Re: [OmniOS-discuss] pkg update broken on r151026 for lipkg branded NGZs

2018-08-23 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello all!

After some hours of frustration, I wrote:
> I have a very strange problem doing a pkg update on a r151026 system.
> This machine has 11 NGZs, all are lipkg brand.

> Effectively I cannot pkg update my system including the zones any more.
> I have previously updated this system without any problems.

After the mail, *another* reboot, and *another* test, and it works.
With no changes whatsoever.  *sigh*

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. BrandtConsulting and Support for Solaris-based Systems
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] pkg update broken on r151026 for lipkg branded NGZs

2018-08-23 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> When I omit the "-r", things change:
>   # zonename
>   omnib0

Wrong cut&paste, the problem is in the GZ.

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. BrandtConsulting and Support for Solaris-based Systems
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] pkg update broken on r151026 for lipkg branded NGZs

2018-08-23 Thread Volker A. Brandt
; failed.
  with a return code of 1.
  Updating package cache   3/3
  pkg: unable to activate deleteme
  Updating package cache   3/3


  # beadm list
  BE   Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
  zbe  xb -  2.45M static 2018-07-11 23:16
  zbe-1xb -  204K  static 2018-08-23 17:33
  zbe-2NR /  238K  static 2018-08-23 17:59
  deleteme -  /tmp/tmp36Jtli 1.05G static 2018-08-23 18:28

  # beadm unmount deleteme
  Unmounted successfully

  # beadm activate deleteme
  Unable to activate deleteme.
  BE promotion failed.

Before all that, I had to update pkg which worked fine using -r -C0.
I am now running pkg://omnios/package/pkg@0.5.11-0.151026:20180725T094123Z
which is the current version in the repo.

Effectively I cannot pkg update my system including the zones any more.
I have previously updated this system without any problems.

Any ideas?

Thanks -- Volker

Volker A. BrandtConsulting and Support for Solaris-based Systems
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Invitation to an OmniOS event near Frankfurt, Germany (Tue Jan 16)

2018-01-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
[Stupid me sent this to the -bounce addr first -- no Reply-To :-(]

Hello all!

Here is an invitation to an OmniOS-related event in Frankfurt, Germany.
This is the regular monthly meeting of the Frankfurt OpenSolaris User
Group (FRAOSUG).  Yes, we still exist. :-)

We will meet next Tuesday (Jan 16th 2018) at 6:30pm in Dreieich.  The
meeting is held in German, so the invitation is also in German:

Am kommenden Dienstag lädt die FRAOSUG zur monatlichen Veranstaltung
ein.  Auch diesmal sind wir näher am "ursprünglichen" OpenSolaris, denn
es gibt "alles rund um OmniOS CE".  Nach einer kleinen Einführung, was
OmniOS und speziell OmniOS CE eigentlich ist, wollen wir uns anschauen,
warum OmniOS als "legitimer Nachfolger" von OpenSolaris auf Servern

Insbesondere wird eine vollständige Installation von OmniOS auf einem
HP G8 Microserver live vorgeführt, inklusive Konfiguration des neuen
von FreeBSD abstammenden Bootloaders für die serielle Konsole des HP-

Falls jemand einen Laptop mit VirtualBox dabei hat, gibt es auch die
Möglichkeit, ein vorbereitetes OmniOS-Image zu kopieren und selbst zu

Unser Treffen findet diesmal bei Oracle in Dreieich statt:

Anmeldung über unser Umfrage-Tool:

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, und wie immer gilt:  Das Verwenden von
Solaris keine Vorbedingung für die Teilnahme...

Basically we are going to do an intro to what OmniOS (and CE) is, 
followed by a live Kayak network installation (if I manage to get it
to work :-).

Attendance is free, and we will be at the Oracle office in Dreieich.
Everyone is welcome.  Make sure to register via our web page.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOSce installer rpool slicing

2018-01-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Chip!

> In the previous Solaris style installer we had the option of only using a
> portion of the disk that the rpool went on.   This was very good for SSDs that
> perform better and last longer if they have some additional slack space that
> never has data written to it.  
> Is there a way to achieve this with the new installer?

Yes.  Just drop to the shell from the installation menu and create your
rpool using fdisk, format, and zpool create.  Exit the shell and select
"use existing pool".

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Editing kernel command line with BSD Loader

2017-10-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Chip!

> How do I edit the command line now that my OmniOS is using the BSD loader?
> I'd like to disable a driver at boot time such as:
> -B disable-mpt_sas=true

Create a file "/boot/conf.d/boot-args" (name does not matter) and

  boot-args="-v -B disable-mpt_sas=true"

in it.  (The -v is higly recommended :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Apache update on omniti-ms?

2017-09-18 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> Some of us still use omniti-ms for things.  I know it's not a supported
> publisher, but I'm curious about this Apache bug:
> And whether or not the apache24 package will get a bump to fix this?

There already is an "extra" repository for OmniOS CE.  While I don't
like yet another path ("/opt/ooce"), this is the right place for it.
Now "someone" must do the work. :-)

Where would I find patches etc. that were used to build the 2.2 in

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Ang: Re: Upgrade from 151022 to CE bootadm error

2017-09-16 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> Just move your rpool/dump to tank/dump instead. If you're concerned of the
> space of tank, use a sparse volume. You can move rpool/swap as well. Then
> you regain 16 GB of rpool space.

I would not do that.  If the system crashes because it cannot mount the
"tank" pool, then you will not have a crash dump. :-)

Note that "dumpadm -e" will tell you how much space it thinks it needs.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] ANNOUNCEMENT OmniOS Community Edition - OmniOSce r151022h

2017-07-12 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Tobias Oetiker writes:
> We have forked the OmniOS repos and pulled in bugfixes and security fixes
> that have been published since the release of OmniOS r151022. After setting
> up our own package repository and updating the build infrastructure, we are
> finally ready to go public. We are following the established OmniOS release
> naming scheme by releasing 
> ## OmniOSce r151022h, 12th July 2017

Very nice work!!  Well done guys.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Fix for no UUID in Kayak-installed BE?

2017-05-26 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

> Given the "uuidgen" binary has WAY too many libraries, and the uniqueness of
> the UUID doesn't need to be super-special for the installed BE, I put
> together this patch using the existing miniroot tools: 

BTW your generated UUIDs do not comply with RFC 4122 section 4.4. :-)

I have thought a bit more about this.  We have just installed an entire
operating system, and it's just sitting there in /mnt.  Why can't we
just do a

  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/lib:/mnt/usr/lib /mnt/usr/bin/uuidgen ...


Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Pull request?

2017-05-25 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello all!

As I pointed out in March, the package service/network/ntp is broken.
Back then, I was told to submit a pull request.  Even though I find it
a bit much to deal with setting up all that infrastrucure at Github
for 14 characters (" overlay=allow") in an IPS manifest, I guess it
is a given that further OmniOS development happens in Github, so there
is no way around it.

Assuming I do have a pull request, what would happen then?  Would 
someone be willing and able to accept it?  Would the fix have to go 
into Bloody first?  Would there be an eventual update to 022 at some
later date?  Who would build and sign the package and roll it out
into the repository?

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] how about

2017-05-16 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> since omnios is already taken  how about

Go for it!  :-)

Viele Grüße -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Legal next steps

2017-05-16 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> Switzerland or EU sounds good.
> No NSA or U.S. laws pressure to code a backdoor for them.
> On 16. May 2017 at 16:19  wrote
> in :
> > In switzerland, any three people
> > can found an association by stating that they do so and
> > creating a bylaws document. no fees. no official registration
> > necessary. only if substantial money is handled or if there is
> > profit, the association has to talk to the swiss irs.

This does indeed sound good.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bloody bump to r151023, and more

2017-05-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello all!

Dan wrote:
> Besides trying to get an r151022 AWS image spun up, I'm also attempting to
> bump the bloody repo & master branch to r151023, so bloody can stay bloody
> (vs. the now-released r151022).

This is good news.  It got me thinking a bit... a number of people,
myself included, have volunteered to take on the task of caring for
the repository, most notably Theo who will deal with security issues
in Omnios "core".

So the big question is what will happen to the repositories (022 and
bloody).  In IRC, Dan assured me that they will stay at OmniTI in
the near future, until the community decides otherwise.

This brings me to the following questions:

- What is the process of contributing something to either repo in the
  "post-Dan" era?  Send a pull request to Theo?  Someone else?  Some
  reviewed semi-automatic process? (I am still not friends with git :-)

- Who decides what goes into the repo?

- Who will sign the 022 repository packages?  (Remember that they
  currently are signed using OmniTI-owned certificates.)

- Who will maintain a mechanism to retrieve and/or store the upstream
  sources for the various open source components in OmniOS userland?

I don't care much about community governance and release model and
project structure.  I do care about a well-maintained repository
that is universally accessible and can be used by anyone anywhere
wishing to update their 022 installation to the latest software.

I have some more ideas but first things first. :-)

Best regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] To the OmniOS Community

2017-05-14 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Theo Schlossnagle writes:
> I was hoping not to be the first, but I will attempt to lead by example. I'll
> pledge my time to do required security package publications on 014 and 022. As
> security issues with packages in core arise, I will update the build system,
> re-roll the packages and publish them.

I will help with packaging.  I will try to set aside 2-3 hours each
weekend to keep existing applications up to date, and to package new
applications as the need arises.

Should there be a team that manages the repository, I am willing to
be part of it.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Heads up for people who want to clone the 151022 repository

2017-05-12 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Volker A. Brandt writes:
> Then you can check your work with a "pkg verify".

That was supposed to be a "pkgrepo verify".

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Heads up for people who want to clone the 151022 repository

2017-05-12 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello all!

If you are like me you will want to clone the new 151022 repository
locally, and then update your systems using the local copy.

Note that a plain "pkgrecv --clone" will fail on any system not
already running 022.  This is because the packages are signed with
new certificates missing on older systems.  The symptoms are lots of
"bad signature" messages and, in the end:

  pkgrecv: Pkgrepo verify found errors in the updated repository.
  The original package catalog has been restored.
  The clone operation can be retried; package content that has already been 
retrieved will not be downloaded again.

Here is the workaround:

Perform a rebuild:

  pkgrepo rebuild -s 

Then you can see the packages inside the repository using "pkg list".

The certificates are in the package


You need to copy OmniTI_CA2.pem and OmniTI_CA2_OmniOS.pem from the
repository and place them in the "/etc/ssl/pkg" directory.  The files
have the following hash values:

  93793132e4e2039425a415bb121e5faf26fe7785  OmniTI_CA2.pem
  654822b18d41acd317aff5ba407557638e9f1171  OmniTI_CA2_OmniOS.pem

Just unpack them directly from the repository:

  gzip -cd 
 > /etc/ssl/pkg/OmniTI_CA2.pem

  gzip -cd 
 > /etc/ssl/pkg/OmniTI_CA2_OmniOS.pem

(Hope these long lines make it to the mailing list :-).

Then you can check your work with a "pkg verify".  That should just
scroll through the packages but not report any errors.

HTH -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS r151022 is now out!

2017-05-12 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Congratulations, and thank you for all the work you did.

Best regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] tzselect for kayak installer

2017-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> > EXCEPT:  There is the crappy "Busingen" time zone entry for Germany.
> > Please get rid of that.  First of all, the place is spelled "Büsingen"
> > with an umlaut.  Then, the time zone difference was a one-off affair
> > (in 1980).  Please let the millions of OmniOS users amongst the 1350 
> > inhabitants of Büsingen select either German or Swiss time zone at
> > their leasure.  They will end up with CET either way.
> This is pulled from the IANA TZ database.  Ask them...

So the abomination will live on.   Sigh...

Anyway, the rest looks good.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] tzselect for kayak installer

2017-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Apr 20, 2017, at 11:52 AM, Jens Bauernfeind 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I thought that adding a menu for the timezone selection might be an idea.
> > As I wrote to Dan, it uses tzselect(1M) instead of entering the $TZ
> > manually.
> > 
> > It's only a little modification of the file, as seeing in
> > my pull request:
> >
> > 
> > I need your opinion if this change is worth or not.
> > 
> > - more "user-friendly"
> > - a typo error is not possible, as tzselect builds the $TZ value for you
> I haven't pulled it in yet, but I am going to.
> Community --> if I'm being hasty, this is the time to go to PR #15 and
> correct me.  I think this is a generally good idea, however.  ESPECIALLY
> since, unlike the caiman TZ selector, it doesn't use any crappy hacks to the
> stock TZ database (e.g. libzoneinfo). 

>From looking at the screen output, +1.

EXCEPT:  There is the crappy "Busingen" time zone entry for Germany.
Please get rid of that.  First of all, the place is spelled "Büsingen"
with an umlaut.  Then, the time zone difference was a one-off affair
(in 1980).  Please let the millions of OmniOS users amongst the 1350 
inhabitants of Büsingen select either German or Swiss time zone at
their leasure.  They will end up with CET either way.

Thanks -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] VirtualBox 5.1 - Missing dependencies

2017-04-10 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dale!

Sorry, I let this slip a bit...

> > On Mar 29, 2017, at 5:00 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> > 
> > Dan McDonald writes:
> >> Ideally someone would package it on OmniOS itself for OmniOS.
> > 
> > Would that be permitted by the VirtualBox license?  Shouldn't be too
> > hard if it is just repackaging...
> Preferably it would also be natively built. One of the unfortunate legacy
> aspects is that VirtualBox’s notion of “SunOS” is Oracle Solaris and stays
> absolutely true to that expectation. This was certainly an issue with the
> vbox add-ons and the vboxfs driver no longer building or working on illumos,
> as it was expecting symbols that were introduced in later versions of Oracle
> Solaris 11 but are not present in illumos, which still self-identifies as
> the same.

The other day I installed the most recent VBox guest extensions on
OmniOS bloody.  They installed fine (as described in later mails in this
thread), and vboxfs works flawlessly. In fact, I have used an image from
my shared home folder to bring up an LX branded Centos 7.3 in Omnios in
VirtualBox under macOS 10.12 without a hitch. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Ang: LX Zones question: Do you miss ipadm(1M)?

2017-03-31 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Mar 31, 2017, at 6:54 AM, Andy Fiddaman  wrote:
> >
> > I don't want the zone root user to be able to change
> > the IP address.
> Well, so far, that seems to be the case, so it's looking like not changing 
> anything is a good thing.

When I did a demo using a Centos 7.3 LX branded zone last week, I used
VirtualBox and it's built-in DHCP server for the OmniOS Bloody host.

I simply omitted the IP address when I configured the zone.  From the
zone console, I then used the native "ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ..." to
obtain an address from within the zone.  I can provide details if anyone
would like to see them.

Worked Just Fine(tm). :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Ang: LX Zones question: Do you miss ipadm(1M)?

2017-03-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Michael Talbott writes:
> I have experienced the same /etc/resolv.conf issue in a CentOS 6 and 7 LX
> zones. No DNS servers get propagated from zonecfg.

Me, too.  The default search domain does get set, however.  Maybe it
is a trivial thing.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] VirtualBox 5.1 - Missing dependencies

2017-03-29 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> Ideally someone would package it on OmniOS itself for OmniOS.

Would that be permitted by the VirtualBox license?  Shouldn't be too
hard if it is just repackaging...

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS Bloody USB3 Feedback

2017-03-17 Thread Volker A. Brandt
sage repeated 1 time
  Mar 17 18:53:01 omnit0 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.notice] 
/pci@0,0/pci8086,340e@7/pci1912,15@0/storage@3 (scsa2usb1) removed
  Mar 17 18:53:07 omnit0 usba: [ID 912658 kern.notice] USB 2.0 device 
(usb13fe,1e23) operating at hi speed (USB 2.x) on USB 3.0 root hub: storage@3, 
scsa2usb1 at bus address 3
  Mar 17 18:53:07 omnit0 usba: [ID 349649 kern.notice] Verbatim STORE N GO 
  Mar 17 18:53:07 omnit0 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.notice] scsa2usb1 is 
  Mar 17 18:53:07 omnit0 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.notice] 
/pci@0,0/pci8086,340e@7/pci1912,15@0/storage@3 (scsa2usb1) online
  Mar 17 18:53:10 omnit0 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.notice] sd2 at scsa2usb1: target 
0 lun 0
  Mar 17 18:53:10 omnit0 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.notice] sd2 is 
  Mar 17 18:53:10 omnit0 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.notice] 
/pci@0,0/pci8086,340e@7/pci1912,15@0/storage@3/disk@0,0 (sd2) online
  Mar 17 18:53:10 omnit0 genunix: [ID 127566] device 
pciclass,03@5(display#0) keeps up device sd@0,0(disk#2), but the former is 
not power managed

Everything worked, all this time the zpool scrub did not skip a beat.

6. Try to unconfigure the stick before removing it to avoid the ugly
   "Command failed to complete...Device is gone" message.

  # cfgadm -c unconfigure usb9/3 
  Unconfigure the device: /devices/pci@0,0/pci8086,340e@7/pci1912,15@0:3
  This operation will suspend activity on the USB device
  Continue (yes/no)? y
  cfgadm: Hardware specific failure: Cannot issue devctl to ap_id: 
  Exit 1

And sure enough, it's still "configured":

  usb9/1 unknown  emptyunconfigured ok
  usb9/2 usb-storage  connectedconfigured   ok
  usb9/3 usb-storage  connectedconfigured   ok
  usb9/4 unknown  emptyunconfigured ok

Executive summary:  Works as expected, except the cfgadm -c unconfigure.

Thanks to Robert and Dan for giving us USB3 support in OmniOS!

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Packaged ntp.conf in bloody breaks my local config pkg

2017-03-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Bob Friesenhahn writes:
> On Wed, 15 Mar 2017, Volker A. Brandt wrote:
> > I see that you ship a preconfigured ntp.conf with bloody.  This is nice
> > because we instantly get a system with the correct time of day.
> I don't think this is so nice.  Not all systems or zones are intended 
> to access the Internet and sometimes additional network configuration 
> is required.

You certainly have a point.  I didn't want to bash Dan, however. :-)
> Only the global zone should need to access the "Internet" or a server 
> offering the IPS repository.

Typically, the ntp package is only installed in the GZ.  The NTP daemon
will not be able run in a zone anyway unless you grant that right in the
NGZ configuration.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Loader serial console

2017-03-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Andy Fiddaman wrote: 
> > In case anyone else is experimenting with the new loaded in bloody and
> > uses a serial console (or serial redirection), this is what I've done to
> > my test server to continue using the serial console:

> > Create new file /boot/conf.d/serial and add:
> >
> > boot_multicons="YES"
> > boot_serial="YES"
> > comconsole_speed="115200"
> > osconsole="ttya,text"
> > console="ttya,text"
> > ttya-mode="115200,8,n,1,-"

Works great!  I added another file:

# cat /boot/conf.d/boot-args

Now I have my familiar boot messages back. :-)

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY        Email:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Packaged ntp.conf in bloody breaks my local config pkg

2017-03-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Mar 15, 2017, at 5:56 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> > 
> > Could you please add an "overlay=allow" to the file action for ntp.conf
> > in service/network/ntp?
> I take pull requests...  :)

Point taken.  One of these days I'll sit down and deal with the
abomination that is git.

> I'm in the middle of debugging a horrible discovery I made in bloody's
> kayak.  I'm going to be very slow in responding until I fix this bug. 

No prob.  Take your time.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Packaged ntp.conf in bloody breaks my local config pkg

2017-03-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

I see that you ship a preconfigured ntp.conf with bloody.  This is nice
because we instantly get a system with the correct time of day.

However, traditionally Solaris shipped only sample files, not an active
NTP configuration.  It was the duty of the local admin to provide one.
So you now break my local configuration package, which IPS refuses to
install because of duplicate file actions. :-(

Could you please add an "overlay=allow" to the file action for ntp.conf
in service/network/ntp?

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Loader serial console

2017-03-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Andy!

> In case anyone else is experimenting with the new loaded in bloody and
> uses a serial console (or serial redirection), this is what I've done to
> my test server to continue using the serial console:

Thanks, this is very helpful!

> Create new file /boot/conf.d/serial and add:
> boot_multicons="YES"
> boot_serial="YES"
> comconsole_speed="115200"
> osconsole="ttya,text"
> console="ttya,text"
> ttya-mode="115200,8,n,1,-"

Interesting.  Seems I was *almost* there in my test. :-)
> I'm not entirely sure if all of this is necessary - I borrowed some of
> it from BSD tutorials - but it works for me.

Good to know.  But you still needed the entries on the OS level, namely

setprop ttya-mode 115200,8,n,1,-
setprop console ttya

in /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc and the ttymon/label property in the
console-login SMF service.  Correct?

Viele Grüße -- Volker A. Brandt

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] New media with new fixes!

2017-03-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Mar 13, 2017, at 4:52 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > One thing that surprised me was that it would boot after hitting the
> > enter key in the "5 Boot options" menu.  That's very convenient, but
> > maybe a "hit return to boot straight away" info text could be added.
> Wait... you mean option 5?  That is literally the same behavior as the old
> Caiman installer.  The only difference is that in the new Kayak-for-ISO, you
> don't reboot IMMEDIATELY after an installation, you can go back.  I did it
> this way on purpose, figuring people might want to manipulate their BE after
> installation. 

Sorry, this was probably me not being clear enough again...

On the new loader screen before booting, there is a box of menu 
options.  1-4 are Boot Multi, Boot Single, Escape to loader, Reboot.

Option 5 is labelled "Configure Boot Options...".  Selecting it brings
me into a submenu.  It looks like I will have to go back to the "Main
Menu" to boot, but I really only need to press enter to boot.  I found
this only by hitting enter accidentally. :-)

In that same submenu, the console type and verbose boot are selectable.
However, the speed for a serial console isn't.  That's not too much of
a problem, but it would be nice.  I haven't managed to set up the
installed system with a proper BIOS-redirected console -- in GRUB, I 
would use -v -B console=ttya,ttya-mode="115200,8,n,1,-" on the kernel
line in the menu.  So I guess I need to start looking for the doc that
goes with the loader...

But all that doesn't have that much to do with kayak-for-iso, it's more
a question of configuring the new loader.  The installation itself went
absolutely fine.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY        Email:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] New media with new fixes!

2017-03-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Jens Bauernfeind writes:
> it's working :-)


> md5 (r151021-kayak.usb-dd) = af03637ee28a42df1f0527a2bb64b872

Tested this on a "metal" system (Sun Fire X2270 with a Sun Keyboard 
Type 6/USB).  Selected 18 == "German", dropped to shell after 
installation, keyboard layout German.  Rebooted, logged in as root,
keyboard layout still German. :-)

USB installation does take quite a bit longer than .iso in VirtualBox.

One thing that surprised me was that it would boot after hitting the
enter key in the "5 Boot options" menu.  That's very convenient, but
maybe a "hit return to boot straight away" info text could be added.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] New media with new fixes!

2017-03-12 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!


Even after I remove the extra '.' I still get "forbidden".
Could you have a look?

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bloody update on Repo, plus Kayak for ISO is almost beta

2017-03-10 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > - I like the "straight install to pool" option.  I have had this in my
> >  Kayak net installer for a long time but never sent the pull request.
> You can only install it on a PRE-CONFIGURED rpool.  The idea is you enter
> shell first, create your pool, exit the shell, and then use option 2.  It's
> for people like me who dual-purpose SSDs for rpool, slog, and leave
> unallocated room for load-balancing.

Yes, that's exactly how I do it, except that I have hacked my Kayak
PXE-based installation environment to accept a new option. :-)

> > - The keyboard selection did not work; I selected 18 for German but
> >  still got US.  This may well be due to VBox interfering; I usually
> >  don't use the console of my VMs but just ssh in.
> Did that ever work on the Caiman installer?  If it does, I may need more
> fixes in the script I have.

TBH I have never tried it, but am willing to do so on a real-metal
install RSN.

> > - The disk selection screen had some lines with more than 80 columns,
> >  causing line wrap.  So it all looked a bit ragged.  Worked fine,
> >  though -- installed on a single 20GB VDI disk.
> It's SUPPOSED TO be > 80 columns and ragged. It's one reason you only get 7
> disks at a time on a screen.

Ah OK.  Some Linuxes switch their console into a different video mode
giving more than 80x25 -- maybe that is an option.

> > - After installation, I wanted to stop the VM so I could remove the
> >  boot DVD from the config.  So I told VBox to "send the shutdown
> >  signal".  This caused a message of "/usr/sbin/shutdown not found".
> >  Maybe you want to put that binary on the miniroot. :-)
> I've had to bloat the original kayak miniroot a lot already.  You could use 
> "init 0".  I could also include the hard-linked aliases to reboot:  
> "poweroff" and "halt". I think that would be easier.  To that end, I think 
> I'll include poweroff and halt.

I guess I did not state my point properly.  I do know several ways to
gracefully stop a machine. :-)  My point was:  If someone for some
reason somehow generates the "shutdown" signal, there will be an ugly
error message.  You would need to include "/usr/sbin/shutdown" in the
miniroot, or fix the "powerfail" line in /etc/inittab.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bloody update on Repo, plus Kayak for ISO is almost beta

2017-03-09 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> > - After installation, I wanted to stop the VM so I could remove the
> >   boot DVD from the config.  So I told VBox to "send the shutdown
> >   signal".  This caused a message of "/usr/sbin/shutdown not found".
> >   Maybe you want to put that binary on the miniroot. :-)
> You should just be able to remove the iso at any time, the installer doesn't
> hold it open.

Yes.  Probably just habit.  It's a throwaway VM anyway, so I'll try
that in the next round.

The point remains that a user could send a shutdown signal by choosing
the option in VBox, or pressing the physical power button, or whatever
other methods there might be.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bloody update on Repo, plus Kayak for ISO is almost beta

2017-03-09 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

> The still-in-testing ISO is here:
> Hashes are:
> md5 (r151021-kayak.iso) = f875c1f102d7f242869f9afde2196aa4
> sha1 (r151021-kayak.iso) = a1b3ce074c40a4b8436c4dba02f08e0a29ba82d7
> sha256 (r151021-kayak.iso) = 
> a3c65ef2dd3bd6f42fb6d36e9fac155f055e3495fe272dc5bc7c86fa3757fea2
> Please share with the whole list how this goes.  I know there are still some
> systems that appear to not even get past loader, but with Prakash's
> explanation of how to disable apix, it may run better on Xen environments.

On a whim, I just downloaded the ISO via the hotel LAN and installed
it (MacBook Pro 13" Late 2016, macOS 10.12.3, Virtual Box 5.1.14).

Nice work!!  My first direct experience with the new loader.  Here are
some random observations:

- I like the "straight install to pool" option.  I have had this in my
  Kayak net installer for a long time but never sent the pull request.

- The keyboard selection did not work; I selected 18 for German but
  still got US.  This may well be due to VBox interfering; I usually
  don't use the console of my VMs but just ssh in.

- The disk selection screen had some lines with more than 80 columns,
  causing line wrap.  So it all looked a bit ragged.  Worked fine,
  though -- installed on a single 20GB VDI disk.

- After installation, I wanted to stop the VM so I could remove the
  boot DVD from the config.  So I told VBox to "send the shutdown
  signal".  This caused a message of "/usr/sbin/shutdown not found".
  Maybe you want to put that binary on the miniroot. :-)

Will do more tests as time permits.  All in all, looking very good.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Security Questions regarding OmniOS

2017-02-03 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello Leonard!

>  I am seeking guidance from OmniOS regarding some security-related queries I 
> have.
> What is the best method of forum for me to raise these questions with you?

Unless those queries are confidential, this mailing list is a very
good place to ask your questions.  If you later decide to buy support
from OmniTI and have private discussions, that is fine, too.

Just MHO.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] (was bounce) USB3 chipset?

2017-01-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I got a bounce notification, so I'm sending this myself.

Thanks Dan!  I was too stupid to properly address the list. :-/

> From: (Volker A. Brandt)
> Subject: Recommended USB3 chipset?
> Date: January 30, 2017 at 2:17:56 PM EST
> To: "OmniOS-discuss" 
> Hello all!
> I want to play with bloody and USB3, so I am in the market for a PCIe
> low-profile single or dual port add-on card.  Are there any specific
> chips or chipsets I should look for?  Which ones should I avoid?
> Can I expect decent throughput in a PCIe 2.0 x1 slot (HP G7 N54L)?
> Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Fwd: Install on Supermicro DOM=low space left

2017-01-26 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> rpool/dump  41.5G  9.15G  41.5G  -
> rpool/swap  4.13G  13.0G   276M  -

The "dump" volume is much too big.  Do a

  dumpadm -e

This will print the "estimated" dump size.  Then add a bit, and
set the new dump volume size with:

  zfs set volsize= rpool/dump

For example, on my OmniOS file server:

# dumpadm -e
Estimated dump size: 4.63G

# zfs set volsize=6G rpool/dump

# zfs list rpool/dump
rpool/dump  6.00G  24.1G  6.00G  -

> I did not changed anything during instalation proccess, I've just
> accepted all defaults

Yes.  The "traditional" installation usually sizes dump too big.
That is why I asked. :-)

Hope this helps -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Install on Supermicro DOM=low space left

2017-01-26 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Fábio!

> I've just installed OmniOS on a Supermicro Motherboard with a DOM
> device for boot .
> It is working fine, no issues ...
> But, the 64GB DOM has just 9GB of space left
> Can I delete something ( temp files, compacted installed packages, etc
> ) to free some space ?

You might have oversized swap and/or dump volumes.  Do a

  zfs list -t volume

What volume sizes are shown?

Regarsd -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Publisher tuntap manifest missing

2017-01-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
I am playing around with this solution because I haven't done this for
a while (and I need an excuse to avoid the paperwork I should be doing).
So I am going through my old notes.

>  # /usr/bin/pkgrecv -v --raw -s -d . `cat 

If you use the "-k" flag, you can skip the "gzip" step completely.
The "-k" will keep the files in gzip format.  Just move them into
the proper directory.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Publisher tuntap manifest missing

2017-01-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> The files you want are the ones with the "hash" filenames and the
> manifest file.  You need to move these into the "real" local copy of
> your repository.  The hash files go into the "file" subdirectory but
> must be compressed by gzip first.   For example:
>   # gzip -c 00370e03bd4b799dc893dce90752df6cfaf972e8 > 
> /my_repo/publisher/

The usual cut-and-paste error... :-(

  # gzip -c 00370e03bd4b799dc893dce90752df6cfaf972e8 > 

Maybe you *do* want to wait for my Perl script. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Publisher tuntap manifest missing

2017-01-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
  6 17:46
  -rw-r--r--   1   0 Jan  6 17:46 manifest.mediatorcache
  -rw-r--r--   1 477 Jan  6 17:46 manifest.set
  -rw-r--r--   1 677 Jan  6 17:46 manifest.signature

The files you want are the ones with the "hash" filenames and the
manifest file.  You need to move these into the "real" local copy of
your repository.  The hash files go into the "file" subdirectory but
must be compressed by gzip first.   For example:

  # gzip -c 00370e03bd4b799dc893dce90752df6cfaf972e8 > 

The manifest file goes into the "pkg" subdirectory with a special naming
structure.  In this case:

  # mv manifest 

You may need to create the "omniti%2Fdeveloper%2Fversioning%2Fsubversion"
directory first.

Finally, you need to do a "pkgrepo rebuild" on the entire repository.

Yes, it is absolutely tedious, but it works.  One of these days I will
write a Perl script to do this.

The real fix would be on the repository side, but it seems that will 
take a while yet. :-)

Viele Grüße -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Publisher tuntap manifest missing

2017-01-02 Thread Volker A. Brandt
[Happy New Year everyone!]

Hi Dale!

> Just closing the loop on this - the tuntap driver is now part of
> OmniOS-proper, from 014 onwards. As such, the tuntap package in the
> repo has been removed, and I've corrected the issue you
> reported. 

That's nice.  While you are there, the repo does need
some more love:

  # /usr/bin/pkgrecv -v -m latest -s -d 
/pkg/ pkg://
  Processing packages for publisher omniti-ms ...
  Retrieving catalog 1/1 omniti-ms 154.65 kB
  Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
  of the following origin(s):

  The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
  contains package data for:

  This is either a result of invalid origin information being provided
  for publisher 'omniti-ms', or because the wrong publisher name was
  provided when this publisher was added.

  Retrieving and evaluating 1 package(s)...

  Retrieving packages ...
  Packages to add:  1
  Files to retrieve:  0
  Estimated transfer size: 0.00 B

  Packages to transfer:

  network/iftop 0/1 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0
  pkgrecv: 'open' failed for transaction ID 
 The specified FMRI, 
already exists or has been restricted.

I think the best fix would be to just remove everything that does not
have "omniti" as first package name component. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Can't bring up r151020

2016-11-07 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Gary!

> I'm also open to picking up a new machine like the HP Gen8.  I'm using 
> this as a (very) small SOHO server to do email, web, and file services.  
> The current machine is a 1U unit which has a motherboard similar to the 
> SunFire v20, 4 disks: 2 mirrored 5TB(archive), 2 mirrored ~300GB drives 
> (rpool), and 8 GB of RAM which works well for my purpose.

I can confirm that OmniOS works fine on the HP G8.  The only gotcha is
that if you want to use the HBA in non-RAID mode (which you do :-) AND
you want to install an SSD in place of the DVD, then you will not be
able to boot off said SSD.  This is a stupid design limitation.

I am working on a fix but am not finished yet.  I expect to have 
something in early December.  Basically, you need to install an SD
card and chainload the "real" OS from there.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] I would like to create a zfs file system in my zone

2016-09-18 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Peter Tribble writes:
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Richard Skelton 
> wrote:
> Before I install any optional software I would like to create a zfs file
> system and mount it on /opt in the zone.
> How can I do this?
> In this case, it could be:
> zfs create -o mountpoint=/opt rpool/zones/fred5/ROOT/opt

On Solaris 11, a "zfs create -o mountpoint=/opt rpool/opt"  will also
work.  (Can't test on OmniOS ATM as my OmniOS system is down.)

This has the advantage that the ZFS dataset will appear as "rpool/opt"
in the zone, and as "//opt" in the global zone.

> However, I wouldn't normally do this. If I was creating datasets for use by a
> zone, I would create a separate dataset such as rpool/fred5 in the global zone
> (with mountpoint set to none), use 'add dataset' in the zone configuration to
> delegate that dataset to the zone, and use that to create my own filesystems
> in the zone. The aim being to separate my own data from that managed by the
> operating system.
> (Although the same issue of conflicts arises with the use of /opt, which the
> OS might think it has control of. Creating /opt/local or /opt/company-name
> one level down might be a better choice.)

One thing to remember is that the directory /opt normally is part of the
zone root, and thus part of the managed boot environments (BEs).  If you
create a dataset and mount it under /opt (or /opt/local), it will not
be part of any BE.  If you then create IPS packages that install things
in /opt, you will run into inconsistencies in the package database when
you switch back and forth between BEs.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] VT how-to now on Wiki

2016-07-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> The OmniOS wiki now has instructions for enabling Virtual Termainl (VT) 
> consoles.  Useful for developers on {lap,desk}top-hosted VMs, e.g.
> Thanks to Mayuresh & Volker for writing the text.  I just put it on the wiki
> (link below). 

Thanks Dan.  It is really just Mayuresh's work and initiative.

Cheers -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] How do I start apache when installed from repo

2016-07-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I can see there is a pkg omniti/server/apache22/
> mod_log_rotate@2-0.151014:20150611T161005Z

Yes, that is what you need.

> Is there a way to install all the dependent packages?

The dependent packages that are marked as such in the apache22 package
are installed automatically.  For some reason, the OmniOS people have
decided that mod_log_rotate is optional and there is no dependency.

Fortunately, this is the only such package you need to install. :-)

As others have pointed out, the packages are "unsupported".  To me, that
means they have exactly the same support as anything I'd compile myself:
If something doesn't work, I'll have to fix it.

We have found that the apache22 package from the repo is
"good enough" for our in-house use.  So we happily use it.  Your needs
might differ...

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] How do I start apache when installed from repo

2016-07-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I have installed the apache pkg from
> pkg set-publisher -g
> pkg install apache22
> pkg install php-54
> pkg install mysql-55
> Are there any SMF manifest?

The SMF manifest for the version of the Apache 2.2 package
is included; check the file "/opt/apache22/conf/http-apache.xml".

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] GZ BE missing libbe:uuid property after Kayak installation --> breakage

2016-07-01 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Jul 1, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Eric Sproul  wrote:
> > 
> > FWIW, since integrated we have
> > /usr/bin/uuidgen.  All currently-supported OmniOS releases should have
> > that (I know 014 does).
> Yeah, uuidgen is the right way to do this, and since 014 is the earliest 
> supported release, you're insured of success.

In that case, you need to put it on the miniroot. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] GZ BE missing libbe:uuid property after Kayak installation --> breakage

2016-07-01 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Volker A. Brandt writes:
> Yes, the is definitely where it should go.  I think it
> should be in the BuildBE() shell function somewhere after the "zfs set
> mountpoint" line.  I'll try to come up with something.

Some nice people put a bash-only version of a UUID generator up on
serverfault.  So here is a first stab:

*** Apr 14 18:29:37 2016
--- Fri Jul  1 20:22:16 2016
*** 99,104 
--- 99,131 
sleep 1
+ # taken from
+ CreateUUID() {
+   local N B C='89ab'
+   for (( N=0; N < 16; ++N ))
+   do
+ B=$(( $RANDOM%256 ))
+ case $N in
+   6)
+  printf '4%x' $(( B%16 ))
+  ;;
+   8)
+  printf '%c%x' ${C:$RANDOM%${#C}:1} $(( B%16 ))
+  ;;
+   3 | 5 | 7 | 9)
+  printf '%02x-' $B
+  ;;
+   *)
+  printf '%02x' $B
+  ;;
+ esac
+   done
+  echo
+ }
  BuildBE() {
BOOTSRVA=`/sbin/dhcpinfo BootSrvA`
MEDIA=`getvar install_media`
*** 112,117 
--- 139,148 
curl -s $MEDIA | pv -B 128m | bzip2 -dc | zfs receive -u rpool/ROOT/omnios
zfs set canmount=noauto rpool/ROOT/omnios
zfs set mountpoint=legacy rpool/ROOT/omnios
+   UUID=`CreateUUID`
+   log "Generated UUID $UUID for BE root dataset"
+   zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:uuid=$UUID  rpool/ROOT/omnios
+   zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:policy=static rpool/ROOT/omnios
log "Cleaning up boot environment"
beadm mount omnios /mnt
*** 225,231 
!   FetchConfig || bomb "Could not fecth kayak config for target"
Postboot 'exit $SMF_EXIT_OK'
ApplyChanges || bomb "Could not apply all configuration changes"
--- 256,262 
!   FetchConfig || bomb "Could not fetch kayak config for target"
Postboot 'exit $SMF_EXIT_OK'
ApplyChanges || bomb "Could not apply all configuration changes"

Sorry about the diff; my github-fu is currently zero.  Also sorry
about fixing the ancient typo in RunInstall; could not resist.

I can't test this until I have a new box to install; feel free to play
with it or ignore me until I follow up with a "confirmed working" mail.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] GZ BE missing libbe:uuid property after Kayak installation --> breakage

2016-07-01 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Eric Sproul writes:
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 1:13 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> > But wouldn't that mean that all instances installed via Kayak have
> > the same uuid?  Not sure I like that... IMHO this should rather go
> > into the actual client installation process somewhere.
> Yes, building those properties into the image would be bad. I'd say
> the proper thing would be to either add the necessary commands to the
> ApplyChanges function [1] or make a new function and have it run
> before MakeBootable.

Yes, the is definitely where it should go.  I think it
should be in the BuildBE() shell function somewhere after the "zfs set
mountpoint" line.  I'll try to come up with something.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] GZ BE missing libbe:uuid property after Kayak installation --> breakage

2016-07-01 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> > On Jul 1, 2016, at 12:43 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> >
> > Note the "(null)" value for the parent BE... probably a follow-on error
> > because there was no uuid in the GZ BE in the first place.
> >
> > The GZ was installed via Kayak using the vanilla 95eaa7e r151018.zfs.bz2
> > and the NGZ was installed with a simple "zoneadm install", no clone or
> > anything special.
> >
> > Do you have any idea?  I am willing to supply further data if you want.
> The creation of the Kayak ZFS send stream probably needs to set these 
> properties.  Looking around here:
> that seems the natural place to do it.

But wouldn't that mean that all instances installed via Kayak have
the same uuid?  Not sure I like that... IMHO this should rather go
into the actual client installation process somewhere.

> I'm not able to fix it today, and I'm on vacation starting COB today.
> After I get back, I can probably respin media with a fixed version of
> this in place.

I have a workaround, so there's no rush.  Have a good vacation!
We can continue the discussion when you're back.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY    Email:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] GZ BE missing libbe:uuid property after Kayak installation --> breakage

2016-07-01 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

This is

  GZ# uname -a
  SunOS radbug 5.11 omnios-r151018-95eaa7e i86pc i386 i86pc

on a newly installed box with one BE:

  GZ# beadm list
  BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
  omnios NR /  1.02G static 2016-06-29 22:36

Activating that BE is a no-op, and works, except for one error message:

  GZ# beadm activate omnios
  be_get_uuid: failed to get uuid property from BE root dataset user properties.
  Activated successfully

However, immediately after creation of a brand new NGZ, inside that
NGZ the single existing BE is marked "xNb":

  NGZ# beadm list
  BE  Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
  zbe xNb2016-07-01 15:40 /  538M  static 2016-07-01 15:40

(The broken formatting is verbatim from the beadm output.)

This makes "pkg install" unhappy, which is how I found the problem.

I then try to activate the single BE in the NGZ.
This should also be a no-op.  But it does not work:

  # beadm activate -v zbe
  be_zone_get_parent_uuid: failed to parse parentuuid
  be_zone_compare_uuids: failed to get parentbe uuid from the given BE
  be_zone_get_parent_uuid: failed to parse parentuuid
  be_zone_compare_uuids: failed to get parentbe uuid from the given BE
  be_activate: activating zone root dataset from non-active global BE is not 
  Unable to activate zbe.
  Operation not supported.
  Exit 190

It turns out that the GZ active BE root dataset was missing the libbe


and the NGZ dataset was missing


So I just set some arbitrary values:

  GZ# zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:policy=static rpool/ROOT/omnios
  GZ# zfs set org.opensolaris.libbe:uuid=deadbeef-f00d-cafe-a278-ad6cde331234 
  GZ# zfs set 

Now everything works again!  And "pkg install" is happy, too.

Looking at "zpool history rpool", I see:

  2016-07-01.15:39:27 zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy -o zoned=on 
  2016-07-01.15:39:32 zfs create -o org.opensolaris.libbe:active=on -o 
org.opensolaris.libbe:parentbe=(null) -o canmount=noauto 
  2016-07-01.15:56:20 zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy -o zoned=on 

Note the "(null)" value for the parent BE... probably a follow-on error
because there was no uuid in the GZ BE in the first place.

The GZ was installed via Kayak using the vanilla 95eaa7e r151018.zfs.bz2
and the NGZ was installed with a simple "zoneadm install", no clone or
anything special.

Do you have any idea?  I am willing to supply further data if you want.

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OpenStack

2016-06-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I tried install Cinder on OmniOS and i seems possible. But, if I'm
> understand that right, I'm missing Cinder ZFS driver on OmniOS to get that
> fully working. 


Oracle has ported OpenStack to Solaris. They have released the source
of their modifications, drivers, etc. under the Apache License 2.0:

  # cat openstack/cinder/files/solaris/
  # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
  # Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack LLC.
  # All Rights Reserved.
  # Copyright (c) 2014, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  #Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
  #not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
  #a copy of the License at
  #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
  #WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
  #License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
  #under the License.
  Drivers for Solaris ZFS operations in local and iSCSI modes

So you can have a look at that and see if you can get it to work.

You can find it here:

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] 151018 kayak problems: utmpd / console-login

2016-06-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

I am doing test installations of 151018 via Kayak.  This means that I
am using NO_REBOOT=1 to try out various features and verify the results.

With the stock 95eaa7e miniroot, two SMF services go into maintenance.
One is svc:/system/utmp:default complaining that the utmpd binary is
missing.  I think this has been seen before:

The other one is svc:/system/console-login:default, where the start
method /lib/svc/method/console-login is missing.

So I have added these two files to the miniroot.  This makes utmp shut
up.  However, the system becomes unusable because console-login enters
an infinite loop:

  [2016/06/29-19:54:43] Install complete
  Jun 29 19:54:43 svc.startd[8]: instance svc:/system/console-login:default 
exited with status 127
  Jun 29 19:54:43 svc.startd[8]: instance svc:/system/console-login:default 
exited with status 127

Then I disabled both services in the SMF system repository on the
miniroot by setting the general/enabled property to false.  This works,
but now I get the standard "single user" prompt just before the
installation starts:

  Configuring devices.
  Requesting System Maintenance Mode
  (See /lib/svc/share/README for more information.)
  Console login service(s) cannot run

  Enter user name for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): 
[2016/06/29-20:36:41] Forcing all interfaces into DHCP...
  [2016/06/29-20:36:41] Waiting for dhcpinfo...
  [2016/06/29-20:36:42] Waiting for dhcpinfo...
  [2016/06/29-20:36:43] Waiting for dhcpinfo...
  [2016/06/29-20:38:14] Updating GRUB menu for serial console.
  [2016/06/29-20:38:16] Install complete

  Enter user name for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): root
  Enter root password (control-d to bypass): 
  single-user privilege assigned to root on /dev/console.
  Entering System Maintenance Mode

  Jun 29 20:39:00 su: 'su root' succeeded for root on /dev/console

The installation itself works fine.  All of this only pops up when using
NO_REBOOT=1.  Since I can log in as root at the single-user prompt, I 
can do my checks, so I have a workaround.

But it's not really the proper solution. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OpenStack

2016-06-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Filip!

> I would like to ask you, is there any way, how to connect OmniOS as storage
> to OpenStack?

It is certainly possible to run Cinder or possibly Swift on top of
OmniOS.  But there is nothing ready for installation yet.

If someone funds the effort, I am sure there are consultants who could
do it for you. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Error attempting to switch to OpenSSH on r151014 or r151018

2016-06-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Dan McDonald writes:
> I think our IPS repos need a batch of "pkgrepo refresh" runs.

Aaaah, good clue!  I have a local copy of the 151016 repo. After a
"pkgrepo refresh" on the repo server and a "pkg refresh --full" on
the 151016 client, everything is well again, and "pkg search" works
just fine.  Thanks Dan!

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Error attempting to switch to OpenSSH on r151014 or r151018

2016-06-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Volker A. Brandt  wrote:
> > BTW my 151016 system has the file, and SUNWcs is properly installed,
> > but "pkg search /etc/ftpd" or "pkg search /etc/ftpd/ftpusers" do not
> > show any output, even after a "pkg rebuild-index".  Strange.
> Paths are relative because packages are relocatable, so I usually
> search for a basename if it's relatively unambiguous.  `pkg search
> ftpusers` should work, and return both a file and a softlink.  Note
> that "basename" is a virtual attribute that doesn't actually appear in
> the pkg manifest, but is synthesized by the client, based on the last
> element of the path value.
> This is on my 014 install:
> $ pkg search ftpusers
> basename   file   etc/ftpd/ftpusers pkg:/SUNWcs@0.5.11-0.151014
> basename   link   etc/ftpusers  pkg:/SUNWcs@0.5.11-0.151014
> Using the full set of search fields also works, though I've never
> understood why I need the '*' at the beginning of the path value:
> $ pkg search 'file:path:*etc/ftpd/ftpusers'
> path   file   etc/ftpd/ftpusers pkg:/SUNWcs@0.5.11-0.151014

$ uname -a
SunOS nfs 5.11 omnios-33c53a8 i86pc i386 i86pc

$ pkg version

$ pkg search etc/ftpd/ftpusers
Exit 1

$ pkg search /etc/ftpd/ftpusers
Exit 1

$ pkg search 'file:path:*etc/ftpd/ftpusers'
Exit 1

$  pkg list -v SUNWcs
pkg://omnios/SUNWcs@0.5.11-0.151016:20160204T173743Z i--

$ pkg contents SUNWcs|grep ftpd

$ pkg search /etc/default/ftp
path   file   etc/default/ftp pkg:/network/ftp@0.5.11-0.151016

Beats me.  I'll try this again after I have updated to 151018 in a 
few days.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Error attempting to switch to OpenSSH on r151014 or r151018

2016-06-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> But /etc/ftpd/ftpusers is provided by pkg:/SUNWcs, so if it doesn't
> exist, the system is broken.  There is no expected case where this
> file is missing.

So the OPs system is indeed broken.  The question is: What broke it?
Was it a pkg invocation?

BTW my 151016 system has the file, and SUNWcs is properly installed,
but "pkg search /etc/ftpd" or "pkg search /etc/ftpd/ftpusers" do not
show any output, even after a "pkg rebuild-index".  Strange.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Error attempting to switch to OpenSSH on r151014 or r151018

2016-06-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> > "leaving this here" so that others may find and benefit, and perhaps
> > the pkg rule will be cleaned up for OmniOS, now that ftpd isn't
> > there...
> It's currently a documented interface in pkg(5).  And I quote from the man 
> page:
>User Actions
>The user action defines a UNIX user as defined in /etc/passwd,
>/etc/shadow, /etc/group, and /etc/ftpd/ftpusers files. Entries are
>added to the appropriate files for users defined with this user action.
>The user action is intended to define a user for a daemon or other
>software to use. Do not use the user action to define administrative or
>interactive accounts.
> And weirder still, in spite of removing any default FTP server, the
> /etc/ftpd directory is part of the basic packages:

I think the OPs problem was that the file ftpusers had vanished.
In Solaris 11.x, both the file /etc/ftpd/ftpusers and the symlink
pointing to it (/etc/ftpusers) are packaged in system/core-os.

The underlying issue is that in the IPS source file


thíngs like

def install(self, pkgplan, orig, retry=False):
"""client-side method that adds the user...
   update any attrs that changed from orig
   unless the on-disk stuff was changed"""
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# If we're in the postinstall phase and the files
# *still* aren't there, bail gracefully.
if retry:
txt = _("User cannot be installed without user "
"database files present.")
raise apx.ActionExecutionError(self, error=e,
details=txt, fmri=pkgplan.destination_fmri)

are hardcoded.  To avoid the problem here, the attempt to write to
/etc/ftpd/ftpusers should only be made if the file actually exists.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY    Email:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Samba4 recipe

2016-05-07 Thread Volker A. Brandt
John D Groenveld writes:
> Just some notes for building Samba4 on r151018.

Thanks for sharing!

I originally sent a PM but your braindead MTA thinks that 10+ customers are all spammers so it will not accept my mail.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] 151018 "entire" missing library/python-2/jsonrpclib-26?

2016-05-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

> > I guess that's because library/python-2/jsonrpclib-26 is missing from
> > the "entire" incorporation, thus it's not version-locked into 151016.
> > 
> > Right? :-)
> Correct, and probably not a huge deal, because you shouldn't be jumping
> versions without REALLY jumping versions (i.e. uninstalling the
> not-yet-replaced packages).

Yes, that's what I usually do.  This time I did not really mean to
update, just did a dry run.

>  We take pull-requests in
> omnios-build.  :) 

OK :-)

> NOTE: new builds of any package do not present this problem,
> as they are not build with the incorporate dependency. 

Ah, that's really good news indeed!  I see that you have made the
dependency on the "entire" incorporation optional, with a minimum
version of 151016.  Now I only need to wait until all my fav pkgs
are rebuilt. :-)

While we're on this topic, the repo itself is in need ot a bit of
maintenance.  Every operation still results in the old complaint
about the publisher (we have talked about this before):

  # pkg list -avf -g omniti/server/apache22
  Refreshing catalog 4/5 omniti-ms
  Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
  of the following origin(s):

  The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
  contains package data for:

  To resolve this issue, correct the origin information provided for
  publisher 'omniti-ms' using the pkg set-publisher subcommand, or re-add
  the publisher using the correct name and remove the 'omniti-ms'

  To re-add this publisher with the correct name, execute the following
  commands as a privileged user:

  pkg set-publisher -P -g
  pkg unset-publisher omniti-ms


Also, some packages simply cannot be retrieved:  

  # /usr/bin/pkgrecv -v -m latest -s -d 
/pkg/ '*'
  Processing packages for publisher omniti-ms ...
  Retrieving catalog 1/1 omniti-ms 135.07 kB
  Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
  of the following origin(s):


  Retrieving and evaluating 981 package(s)...

  Retrieving packages ...
  Packages to add: 981
  Files to retrieve:  201950
  Estimated transfer size: 2.04 GB

  Packages to transfer:

  network/iftop   0/981  0/2092  0/6374
  pkgrecv: 'open' failed for transaction ID 
 The specified FMRI, 
already exists or has been restricted.
  Exit 1

Does anyone care about network/iftop from 2013?  Maybe it can just 
be zapped?  There are some 3-4 more pkgs that break pkgrecv.

Thanks -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] 151018 "entire" missing library/python-2/jsonrpclib-26?

2016-05-03 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

On a system running 151016, I was trying to update to 151018.  Now I
know that it will not work because I am using some pkgs
which will effectively lock the system into the 151016 version of the
"entire" incorporation.

To my surprise, the system offered to update the jsonrpclib-26 pkg to
the 018 version: 

 # pkg update -nv --be-name=omnios-18-update
Packages to update:1
 Estimated space available:  8.52 GB
Estimated space to be consumed: 10.73 MB
   Create boot environment:  Yes
 Activate boot environment:  Yes
Create backup boot environment:   No
  Rebuild boot archive:   No

Changed packages:
0.1.3-0.151016:20151102T221529Z -> 0.1.7-0.151018:20160412T184619Z
Planning linked: 0/1 done; 1 working: zone:kayak
Linked image 'zone:kayak' output:
| Packages to update:1
|  Estimated space available:  8.52 GB
| Estimated space to be consumed: 10.65 MB
|   Rebuild boot archive:   No
| Changed packages:
| omnios
|   library/python-2/jsonrpclib-26
| 0.1.3-0.151016:20151102T221529Z -> 0.1.7-0.151018:20160412T184619Z
Planning linked: 1/1 done

I guess that's because library/python-2/jsonrpclib-26 is missing from
the "entire" incorporation, thus it's not version-locked into 151016.

Right? :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] pkg.depot leaves trash in /tmp

2016-02-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> > It looks like every time I restart one of my pkg.depot services (via SMF of
> > course) it leaves an empty tmp dir in /tmp.  E.g., currently I have:
> > 
> > root@pkg:/root# ls /tmp/
> > jam56725b1b.000  tmp5iDpG8  tmpIo_2sK  tmpPHwxZq  tmp_BxvKY  tmpczrTLp
> > tmphSuu64  tmpqmn5U1  tmpvtu316
> Something deep in pkg5 or even generic python is doing this.  A full 
> OmniOS-on-demand build leaves a ton of empty tmp files around as well.  :-/

Stock Solaris also does this.  This behavior is quite annoying and has
been on my "must-track-down-and-destroy-if-ever-I-find-the-time" list
for many months now. :-(

Maybe it will go away eventually in upstream IPS...

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Updating to r15016

2016-02-10 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Schweiss, Chip writes:
> I'm updating one of my systems to r151016.   When I use:
> /usr/bin/pkg update --be-name=omnios-r151016 entire@11,5.11-0.151016
> I get:
> pkg update: 'entire@11,5.11-0.151016' matches no installed packages

...which tells you that no package named "entire@11,5.11-0.151016"
exists.  Where did you get that command line from? :-)

The current version is entire@11-0.151016:20151202T161203Z, but "pkg
update" will figure that out by itself, so just omit the package.

Do a dry run to see what will happen by running

  pkg update -n -v --be-name=omnios-r151016

Make sure that you have the publisher set correctly.  If you don't
have a local repository, it should point to:

When you are happy with the results, leave out the "-n" parameter.


Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Local repository

2016-01-31 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I would like to create a local repository without a network connection.  All
> of the documentation for OmniOS has a repository being created via http and
> the Oracle and OpenIndiana documentation show to copy data from /repo
> mounted from an .iso.  However, when mounting the OmniOS .iso there isn't
> any /repo directory. 
> What method would be used to create a local repository without a network
> connection using OmniOS? 

There is no repository DVD available for OmniOS.  So you will need a
system with a network connection, running an OS that uses IPS (such
as OmniOS, OpenIndiana, or Solaris).  You can clone the entire repository,
or just copy the latest versions of all packages.

Once you have a repository copy that contains everything you want, you
can burn it to a DVD or save a tar file to a USB stick.  From that, you
can set up a local repository on your system without any network 
connection.  You can update your local repository via the same method
whenever the "master" OmniOS repository is updated.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bloody update for December 11th

2015-12-13 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

Thanks for your good work on OmniOS!

> This will be the last bloody update for 2015.  The new install media
> (ISO, USB-DD, or kayak .zfs.bz2) can be obtained via here:

Note that the link for the ZFS installation root on this page still
points to the Nov 09 version.  I used wget to retrieve the Dec 11
version, so the file itself is there, just the link is wrong.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] UPDATE NOW --> ntp to 4.2.8p4

2015-10-22 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Eric Sproul writes:
> The service has restarted correctly for me on both 006 and 014 with
> this update.  I'm not sure why that is though, because you're
> correct that the ntp.xml file has not changed in all of the '014
> versions published.  I was under the impression that the
> restart_fmri actuator would only fire when the associated action was
> triggered.

Yes, that's why it did not restart on my 014 box, hence I noticed.
Maybe you were on an earlier rev where the manifest really did change?
I guess it also restarted when Dan tested, or else he would not have
mentioned that pkg DTRT.
> However, if we really *do* want to restart ntp when the *daemon*
> updates, then we could add a restart_fmri actuator on the
> usr/lib/inet/ntpd file.  Thus, whenever that file is updated,
> svc:/network/ntp:default could be restarted.

It's been a while since I last tried, but I think this will not work,
at least not in some corner cases, e.g. when the pkg is not installed
at all, and the svc:/network/ntp:default service does not exist when
the pkg is installed.  ISTR that pkg install will error out.  Hmmm, 
need to test that again sometimes. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] UPDATE NOW --> ntp to 4.2.8p4

2015-10-22 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Lauri Tirkkonen writes:
> > Well, no, it doesn't. :-) That's due to a design flaw in the
> > interaction between IPS and SMF (IMHO).
> Well, that's not a design flaw. Actuators are executed only when the
> action (eg. file) specifying them changes

Yes, this is how IPS does it.  IPS does not really know that the
manifest-import service is special.  There should have been an explicit
"re-import this manifest now" actuator, much like users or groups are 

> If you wanted to restart ntp when any files in the ntp package
> change on update, you would need an actuator like
> 'restart_fmri=svc:/network/ntp:default' on *all* file actions
> delivered by the package.

I know what you mean.  That might work, but that is normally not what 
you do when you deliver an SMF manifest in your package.  You just drop
it and restart manifest-import, and hope that manifest-import will see
your new manifest.  This is quite a different thing.

Also, what you wrote is not quite true.  What you wanted to write was 
"you would need an actuator on *at least one* file action *that has a
different file hash*".  If nothing is different, the action is not
executed, and the attached actuator does not fire. 

And it gets worse when you remove a package that contains a manifest for
a running SMF service, because it is impossible to call the stop method
of the service before removing the package.  Lots of fun. :-)

Viele Grüße -- Volker A. Brandt
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] UPDATE NOW --> ntp to 4.2.8p4

2015-10-22 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

Thanks for all the work you're doing on OmniOS!

> > On Oct 22, 2015, at 1:11 PM, Dan McDonald 
> > wrote:
> >
> > "pkg update" followed by "svcadm restart ntp" as a safety measure
> > should be sufficient.  No rebooting is needed.
> I made a small mistake here.  The "svcadm restart..." is not
> necessary, the IPS package does the right thing here.

Well, no, it doesn't. :-)  That's due to a design flaw in the interaction
between IPS and SMF (IMHO).  Even though the manifest object in the package
is properly tagged with restart_fmri, the service is never restarted,
because the manifest is not touched during the "pkg update", as it has not
changed since the last package version.

So if you change an SMF method in a package and want an "automatic"
restart, you  need to also physically modify the SMF manifest.  I do that
by just incrementing a version counter or a timestamp, and noting the
fact in an XML comment in the manifest.  Otherwise, you need to manually
restart the service.

Unrelated, when I updated my local copy of the r151014 repo in preparation
of the pkg udpate for ntp, I got this:

  Processing packages for publisher omnios ...
  Retrieving and evaluating 6161 package(s)...
  Download Manifests ( 907/6161) -pkgrecv: http protocol error: code: 404 
reason: Not Found
 (happened 4 times)

  Processing packages for publisher omnios ...
  Retrieving and evaluating 1030 package(s)...
  Completed 1/1 2.4/2.4 4.9/4.9

So the recent addition of the illumos-tools pkg broke something in your
repo.  I worked around that by specifying the service/network/ntp pkg
in the pkgrecv invocation.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Configuring Jumbo frames

2015-09-21 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Steve!

>I have several bnx interfaces, bnx0 bnx1 bnx2 bnx3. I
> want to directly connect bnx2 and bnx3 to another machine (ie. no
> switch ), and configure jumbo frames on these interfaces only. Is
> this possible


> and what do I need to do?
> In bnx.conf I found this line
> # mtu : Configures the hardware MTU size.  The valid range for this
> # parameter is 60 to 9000.  The default value is 1500.
> #
> #mtu=1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500;
>  Should I put something like
> mtu=1500,9000;

No.  The line you quoted defines the settings for 16 instances
of the bnx driver.  To set jumbo frames for instances #2 and #3 only.
you would need remove the comment sign and change it to


>   in bnx.conf and can I control the mtu on the particular
> interface with ifconfig and hostname.bnx files??

Forget those.  This is OmniOS and the 21st century. :-)

Use dladm, as in:

  dladm set-linkprop -p mtu=9000 

where  is the name of your datalink, e.g. "bnx2" (if you have
not renamed it to be something else).

Hope this helps -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513      Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS / Nappit slow iscsi / ZFS performance with Proxmox

2015-08-30 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> The systems are currently connected through a 1 GBit link for
> general WAN and LAN communitcation and a 20 GBit link (two 10 GBit
> links aggregated) for the iSCSI communication.

This may or may not make a difference but if you do link aggregation
and then use the link only from one client IP then you will only get
one connection on one of the two aggregated links.  In case of iSCSI
I think it is better to configure the two links separately and then 
use multipathing.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] openssh on omnios

2015-08-11 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Volker A. Brandt writes:
> Paul B. Henson writes:
> > Dan, what's the point of having openssh available as an OS package
> > if we can't use it :)? Any suggestions?
> ISP mediator?

Ack!  The thing is still called IPS. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] openssh on omnios

2015-08-11 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Paul B. Henson writes:
> Dan, what's the point of having openssh available as an OS package
> if we can't use it :)? Any suggestions?

ISP mediator?

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] auto_master /net not allowing root permission

2015-08-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> Attached is picture of the NFS export options on the Dell NAS
> device.
> Not sure where userid of 99 and group id of 99 is coming from? They
> are not defined in /etc/passwd or /etc/group.

That is really strange.

The next thing I would try is to do network traces of the traffic
between client and server while the mount is done, and again when
you create the folder.  Then look at the captured NFS packets and
compare the calls.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] auto_master /net not allowing root permission

2015-08-06 Thread Volker A. Brandt
CJ Keist writes:
> Going through the manual mount point /mnt, and creating a file it
> does get the root:root ownership.  But going through the autofs
> /net/nasstore2/projects and creating a file it is getting 99:99
> ownership on the file???
> Is autofs running as different user than root on OmniOS?

No, it is not, at least not on my OmniOS systems. :-)

My guess is that this is something on the NFS server side, but I 
don't really know.  What are your export options for "projects" on

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] auto_master /net not allowing root permission

2015-08-04 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> But the OmniOS system going through /net/nfsserver/mount gets
> permission denied when trying to create or delete anything.  But if
> I manually mount the nfsserver share:
> mount nfsserver:/mount /mnt
> And then go into /mnt the OmniOS server can create/delete folders no
> issues. It's only through autofs that I get permission denied.
> Any Ideas???
> root@projects1:/etc#  sharectl get nfs
> servers=16
> lockd_listen_backlog=32
> lockd_servers=20
> lockd_retransmit_timeout=5
> grace_period=90
> server_versmin=2
> server_versmax=3
> client_versmin=2
> client_versmax=3
> server_delegation=on
> nfsmapid_domain=
> max_connections=-1
> protocol=ALL
> listen_backlog=32
> device=
> mountd_listen_backlog=64
> mountd_max_threads=16

You have explicitly disabled NFSv4, so you cannot take advantage of
the username mapping features.  Hence your userids must match.  Which
userid are you using to create/delete folders?  What are the mount
options in your automount configuration?  How is the share exported
on the CentOS side?

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-25 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello Javier!

Hi Javier!

I have a quick and dirty workaround for you now.  I did this manually as a
proof of concept, but it can be scripted easily.

Step 1:

  Create a temporary directory to hold a "raw" copy of the repository
  content.  You can delete the directory after you are finished.  Then,
  create the repository as you showed in your previous mails.

  In the following example, I use /RAW for the temp directory, and /REPO for
  the repository.

Step 2:

  Get the raw repository contents (I use just the latest, and only packages
  with the "omniti/" prefix in their name):

  # /usr/bin/pkgrecv -m latest -s -d /RAW 
--raw 'pkg://*'

  This will give you a directory tree with file objects and metadata.  Here is
  the directory for pkg:// as an example:

  # cd /RAW ; ls -golFR 
  total 20369
  -rw-r--r--   19348 Jun 25 08:45 09c7c05f1c49e6bc2aeea6355ca6e45243cfe21c
  -rw-r--r--   1 1882480 Jun 25 08:45 0c966a51f4d9c3e2e3afb984cda715891f1414ac
  -rw-r--r--   1 1768656 Jun 25 08:45 fd77184cdab518416fe71a920575a36d363c65f8
  -rw-r--r--   17486 Jun 25 08:44 manifest
  -rw-r--r--   1 433 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.depend
  -rw-r--r--   1 514 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.dir
  -rw-r--r--   1 248 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.dircache
  -rw-r--r--   16212 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.file
  -rw-r--r--   1   0 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.mediatorcache
  -rw-r--r--   1 446 Jun 25 08:44 manifest.set

Step 3:

  Create the missing subdirectories in the repository.  When you are finished,
  it should look like this:

  # cd /REPO/publisher/ ; ls -golF
  total 366
  drwxr-xr-x   2   6 Jun 25 08:38 catalog/
  drwxr-xr-x 258 258 Jun 25 08:25 file/
  drwxr-xr-x   2  38 Jun 25 08:40 index/
  drwxr-xr-x 807 807 Jun 25 08:34 pkg/
  -rw-r--r--   1 171 Jun 25 08:24 pub.p5i
  drwxr-xr-x   2   3 Jun 25 08:38 tmp/

Step 4:

  Create the hash directories in the "file" directory:

  # cd file
  # mkdir 00 01 ... fe ff

  Look at an existing repository with data in it to see what it should look

Step 5:

  Move the file objects from /RAW to /REPO into the correct "file/XX" directory:

  For example (really one line for each file):

  # mv 

  # mv 

  Do this for all file objects in all package subdirectories.  I love shell
  loops. :-)

Step 6:

  Copy the manifest of each package into a subdirectory under "pkg" with the
  package version as the file name:

  # mkdir /REPO/publisher/
  # mv 
/RAW/omniti%2Fviewer%2Fxpdf/3.4%2C5.11-0.151006%3A20141016T190442Z/manifest \

  Do this for all manifests in all package subdirectories.  Ignore the other
  "manifest.*" files in the package subdirectory.

Step 7:

  Rebuild the repository catalog, index, etc.:

  # pkgrepo rebuild -s /REPO

You can now use /REPO as an origin for the publisher.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513          Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-23 Thread Volker A. Brandt
I wrote:

> The package has a
> duplicate package name in the metadata:
>   # pkg contents -m -g network/iftop | fgrep 
> pkg.fmri
>   [...error message omitted...]
>   set name=pkg.fmri 
> value=pkg://,5.11-0.151006:20130816T191418Z
>   set name=pkg.fmri 
> value=pkg://,5.11-0.151006:20130816T191228Z

This is wrong.  I should have asked for the full version:

  # pkg contents -m -g 
  [...error message omitted...]
  set name=pkg.fmri 
  set name=pkg.renamed value=true
  set value=global value=nonglobal
  depend fmri=pkg:// type=require

This is just a normal "renamed" package.  I can't really see what the
problem is here.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-23 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello Javier!

> Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
> of the following origin(s):
> The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
> contains package data for:

I guess that this could be the result of an error in the IPS software.
Maybe the "omniti-ms" in the pkg origin URI makes pkgrecv think that
this should be the publisher name.  It could also be because at one
time the repository hosted at "";
really did contain packages for the publisher "ms-omniti".

FWIW a "pkg list -g"; will give a
similar but slightly longer message:

  Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
  of the following origin(s):

  The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
  contains package data for:

  To resolve this issue, correct the origin information provided for
  publisher 'omniti-ms' using the pkg set-publisher subcommand, or re-add
  the publisher using the correct name and remove the 'omniti-ms'

  To re-add this publisher with the correct name, execute the following
  commands as a privileged user:

  pkg set-publisher -P -g
  pkg unset-publisher omniti-ms

This advice is bogus because the publisher was never set to "omniti-ms"
in the first place. :-(

Anyway, you can safely ignore this message because "" is the 
publisher you want.

> network/iftop  1/1492  0/6591 0/19490
> pkgrecv: 'open' failed for transaction ID 
> '':
>  The specified FMRI, 
> 'pkg://,5.11-0.151006:20130816T191418Z', 
> already exists or has been restricted.

> As you can see, the initial error is the same as the one I sent to you
> earlier. This is the error you told me to ignore earlier

Hmmm... I think I said to ignore the other error above.  The "'open failed'"
error is a bug in the repo and can only be fixed locally.  I cannot
really tell what "restricted" means.  The package has a duplicate
package name in the metadata:

  # pkg contents -m -g network/iftop | fgrep 
  [...error message omitted...]
  set name=pkg.fmri 
  set name=pkg.fmri 

The second entry should be removed.  That is really the name of the
new package the old "network/iftop" package was renamed to.

Unfortunately it is not possible to tell pkgrecv "give me everything 
*except* "network/iftop@1.0.2,5.11-0.151006:20130816T191418Z".  You could
retrieve a list of the latest version all packages in the repo and ask for 
those packages explicitly.  This could be scripted.  Unfortunately, I do
not have time for that at the moment.

> Are you able to get all the packages even when you get the initial error
> when you're trying to update the repo? This is the big question for me. 

No, I get exactly the same error.

Dan & Eric, can you help?

Thanks -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-17 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Javier!

> Sorry I forgot to specify we are running 151014

Same here:

# uname -a
SunOS nfs 5.11 omnios-170cea2 i86pc i386 i86pc
# cat /etc/release
  OmniOS v11 r151014
  Copyright 2015 OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
# pkg version

> I think we had a small misunderstanding though: I don't have a
> problem with creating the repo, I in fact having it working now. I
> used your advice from your second email:

Ah, that is good.

> However, from the beginning, I've had a problem with updating it. I
> continue to receive this error message:
> #> pkgrecv -s -d /path/ '*' 
> Processing packages for publisher omniti-ms ... 
> Retrieving catalog ' '... 
> Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one 
> of the following origin(s): 


> The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only 
> contains package data for: 

> This is either a result of invalid origin information being provided 
> for publisher 'omniti-ms', or because the wrong publisher name was 
> provided when this publisher was added. 

Yes, this message is annoying.  I tried to explain what I think why
this message appears.  However, the repository is good despite the
message.  Just ignore it.

> | # pkgrecv -p -s -d
> /pkg/ --clone
> We ran into a problem with this command-- "pkgrecv: Illegal option
> --p". Any idea what is going on here?

Maybe your pkgrecv simply does not have the -p option.  Your version of
pkg(5) might be too old.  This is the version I have in my 151014 system:

# pkg info pkg
  Name: package/pkg
   Summary: Image Packaging System
   Description: The Image Packaging System (IPS), or pkg(5), is the software
delivery system used on Oracle Solaris.  This package contains
the core command-line components and pkg.depotd server.
  Category: System/Packaging
 State: Installed
 Publisher: omnios
   Version: 0.5.11
Branch: 0.151014
Packaging Date: Thu Apr  2 18:43:07 2015
  Size: 11.75 MB
  FMRI: pkg://omnios/package/pkg@0.5.11-0.151014:20150402T184307Z

What does "pkg info pkg" show on your box?

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANY        Email:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-17 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Javier!

> T hank you for the answer Volker 

You are welcome.
> I've recreated the repo following your indications and I still have
> the same problem when I try to update the repo.

Don't worry, you will get there.  Here is exactly what I did (I wanted a 
local copy anyway :-):

| # zfs create -o mountpoint=/pkg/ dpool/pkg/
| # zfs set atime=off  dpool/pkg/
| # zfs set setuid=off dpool/pkg/
| # zfs set devices=off dpool/pkg/
| # zfs set exec=off dpool/pkg/
| # pkgrepo create /pkg/
| # pkgrepo add-publisher -s/pkg/

Now you have a choice.  You can clone the repository (= make an
exact copy):

| # pkgrecv -p -s -d 
/pkg/ --clone
| Processing packages for publisher ...
| Retrieving and evaluating 1473 package(s)...
| .../postgresql-936/pg_buffercache  1473/1473 617732/6177326552/6552  
| Verifying repository contents.
| Initiating repository verification.
| pkg://   8/1474 
-Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/", line 
2391, in verify
| trust_anchors, sig_required_names, use_crls):
|   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/", line 
2288, in __gen_verify
| hashes, errors = self.__get_hashes(path, pfmri)
|   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/", line 
2005, in __get_hashes
| fnames = fname.split()
| AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1689, in handle_errors
| __ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
|   File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1665, in main_func
| return func(conf, pargs)
|   File "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", line 1512, in subcmd_verify
| for verify_tuple in repo.verify(pub=xpub, progtrack=progtrack):
|   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/pkg/server/", line 
2396, in verify
| raise apx._convert_error(e)
| AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
| pkgrepo: This is an internal error in pkg(5) version 1427212657.  Please log a
| Service Request about this issue including the information above and this
| message.
| pkgrecv: Pkgrepo verify found errors in the updated repository.
| The original package catalog has been restored.
| The clone operation can be retried; package content that has already been 
retrieved will not be downloaded again.

This is a crash in "pkgrepo verify", which will run automatically
after the actual copy.  But the repository is there.

Or you can retrieve just the latest packages:

| # pkgrecv -m latest -s -d 
/pkg/ '*'
| Processing packages for publisher omniti-ms ...
| Retrieving catalog 1/1 omniti-ms 114.48 kB
| Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one
| of the following origin(s):
| The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only
| contains package data for:
| This is either a result of invalid origin information being provided
| for publisher 'omniti-ms', or because the wrong publisher name was
| provided when this publisher was added.
| Retrieving and evaluating 809 package(s)...
| Download Manifests ( 36/809) -

Again, there is an error message (because either the FMRI with 
"omniti-ms" confuses pkgrecv, or there really is an empty publisher
entry for "omniti-ms" in the original repository), but the data
will be there.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

2015-06-15 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Javier!

> #> pkgrepo create /path/ 
> #> pkgrecv -s -d /path/ '*' 

This is not enough.  You need to explicitly set the publisher for your
new local repository.  The correct publisher name is "".

So, to create a local repository, do:

  # pkgrepo create /path/ 
  # pkgrepo add-publisher -s /path/
  # pkgrecv -s -d /path/ '*'

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem with Omni R151014 upgrade

2015-06-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Lawrence!

> I am trying to upgrade OmniOS but I keep getting network issue so I
> am think of setting up a local repo so that my internal servers can
> grab the upgrade file from the local repo, can someone teach me how
> to do? I followed the wiki but it is very confusing and I need to do
> this tomorrow.

I think you were almost there.  Quoting from your initial mail:

> # zfs create tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo
> # pkgrepo create /tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo


> # pkgrepo set -s /tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo
> publisher/

No.  You should use the same publisher as the repo you are copying from:

  /usr/bin/pkgrepo add-publisher -s /tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo omnios

Then you copy the repo from the source:

> # pkgrecv -s -d
> file:///tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo/ 'pkg:/*'

Yes, except that '*' will be enough.  Why did you want to exclude the
two kayak packages here?  No need really, just get everything.  Or is
it the kayak stuff that triggers the network issue?

Anyway, then you set up the pkg server:

> # svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root =
> /tankNodeR/NFS/omniosR151014repo
> # svccfg -s pkg/server setprop pkg/port = 1
> # svcadm refresh pkg/server
> # svcadm enable pkg/server

Yes.  Note that you set the port to be 1 here.

Verify that your server works by connecting to with your browser (note the port).

Then, on the client do:

> root@sgdevOmniOS:~# pkg unset-publisher omnios
> root@sgdevOmniOS:~# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property 
> signature-policy=require-signatures -g 
> omnios

Almost.  You forgot the port.  Also, you can do it in one step:

  # pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -G
'*' -g omnios

Before you update the client, refresh the local catalog:

  # pkg refresh --full omnios

Then update the client:

  # pkg update -v --be-name=omnios-r151014 entire

I usually do a dryrun with -n before the actual update.

Hope this helps -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Problem with Omni R151014 upgrade

2015-06-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> How can I get all but exclude the kayak stuff from the pkgrecv?

You would have to create a list (using e.g. "pkgrepo list -s "
or "pkg list -avf -g "), remove the kayak packages from that 
list, and pass the remaining pkg FMRIs to pkgrecv on the command line 
instead of the wildcard pattern at the end.

I do that all the time using grep and cut and friends because I am too 
lazy to write a proper Perl script. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Updating r151006 to r151014

2015-05-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> | Which publisher provides smartmontools?  If its,
> it'll be | up to our internal staff to update that package.
> Remember that | is not supported, it is a convenience
> offering of the | tools our ops people use internally.
> Yes it was I fully understand that they are not
> supported.  Thanks for providing it for 006. While I would have
> liked to have had it available for 014 and save me some time, I can
> roll my own.

I am using smartmontools from ms.o.c under 151014 with no problems.
The package version is:


However, I installed it when the box was at 151010.  I since upgraded
to 151012 and then 151014.  Maybe you can reinstall smartmontools using
some IPS trickery?  Have you tried?

Having said that, I do know that some of the pkgs on ms.o.c have 
dependency problems.  Like you said I am thankful that there is a lot
of usable stuff there so I am not complaining. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Can't update bloody

2015-05-18 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> The only other thing I can recommend is the new for '014 and later
> "-m latest" option to pkgrecv, which only gets you the LATEST
> version(s) of the packages:

Good point.  Works.  Thanks!

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Query - Update gcc48 to gccXX, which XX?

2015-05-18 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> My question to you all is this: To which gcc version should we jump?
> I see two viable candidates:
>   - gcc 4.9.2 (last updated October 2014)
> or
>   - gcc 5.1 (last updated April 2015)

Naïvely, shouldn't the newer be better?  Less work during the the next
version jump...

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Can't update bloody

2015-05-18 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

> I'll be updating the whole wad of bloody later this week.  Can y'all
> wait a couple of days?  I want to include some illumos updates that
> I'm about to push this afternoon.

So after that push, everything was fine with the bloody repo.
However, it seems that the original problem Chavdar and myself
were seeing has reappeared today:

  # /usr/bin/pkgrecv -s -d 
/pkg/omnios-151015 '*'
  Processing packages for publisher omnios ...
  Retrieving and evaluating 3057 package(s)...
  Download Manifests (1634/3057) |pkgrecv: http protocol error: code: 404 
reason: Not Found
 (happened 4 times)

Is it just me?

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Can't update bloody

2015-05-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I'll be updating the whole wad of bloody later this week.  Can y'all
> wait a couple of days?  I want to include some illumos updates that
> I'm about to push this afternoon.

Sure.  Thanks for all your good work!!

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Can't update bloody

2015-05-05 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I tried updating one of my VMs running omnios bloody. Full refresh
> goes through, update fails because it can't find the manifest for
> package/pkg - confirmed via the web view.

FWIW, I update my local copy of the bloody repo each morning (the
dead of night in the US :-), and here is what I have been seeing
for a few days now:

  Processing packages for publisher omnios ...
  Retrieving and evaluating 2035 package(s)...
  Download Manifests (1087/2035) \pkgrecv: http protocol error: code: 404 
reason: Not Found
 (happened 4 times)

So I can confirm that the manifest file for package/pkg is
physically missing.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Issues about OmniOS software installation package

2015-04-26 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello Nan!

> I have installed the omniOS on vagrant. For some reasons, I can't
> configure OS to visit the internet, so let's why I want to get some
> out-of-box *.pkgs like Solaris.

You need an internet connection to retrieve software from any publisher.
If your Vagrant client cannot connect to the internet, you have to find
another system that can.  There, you can copy the package repository for
the publisher you want, and then copy the repository via tar file or
rsync to your client.

As you can see, that is a bit tedious and complicated.  It would be much
better if you can fix your client's internet connection.  Then, you can
install the software you want "automatically".

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] omnios zone experiences on openindiana

2015-04-21 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi György!

> I do not remember, where I discussed about this topic earlier, but I
> just wanted to tell a success-story:

Thank you, interesting story. :-)

> now I
> can have omnios 151014 lts zones on my openindiana nas.

I am surprised that it works.  What "brand" setting do you use for
the zone?  My guess is "ipkg".

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bug in pkg/server on OmniOS when the publisher name contains a dash

2015-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> As I understand it (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), we
> cannot use Oracle's pkg-gate unmodified, as it has dependencies on
> closed bits in Solaris for certain features.  Those need to be
> stripped/modified for non-Solaris use, which is what OI has been
> maintaining in their fork, thanks mostly to the hard work of Andrzej
> Szeszo.  Anyone interested in helping refresh
> from Oracle's gate would benefit
> both communities.

Thanks for the info Eric!  A quick glance at that URL shows that
people are working on it.  Last commit was March 9th by Alexander

I'll ping the OI guys as to what kind of effort is needed.  Don't
hold your breath though. :-)

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bug in pkg/server on OmniOS when the publisher name contains a dash

2015-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> >> The OmniOS version of pkg(5) is a downstream of OpenIndiana's,
> >> which is in turn a downstream of Oracle's, but last synched in
> >> 2013 (because Oracle uses hg, and git from hg is annoying).
> >
> > Interesting, wasn't aware of that.  So is it really just a matter
> > of mercurial->git conversion, or has the OI/Omni version of pkg
> > diverged too much?
> >
> > if the former, maybe one of the many tools could be leveraged that
> > pull stuff out of hg repos and push it into git?
> I don't know.  I don't do the downstreaming from Oracle... OI does.

OK, I will post a query to the OI dev list when I have time.

> Just running pkg.depotd in the foreground.
>   /usr/lib/pkg.depotd -p 2112 -d blah
> Port 2112, with "blah" being a pkgrepo(1M) directory.

Neat trick for debugging, thanks.

> > ...but the pkg/server:my-pub instance listens on another port,
> > hence the 404 codes.
> I'd have to look deeper, and maybe enable more debugging output.

The 404 is expected.  That was just to show the "pkg/1427212657".

> > Going forward, what is the likelihood of OmniOS adopting a more
> > recent version of the Oracle IPS gate?  I don't really think I can
> > offer much help (ENOTIME, ENOCLUE, etc.) but IMHO it would be well
> > worth while if it fixes that bug.
> I have enough else pulling at me at the moment I can't look at this
> deeply right now.

Understood.  Same here.  Thanks for having a look!

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Bug in pkg/server on OmniOS when the publisher name contains a dash

2015-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hi Dan!

> > This is paraphrased from a mail that I had sent to Dan privately
> > on March 31st.  Unfortunately, the problem still persists in
> > 151014.
> Dug through my mail, and I didn't see this note.  I may have lost
> it, but gmail is usually good about not letting you get rid of
> mails.  :(

Well, I sent it to  My guess is you don't see any of
my mails because they are filtered away.  But no matter, as long as
the discuss list works, that's fine.
> I'm seeing a different variant of this error using a toy repo I set
> up.  It has to be an http repo using pkg.depotd.  If I use a
> file:/// URL, it appears to work.

Exactly.  Good to know that I am not imagining things.
> The OmniOS version of pkg(5) is a downstream of OpenIndiana's, which
> is in turn a downstream of Oracle's, but last synched in 2013
> (because Oracle uses hg, and git from hg is annoying).

Interesting, wasn't aware of that.  So is it really just a matter
of mercurial->git conversion, or has the OI/Omni version of pkg
diverged too much?

if the former, maybe one of the many tools could be leveraged that
pull stuff out of hg repos and push it into git?

> The github
> URL is if you wanna poke around
> in the source we use.  NOTE we have per-release branches starting
> with r151014, but the "default master" is called "omnios" because
> we're a downstream child of another downstream child.

Thanks for the pointer, but I guess it would take me ages to spot,
let alone fix the bug.
> I don't know of anyone who uses dashes in their publisher name.

Well, now you know. :-)  BTW IHAC who uses lots of dashes in lots
of publisher names under Solaris... just a matter of taste I guess.

> wonder if this bug was around a while, and that's why it's
> "" instead of "omniti-ms", for example?

Sounds likely.  I wouldn't know. :-)
> ANYWAY, my toy server with an empty repo had this in its logs:
> - - [20/Apr/2015:13:32:46] "GET /versions/0/ HTTP/1.1" 200 179 ""
> "pkg/1427212657 (sunos i86pc; 5.11 omnios-fbd6dc7; full;
> pkg)"

Interesting.  Where does that log come from?  Do you have an Apache
with redirect rules sitting in front of your repo?  I did play around
with redirects and rewrite rules, but wasn't really happy, so I decided
to concentrate on one problem at a time.  My Apache logs show similar
entries when I tell the IPS client to use port 80 (where an Apache is
listening on the pkg server host): - - [20/Apr/2015:17:58:10 +0200] "GET /my-repo/versions/0/
HTTP/1.1" 404 220 "-" "pkg/1427212657 (sunos i86pc; 5.11 omnios-170cea2; full;

...but the pkg/server:my-pub instance listens on another port, hence
the 404 codes.

Going forward, what is the likelihood of OmniOS adopting a more recent
version of the Oracle IPS gate?  I don't really think I can offer much
help (ENOTIME, ENOCLUE, etc.) but IMHO it would be well worth while if
it fixes that bug.

Regards -- Volker

Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"

OmniOS-discuss mailing list

[OmniOS-discuss] Bug in pkg/server on OmniOS when the publisher name contains a dash

2015-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
Hello all!

This is paraphrased from a mail that I had sent to Dan privately on 
March 31st.  Unfortunately, the problem still persists in 151014.

There seems to be a bug in the IPS version that comes with OmniOS.  If 
there is a dash in the publisher name and the repo is accessed via http,
it breaks:

  omnitest# pkg set-publisher -g http://omnios-server:12345/ my-pub
  pkg set-publisher: Could not refresh the catalog for my-pub
  http protocol error: code: 400 reason: Bad Request
  URL: 'http://omnios-server:12345/my-pub/catalog/1/catalog.attrs'

It does not matter if the client is OmniOS or Solaris 11.2, it always

If I run that same command against a Solaris 11.2 server with an
identical repository, it works.  If I use the identical repo locally,
it works.   If I mount the repository via NFS from an OmniOS server,
it works.  All combinations work, except the one I want:  The repo
served from an OmniOS box via http. :-(

The SMF service itself runs fine, no maintenance mode, no error messages,
nothing.  It is only when I try to set the publisher on the client,
and the client wants to retrieve the catalog, I get the above error.

When I researched this bug before I found a reference to it somewhere,
saying that it is a bug in cherrypy, but I can't find that reference
again, now that I look for it.

The Solaris 11.2 SRU8 /usr/bin/pkg has CLIENT_API_VERSION = 79, whereas
the OmniOS /usr/bin/pkg is at CLIENT_API_VERSION = 75.  So my guess is
that the bug was fixed upstream somewhere between the pkg version 
shipped with OmniOS 151014 and the one shipped S11.2 SRU 8.

Has anyone seen this problem before?  Or does anyone have an OmniOS
system successfully serving IPS packages with a dash in the publisher
name?  Any and all info gratefully accepted!  It is entirely possible
that I am doing something wrong, but I don't really know where to look.

Thanks -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] Please update - it's a reboot-your-box one

2015-04-20 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> If you have any of r151006, r151012, or r151014, please update your
> machines for a reboot-worthy update.

Done.  Absolutely smooth, no problems whatsoever.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

Re: [OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS 151014: questions about locale settings and vi editing command's issues.

2015-04-16 Thread Volker A. Brandt
> I will try to set locale so it will report:

Forget locale.  Just set the variables in your bash session.

Regards -- Volker
Volker A. Brandt   Consulting and Support for Oracle Solaris
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH   WWW:
Am Wiesenpfad 6, 53340 Meckenheim, GERMANYEmail:
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 10513  Schuhgröße: 46
Geschäftsführer: Rainer J.H. Brandt und Volker A. Brandt

"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead"
OmniOS-discuss mailing list

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