hi @all,

i am an "ojb newbie"; 
any help is appreciated concerning the following questions:

1. ojb supports the definition of more than one jdbc-connection descriptor
element at repository.xml; 
- does that mean, that persistent data could be stored across more than one
physical database server? 
- how about distributed transactions? does ojb implement a "2-phase-commit"
transaction service? if not, is it possible to use an external JTS-compatible
transaction manager, provided by a J2EE Container?

2. the docu says: "OJB does connection pooling per default, expect for
- does that mean, that OJB can be used with external managed connection
pooling (e.g. j2ee container connection pooling)? 
- how do i specify in repository.xml, whether a connection is of type
datasource or not?

thanx for helpin


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