Hi Alex,

There was a back to back FOSS4G and SotM in 2022 in Firenze, Italy, and another 
one proposed for 2023 (that didn't go ahead).

I don't know when the Call for Venues will be open for SotM 2025 but previously 
it's been between March and June the year prior.

We are certainly overdue for a global SotM conference in this region, and I 
would be ecstatic to see it happen.

Andrew Harvey

On Fri, 8 Dec 2023, at 4:07 PM, Alex Leith via FOSS4G-Oceania wrote:
> Hey Folks
> A group of us from this year's Auckland conference are interested in putting 
> a bid together to host the 2025 global FOSS4G event, probably in conjunction 
> with the global SotM conference.
> The call for proposals is about to be announced, and the letter of intent is 
> likely to be due by the 8th of January, 2024, which means that we have to 
> move fairly quickly to take this initial step. The Auckland University of 
> Technology have already indicated they can provide the venue.
> This is obviously a massive commitment and not something we would enter into 
> lightly, but I think it would be wonderful to welcome the global open 
> geospatial community to our corner of the Earth, and I hope that you agree!
> So, the call to action is to get in touch if you'd like to join the committee 
> that is putting the bid together.
> Please let me know if you'd like to be involved, and we'll work together to 
> get a letter of intent together.
> Kind regards,
> Alex
> --
> *Alex Leith*
> m: +61 419 189 050
> https://auspatious.com
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