Re: Non-Apache maintenance release for OOo 3.3?

2011-11-17 Thread Stefan Taxhet


Am 17.11.2011 02:23, schrieb Rob Weir:

This topic sounds important, so I'm moving it to its own thread.
OK, let's talk about a maintenance release first; but at some point we 
could broaden the scope to releases of Apache OpenOffice too.

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Martin Hollmichel

removal of the Oracle branding is the easy part. As said before, having a
joint messaging with ASF about this release and the future releases is some
work to do. Adopting references from old instances (forums,
mailing lists, issue tracking) to the new ones in the ReadMe File is another
issue we are still working on.

It is hard to think about a joint message when we know almost nothing
about what you are doing.  What we're doing here at Apache is clear --
you see our mailing lists, wiki, SVN repository, etc.  It is all very
open and transparent.

Do you have a mailing list or something that we can subscribe to?
Could you say a little about what your short term and longer term
goals are?

Martin and others mentioned that there is a need to show a sign of life 
to users.

For us short term goals are to (re)gain confidence in
and support for the existing user base. We think this requires a release 
rather soon; and we don't see a conflict but a complement with work 
going on in the project here.

Long term we want to further sustainable development work. This will 
result in a reliable product that is improved and delivered at regular 
intervals. We see such a product as the basis for ongoing business.

We are comfortable about continuing the talk here on this list. I
would appreciate if we come to a picture that satisfies users, the 
project and the participants.



The coding work we've done in the 3.3.1 is about some security and bugfixing


Re: Time for the ASF to send an Open Letter?

2011-11-17 Thread Stefan Taxhet


Am 17.11.2011 08:51, schrieb Dave Fisher:

What is difficult for me to understand is that both Stefan Taxhet and Martin 
signed up as Initial Committers to the Apache project, but have never signed an 

Martin and I sent signed iCLAs to secretary@
Is there a page where this should be/is acknowledged or
did we miss some additional formality?

There are many more than four people involved.

The Team OpenOffice website must immediately acknowledge that is 
a registered trademark of the Apache Software Foundation.

Please point us to the phrase you want to be used.
Is it just the adaption of the phrases that are at ?

The Team OpenOffice site must recognize the Apache project.

We plan to mention the players in the arena (Apache/AOO, TDF/LO) on the 
website. Which form of recognition of the Apache project could you think of?

And yes, we are aware that the website content in general needs an update.


I don't think a joint statement is appropriate without properly respectful 
actions beforehand.


- Shane

As much as we would like to do an interim release I am
afraid there are issues that won't make it possible:

- Apache releases have to be approved by the PPMC and
can only be released under an Apache License.
- The old OpenOffice.Org made available 3.4 RC, releasing
3.3.1 would not give the right signal wrt continuity.
- The ASF, through the PPMC, cannot approve code that it
hasn't seen and AFAICT Team OOo hasn't been very visible
here in the community (sorry if I just missed it).

This said, 3.4 is advancing very nicely. I don't want to
hurry things but I think we are moving in the right


Re: Non-Apache maintenance release for OOo 3.3?

2011-11-18 Thread Stefan Taxhet

Hi Don, all,

Am 17.11.2011 15:34, schrieb Donald Harbison:

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Stefan Taxhet  wrote:

Am 17.11.2011 02:23, schrieb Rob Weir:

  This topic sounds important, so I'm moving it to its own thread.

OK, let's talk about a maintenance release first; but at some point we
could broaden the scope to releases of Apache OpenOffice too.

  On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Martin Hollmichel


removal of the Oracle branding is the easy part. As said before, having a
joint messaging with ASF about this release and the future releases is
work to do. Adopting references from old instances
mailing lists, issue tracking) to the new ones in the ReadMe File is
issue we are still working on.

It is hard to think about a joint message when we know almost nothing
about what you are doing.  What we're doing here at Apache is clear --
you see our mailing lists, wiki, SVN repository, etc.  It is all very
open and transparent.

Do you have a mailing list or something that we can subscribe to?
Could you say a little about what your short term and longer term
goals are?

Martin and others mentioned that there is a need to show a sign of life to users.

Do you agree that Apache OpenOffice, the project and the future product is
sufficient to 'show sign of life' to users? If not, why not?

I think the project Apache OpenOffice and a release filling the gap 
between OOo 3.3.0 and future product releases are required.
The schedule people are used to listed 3.x releases (minor) every 6 
month with micro/bugfix releases (3.x.y) after 3 month in between.
This means that we are more than overdue since the 3.3.0 release in 
January 2011. So an interim release of improved bits and bytes together 
with a description of the work towards "the future product" could 
convince people much more than an optimistic perspective of future 

For us short term goals are to (re)gain confidence in
and support for the existing user base. We think this requires a release
rather soon; and we don't see a conflict but a complement with work going
on in the project here.

What is your proposal for the name of your release? Please make a proposal

for what you wish to name your release.

Rob described the two options very concise. The preference would be to 
release " 3.3.1" with consent of the home of development 
work for future releases.

Long term we want to further sustainable development work. This will
result in a reliable product that is improved and delivered at regular
intervals. We see such a product as the basis for ongoing business.

Does Team e.V. plan to do their 'sustainable work' within
the Apache OpenOffice project? If so, Team will have the
ability to build binary distributions for release under the AL2 license for
ongoing business.

Yes, that's what one could envision. This discussion has been postponed 
after the resolution of the current topic. And my understanding is that 
this is not going to be happen this year.

We encourage you to present a more complete proposal for discussion.  This
is a start.

I got this message from Rob's post (which I hope to address here too). 
Please give some hints which questions should be covered by the proposal 
and we'll prepare a request.



We are comfortable about continuing the talk here on this list. I
would appreciate if we come to a picture that satisfies users, the project
and the participants.

Likewise, I personally welcome you and your TO e.V. colleagues to more

actively join and participate in a positive and productive discussion on
this list.




  The coding work we've done in the 3.3.1 is about some security and



Re: Source Code Sponsor of OOo

2011-11-21 Thread Stefan Taxhet

Hi Rob, All,

We are sorry for the confusion caused by our website. In the meantime we 
took the English pages down and started the rework with the German 
pages. Your and Shane's separately sent input will guide us during the 
creation of the revised content.


Am 21.11.2011 17:14, schrieb Rob Weir:

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Martin Hollmichel


the reference to the Apache Project is required here, agreed. We are
reworking the content of the pages to make the message more clear, your
guidance on how to point to Apache OpenOffice project is appreciated here,

Hi Martin,

Before anyone cuts my head off, let me preface my remarks by stating
that this is my personal view, which others on the project may agree
or disagree with.   Personally, I agree with your high level goals, at
least as I understand them.  So I want you to succeed here.  But I did
review the website yesterday and noted
the following areas that appeared problematic to me.  IANAL, of
course, but I think these areas should be addressed:

1) Apache owns the trademark on the blue&  black text +
birds logo.  The Team OpenOffice uses this logo on their home page
permission from Apache.

2)  Apache owns the trademark on the name "".  This name
and its common abbreviation "OOo" are used throughout the website
without permission.

3) Use of the confusingly similar name "Team OpenOffice" without
disclaimer stating they are not affiliated with the Apache OpenOffice
project or the Apache Software Foundation.

4) The pervasive claims that Team OpenOffice is "saving" without a disclaimer saying that they are not
affiliated with the Apache
OpenOffice project or the Apache Software Foundation.

5) No where on the website do we see acknowledgement that is a trademark of the ASF

6) The website suggested that donors/sponsors can get their names
added to an release.

I would certainly be supportive of Apache granting permission for some
uses of the trademark by Team OpenOffice.  But I think (again, my own
personal opinion, so please everyone, stop sharpening those axes), the
primary goals should be:

1) Make it clear to the visitor what the scope of Team OpenOffice
activities are compared to Apache activities.  Confusing these,
especially in the context of fundraising, is going to cause problems.

2) Express your support of the Apache OpenOffice project and the
larger ecosystem, which I believe is well-intentioned and serious,
without blurring the distinction between what is Apache and what is
Team OpenOffice.

3) Raising funds for your organization's activities, without using
Apache-owned trademarks in a way that could be confused as expressing
Apache support or participation in the fundraising.




On 11/21/11 2:19 AM, Shane Curcuru wrote:

Note that the listed page is in no way associated with the ASF nor the AOO
podling, and as best I can tell is directly infringing on a number of
registered trademarks of the ASF.  I will be sending the admins of that
website an email shortly demanding that that page and similar fundraising
pages are taken down, and that their attempts (as it seems from that page)
to create what I can only imagine would be called 3.4 cease,
and immediately start using a new, non-infringing name.

At the ASF, our software is *always* free (as in no cost); the ASF will
*never* charge for either our source code our or project's software product

Any time you see someone stating or implying that you need to pay for any
ASF-hosted code you should be suspicious.

- Shane

On 2011-11-20 12:44 PM, Thomas Horn wrote:

Hi all,

I've read on that
you could become a "Source Code Sponsor" with your named displayed in 3.4 by paying EUR 5000.

Do you really thinks that this is a good idea? I think that will lower
the neutrality of the Apache Foundation as I before wasn't under the
impression that you could buy yourself into Apache software.

Greetings from

Re: Non-Apache maintenance release for OOo 3.3?

2011-11-25 Thread Stefan Taxhet


Am 17.11.2011 15:34, schrieb Donald Harbison:

We encourage you to present a more complete proposal for discussion.  This
is a start.

Just a quick note that a proposal has been submitted using
the form at
to ooo-private...
