how to search on collection attributes

2006-11-29 Thread Laran Evans

I have a parent object A which owns a collection of child objects of
class B. B has a name attribute. How do I run the query get me all A
where one or more of the Bs owned by that A has a name attribute equal
to 'Leroy Jenkins'.

I've been looking through the various 1:n documentation sections on and haven't found anything that I think covers this.


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Re: how to search on collection attributes

2006-11-29 Thread zkn

If the collection of B objects is named collectionProperty

Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.addEqualTo(, foo);
QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(A.class, crit);

Laran Evans wrote:

I have a parent object A which owns a collection of child objects of
class B. B has a name attribute. How do I run the query get me all A
where one or more of the Bs owned by that A has a name attribute equal
to 'Leroy Jenkins'.

I've been looking through the various 1:n documentation sections on and haven't found anything that I think covers this.


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