Users of the license and licensed material.  We've had several cases discussed on this list where used material has not been attributed to the original source (the whole Section 15 discussion), and debates over how certain types of material can be used.
I was wondering how the users of Creative Commons have gotten around or through these issues.

Tim Dugger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 16 Oct 2004 Mike scribbled a note about [Ogf-l] Creative Commons alternate copyright syst:

> I thought that the following article might be of interest to those on
> this list. It sounds very similar to the system founded under the
> OGL. I wonder then how they plan to overcome many of the
> accountability and referencing issues that are discussed so frequently
> on this board.
> ns_x .htm

The Creative Commons licence is a generic license that has been
around for a good while (a few years at least). I am not sure what
you mean by how they plan to get around certain issues. Who is

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