Hi Armin,

2005/10/26, Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Neil Jianguo Zhou wrote:
> > Hi Armin,
> >
> > It always occurs on same sql, and be reproduceable. It seems a code error,
> > even I doubt the prepared sql statement. However, it works fine in 
> > Resin+Oracle.
> >
> Is the statement generated by OJB or by a user query (if so please post it)?

It's user query. The sql is:
<==(sql text begin)==
  FROM core_party_relationship
 WHERE subject_party_id = ?
   AND relationship_type_code = 'BUYER_SUPPLIER'


  FROM core_party_relationship
 WHERE object_party_id = ?
   AND relationship_type_code = 'BUYER_SUPPLIER'
==(sql text end)==>

> Does batch-mode="false" setting influence the issue?
> Does setting
> ConnectionFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryPooledImpl
> influence the issue?

All do not influence the issue, failed as former. I'd tried the
following setting:

> Do you use shared libraries (e.g. commons-dbcp) or do you bundle all
> libraries in the webApp (.war file)?

Yes, I do package all required jakarta commons libraries,
including commons-dbcp.jar. and bundle all libraries in one .war file
put into WEB-INF/lib directory.

> > Is some neccessary configurations missing?
> I don't notice a configuration error in your settings. The
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException in managed configuration (I
> assume) is a result of using OJB's transaction demarcation (e.g.
> PB.beginTransaction call) instead of using JTA-transaction demarcation.

So great. I agree with your viewpoint. I'd also looked other archived
doc up in mail lists. Thank you much.


> regards,
> Armin
> >
> > Before occurs the ORA-01008 error, there're some doubtful info in 
> > JBosss+Oracle.
> > But there're not this kind of info in Resin+Oracle. FYI:
> >
> > - INFO  [ObjectCacheDefaultImpl] Setup cache: [EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED],useSoftReferences=true,cachingKeyType=0,useAutoSync=true]
> > - INFO  [ObjectCacheDefaultImpl] tx was aborted, remove 7 traced 
> > (potentially modified) objects from cache
> > - INFO  [ConnectionManagerImpl] Rollback was called, do rollback on current 
> > connection [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > - INFO  [ObjectCacheDefaultImpl] tx was aborted, remove 7 traced 
> > (potentially modified) objects from cache
> > - INFO  [ConnectionManagerImpl] Rollback was called, do rollback on current 
> > connection [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > - INFO  [ObjectCacheDefaultImpl] tx was aborted, remove 176 traced 
> > (potentially modified) objects from cache
> > - INFO  [ConnectionManagerImpl] Rollback was called, do rollback on current 
> > connection [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > - ERROR [JdbcAccessImpl] SQLException during the execution of the SQL 
> > query: SELECT xxx FROM xxx WHERE xxx, message is: ORA-01008: not all 
> > variables bound
> >
> > thanks,
> > Neil
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Armin Waibel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:29 PM
> > To: OJB Users List
> > Subject: Re: OJB configuration problem on jboss
> >
> >
> > Hi Neil,
> >
> > this is a really strange error, seems that Oracle detect an
> > objectionable number of bound variables in a prepared statement.
> > You said that this error message doesn't arise in Resin+Oracle, thus it
> > can't be a problem of OJB's sql generator.
> >
> > Does always the same error occur (same sql statement) or does it occur
> > for different sql statements? Is the error reproduceable or does it
> > occur random?
> > If the error occur for different statements and arise radom, then the
> > issue can be a concurrency problem - e.g. different threads using the
> > same PB instance at the same time.
> >
> > regards,
> > Armin
> >
> >
> > Neil Jianguo Zhou wrote:
> >
> >>Hi there,
> >>
> >>I use pure Servlet/JSP based code, not including any EJB based code, under 
> >>JBoss app server. Use non-managed environment configuration same as other 
> >>pure servlet container, such as Resin, but accessing database became 
> >>unstable. It will sometimes throw exception:
> >>
> >>- ERROR [JdbcAccessImpl] SQLException during the execution of the SQL 
> >>query: SELECT xxx FROM xxx WHERE xxx, message is: ORA-01008: not all 
> >>variables bound
> >>
> >>However, everything is ok under other servlet container, like Resin.
> >>
> >>The non-managed environment configuration is following:
> >>
> >>1. In OJB.properties:
> >>- 
> >>PersistenceBrokerFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryDefaultImpl
> >>- 
> >>ConnectionFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl
> >>- 
> >>JTATransactionManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.transaction.tm.JBossTransactionManagerFactory
> >>
> >>2. In repository_database.xml:
> >><jdbc-connection-descriptor
> >>    jcd-alias="default"
> >>    default-connection="true"
> >>    platform="Oracle9i"
> >>    jdbc-level="2.0"
> >>    driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
> >>    protocol="jdbc"
> >>    subprotocol="oracle"
> >>    dbalias="thin:@localhost:1521:orains1"
> >>    username="scott"
> >>    password="tiger"
> >>    eager-release="false"
> >>    batch-mode="true"
> >>    useAutoCommit="0"
> >>    ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false">
> >>
> >>    <object-cache 
> >> class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl">
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/>
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/>
> >>    </object-cache>
> >>
> >>    <connection-pool maxActive="21" validationQuery=""/>
> >>
> >>    <sequence-manager 
> >> className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl">
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="20"/>
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/>
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceId" 
> >> attribute-value="false"/>
> >>        <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceStart" 
> >> attribute-value="10000"/>
> >>    </sequence-manager>
> >>
> >></jdbc-connection-descriptor>
> >>
> >>
> >>When I change to managed environment configuration, and run again. It 
> >>throws another different exception:
> >>
> >>- ERROR [TranslationUtil] Cannot pre-load translation cache 
> >>java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: In managed environments only JTA 
> >>transaction demarcation allowed
> >>
> >>This kind of error *always* occurs, not as *sometimes*, mentioned above.
> >>
> >>The managed environment configuration is following:
> >>
> >>1. In OJB.properties:
> >>- 
> >>PersistenceBrokerFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactorySyncImpl
> >>- 
> >>ConnectionFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl
> >>- 
> >>JTATransactionManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.transaction.tm.JBossTransactionManagerFactory
> >>
> >>2. In repository_database.xml:
> >>(Same as above non-managed environment configuration)
> >>
> >>
> >>Not changing any code is preferred, I want to just modify some 
> >>configuration to go. Can anyone tell me how to deal with? Any comments 
> >>would be very welcome.
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Neil
> >>
> >>
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