[onap-tsc] TSC Minutes August 2, 2018

2018-08-02 Thread Kenny Paul
Full IRC Log 
13:49:13  #startmeeting tsc-2018-08-02
13:49:13  Meeting started Thu Aug  2 13:49:13 2018 UTC.  The chair is 
kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:49:13  Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link 
13:49:13  The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_08_02'
13:49:28  #chair phrobb, SteveT
13:49:28  Current chairs: SteveT kennypaul phrobb
13:49:37  #topic rollcall
13:49:52  #info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom
13:56:47  info Adrian Neal, proxy for Vodafone
13:58:10  #info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS
13:58:51  #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
13:59:36  #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
13:59:58  #info Chris Donley Huawei
14:00:05  #info Zhaoxing Meng, ZTE
14:00:21  #info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom
14:00:25  #info Frank Brockners, Cisco
14:01:21  #info Ning So, Reliance Jio
14:01:24  #info proxy Milind Jalwadi, TechMahindra
14:01:50  #info Eric Debeau, Orange
14:02:26  #info Jason Hunt, IBM
14:03:38  #info proxy Alex Vul, Intel
14:04:34  #info Yan Yang, CMCC, will be Lingli Deng proxy
14:04:50  #info Xinhui Li, VMware
14:10:32  #info proxy Marc-Alexandre Choquette, Bell Canada
14:14:30  #topic TSC Elections
14:16:22  #info discussion on seats not being filled - two 
nominations do not meet qualifications, one reserved seat w/o a nomination
14:24:34  #info quick feed back survey 71% of the responses indicate 
they did not run because someone else from the company was nomincated.
14:27:22  #info suggestion for minor tweeks
14:27:51  #info suggestion over reducing the number of seats
14:41:37  #info discussion over exceptions and reserved seats
14:50:05  #agreed election will proceed with all qualified 
candidates as planned and any unfilled seats will remain unfilled for the term 
of the cycle.
14:53:02  #topic agenda review
14:54:48  #topic ONAP Release maintenance
14:55:27  #info SteveT reviewed the content attached to the meeting 
minutes page
15:03:11  #info major proposal is Release N-2 , concerns raised 
regarding resources (dev, integration, lab)
15:05:19  #info request taking discussion to the PTLK meeting on 
15:06:48  #topic Jira workflow
15:08:02  #info Randa shared the material attached to the minutes
15:13:58  #info question about jira federation - may be appropriate 
for a LFN-TAC discussuion
15:15:01  #info workflow 1 based upon OOB flows with minor mods
15:16:10  #action Randa to discuss seccom w/ SteveT
15:17:34  #topic Compliance verification of VNFs
15:18:25  #info cdonley reviewed the contents attached to the 
meeting minutes
15:26:26  #info q about Heat/Tosca strategy alignment . - topic for 
a future TSC meeting.
15:27:50  #info tests will not be required unless it is in VNFRQTS
15:28:51  #info verify.opnfv.org for now will be rebranded
15:29:49  #link https://www.opnfv.org/verified
15:31:06  #info requirements and tests will be tied to Casablanca
15:31:47  #info we should dedicate a session to discuss VNF 
Compliance Verification
15:37:53  #info requesting TSC review of the LFN CVC Governance 
Document https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/V8unOEcY/image.png
15:38:25  #undo
15:38:25  Removing item from minutes: 
15:39:02  #info requesting TSC review of the LFN CVC Governance 
15:42:55  #info moving MAC and TSC policy on upgrade to next weeks 
15:43:02  #endmeeting

Zoom Chat Log 
06:59:37 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Alla and Murat logged in IRC
07:02:15 From Lisa Caywood to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Where 
do I fall in the agenda?
07:02:38 From Catherine Lefevre : GM - Catherine proxy for Mazin today, no IRC
07:02:50 From Yan Yang : Yan Yang, CMCC, will be Lingli Deng proxy
07:07:17 From Dan Timoney : On IRC spamming … you can set your account to 
receive messages from only registered users by typing this message : /mode 
{username} +R (where {username} is of course your user name)
07:09:44 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : 
07:24:21 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : correct, tsc vote s predetermined 
before the vote per company
07:26:07 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) : yes, agree with alla - all work 
here is corporate sponsored - if random developers not employed by any company 
here were to vote that would be different
07:28:20 From Michael O'Brien (LOG, Amdocs) to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) 
(Privately) : missed the survey - just voted
07:35:57 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : i think a company can give the 
reserve seat if they want to, even the company have another qualified person
07:36:25 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : it can be done via TAC or GB 
07:36:50 From Brian : +1 to run with a vacancy - the important part is to form 
the 16 people who are meeting the criteria under the current rules
07:37:25 From Jason Hunt : +1 to running the election based on the rules in 
place, which today means 16 qualified candidates
07:37:34 From Chris Donley : +1
07:37:48 From Stephen Terrill : There is still time u

[onap-tsc] TSC Minutes July 26, 2018

2018-08-02 Thread Kenny Paul
Full IRC Log 
13:52:00  #startmeeting tsc-2018-07-26
13:52:00  Meeting started Thu Jul 26 13:52:00 2018 UTC.  The chair is 
kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:52:00  Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link 
13:52:00  The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_07_26'
13:52:23  #chair phrobb, SteveT, gildaslanilis
13:52:23  Warning: Nick not in channel: gildaslanilis
13:52:23  Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanilis kennypaul phrobb
13:57:47  #topic rollcall
13:58:48  #info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS
13:59:16  #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
14:00:11  #info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom
14:00:17  #info Chris Donley Huawei
14:00:56  #info Zhaoxing Meng, ZTE
14:01:01  https://zoom.us/j/661303200
14:01:27  #info Frank Brockners, Cisco
14:01:51  #info Xinhui Li, VMware
14:02:40  #info John Quilty, proxy for Stephen Terrill
14:02:48  #info Susana Sabater, Vodafone
14:03:02  #info Jason Hunt, IBM
14:03:42  #info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra Ltd
14:04:10  #info jamil for Orange
14:04:28  #action kennypaul followup off line with TSC nominations 
due to holidays
14:05:15  #info Lingli, CMCC
14:07:09  #info mazin gilbert
14:09:14  #info proxy Srini Addepalli, Intel
14:09:35  #info discussion of university project vs. sub and repo 
14:10:23  #action kennypaul to take status of university -project- 
to an email vote
14:12:33  #topic Casablanca M2
14:12:55  #info Alex Vul present as proxy for Rajesh of Intel
14:12:58  #info gildaslanilis reviewed his presentation material
14:14:01  #info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom
14:15:03  #info proxy Marc-Alexandre Choquette, Bell Canada
14:15:09  #info Alex Vul, proxy Intel
14:16:28  #undo
14:16:28  Removing item from minutes: 
14:18:31  #topic Architecture Approval
14:19:38  #info cdonley reviewed the revised arch. doc which had 
been posted since tuesday.
14:22:22  #info discussion over core versus optional components.
14:24:50  #info cdonley will look at a deployment guide to be taken 
up separately.
14:32:05  #info Susana raised concerns about VNFM not being 
reflected A: "experimental" in Casablanca
14:33:22  #startvote Does the TSC approve the Casablanca 
Architecture Document version 3.0.2 dated July 24 as presented by Chris Donley? 
+1, 0, -1
14:33:22  Begin voting on: Does the TSC approve the Casablanca 
Architecture Document version 3.0.2 dated July 24 as presented by Chris Donley? 
Valid vote options are +1, 0, -1.
14:33:22  Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.
14:33:31  #vote +1
14:33:32  #vote +1
14:33:36  #vote +1
14:33:37  #vote +1
14:33:41  #vote +1
14:33:42  #vote +1
14:33:44  # vote +1
14:33:48  #vote +1
14:33:49  #vote +1
14:33:49  #vote +1
14:33:51  #vote +1
14:33:55  #vote +1
14:33:57  #vote +1
14:34:06  #vote +1
14:34:10  #vote +1
14:34:20  #info Pam voting for Alla
14:34:27  #info my vote on behalf of Alex Vul
14:34:39  #vote 0
14:34:51  #vote +1
14:34:54  #info But request Architecture subcommittee to have 
clear guidelines on modular deployment options and recommendation that would 
work. Not just deployment possibilities.
14:35:12  #info phrobb voting on behalf of Murat
14:35:59  #endvote
14:35:59  Voted on "Does the TSC approve the Casablanca Architecture 
Document version 3.0.2 dated July 24 as presented by Chris Donley?" Results are
14:35:59  0 (1): Susana
14:35:59  +1 (15): ma_c, jquilty_, jamil, Xiaojun, frankbrockners, 
DhananjayPavgi, JasonHunt, xinhuili, phrobb, kennypaul, cdonley, Pam_, gilbert, 
RannyHaiby, Zhaoxing
14:36:33  #agreed the TSC approves the Casablanca Architecture 
Document version 3.0.2 dated July 24 as presented by Chris Donley
14:37:09  #topic Modeling review and vote
14:39:19  #info Deng Hui reviewed his presentation materials.
14:44:46  #link 
14:47:34  #info discussion of SOL001 A: work in progress
14:48:15  #info no blockers identified.
14:49:33  #info no blockers identified
14:49:52  #agreed the TSC approves the Modeling for Casablanca as 
presented by Deng Hui
14:51:01  #topic M2 sign-off
14:51:50  #info risk - javascript code coverage - tooling not in 
place. will not measure javascript code coverage
14:53:25  #info risk portal - S3P logging support - resource 
constrained. May not be covered in Casablanca
14:53:45  #info in progress https://jira.onap.org/browse/LOG-534
14:56:29  #info risk portal - integration with AAF - resource 
constrained. requesting help
14:58:09  #info - risk portal - database scaling change - resource 
constrained. requesting help - OOM team assisting on a couple issues.
14:58:57  #info risk policy - now closed
14:59:28  #action Pam_ to update wiki page with policy status on risk
15:01:21  #info risk OOM - need help repo - now blocking - nees 
raised priority by LF-IT
15:04:33  #info risk CLAMP - DCAE-DC service template - need help 
from SDC
15:05:31  #info risk APPC - scale-out usecase - will rely on SO 
sending configuration data
15:06:34  #info risk APPC

[onap-tsc] Clarifications on the TSC Nominations

2018-08-02 Thread Kenny Paul
One of my core responsibilities here is to ensure the health of the community 
and help it thrive.  A key component of that is to provide course correction 
and guidance where I see it is needed. As we head into our first elected TSC we 
are at a critical juncture, with anxiety in some areas that we are not ready 
for self-governance. I have seen what this community is capable of, I have 
spoken to a couple hundred of you and I have heard your thoughts, concerns, 
wishes and aspirations for this project.  I know that you are ready for 


The worst-case scenario here is that we have 18 seats to fill and end up with 1 
candidate from 18 companies to fill them. That is not an election; it is 
nothing more than an appointed TSC disguised as a vote.  They may be the right 
individuals, or they may not be, but any choice or decision making on that 
matter is out of your hands.


There is nothing prohibiting a company from limiting who from their company can 
run for a seat. For small companies with limited resources, this may make 
perfect sense. For large, multi-nationals with many people working on the 
project, that scenario is much less likely, but there may other reasons for 
them to do so. 


Unless your company has told you, "No, you cannot run." I strongly ask you to 
consider the following… 

Anyone that meets the criteria as an Active Community Member can run. If you 
are on this list as a "Pass" you meet the qualifications set by the TSC to run.
2018 TSC Election "Active Community Members"
There is no limit to the nominations accepted from a single company.  Whether 1 
self-nomination from a company or 100, all are welcome as long as the 
qualifications are met. However only the top vote getter from any particular 
company will be eligible for a seat.
You may be surprised.  Actions and ownership means much more in opensource than 
do words and job titles.  Just because someone else from your company has 
already submitted a self-nomination doesn't mean that the technical community 
thinks they are the best candidate to lead them. 

I hope that helps to answer some of the questions folks have been asking today.



Best Regards, 

Kenny Paul, Technical Program Manager, The Linux Foundation
kp...@linuxfoundation.org, 510.766.5945
San Francisco Bay Area, Pacific Time Zone



Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

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Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/unsub  [arch...@mail-archive.com]

Re: [onap-discuss] [onap-tsc] CLM and Nexus IQ Jenkins plugins broken

2018-08-02 Thread Michael O'Brien
   Thank you for the work on the CLM issues – nexus IQ is working fine.
   Also I was wrong about the nexus.onap.org artifacts on Monday – Prudence and 
I were talking and noticed I missed that the “master-merge-java” job 
distributes my 2 jars and my 1 war OK – they were working all along but only 
get triggered by merges (I have used recheck and run-sonar but not remerge)
   Jars are being built and timestamped normally

From: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org  On Behalf Of 
Catherine LEFEVRE
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 6:35 AM
To: Jessica Wagantall ; 
onap-disc...@lists.onap.org; onap-release ; 
onap-tsc ; Kenny Paul ; 
Steve Winslow 
Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] [onap-tsc] CLM and Nexus IQ Jenkins plugins broken

Thank you Jessica.

I have posted the comment for several components.

It seems to work as expected.

To access to the result, people should click on the Jenkins job (i.e. 
To get more details then they should click on “Latest Application Composition 
They will be therefore redirected to the Nexus IQ User Login – LF credentials 
to be used.

Best regards

From: ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org 
[mailto:ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Jessica Wagantall
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2018 2:07 AM
To: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org; 
onap-release mailto:onap-rele...@lists.onap.org>>; 
onap-tsc mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>>; Kenny Paul 
mailto:kp...@linuxfoundation.org>>; Steve Winslow 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] CLM and Nexus IQ Jenkins plugins broken

Dear team,

These CLM templates are now running again!

Please feel free to try your jobs using the "run-clm" comment in Gerrit.

I am triggering some of them for testing now.

Reports are still accessible via:  


On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 12:38 PM, Jessica Wagantall 
mailto:jwagant...@linuxfoundation.org>> wrote:
Dear ONAP team,

I wanted to inform you that after upgrading Jenkins due to a high priority 
security patch, some
plugins became deprecated. Including IQ and CLM Nexus plugins.

This is due to one of the security patches closing off an API that those 
plugins were depending on:


On the other hand according to Sonatype's download page for the plugins they 
are both deprecated plugins and they no longer recommend installing it:


We are working on installing Nexus Platform plugin 3.x but it seems that there 
is no way to migrate
our CLM jobs into the new plugin. We are working on changing global-jjb to 
adapt to this new
configuration, but we need to update also upstream JJB to add the support.

I will let you know more details on this work and hopefully get us going soon.

The reports are still available via 


This message and the information contained herein is proprietary and 
confidential and subject to the Amdocs policy statement,

you may review at https://www.amdocs.com/about/email-disclaimer 

Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

View/Reply Online (#3574): https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3574
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Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/unsub  [arch...@mail-archive.com]


2018-08-02 Thread Ning So
ONAP Community,

I would like to humbly self-nominate for the ONAP TSC election.  I have 
frequently served as the proxy of Reliance Jio to ONAP TSC since the founding 
of the community last year.  I have participated in the ONAP TSC weekly 
meetings frequently.  I have also been working on a new ONAP project proposal 
called Open Test Framework in the recent months.

I would enjoy the opportunity to continue working in the ONAP community as a 
TSC representative, contributing to the maturity and adoption of the platform 
in the field, and ensuring practicality and consumability of ONAP in the 
operator environment.

I am the Head of Advanced Technical Services at Reliance Jio, and have worked 
in the telecommunications industry for over 20 years.  I am leading a team of 
senior network architects covering the company's end-to-end network strategy, 
evolution, engineering, and operations on both wireless and wireline networks.  
I have been actively working on  SDN/NFV related technologies since the very 
early days of their technical inception.  I founded and ran a SDN/NFV 
Orchestration company before I joined Reliance Jio.  I have led network 
architecture, planning, and engineering teams working on Cloud /Data Center 
Networks and IP/MPLS/Ethernet networks at other Tier 1 operators. I was also 
actively involved in IETF community for many years

Thank you for your consideration.

Bitergia stats:

Ning So

From:"Kenny Paul" 
To:onap-tsc mailto:ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org>>
Date:07/17/2018 07:02 PM
Sent by:ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org

Nominations for seats on the ONAP TSC officially open @ 17:00 Pacific Time, 
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
If you are interested in running for a seat on the TSC, please read all of this 
information carefully

Who is eligible to Run:  Any Active Community Members as of 17:00 Pacific Time, 
Tuesday, July 17, 2018- There is NO limit to the number of candidates fromany 
single company that can run for a seat. TSC Membership 
 Active Community Member: Anyone from the ONAP community with twenty (20) or 
more measurable contributions during the previous 12-month period, inclusive of 
code merged, code reviews performed, wiki page edits, or JIRA activities

Self-Nomination Phase

Individuals interested in running for a TSC position MUST REPLY-ALL TO THIS 
ORIGINAL EMAIL with your intention to run before 17:00 Pacific time, July 31st.

NOTE: Replying to another candidate's self-nomination email announcing your own 
self-nomination is considered a blatant disregard for open source community 
norms. If you do that, you should probably re-assess both your qualifications 
and motivations for leading a collaborative community such as this.

Your self-nomination email must include a link to your stats in 
Bitergia(instructions on how to do 
It is strongly recommended that candidates also include a small head-shot, a 
short biography and statement of intent on why you would be a good person to 
hold a seat on the TSC.

As a courtesy,it is also requested that you fill in the  2018 TSC Election 
pagewith that same information. Filling out the wiki page is NOT in lieu of 
sending the email as required, but it will greatly help facilitate the process 
of the elections.

Special Provision for the original 9 ONAP Operators:  There are 9 seats 
reserved for the nine original ONAP Platinum Service Provider members. Each of 
these Operators is REQUIRED to have at least one person nominate themselves for 
their seat on the TSC. If and only if an Operator does not have any eligible 
Active Community Members at the time of nomination process, they may appoint a 
nominee to run in the election.  In such cases, the nominee must indicate that 
they are exercising a provisional nomination in their email. (Refer to 
TSC Member 
* The nomination phase begins 17:00 Pacific Time, Tuesday, July 17, 2018
* The nomination phase ends 17:00 Pacific Time, Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Election Phase

Who is eligible to Vote:Any Active Community Members as of 17:00 Pacific Time, 
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Condorcet election will be held using the CIVS voting 
system. Active 
Community Members will receive an invitation to vote from CIVS.
* The

FW: [onap-tsc] Informal 2 question survey about the TSC Nomination Process

2018-08-02 Thread Kenny Paul


I have an informal, anonymous 2 question survey for anyone that did not submit 
a nomination:






Best Regards, 

Kenny Paul, Technical Program Manager, The Linux Foundation
kp...@linuxfoundation.org, 510.766.5945
San Francisco Bay Area, Pacific Time Zone



Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

View/Reply Online (#3572): https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3572
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Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/unsub  [arch...@mail-archive.com]

Re: [onap-tsc] [onap-discuss] seed code: 6100 file merge reviewed at 150 files/min

2018-08-02 Thread SMOKOWSKI, STEVEN
I’d like to put some context on this one.

The merge in question was pushed to the container_test branch for well over a 
month for review prior to the merge.  It was not just  a 20 minute review.  We 
have had extensive walk throughs of the large push on the SO weekly meetings.  
I think this Friday will be the third set of such walk throughs.  I do agree 
that if possible we should have broken it up.  We could not find a sane way to 
do that, and I apologize for that.  We did attempt to review and work with the 
community knowing that such a large push was coming.  I do not foresee these 
types of pushes continuing going forward.



From:  on behalf of "OBRIEN, FRANK MICHAEL" 

Reply-To: "onap-disc...@lists.onap.org" , "OBRIEN, 
Date: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 9:16 PM
To: "onap-disc...@lists.onap.org" , onap-tsc 

Subject: [onap-discuss] seed code: 6100 file merge reviewed at 150 files/min

   Don’t like being the “onap first” good/bad cop but a review just went in 
with 6100 files (half are deletions)  - so 3000 files reviewed (including 
ssh.exe.stackdump) in 20 min looks like seed code developed offline to me.  
There are other projects that are also bringing in work that was done “offline” 
from ONAP  – but In most of these cases the time is taken to break up the 
commits into microservice pieces and bring the system into onap organically via 
their particular dependency hierarchy (root containers first).   I find it odd 
that the we allow such huge pushes of seed code with a duration of 20 min in 
our 3rd release – it disadvantages those teams that work directly in ONAP or 
try to incrementally add seed code (it takes time to break up/merge a lot of 

This message and the information contained herein is proprietary and 
confidential and subject to the Amdocs policy statement,
you may review at 

Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

View/Reply Online (#3571): https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3571
Mute This Topic: https://lists.onap.org/mt/24142560/21656
Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/unsub  [arch...@mail-archive.com]

Re: [onap-tsc] CLM and Nexus IQ Jenkins plugins broken

2018-08-02 Thread Catherine LEFEVRE
Thank you Jessica.

I have posted the comment for several components.

It seems to work as expected.

To access to the result, people should click on the Jenkins job (i.e. 
To get more details then they should click on “Latest Application Composition 
They will be therefore redirected to the Nexus IQ User Login – LF credentials 
to be used.

Best regards

From: ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org [mailto:ONAP-TSC@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of 
Jessica Wagantall
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2018 2:07 AM
To: onap-disc...@lists.onap.org; onap-release ; 
onap-tsc ; Kenny Paul ; 
Steve Winslow 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] CLM and Nexus IQ Jenkins plugins broken

Dear team,

These CLM templates are now running again!

Please feel free to try your jobs using the "run-clm" comment in Gerrit.

I am triggering some of them for testing now.

Reports are still accessible via:  


On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 12:38 PM, Jessica Wagantall 
mailto:jwagant...@linuxfoundation.org>> wrote:
Dear ONAP team,

I wanted to inform you that after upgrading Jenkins due to a high priority 
security patch, some
plugins became deprecated. Including IQ and CLM Nexus plugins.

This is due to one of the security patches closing off an API that those 
plugins were depending on:


On the other hand according to Sonatype's download page for the plugins they 
are both deprecated plugins and they no longer recommend installing it:


We are working on installing Nexus Platform plugin 3.x but it seems that there 
is no way to migrate
our CLM jobs into the new plugin. We are working on changing global-jjb to 
adapt to this new
configuration, but we need to update also upstream JJB to add the support.

I will let you know more details on this work and hopefully get us going soon.

The reports are still available via 


Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.

View/Reply Online (#3570): https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3570
Mute This Topic: https://lists.onap.org/mt/23747511/21656
Group Owner: onap-tsc+ow...@lists.onap.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/unsub  [arch...@mail-archive.com]