeshort, dlm jangka waktu 3-6 bln apakah hold atau >cut loss ?. Saya masuk di 3500-an.Wuih,3500?Anda pakai margin?Kalau tidak pakai margin,tidak usah dipikirkan,simpan saja,akhir tahun pasti
 untung.TELKOM Group Peduli Jogja, ketik PEDULI, kirim SMS ke 5000Dengan mengirim SMS berisi PEDULI ke nomor 5000, Anda telah menyumbang sebanyak Rp. 5.000,- per SMSbagi korban bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.Dana 100% akan disumbangkan TELKOM dan TELKOMSEL atas nama pelanggan ke Palang Merah Indonesiasetiap minggu selama 1 bulan, mulai 30 Mei s/d 30 Juni 2006. Pengumpulan dan distribusi dana akan diaudit oleh auditor independen dan disaksikan oleh notaris. Bantuan via SMS ini dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan Flexi, kartuHalo, simPATI, dan Kartu As. Khusus untuk pelanggan Flexi, Anda juga dapat menyumbang dengan nilai sumbangan lebih besar dengan mengetik 1 atau 25000 atau 5 kirim ke 5000. Informasi lebih lanjut, klik 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-27 Thread EKA SUWANDANA

Tapi gara2 aturan ini proyeksi setoran devidend saham2 BUMN bisa turun.    Tapi emang PERTAMINA korupnya nggak ada matinya. Uwak saya (kakak Ibu saya) mantan Direktur Keuangan Pertamina tahun 80-an, wuih.warisan utk anaknya banyak. Mulai dari Kuda sampe Rumah di UK. Beliau sudah almarhum dgn tenang.Budi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  > Utk PTBA kemarin q1 rugi kursnya itu sekitar >Rp50Miliar, itu menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. ANTM, >PTBA rugi
 kurs sebagai imbas Keppres (entah nomer berapa) >baru oktober tahun 2005 yg lalu, supaya semua BUMN yg >berpenghasilan dolar, harus langsung konversi ke rupiah >dalam 1 bulan. Keppres ini gara2 krisis BBM dan jatuhnya >Rupiah bulan agustus 2005. Jadi mulai okt 2005 ANTM dan >PTBA acct USDnya selalu dikosongkan. Jadi bener2 BUMN2 > nggak boleh nge-hedge. So saya sendiri punya perkiraan >kuat PER PTBA nggak bakal pulih sampai q3. Sebenernya ini >kepres nggak perlu, masak orang usaha nggak boleh >hedging, sama sekali, saya pikir nggak ngaruh dgn >currency. Economic Stupid!Menurut saya peraturan tersebut dibuat terutama buat menghadang oknum2 di Pertamina,karena banyak oknum di sana yang spekulasi dolar dengan mendompleng Pertamina sehingga fluktuasi dolar tinggi sekali kalau Pertamina lagi butuh dolar.Cuma kan tidak mungkin peraturan dikhususkan untuk Pertamina,jadi harus semua
 BUMN yang kena.TELKOM Group Peduli Jogja, ketik PEDULI, kirim SMS ke 5000Dengan mengirim SMS berisi PEDULI ke nomor 5000, Anda telah menyumbang sebanyak Rp. 5.000,- per SMSbagi korban bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.Dana 100% akan disumbangkan TELKOM dan TELKOMSEL atas nama pelanggan ke Palang Merah Indonesiasetiap minggu selama 1 bulan, mulai 30 Mei s/d 30 Juni 2006. Pengumpulan dan distribusi dana akan diaudit oleh auditor independen dan disaksikan oleh notaris. Bantuan via SMS ini dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan Flexi, kartuHalo, simPATI, dan Kartu As. Khusus untuk pelanggan Flexi, Anda juga dapat menyumbang dengan nilai sumbangan lebih besar dengan mengetik 1 atau 25000 atau 5 kirim ke 5000. Informasi lebih lanjut, klik 



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-28 Thread Halim Mintareja
itulah masalahnya bung Eka..

banyak yang nyangkut... biar ngak di harga atas

itu berarti bandar harus mau kumpulin barang receh.

Sedangkan kondisi keuangan PTBA juga tidak akan ada lonjakan earning
secara significant. Jadi saat ini saham ini cuman tunggu banyak yang
cut loss baru mau naik.

Atau kalau tidak tunggu 3 tahun lagi

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-28 Thread EKA SUWANDANA

3 Tahun??? Nggak selama itu! Inget PGAS waktu IPO di 1500 di bawa turun 1100, PER saat itu 10x. Proyek SSWJ I baru mulai tahun 2006, selesai total 2007, sudah digoreng awal tahun 2005. Tahun 2005 PER PGAS maen di 40x-50x. Dulu saya beli PGAS di 3000, di gallery diketawain orang yg beli RIGS di 900, saya jual di 5000, giliran saya yg ketawa.      2 tahun sebelum proyek jadi (2007), PTBA pasti naik. Apalagi kalau ada kepastian , materialised Interconnection PLN , Jawa-Sumatera, seluruh PLTU di SUMSEL , NAV semua PLTU pasti dihitung analis. Kalo interkoneksi PLN mulai dibangun, Super Strong Buy lagi, itu trigger ke 2.     Baca berita kompas yg saya post 2 hari lalu.      Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  itulah masalahnya bung Eka..banyak yang nyangkut... biar ngak di harga atasitu berarti bandar harus mau kumpulin barang receh.Sedangkan kondisi keuangan PTBA juga tidak akan ada lonjakan earningsecara significant. Jadi saat ini saham ini cuman tunggu banyak yangcut loss baru mau naik.Atau kalau tidak tunggu 3 tahun lagi



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA Keep Buying asalkan tahan lihat PER membesar selama 1 tahun ini.

2006-06-29 Thread Halim Mintareja

he..he... mungkin saja saya salah...
tapi PGAS 1100 itu tahun 2004... harganya baru kelihatan di akhir 2005...
EPS naik mulai 2006. Begipula dengan ANTM.
Makanya saya berani ambil kesimpulan kalau untuk indonesia.. harga proyeksi EPS paling lama 2 tahun ke depan.. karena political uncertainty.
So.. karena EPS PTBA baru mulai naik tahun 2010.. makanya saya perkirakan harganya baru mulai ngetrek gila-gilaan paling lambat.. sekali lagi paling lambat 2009.. masih tiga tahun lagi.
Tapi kalau investor udah pada lepas mungkin cerita bisa berbeda.
Tapi mungkin saja bandar terpaksa tarik lebih awal kalau ada kenaikan harga jual batubara ke PLN.
btw.. mungkin saja saya bias.. porto daku 50% PTBA 2600... 25% PGAS 2200.. 10% ASII 10600.
Silahkan di adjust sendiri comment saya :D 

3 Tahun??? Nggak selama itu! Inget PGAS waktu IPO di 1500 di bawa turun 1100, PER saat itu 10x. Proyek SSWJ I baru mulai tahun 2006, selesai total 2007, sudah digoreng awal tahun 2005. Tahun 2005 PER PGAS maen di 40x-50x. Dulu saya beli PGAS di 3000, di gallery diketawain orang yg beli RIGS di 900, saya jual di 5000, giliran saya yg ketawa. 

2 tahun sebelum proyek jadi (2007), PTBA pasti naik. Apalagi kalau ada kepastian , materialised Interconnection PLN , Jawa-Sumatera, seluruh PLTU di SUMSEL , NAV semua PLTU pasti dihitung analis. Kalo interkoneksi PLN mulai dibangun, Super Strong Buy lagi, itu trigger ke 2.

Baca berita kompas yg saya post 2 hari lalu.

 Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

itulah masalahnya bung Eka..banyak yang nyangkut... biar ngak di harga atasitu berarti bandar harus mau kumpulin barang receh.Sedangkan kondisi keuangan PTBA juga tidak akan ada lonjakan earning
secara significant. Jadi saat ini saham ini cuman tunggu banyak yangcut loss baru mau naik.Atau kalau tidak tunggu 3 tahun lagi 





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