I am new on this mailing list and so it is my first message.

I am working on a project which is using OJB in a distributed environment.
The distributed issue is my problem ! I have read there are important points to 
respect in this case.

The first one is to use Sequence Manager. It's ok for me.

The second one is the locking issue. I am using the LockManagerRemoteImpl. So I 
think it is ok.

The last point is the cache issue. And this is the subject of this mail. 
Currently I am using ObjectCacheDefaultImpl. I know it is not suitable for 
distributed environment. That's why I'd like to use distributed cache.

I have heard about OS Cache but it requires a multicast network. It is not 
possible in my case.
I have heard about JCS too. Has anybody ever used it? I don't find information 
to configure it with OJB. Can anybody help me ?

Cedric TALON

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