Cannot get the external transaction from the external TM

2004-07-16 Thread katarn
I have configured the for running in a managed env. ( Sun 
App Server PE 8 ), but I am getting the following msgs in the log:

   (cache.ObjectCacheFactory?   ) Start creating new
   ObjectCache instance
   (cache.ObjectCacheFactory?   ) Default ObjectCache class
   (cache.CacheDistributor  ?   ) Use property
   'descriptorBasedCaches' is set 'false'
   (cache.ObjectCacheFactory?   ) Instantiate new class object
   (cache.ObjectCacheFactory?   ) New ObjectCache instance
   was created
   (tm.AbstractTransactionManagerFactory ?   ) SunOne, invoke method
   'getTransactionManagerImpl()' on class
   (odmg.JTATxManager   ?   ) Cannot get the external
   transaction from the external TM
I have setup a ConnectionPoolDataSource and JNDI JDBC resource that 
matches the one stated in the repository xml.

Any idea of what am I missing here?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: OJB Deployment Logging Issue

2004-07-14 Thread katarn
Hi Ryan,
I was having the same problem after updating from an older rc to the 1.0 
release, ( I posted a question a few days ago, but I realized now I was 
not giving the right info, I was going crazy with that Exception ).

Well, I have just realized the problem is related with the Java policy 
permissions. I don't know yet which permission is needed, but if you 
want to try it, add to your .java.policy 
file and try ( restart server ).

Hope this helps!
Ryan Layer wrote:
I am able to get OJB to function properly in an un-managed 
environment. But when I attempt to deploy an EJB with in the Sun 
Application Server I get the following error :

Could not create Entity EJB; nested exception is: 

The line causing this error is:
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SectionBean.class);
I have read the ejb deployment documentation but cannot seem to fix 
this issue.
Could it be that I am not properly setting my CLASSPATH, therefore the
LoggerFactory cannot get the configs?  Or would this produce a 
different error?

Thanks for your help.
--Ryan Layer
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Class not exception found in Sun App Server 8

2004-07-07 Thread katarn
Using latest db-*.jars
Has anyone run into this exception? I have moved all the lib/*jars that 
in db-*bin.jar to the war/lib dir. But keep getting a ClassNotFound 
exception in OJB.getInstance(), using Sun Application Server 8 ,in 
Solaris  Windows, I missing something here but can't find which 
jar/version is causing the problem?   ( Works ok in standalone Tomcat 5 )

Any idea?

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a select OQLQuery doing an insert on commit? [newbie]

2004-01-02 Thread katarn

I am having the following situation and I don't know where is my error:

This is the code:
   tx = impl.newTransaction();
   final OQLQuery query = impl.newOQLQuery();
   query.create(select TABLE from   + 
classtype.class.getName()  +  where KEY= $1);
   query.bind( new Long( KEYID ) );
   final DList results = (DList) query.execute();
   final Iterator iterator = results.iterator();
   while ( iterator.hasNext() )
   dataList.add( );

After each commit the first row is inserted again in the table,

Any suggestion about where to look?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: a select OQLQuery doing an insert on commit? [newbie]

2004-01-02 Thread katarn
I was inserting a row with a primary key of 0 (zero) by hand. That was 
the row that was being duplicated. The autoincrement was true for that 

I would like to learn why? :
   A field with autoincrement = true and a value of 0 is automatically 
inserted? If that is true, every time it was reading the object with the 
field value 0 the commit process realizes that and inserts the object 
with a new update key value?

Am I right or just suffering from a stupid mental state?

- K.

katarn wrote:

... After each commit the first row is inserted again in the table,

Any suggestion about where to look?

Thanks in advance!


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OQLQuery being cached?

2003-12-30 Thread Katarn

I am executing the following code:

   OQLQuery query = impl.newOQLQuery();
   query.create( [THEQUERY] );
   DList results = (DList)query.execute();
   Iterator iterator = results.iterator();
If I change some column with an external tool and then execute the code, 
the updated column is not reflected in the orb objects.

Is there a config value or a runtime parameter that I need to change? 
What is going on behind the scenes here?

Thanks for your help,


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OQLQuery being cached? [orb newbie]

2003-12-29 Thread katarn

I am executing the following code:

  OQLQuery query = impl.newOQLQuery();
  query.create( [THEQUERY] );
  DList results = (DList)query.execute();
  Iterator iterator = results.iterator();
If I change some column with an external tool and then execute the code, 
the updated column is not reflected in the orb objects.

Is there a config value or a runtime parameter that I need to change? 
What is going on behind the scenes here?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: OQLQuery being cached? [orb newbie]

2003-12-29 Thread katarn
Thanks for your quick answer, I cheched the file an I 
was using DefaultCacheImpl  I change it to ObjectCacheEmptyImpl and now 
it is working as I was expecting.

Now just to learn the reasons for the previous behaviour:

A comment in
   # The ObjectCacheClass entry tells OJB which concrete ObjectCache
   # implementation is to be used as standard cache.
   # Its also possible to override this entry adding object-cache 
   # on jdbc-connection-descriptor level and
   # per class-descriptor in repository file

In  my repository_internal.xml I have the following line:

Why it wasn't working as I was expecting?
Where is the documentation about the config parameters for the cache 

Thanks for your help,



Are you working with DefaultCacheImpl or EmptyCacheImpl?
If you are working with DefaultCacheImpl, take a look at config parameters.
Otherwise, are there any exceptions (stack trace), messages (they can be very usefull 
if you
enable higher level of logging as DEBUG).
Best regards,

Edson Richter


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