Re: java.lang.NullPointerException after calling getCollectionFromQuery()

2005-06-09 Thread Martin Kaln

Christopher Cheng wrote:

I found the following exception after running the web application for days.


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source)

This is a JDBC-driver exception and is probably caused by a server-side dropped
Connection object getting reused from pool due to a missing validation query.

You need a validation query for your connection pool to avoid this.

Since you are using a DataSource, you cannot directly specify the validation
query in OJB - instead you will have to configure you DataSource to use it.

However, since the concept of a validation query also applies when using
OJB connection pooling you can google for [ojb validation query] to get
some recent user-list discussions regarding this.

A direct link to a recent thread:

You can use the same validation query (ie SELECT 1) for MS SQL Server
as the specified MySQL example.

Since your stacktrace shows com.caucho.sql I take it that you use
Resin for your DataSource definition and connection pooling?

If so, check Resin docs for how to configure the validation query:

(The concept of performing 'validation queries' seems to be called
pinging in Caucho terminology. It also seems that ping=true equals
Apache Commons Pool setting of testOnBorrow=true.)


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Re: bidirectional 1:1 mapping not working with OJB?

2005-05-18 Thread Martin Kaln
Torsten Liermann wrote:
I need a bi-directional mapping between 'Project' - 'ProjectTeam'. OJB 
set the relation form 'Project' to 'ProjectTeam' nice, but the link from 
'ProjectTeam' to 'Project' was not updated.  What is wrong? Thanks for help.
Tell us a bit more about your use-case, specifically which OJB API you use
(PB-API?, ODMG?) and some meta code for what you do.
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Re: How to shutdown OJB when stopping web context.

2005-03-24 Thread Martin Kaln
Nathan Smith wrote:
I cannot quite remember what the problem was, but it had something to with
Iterators not returning all objects or Collections being returned containing
no objects, but thats better left for another time at the moment.
Aha, this smells like objects of class OJBIterator returned when using 
PB-API and report-queries or iterating Collections that are using proxy 
objects in OJB.

In OJB 1.0.x the API will specify Iterator as return type so you have to 
do a somewhat ugly cast to (OJBIterator) and call #releaseDbResources() 
if you want to free resources from unexhausted [*] iterators before 
#finalize() and auto-release.

[*] You can also exhaust the iterator by always iterating to the end, 
which will also trigger a fast release of any DB-resources (including 
ResultSet and thus implicitly Connection) when the iterator reaches the end.

It could be because of constructs like:
while (ojbiter.hasNext()) {;
if (condition) {
break out; == late release, did not exhaust iterator
ojbiter = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByCriteria(crit);
Object onlyOneExpected =;
// late release, did not exhaust iterator
If you are using Oracle it should become obvious very fast if you have 
delayed release of resources in some Iterator objects, as this will keep 
the Oracle server-side cursors allocated and you will very fast get an 

Any more suggestions?
You could also try using the abandoned-config in DBCP and set a very 
short threshold time to log connection leaks, although it's difficult to 
say what the threshold should be if you really want to hold on to some 
connections a bit longer.

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Re: urgent 3 level Inheritance problem

2005-03-22 Thread Martin Kaln
Ziv Yankowitz wrote:
is it possible to configure OJB not to store the references in a Map.
Without going into your detailed question; I think you should be able to 
work around any problems by implementing equals and hashCode in your 
beans such that instance of A.equals(instance of B) or instance of 
A.eqauls(instance of C) etc never returns true.

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Re: urgent 3 level Inheritance problem

2005-03-22 Thread Martin Kaln
Ziv Yankowitz wrote:
I tried to implement the hashCode and equals and it still doesn't work, somehow the beforeImage and the currentImage are working with the same instance of the AnonymousPersistentFieldForInheritance object in map.
Silly me. Since your beans are not the objects stored in the Map, your 
definition of equals() does not matter. Sorry to give you false hope. ;)

I hope that Jakob or others can help you with some details re the OJB 
implementation in that area.

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