how to get objects locked by a transaction?

2003-10-27 Thread Jair da Silva Ferreira Júnior
How can I safely get all objects locked by a transaction using ODMG or broker API?
I need this because I want to remove all objects locked by a transaction from the 
cache. Something like this:

Iterator lockedObjects=getLockedObjects(transaction);

Jair Jr

Custom SequenceManager

2003-10-27 Thread Robert J Celestino

I am new to OJB and in the process of evaluating it for use on our project. So far I 
am very impressed and looking forward to using it in production. 

To that end, I have written my own sequence manager. It appears to work (records are 
created correctly with GUIDs correctly generated).

But the Guids that we generate have imbedded dashes and that seems to cause the 
queries a problem. A very simple example: 

String id = "7f653507-0a28-0c51-0153-e0c0206f7a20" ; 
oqlQuery = "select p from " + Person.class.getName() + " where Id = " + id  ;  
OQLQuery query = _omdg.newOQLQuery();
query.create( oqlQuery ) ; <-- throws exception here : 

org.odmg.QueryInvalidException: expecting '>', found '0'
at org.apache.ojb.odmg.oql.OQLQueryImpl.create(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.ojb.odmg.oql.OQLQueryImpl.create(Unknown Source)

Should I escape the string in some fashion? Escape the dashes? Does "-" signify 
something in particular? 

Any help greatly appreciated! 

Bob c

Bob Celestino
SAS Research and Development
919 - 531 - 9425

SAS - The Power to Know

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RE: problems with batch-mode=true

2003-10-27 Thread Zhe Liu
RE: problems with batch-mode=trueSeems it works for me when I tried

1) batch-mode="true" in repository

2) start transaction before setting the batch mode


3) I tried this on delete. There were no exceptions and the records got
deleted. However, it did not show me any delete statement in the log even
though I set the logging to debug mode.

4) If I switch the above to the following


I got following exception ConnectionManager
is already in transaction
own Source)
own Source)
at com.gsnx.ojbeval.db.BaseDao.delete(

In the log, I did see the delete statement.

My questions are:
1) Which way should I use? start transaction first or set batch mode to
"true" first?
2) How do I know it really does batch delete?
3) Is there any disadvantage if I always set it to batch mode for any


  -Original Message-
  From: Bonnie MacKellar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 6:02 AM
  To: OJB Users List
  Subject: RE: problems with batch-mode=true


  Here is the code that I tested. You can
  see that setBatchMode is called before I start
  the tx.

  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
  CustomerInterface customer = new Customer();
  customer.setCustomerNumber("100" + i);

   //   conMan.executeBatch();
  catch(Exception e)

  This chunk of code, exectued with batch-mode="true"
  in repository_database.xml, results in the following
  two exceptions :

  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
e(Unknown Source)
nknown Source)
  at $Proxy0.doExecute(Unknown Source)
nown Source)
nown Source)
  3425  ERROR [main] dbmigrationutils.CustomerMigration - object is not an
instance of declaring class
  3435  DEBUG [main] core.PersistenceBrokerImpl - PB.close was called:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ConnectionManager
is NOT in transaction
own Source)
own Source)
  Exception in thread "main"

  It looks like the persistence broker is being closed down before the call
to abortTransaction
  is made. But that does not explain the first exception. This code works
perfectly with

  And, if I call executeBatch, I don't get the second exception (the one
about not being in
  a transaction), although I still get the first transaction.

  I am includ

How to use alias in OQL and how to query two or more tables with ODMG API?

2003-10-27 Thread

I am a newbie in OJB and an now trying the OJB using the ODMG API. I run the
tutorials on the OJB website successfully. But when I am trying one of my
own project, I was stuck in two problems,


for the query string, if I use "select p from Project where companyCode = $1
and billingCode= $2;" everything is fine. But if I am trying to use the
alias for the object, replacing the above query with "select p from Project
p where p.companyCode = $1 and p.billingCode= $2;" there will be exception

line 1: unexpected token: p

The following is the code.
 public Project locateProjectByCodes(String company_code, String
  String oqlQuery = "select p from Project where companyCode = $1 and
billingCode= $2";
  Database db = odmg.getDatabase(null); // the current DB
  Transaction tx = null;
  Project oneInstance=null;
// 3. open transaction
tx = odmg.newTransaction();

// 4. acquire write lock on new object
   OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
   System.err.println("finished creating query");
   catch(QueryInvalidException e)
System.err.println("query problem!");
   DList result = (DList) query.execute();
   java.util.Iterator iter = result.iterator();

// 5. commit transaction

//6. loop the result collection
   if (iter.hasNext())
oneInstance = (Project) result.get(0);

   logger.warn("locateProjectByCodes: "+oneInstance.getCompanyCode());
   catch( Exception e )
  //  e.printStackTrace(logger);
// Code omitted for tutorial brevity
   return null;

2) how to query two or more tables? Like the above example, say I have a
table Employee (to simplify the question, we assume it is 1:1 relationship
between these two tables, each employee works on one project)and I want to
get the project information a specified employee works on. With sql, I would
write as "select p.* from Project p, Employee e where
p.ProjectId=e.ProjectId and e.EmployeeName='me'", but how to do this with
ODMG query? I read all the tutorials and more than one examples on internet,
but all of them only query one table each time... In fact, when I tried to
write the OQL, like the above example, the exception reported my second
table name as unexpected token.

Thank you and I am waiting in such eagerness for your help.


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new url for scarab

2003-10-27 Thread Jakob Braeuchi

scarab seems to have moved to


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JDO - newObjectIdInstance() method failed

2003-10-27 Thread Christophe.Demarey

In the JDO specification, we can find :
public java.lang.Object newObjectIdInstance(java.lang.Class pcClass,
java.lang.String str)
This method returns an object id instance corresponding to the Class and 
String arguments. The String argument might have been the result of 
executing toString on an object id instance.

pcClass - the Class of the persistence-capable instance
str - the String form of the object id
an instance of the object identity class
I stored the String form of an object id and then tried to rebuild an 
object id with the method  "newObjectIdInstance" on the Persistance Manager.
But it seems OJB doesn't support this feature. I get the following 
Any idea about it ?

Thanks. Not in GZIP format
at Source)
org.apache.ojb.jdori.sql.OjbStoreManager.newObjectIdInstance(Unknown Source)
at ...
rethrown as Not in 
GZIP format
at Source)
org.apache.ojb.jdori.sql.OjbStoreManager.newObjectIdInstance(Unknown Source)
at ...
Caused by: Not in GZIP format
... 18 more

Christophe Demarey,
Research engineer
OpenCCM project -
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
LIFL - UMR CNRS 8022- Batiment M3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)32043 4728
Fax  : +33 (0)32043 6566
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Re: Proxies && 1:1 optional doesn't work?

2003-10-27 Thread Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
Yes, I've done all the tests, and really doesn't work.
If someone need to use 1:1 optional (or 1:0..1), cannot use proxy. But it's
not a lose performance scenario (at least for me), since it's 1:0..1 only...
If someone could double check it, please do... It's a boring bug that can
affect others trying to use proxies with 1:0..1 mappings.

Best regards,

Edson Richter

- Original Message - 
From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
To: 'OJB Users List'
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 6:17 PM
Subject: Proxies && 1:1 optional doesn't work?

Hi! I'm using RC4 CVS Head (I get the source today, at 18:00 GMT-3).
Look sample bellow. If I make OutrasInformacoes dynamic proxy, I get an
error (method getXxx in object null) if Pessoa hasn't a db record in
TB_OUTRAS_INFORMACOES. Also, where there is no OutrasInformacoes em Pessoa,
when I use proxy=dynamic for OutrasInformacoes, executing
pessoa.getOutrasInformacoes==null results in false (in real, it's a proxy,
so it isn't null). But if there is no record, it shouldn't be a proxy. This
should be just null. If I remove "proxy=dynamic" line, the every thing works




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Queries for M:N collections?

2003-10-27 Thread Rémi Bars
Hi all,

i m trying to store an object A wich have a list of A element, when i try
that it works first time and after i got this exception
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -2
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.states.StateOldDirty.commit(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.ObjectEnvelopeTable.commitAllEnvelopes(Unknown
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.ObjectEnvelopeTable.commit(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.TransactionImpl.doCommitOnObjects(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.TransactionImpl.prepare(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.ojb.odmg.TransactionImpl.commit(Unknown Source)

create table A(id int primary key not null)

create table A_A(ParentID int not null, ID int not null,primary key
(ParentID , ID))




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RE: OT Crap Signature : Was RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Taillefer, Troy (EXP)

Ok sorry to rag on you. I know all about stupid decisions that are out of my hands I 
doubt there is anyone who doesn't. Have a nice day.


-Original Message-
From: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 27, 2003 10:51 AM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: OT Crap Signature : Was RE: problem with PB instances creation


I am well aware that my email signature is

a) Unwieldy
b) Ugly
c) Technically dodgy
d) A pain in the backside.

It is also questionable whether it has any legal significance whatsoever - I
am pretty sure it is totaly useless outside the UK.

However, I am unable to change it. 

It is appended on our server by my employer, who will not allow me to remove
it - I believe that we have to have it in order to get liability insurance.
I have strongly objected, but have given it up as a battle not worth

I submit that the help and contributions I have given on various mailing
lists over the last 4 years balances out the crap I have dumped on them.

In short - there's not alot I can do about it. Sorry.


> -Original Message-
> From: Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 15:34
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Charles or whoever owns that weird signature,
> This is a little of topic but I find your signature is a 
> little strange. Email is traveling across a public medium so 
> if it is unencrypted it is effectively public domain viewable 
> by anybody sniffing the net (regardless of what laws may 
> exist). Plus these emails are stored in a publicly viewable 
> archive so your claim to confidentiality is irrelevant. I 
> recommend you don't send any information deemed sensitive, 
> proprietary or confidential through unencrypted email to a 
> public mailing list.
> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: October 27, 2003 7:03 AM
> To: 'OJB Users List'
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi,
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
> > Each time I want to use a broker I should do:
> > 
> > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > //I use the broker
> > broker.close();
> Yes, this is the way it should be done.
> > Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for 
> > a broker one time (when the application start) and close 
> > after (all) the use?
> It is better to do it each time. 
> If this is an "issue" for you, I suggest you look at using 
> ODMG; it hides
> all broker usage from your application.
> > About the MAX number of broker in, is it a 
> > good way to set this number to 100 or even 1000?
> > 
> > Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
> > "Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
> > "Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?
> I'm afraid I don't know precisely.. 
> Cheers,
> Charles.
> > Thanks for your help
> > Sylvain
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
> > À: 'OJB Users List'
> > Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.
> > 
> > At line 10 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
> > for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
> > broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  
> returns the
> > broker to the pool.
> > 
> > In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer 
> > use it. You
> > must get another broker.
> > 
> > If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there 
> > are in the pool,
> > you should be able to do
> > 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
> > (PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl)
> > PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance();
> > int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Charles
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> > > Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hello Thomas,
> > > 
> > > Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in 
> > the pool?
> > > 
> > > You can find an example below.
> > > You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> > > You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> > > use you close() the instance.
> > > But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> > > use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> > > ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> > > 
> > > Do I have to create a second broker?
> > > Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your help
> > > Sylvain
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 1 public class MyExam

OT Crap Signature : Was RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Charles Anthony

I am well aware that my email signature is

a) Unwieldy
b) Ugly
c) Technically dodgy
d) A pain in the backside.

It is also questionable whether it has any legal significance whatsoever - I
am pretty sure it is totaly useless outside the UK.

However, I am unable to change it. 

It is appended on our server by my employer, who will not allow me to remove
it - I believe that we have to have it in order to get liability insurance.
I have strongly objected, but have given it up as a battle not worth

I submit that the help and contributions I have given on various mailing
lists over the last 4 years balances out the crap I have dumped on them.

In short - there's not alot I can do about it. Sorry.


> -Original Message-
> From: Taillefer, Troy (EXP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 15:34
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Charles or whoever owns that weird signature,
> This is a little of topic but I find your signature is a 
> little strange. Email is traveling across a public medium so 
> if it is unencrypted it is effectively public domain viewable 
> by anybody sniffing the net (regardless of what laws may 
> exist). Plus these emails are stored in a publicly viewable 
> archive so your claim to confidentiality is irrelevant. I 
> recommend you don't send any information deemed sensitive, 
> proprietary or confidential through unencrypted email to a 
> public mailing list.
> -Original Message-
> From: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: October 27, 2003 7:03 AM
> To: 'OJB Users List'
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi,
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
> > Each time I want to use a broker I should do:
> > 
> > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > //I use the broker
> > broker.close();
> Yes, this is the way it should be done.
> > Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for 
> > a broker one time (when the application start) and close 
> > after (all) the use?
> It is better to do it each time. 
> If this is an "issue" for you, I suggest you look at using 
> ODMG; it hides
> all broker usage from your application.
> > About the MAX number of broker in, is it a 
> > good way to set this number to 100 or even 1000?
> > 
> > Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
> > "Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
> > "Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?
> I'm afraid I don't know precisely.. 
> Cheers,
> Charles.
> > Thanks for your help
> > Sylvain
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
> > À: 'OJB Users List'
> > Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.
> > 
> > At line 10 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
> > for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
> > broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  
> returns the
> > broker to the pool.
> > 
> > In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer 
> > use it. You
> > must get another broker.
> > 
> > If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there 
> > are in the pool,
> > you should be able to do
> > 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
> > (PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl)
> > PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance();
> > int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Charles
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> > > Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hello Thomas,
> > > 
> > > Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in 
> > the pool?
> > > 
> > > You can find an example below.
> > > You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> > > You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> > > use you close() the instance.
> > > But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> > > use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> > > ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> > > 
> > > Do I have to create a second broker?
> > > Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your help
> > > Sylvain
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 1 public class MyExample {
> > > 2
> > > 3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
> > > 4
> > > 5 public void test() {
> > > 6 /**
> > > 7 * Persistence Broker
> > > 8 */
> > > 9 try {
> > > 10broker = 
> > > PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > > 11} catch (Throwable t) {
> > > 12t.printStackTrace();
> > > 13}
> >

RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Taillefer, Troy (EXP)
Charles or whoever owns that weird signature,

This is a little of topic but I find your signature is a little strange. Email is 
traveling across a public medium so if it is unencrypted it is effectively public 
domain viewable by anybody sniffing the net (regardless of what laws may exist). Plus 
these emails are stored in a publicly viewable archive so your claim to 
confidentiality is irrelevant. I recommend you don't send any information deemed 
sensitive, proprietary or confidential through unencrypted email to a public mailing 

-Original Message-
From: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 27, 2003 7:03 AM
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation


> Hello,
> OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
> Each time I want to use a broker I should do:
> broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> //I use the broker
> broker.close();

Yes, this is the way it should be done.
> Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for 
> a broker one time (when the application start) and close 
> after (all) the use?

It is better to do it each time. 

If this is an "issue" for you, I suggest you look at using ODMG; it hides
all broker usage from your application.

> About the MAX number of broker in, is it a 
> good way to set this number to 100 or even 1000?
> Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
> "Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
> "Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?

I'm afraid I don't know precisely.. 


> Thanks for your help
> Sylvain
> -Message d'origine-
> De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
> À: 'OJB Users List'
> Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi,
> at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.
> At line 10 
> PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
> for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
> broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  returns the
> broker to the pool.
> In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer 
> use it. You
> must get another broker.
> If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there 
> are in the pool,
> you should be able to do
> PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
> (PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl)
> PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance();
> int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();
> Cheers,
> Charles
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> > Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hello Thomas,
> > 
> > Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in 
> the pool?
> > 
> > You can find an example below.
> > You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> > You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> > use you close() the instance.
> > But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> > use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> > ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> > 
> > Do I have to create a second broker?
> > Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> > 
> > Thanks for your help
> > Sylvain
> > 
> > 
> > 1 public class MyExample {
> > 2
> > 3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
> > 4
> > 5 public void test() {
> > 6   /**
> > 7   * Persistence Broker
> > 8   */
> > 9   try {
> > 10  broker = 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > 11  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 12  t.printStackTrace();
> > 13  }
> > 14
> > 15  Criteria crit = new Criteria();
> > 16  ...
> > 17
> > 18  try {
> > 19  broker.beginTransaction();
> > 20  //query 1...
> > 21  broker.commitTransaction();
> > 22  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 23  broker.abortTransaction();
> > 24  } finally {
> > 25  broker.close();
> > 26  }
> > 27
> > 28  try {
> > 29  broker.beginTransaction();
> > 30  //query 2...
> > 31  broker.commitTransaction();
> > 32  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 33  broker.abortTransaction();
> > 34  } finally {
> > 35  broker.close();
> > 36  }
> > 37  }
> > 38 }
> > 
> > 
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
> > À: OJB Users List
> > Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Sylvain,
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >  
> > > I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem 
> > with PB instances creation.
> > >  
> > > Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I 
> > create a PB intance:
> > > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > >  
> > > The problem is that lot of PB instances a

RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

Thanks -- don't suppose you could grab me a CVS head could you if you get
the chance...



-Original Message-
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:50
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

Hi Mark,

Mark Rowell wrote:
> Sorry
> After looking at SequenceManaherHelper I know that the max id of 
> sequence for extent is not...
> More on the batch mode stuff -- I onlt just turned it on and got these 
> problems. RC4 has been working Prior to setting batch-mode="true" in 
> the configuration.
hmm, AFAIK Oleg has fixed some bugs in conjunction
with batch mode (since rc4). So your problems maybe
a side-effect of the bugs in batch-mode.


> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 12:25
> To: 'OJB Users List'
> Subject: RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents
> Armin
> No the only thing I changed was
> One thing is that this problem happened during a run of my application 
> where some batch mode=true stuff Was used. Would this have an impact?
> Is the sequence max id still stored in OJB_HL_SEQ?
> Regards
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 12:21
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents
> Hi Mark,
>  > But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- 
> would  > this  > have an impact? No should not. Have a look in 
> SequenceManagerHelper#getMaxForExtent
>  > unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on
> upgrading
>  > to RC4?
> Did you change metadata on upgrading? Add new extents,
> change order of declaration?
> regards,
> Armin
> Mark Rowell wrote:
>>But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would 
>>this have an impact?
>>Mark Rowell
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
>>Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents
>>I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I 
>>have noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- 
>>e.g. when I store and instances of 2 different classes In different 
>>"leaves" of the extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the 
>>autogenerated IDs were unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I 
>>misconfigured OJB on upgrading to RC4?
>>Mark Rowell
>>Mark Rowell
>>Structured Credit Europe
>>CreditTrade Limited
>>180 Fleet Street
>>London EC4A 2HG
>>Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
>>Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099
>>CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All 
>>rights reserved. The information and data contained in this email is 
>>provided for the information purposes of the addressee only and should 
>>not be reproduced and/or distributed to any other person. It is 
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>>subject to change. CreditTrade hereby makes no representation and 
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>>rights reserved. The information and data contained in this email is 
>>provided for the information purposes of the addressee only and should 
>>not be reproduced and/or distributed to any other person. It is 
>>provided without any warranty whatsoever and unless stated otherwise 
>>consists purely of indicative market prices and other information.
>>Any opinion or comments expressed or assumption made in association 
>>with the data or information provided in this email is a reflection of 
>>CreditTrades judgement at the time of compiling the data and is 
>>subject to change. CreditTrade hereby makes no representation and 
>>accepts no responsibility or liability as to the completeness or 
>>accuracy of this email.
>>The content of this email is not intended as an offer or solicitat

Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Armin Waibel
Hi Mark,

Mark Rowell wrote:

After looking at SequenceManaherHelper I know that the max id of sequence
for extent is not...
More on the batch mode stuff -- I onlt just turned it on and got these
problems. RC4 has been working
Prior to setting batch-mode="true" in the configuration.
hmm, AFAIK Oleg has fixed some bugs in conjunction
with batch mode (since rc4). So your problems maybe
a side-effect of the bugs in batch-mode.
-Original Message-
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:25
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents


No the only thing I changed was

One thing is that this problem happened during a run of my application where
some batch mode=true stuff Was used. Would this have an impact?
Is the sequence max id still stored in OJB_HL_SEQ?



-Original Message-
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:21
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

Hi Mark,

 > But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would  >
this  > have an impact? No should not. Have a look in
 > unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on 
 > to RC4?
Did you change metadata on upgrading? Add new extents,
change order of declaration?

Mark Rowell wrote:


But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would
this have an impact?

Mark Rowell

-Original Message-
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents

I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I
have noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- 
e.g. when I store and instances of 2 different classes In different 
"leaves" of the extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the 
autogenerated IDs were unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I 
misconfigured OJB on upgrading to RC4?


Mark Rowell

Mark Rowell
Structured Credit Europe
CreditTrade Limited
180 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2HG
Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099

CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All
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NPE in TableAlias.hashCode, was: RE: java.lang.StackOverflowErro r

2003-10-27 Thread oliver . matz

> -Original Message-
> From: Christophe.Demarey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I correct my repository definition (remove the table attribut from 
> PersonBaseImpl descriptor) but I still get an exception.
> Any idea about it ?

> java.lang.NullPointerException
>  at 
> lias.hashCode(Unknown 
> Source)
>  at java.util.HashMap.hash(
>  at java.util.HashMap.put(

I had that exception, too.  If I recall it correctly, it occurs
whenever a non-abstract class does not have a table-attribute.
Besides, in occurs when the first class of an extent is not
a concrete class, and that extent is referenced by a 
collection- or reference-descriptor.

You may try to add some table attributes or post the 
repository_user.xml and let us have a look at it.


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RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

After looking at SequenceManaherHelper I know that the max id of sequence
for extent is not...

More on the batch mode stuff -- I onlt just turned it on and got these
problems. RC4 has been working
Prior to setting batch-mode="true" in the configuration.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:25
To: 'OJB Users List'
Subject: RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents


No the only thing I changed was

One thing is that this problem happened during a run of my application where
some batch mode=true stuff Was used. Would this have an impact?

Is the sequence max id still stored in OJB_HL_SEQ?



-Original Message-
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:21
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

Hi Mark,

 > But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would  >
this  > have an impact? No should not. Have a look in

 > unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on 
 > to RC4?
Did you change metadata on upgrading? Add new extents,
change order of declaration?


Mark Rowell wrote:

> Sorry
> But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would
> this have an impact?
> Regards,
> Mark Rowell
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
> Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents
> Hi
> I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I
> have noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- 
> e.g. when I store and instances of 2 different classes In different 
> "leaves" of the extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the 
> autogenerated IDs were unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I 
> misconfigured OJB on upgrading to RC4?
> Regards,
> Mark Rowell
> ---
> Mark Rowell
> Structured Credit Europe
> CreditTrade Limited
> 180 Fleet Street
> London EC4A 2HG
> Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
> Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099
> CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All
> rights reserved. The information and data contained in this email is 
> provided for the information purposes of the addressee only and should 
> not be reproduced and/or distributed to any other person. It is 
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RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

No the only thing I changed was

One thing is that this problem happened during a run of my application where
some batch mode=true stuff
Was used. Would this have an impact?

Is the sequence max id still stored in OJB_HL_SEQ?



-Original Message-
From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 12:21
To: OJB Users List
Subject: Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

Hi Mark,

 > But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would  >
this  > have an impact? No should not. Have a look in

 > unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on 
 > to RC4?
Did you change metadata on upgrading? Add new extents,
change order of declaration?


Mark Rowell wrote:

> Sorry
> But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would 
> this have an impact?
> Regards,
> Mark Rowell
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
> Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents
> Hi
> I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I 
> have noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- 
> e.g. when I store and instances of 2 different classes In different 
> "leaves" of the extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the 
> autogenerated IDs were unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I 
> misconfigured OJB on upgrading to RC4?
> Regards,
> Mark Rowell
> ---
> Mark Rowell
> Structured Credit Europe
> CreditTrade Limited
> 180 Fleet Street
> London EC4A 2HG
> Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
> Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099
> CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All 
> rights reserved. The information and data contained in this email is 
> provided for the information purposes of the addressee only and should 
> not be reproduced and/or distributed to any other person. It is 
> provided without any warranty whatsoever and unless stated otherwise 
> consists purely of indicative market prices and other information.
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> with the data or information provided in this email is a reflection of 
> CreditTrades judgement at the time of compiling the data and is 
> subject to change. CreditTrade hereby makes no representation and 
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> The content of this email is not intended as an offer or solicitation 
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> instrument, or as an official confirmation of any transaction, and 
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> -
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Re: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Armin Waibel
Hi Mark,

> But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would
> this
> have an impact?
No should not. Have a look in
> unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on 
> to RC4?
Did you change metadata on upgrading? Add new extents,
change order of declaration?

Mark Rowell wrote:


But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would this
have an impact?

Mark Rowell

-Original Message-
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents


I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I have
noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- e.g. when I
store and instances of 2 different classes In different "leaves" of the
extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the autogenerated IDs were
unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on upgrading
to RC4?

Mark Rowell

Mark Rowell
Structured Credit Europe
CreditTrade Limited
180 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2HG
Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099


CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All
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Re: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Armin Waibel

Charles Anthony wrote:



OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
Each time I want to use a broker I should do:
broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
//I use the broker

Yes, this is the way it should be done.

Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for 
a broker one time (when the application start) and close 
after (all) the use?

It is better to do it each time. 

If this is an "issue" for you, I suggest you look at using ODMG; it hides
all broker usage from your application.

About the MAX number of broker in, is it a 
good way to set this number to 100 or even 1000?

Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
"Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
"Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?

I'm afraid I don't know precisely.. 
Never mind! ;-)

PersistenceBroker instances and connections are
"decoupled" and OJB use a pool for PB instances
and does (by default) pool the connections.
>> "Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
Number of created PB instances
>> "Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?
Number of overall created connections


Thanks for your help

-Message d'origine-
De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
À: 'OJB Users List'
Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation

at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.

At line 10 
PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  returns the
broker to the pool.

In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer 
use it. You
must get another broker.

If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there 
are in the pool,
you should be able to do

PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();


-Original Message-

Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
Hello Thomas,

Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in 
the pool?

You can find an example below.
You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
use you close() the instance.
But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 

Do I have to create a second broker?
Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
Thanks for your help
1 public class MyExample {
3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
5 public void test() {
6	/**
7	* Persistence Broker
8	*/
9	try {
10		broker = 
11	} catch (Throwable t) {
12		t.printStackTrace();
13	}
15	Criteria crit = new Criteria();
16	...
18	try {
19		broker.beginTransaction();
20		//query 1...
21		broker.commitTransaction();
22	} catch (Throwable t) {
23		broker.abortTransaction();
24	} finally {
25		broker.close();
26	}
28	try {
29		broker.beginTransaction();
30		//query 2...
31		broker.commitTransaction();
32	} catch (Throwable t) {
33		broker.abortTransaction();
34	} finally {
35		broker.close();
36	}
37  }
38 }

-Message d'origine-
De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
À: OJB Users List
Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation
Hi Sylvain,



I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem 
with PB instances creation.

Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I 
create a PB intance:

broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();

The problem is that lot of PB instances are created and 
never destroyed.

I can see that in logs: "Already created persistence broker 
instances: x".

For that I close the broker instance each time:
But I have noticed that this function doesn't destroy the 
PB instance.

So what is the job of this function?
broker instances are not destroyed, because it's expensive 
to create 

them. Thus OJB is pooling broker instances.
broker.close() simply makes the instances unavailable for 
further calls 
and puts the instance back to the pool.

How to destroy PB instance and prevent that the number of 
PB instances is equal to the maximum?

If you close broker instancecs always after usage the number 
of active 
broker instances (i.e. brokers that are borrowed from the 
pool) equals 
the number servlet instances requesting a broker.

You can change the broker pool behaviour through settings in

# specifies the behaviour of the pool when broker capacity is
# ex

RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Charles Anthony

> Hello,
> OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
> Each time I want to use a broker I should do:
> broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> //I use the broker
> broker.close();

Yes, this is the way it should be done.
> Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for 
> a broker one time (when the application start) and close 
> after (all) the use?

It is better to do it each time. 

If this is an "issue" for you, I suggest you look at using ODMG; it hides
all broker usage from your application.

> About the MAX number of broker in, is it a 
> good way to set this number to 100 or even 1000?
> Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
> "Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
> "Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?

I'm afraid I don't know precisely.. 


> Thanks for your help
> Sylvain
> -Message d'origine-
> De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
> À: 'OJB Users List'
> Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi,
> at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.
> At line 10 
> PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
> for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
> broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  returns the
> broker to the pool.
> In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer 
> use it. You
> must get another broker.
> If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there 
> are in the pool,
> you should be able to do
> PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
> (PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl)
> PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance();
> int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();
> Cheers,
> Charles
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> > Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hello Thomas,
> > 
> > Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in 
> the pool?
> > 
> > You can find an example below.
> > You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> > You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> > use you close() the instance.
> > But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> > use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> > ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> > 
> > Do I have to create a second broker?
> > Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> > 
> > Thanks for your help
> > Sylvain
> > 
> > 
> > 1 public class MyExample {
> > 2
> > 3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
> > 4
> > 5 public void test() {
> > 6   /**
> > 7   * Persistence Broker
> > 8   */
> > 9   try {
> > 10  broker = 
> > PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > 11  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 12  t.printStackTrace();
> > 13  }
> > 14
> > 15  Criteria crit = new Criteria();
> > 16  ...
> > 17
> > 18  try {
> > 19  broker.beginTransaction();
> > 20  //query 1...
> > 21  broker.commitTransaction();
> > 22  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 23  broker.abortTransaction();
> > 24  } finally {
> > 25  broker.close();
> > 26  }
> > 27
> > 28  try {
> > 29  broker.beginTransaction();
> > 30  //query 2...
> > 31  broker.commitTransaction();
> > 32  } catch (Throwable t) {
> > 33  broker.abortTransaction();
> > 34  } finally {
> > 35  broker.close();
> > 36  }
> > 37  }
> > 38 }
> > 
> > 
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
> > À: OJB Users List
> > Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Sylvain,
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >  
> > > I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem 
> > with PB instances creation.
> > >  
> > > Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I 
> > create a PB intance:
> > > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> > >  
> > > The problem is that lot of PB instances are created and 
> > never destroyed.
> > > I can see that in logs: "Already created persistence broker 
> > instances: x".
> > > For that I close the broker instance each time:
> > > broker.close();
> > >  
> > > But I have noticed that this function doesn't destroy the 
> > PB instance.
> > > So what is the job of this function?
> > 
> > broker instances are not destroyed, because it's expensive 
> to create 
> > them. Thus OJB is pooling broker instances.
> > broker.close() simply makes the instances unavailable for 
> > further calls 
> > and puts the instance back to the pool.
> > 
> > > How to destroy PB instance and prevent that the number of 
> > PB instances is equal to the maximum?
> > 
> > If you close broke

RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Sylvain.Thevoz

OK! It is a bit clearer for me, thanks.
Each time I want to use a broker I should do:

broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
//I use the broker

Is it better to do this EACH time I use the broker or ask for a broker one time (when 
the application start) and close after (all) the use?

About the MAX number of broker in, is it a good way to set this number 
to 100 or even 1000?

Finally what is the exact meaning of this 2 log messages:
"Already created persistence broker instances: x"?
"Already created connections: 3 returning: ..."?

Thanks for your help

-Message d'origine-
De: Charles Anthony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: lundi, 27. octobre 2003 11:27
À: 'OJB Users List'
Objet: RE: problem with PB instances creation


at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.

At line 10 PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  returns the
broker to the pool.

In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer use it. You
must get another broker.

If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there are in the pool,
you should be able to do

PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();



> -Original Message-
> Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hello Thomas,
> Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in the pool?
> You can find an example below.
> You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> use you close() the instance.
> But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> Do I have to create a second broker?
> Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> Thanks for your help
> Sylvain
> 1 public class MyExample {
> 2
> 3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
> 4
> 5 public void test() {
> 6 /**
> 7 * Persistence Broker
> 8 */
> 9 try {
> 10broker = 
> PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> 11} catch (Throwable t) {
> 12t.printStackTrace();
> 13}
> 14
> 15Criteria crit = new Criteria();
> 16...
> 17
> 18try {
> 19broker.beginTransaction();
> 20//query 1...
> 21broker.commitTransaction();
> 22} catch (Throwable t) {
> 23broker.abortTransaction();
> 24} finally {
> 25broker.close();
> 26}
> 27
> 28try {
> 29broker.beginTransaction();
> 30//query 2...
> 31broker.commitTransaction();
> 32} catch (Throwable t) {
> 33broker.abortTransaction();
> 34} finally {
> 35broker.close();
> 36}
> 37  }
> 38 }
> -Message d'origine-
> De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
> À: OJB Users List
> Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi Sylvain,
> > Hello,
> >  
> > I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem 
> with PB instances creation.
> >  
> > Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I 
> create a PB intance:
> > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> >  
> > The problem is that lot of PB instances are created and 
> never destroyed.
> > I can see that in logs: "Already created persistence broker 
> instances: x".
> > For that I close the broker instance each time:
> > broker.close();
> >  
> > But I have noticed that this function doesn't destroy the 
> PB instance.
> > So what is the job of this function?
> broker instances are not destroyed, because it's expensive to create 
> them. Thus OJB is pooling broker instances.
> broker.close() simply makes the instances unavailable for 
> further calls 
> and puts the instance back to the pool.
> > How to destroy PB instance and prevent that the number of 
> PB instances is equal to the maximum?
> If you close broker instancecs always after usage the number 
> of active 
> broker instances (i.e. brokers that are borrowed from the 
> pool) equals 
> the number servlet instances requesting a broker.
> You can change the broker pool behaviour through settings in 
> # specifies the behaviour of the pool when broker capacity is
> # exhausted (see maxActive above)
> # 0 - fail
> # 1 - block
> # 2 - grow
> whenExhaustedAction=0
> The default setting is 0, so the pool throws an exception if 
> an instance 
> is requested when the 

RE: Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

But as a follow on the extents are more than one level deep -- would this
have an impact?


Mark Rowell

-Original Message-
From: Mark Rowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 October 2003 11:30
Subject: Auto incremented primary key and extents


I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I have
noticed that primary keys are now not unique over all tables -- e.g. when I
store and instances of 2 different classes In different "leaves" of the
extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1 I the autogenerated IDs were
unique Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on upgrading
to RC4?


Mark Rowell

Mark Rowell
Structured Credit Europe
CreditTrade Limited
180 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2HG

Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099


CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All
rights reserved. The information and data contained in this email is
provided for the information purposes of the addressee only and should not
be reproduced and/or distributed to any other person. It is provided without
any warranty whatsoever and unless stated otherwise consists purely of
indicative market prices and other information.

Any opinion or comments expressed or assumption made in association with the
data or information provided in this email is a reflection of CreditTrades
judgement at the time of compiling the data and is subject to change.
CreditTrade hereby makes no representation and accepts no responsibility or
liability as to the completeness or accuracy of this email.

The content of this email is not intended as an offer or solicitation for,
or recommendation of, the purchase or sale of any financial instrument, or
as an official confirmation of any transaction, and should not be construed
as investment advice.

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Auto incremented primary key and extents

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

I have an extent over 8 classes (and 8 corresponding tables) and I have
noticed that primary keys
are now not unique over all tables -- e.g. when I store and instances of 2
different classes
In different "leaves" of the extent I get the same ID in both tables. In RC1
I the autogenerated IDs were unique
Over all tables in the extent? Have I misconfigured OJB on upgrading to RC4?


Mark Rowell

Mark Rowell
Structured Credit Europe
CreditTrade Limited
180 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2HG

Tel +44 (0)20 7400 5078
Fax +44 (0)20 7400 5099


CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All rights 
reserved. The information and data contained in this email is provided for the 
information purposes of the addressee only and should not be reproduced and/or 
distributed to any other person. It is provided without any warranty whatsoever and 
unless stated otherwise consists purely of indicative market prices and other 

Any opinion or comments expressed or assumption made in association with the data or 
information provided in this email is a reflection of CreditTrades judgement at the 
time of compiling the data and is subject to change. CreditTrade hereby makes no 
representation and accepts no responsibility or liability as to the completeness or 
accuracy of this email.

The content of this email is not intended as an offer or solicitation for, or 
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RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Charles Anthony

at line 27, you should repeat lines 9-13.

At line 10 PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() asks the pool
for a broker, creating one *if* *necessary*. 
broker.close releases some resources from the broker, and  returns the
broker to the pool.

In other words, after you close the broker, you can no longer use it. You
must get another broker.

If you really need to know how many (active) brokers there are in the pool,
you should be able to do

PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl factory =
int brokersInPool = factory.activePersistenceBroker();



> -Original Message-
> Sent: 27 October 2003 10:17
> Subject: RE: problem with PB instances creation
> Hello Thomas,
> Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in the pool?
> You can find an example below.
> You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
> You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this 
> use you close() the instance.
> But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you 
> use the broker for the second time in line 29 you have a 
> ConnectionNotInProgressException.
> Do I have to create a second broker?
> Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?
> Thanks for your help
> Sylvain
> 1 public class MyExample {
> 2
> 3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
> 4
> 5 public void test() {
> 6 /**
> 7 * Persistence Broker
> 8 */
> 9 try {
> 10broker = 
> PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> 11} catch (Throwable t) {
> 12t.printStackTrace();
> 13}
> 14
> 15Criteria crit = new Criteria();
> 16...
> 17
> 18try {
> 19broker.beginTransaction();
> 20//query 1...
> 21broker.commitTransaction();
> 22} catch (Throwable t) {
> 23broker.abortTransaction();
> 24} finally {
> 25broker.close();
> 26}
> 27
> 28try {
> 29broker.beginTransaction();
> 30//query 2...
> 31broker.commitTransaction();
> 32} catch (Throwable t) {
> 33broker.abortTransaction();
> 34} finally {
> 35broker.close();
> 36}
> 37  }
> 38 }
> -Message d'origine-
> De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
> À: OJB Users List
> Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation
> Hi Sylvain,
> > Hello,
> >  
> > I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem 
> with PB instances creation.
> >  
> > Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I 
> create a PB intance:
> > broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> >  
> > The problem is that lot of PB instances are created and 
> never destroyed.
> > I can see that in logs: "Already created persistence broker 
> instances: x".
> > For that I close the broker instance each time:
> > broker.close();
> >  
> > But I have noticed that this function doesn't destroy the 
> PB instance.
> > So what is the job of this function?
> broker instances are not destroyed, because it's expensive to create 
> them. Thus OJB is pooling broker instances.
> broker.close() simply makes the instances unavailable for 
> further calls 
> and puts the instance back to the pool.
> > How to destroy PB instance and prevent that the number of 
> PB instances is equal to the maximum?
> If you close broker instancecs always after usage the number 
> of active 
> broker instances (i.e. brokers that are borrowed from the 
> pool) equals 
> the number servlet instances requesting a broker.
> You can change the broker pool behaviour through settings in 
> # specifies the behaviour of the pool when broker capacity is
> # exhausted (see maxActive above)
> # 0 - fail
> # 1 - block
> # 2 - grow
> whenExhaustedAction=0
> The default setting is 0, so the pool throws an exception if 
> an instance 
> is requested when the pool is exhausted.
> By setting this value to 2 the pool would simply grow and a 
> new broker 
> instance.
> By setting it to 1 you can avoid growing of the pool, the 
> application is 
> blockes until an instance is available from the pool.
> cheers,
> Thomas
> > Thanks for any help
> > Sylvain
> >  
> >  
> >  
> -
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RE: problem with PB instances creation

2003-10-27 Thread Sylvain.Thevoz
Hello Thomas,

Is there a way to check how many instances are contained in the pool?

You can find an example below.
You create a broker instance in line 10, right?
You use the broker instance first time in line 19. After this use you close() the 
But the problem is if you do the close() in line 25 when you use the broker for the 
second time in line 29 you have a ConnectionNotInProgressException.

Do I have to create a second broker?
Or do I have to call a broker from the pool? How?

Thanks for your help

1 public class MyExample {
3 private PersistenceBroker broker;
5 public void test() {
6   /**
7   * Persistence Broker
8   */
9   try {
10  broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
11  } catch (Throwable t) {
12  t.printStackTrace();
13  }
15  Criteria crit = new Criteria();
16  ...
18  try {
19  broker.beginTransaction();
20  //query 1...
21  broker.commitTransaction();
22  } catch (Throwable t) {
23  broker.abortTransaction();
24  } finally {
25  broker.close();
26  }
28  try {
29  broker.beginTransaction();
30  //query 2...
31  broker.commitTransaction();
32  } catch (Throwable t) {
33  broker.abortTransaction();
34  } finally {
35  broker.close();
36  }
37  }
38 }

-Message d'origine-
De: Thomas Mahler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: vendredi, 24. octobre 2003 18:17
À: OJB Users List
Objet: Re: problem with PB instances creation

Hi Sylvain,

> Hello,
> I'm using OJB in my web application and I have some problem with PB instances 
> creation.
> Each time I want to read/write data from/to my database I create a PB intance:
> broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
> The problem is that lot of PB instances are created and never destroyed.
> I can see that in logs: "Already created persistence broker instances: x".
> For that I close the broker instance each time:
> broker.close();
> But I have noticed that this function doesn't destroy the PB instance.
> So what is the job of this function?

broker instances are not destroyed, because it's expensive to create 
them. Thus OJB is pooling broker instances.
broker.close() simply makes the instances unavailable for further calls 
and puts the instance back to the pool.

> How to destroy PB instance and prevent that the number of PB instances is equal to 
> the maximum?

If you close broker instancecs always after usage the number of active 
broker instances (i.e. brokers that are borrowed from the pool) equals 
the number servlet instances requesting a broker.

You can change the broker pool behaviour through settings in

# specifies the behaviour of the pool when broker capacity is
# exhausted (see maxActive above)
# 0 - fail
# 1 - block
# 2 - grow

The default setting is 0, so the pool throws an exception if an instance 
is requested when the pool is exhausted.
By setting this value to 2 the pool would simply grow and a new broker 
By setting it to 1 you can avoid growing of the pool, the application is 
blockes until an instance is available from the pool.


> Thanks for any help
> Sylvain

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Question to developers: EnhancedOQLQuery and Query

2003-10-27 Thread Anton Komratov
Is it possible to combine functionality of EnhancedOQLQuery and Query?

I want to choose whether I need to get collection or iterator as a result of
OQL query. I want to use OQL as a basis to look up my objects, but some time
I need iterator. And I don't want to mix use of EnhancedOQLQuery and Query
in my code.

If I'm right, the implementation of EnhancedOQLQuery is based on Query.

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RE : Lock position ??

2003-10-27 Thread Emmanuel Dupont
Thanks a lot Gerhard !

We all use ODMG, do we all have used lock(Write) and not

But if you tell me that we have to lock for an update bedfore any
modification it is clearer for me and explain why we have this behavious.

Thank you very much !!

-Message d'origine-
De : news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Gerhard Grosse
Envoyé : lundi 27 octobre 2003 09:19
Objet : Re: Lock position ??

Hi Emmanuel,

AFAIK it shouldn't matter when you acquire a lock for new objects.
(Although it might affect the order of SQL statements during commit).
Btw, for new objects you can also use Database.makePersistent(), which
imo makes the intention of inserting a new object clearer.

For objects to update, you definetely should acquire a write lock
before doing any object modifications, because during commit OJB will
compare the state of your object against the state when you acquired
the lock to find out whether the object needs to be updated or not.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 18:02:21 +0200, "Emmanuel Dupont"

>I'm driving nuts. Is there definitely a position for the lock on ODMG ?
>I explain, sometimes our updates are done if the lock on an object is done
>before its affectations and sometimes it has to de done after.
>I 'm really confused. I don't explain that. Our developers don't also.
>Ex :
>JdoClient client = new JdoClient();
>Tx.lock(client, Write); <===
>And sometimes we have to do that :
>JdoClient client = new JdoClient();
>Tx.lock(client, Write);   <===
>It seems that it is different between an update and a creation.
>A lock should be before for the update and after for the creation.
>This is completely weird isn't it ??
>Tell me if it is completely stupid...

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RE: someone please tell me...

2003-10-27 Thread Mark Rowell

I found this as well but I have taken the extra step of prechecking which of
my objects exist so rather
Than doing a I can call the store method that tells OJB
to update or insert -- stops
OJB querying to see if object exists. Must admit it does seem strange


-Original Message-
From: Andy Czerwonka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 October 2003 00:53
To: OJB Users List
Subject: someone please tell me...

How could batch-mode=true be slower than batch-mode=false???

OJB rc4 + small batch-mode hack (Mark Rowell)

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CreditTrade Limited is regulated by the FSA. (c) CreditTrade 2002. All rights 
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Re: Lock position ??

2003-10-27 Thread Gerhard Grosse
Hi Emmanuel,

AFAIK it shouldn't matter when you acquire a lock for new objects.
(Although it might affect the order of SQL statements during commit).
Btw, for new objects you can also use Database.makePersistent(), which
imo makes the intention of inserting a new object clearer.

For objects to update, you definetely should acquire a write lock
before doing any object modifications, because during commit OJB will
compare the state of your object against the state when you acquired
the lock to find out whether the object needs to be updated or not.


On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 18:02:21 +0200, "Emmanuel Dupont"

>I'm driving nuts. Is there definitely a position for the lock on ODMG ?
>I explain, sometimes our updates are done if the lock on an object is done
>before its affectations and sometimes it has to de done after.
>I 'm really confused. I don't explain that. Our developers don't also.
>Ex :
>JdoClient client = new JdoClient();
>Tx.lock(client, Write); <===
>And sometimes we have to do that :
>JdoClient client = new JdoClient();
>Tx.lock(client, Write);   <===
>It seems that it is different between an update and a creation.
>A lock should be before for the update and after for the creation.
>This is completely weird isn't it ??
>Tell me if it is completely stupid...

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Re: [new feature] Proxy prefetching

2003-10-27 Thread Oleg Nitz
On Monday 27 October 2003 00:25, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> Oleg Nitz dijo:
> > On Sunday 26 October 2003 23:12, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> >> Can this work with JDO?
> >
> > Yes, this is done at the PB level, therefore works for ODMG, OTM and
> > JDO.
> I tried it, and it works:
>  proxy-prefetching-limit="50">
> ...
> Is that the correct way?

Yes. And now this is equivalent to 

i.e. proxy prefetching is turned on by default and the default limit is 50.
One can use the "proxy-prefetching-limit" attribute to change this setting, 

will set the limit to 200, 

will turn proxy prefetching off by default (however, this can be overriden by 
setting "proxy-prefetching-limit" to non-zero value for some classes and 


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RE: AW: Character set mismatch error in Oracle

2003-10-27 Thread Charles Anthony

It's dead easy to use; p6SPY is a "wrapper" jdbc driver.
a) Ensure p6spy.jar is in the classpath, as well as the 
b) find in the OJB distribution - it's about somewhere. Copy
it, and place it on the classpath - actually, with the version of p6spy
distributed with OJB, we've found that we often have to place it in the
"current directory" e.g. tomcat/bin
c)  in replace "realdriver=???" with
d) change the connection descriptor like this :


And "bob's your uncle".

Basically, all this does is change the jdbc descriptor to point to the p6spy
driver, and the p6spy driver to point to oracle. So, all the jdbc calls are
delgated to p6spy, which are then logged. It's wonderfully simple, and
terrifically useful.

More about p6spy can be found here :

Note : the latest version currently available on the p6spy website appears
to be terribly buggy; I suggest sticking to the one distributed with OJB.



> -Original Message-
> Sent: 27 October 2003 07:23
> To: OJB Users List
> Subject: Re: AW: Character set mismatch error in Oracle
> Could any one give me a hand on this one ?
> Patrick Reyes
> - Forwarded by Patrick Reyes/CDS/CG/CAPITAL on 10/27/2003 08:22 AM
> -
>   Patrick Reyes   
>To:  "OJB 
> Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>   10/23/2003 07:57 cc:  "OJB 
> Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>   AM   Subject: Re: 
> AW: Character set mismatch error in Oracle(Document link: 
> Patrick Reyes)   
> Yep, sorry I forgot to include this information here it is:
>  isolation-level="read-uncommitted">
>   default-connection="true"
>   platform="Oracle"
>   jdbc-level="2.0"
>   driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
>   protocol="jdbc"
>   subprotocol="oracle:thin"
>   dbalias="@gvo2appd12:1521:EFAX817"
>   username="***"
>   password="***"
>   batch-mode="false"
> >
> HighLowImpl">
> - with which character set did you create your database
> The database was created by our DBA, but he is out for the 
> week :-(  How do
> I check this ?
> - how does the CREATE TABLE statement look like (esp. the 
> datatype in the
> database)
> - (well, and maybe the p6spy output of the actual statement 
> sent to the
> database=
> If only I knew how to use p6spy I would ? Where can I find 
> doc on this tool
> ?
> Thanks and regards,
> Patrick Reyes
>   "Geigl  
>   Maximilian, R235"To:   "OJB 
> Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>(bcc: Patrick Reyes/CDS/CG/CAPITAL)   
>>Subject:  AW: 
> Character set mismatch error in Oracle
>   10/22/2003 05:53
>   PM  
>   Please respond to   
>   "OJB Users List"

Re: AW: Character set mismatch error in Oracle

2003-10-27 Thread Patrick_Reyes

Could any one give me a hand on this one ?

Patrick Reyes
- Forwarded by Patrick Reyes/CDS/CG/CAPITAL on 10/27/2003 08:22 AM
  Patrick Reyes
   To:  "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL 
  10/23/2003 07:57 cc:  "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL 
  AM   Subject: Re: AW: Character set mismatch 
error in Oracle(Document link: Patrick Reyes)

Yep, sorry I forgot to include this information here it is:



- with which character set did you create your database

The database was created by our DBA, but he is out for the week :-(  How do
I check this ?

- how does the CREATE TABLE statement look like (esp. the datatype in the


- (well, and maybe the p6spy output of the actual statement sent to the

If only I knew how to use p6spy I would ? Where can I find doc on this tool

Thanks and regards,

Patrick Reyes

  Maximilian, R235"To:   "OJB Users List" <[EMAIL 
  Subject:  AW: Character set mismatch 
error in Oracle
  10/22/2003 05:53 
  Please respond to
  "OJB Users List" 


can you tell, which
- jdbc driver you use (THIN or the one that uses Oracle Net) - maybe the
  descriptor wourd be helpful
- with which character set did you create your database
- how does the CREATE TABLE statement look like (esp. the datatype in the
- (well, and maybe the p6spy output of the actual statement sent to the


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2003 15:38
> Betreff: Character set mismatch error in Oracle
> I am trying to access an Oracle 8i DB via OJB.
> Here is my repository def:
>   table="EFAX.MESSAGE"
> >
> column="ID"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER"
> primarykey="true"
>   />
> column="CONTENT"
> jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
>   />
> column="STATUS"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER"
>   />
> column="CREATION_DATE"
> jdbc-type="DATE"
>   conversion =
> "
> eFieldConversion"
>   />
> jdbc-type="DATE"
>   conversion =
> "
> eFieldConversion"
>   />
> And here is my class:
> // Generated by impart OJB Generator
> // created at 22 Oct 2003 12:37:30 GMT
> package;
> import java.util.Date;
> //import java.sql.*;
> public class Message
> {
>   private Object content;
>   private Date creation_date;
>   private long id;
>   private Date modification_date;
>   private long status;
>   public Object getContent()
>   {
>  return this.content;
>   }
>   public void setContent(Object param)
>   {
> this.content = param;
>   }
>   public Date getCreation_date()
>   {
>  return this.creation_date;
>   }
>   public void setCreation_date(Date param)
>   {
> this.creation_date = param;
>   }
>   public long getId()
>   {
>  return;
>   }
>   public void setId(long param)
>   {
> = param;
>   }
>   public Date getModification_date()
>   {
>  return this.modification_date;
>   }
>   public void setModification_date(Date param)
>   {
> this.modification_date = param;
>   }
>   public long getStatus()
>   {
>  return this.status;
>   }
>   public void setStatus(long param)
>   {
> this.status = param;
>   }
>   public String toString(){
> return  " [CONTENT] " + content + " [CREATI

Re: Any word on the next version?

2003-10-27 Thread Thomas Mahler
Hi Clay,

I think there is a consensus among the developers that we will have an 
additional RC5. RC5 will be the codefreezes base for 1.0.
I think we need some more more work to reach a codefreeze state, at 
least some weeks. There is no scheduled date for it.

For the time being I recommend to use the CVS head and to compile from 


Clay Mitchell wrote:
Any idea when we might see rc5 or a real 1.0 release?

I need a few things that are in the next version, like support for 
boolean types, and was wondering if there was a targetted date for it.


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