Hello Donald!

We are not planning to write any articles about free software right now, 
but I am saving your e-mail address for the next time...

But I have one question at once. I received it from one of our readers, 
and I realised that I cannot give a correct answer.

The reader asked about the difference between Openoffice and Libreoffice? 
It looks like the same program - so what are the differences for a user?


Martin Appel

From:   Donald Harbison <dpharbi...@gmail.com>
To:     martin.ap...@idg.se
Cc:     ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Date:   2012-07-02 17:12
Subject:        Re: Medal from Swedish computer magazine


Thank you very much for recognizing Apache OpenOffice on your Top 20 list.

Would you consider writing an article about our project? There are several 
ways we could work together to do this. One way is for you to send us a 
list of your interview questions. We will reply on email and you will then 
be able to edit your final draft more easily. Or, if you prefer, I can 
organize an interview with some of our project volunteers who are most 
close to the work.

We highly value your support and look forward to communicating with our 
user community in Sweden.

Best regards,

Don Harbison
Volunteer Press Liaison
Apache OpenOffice

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:31 AM, <martin.ap...@idg.se> wrote:
Dear sirs, 

My name is Martin Appel and I am a journalist at Swedens largest computer 
magazine PC för Alla (pcforalla.se). 

PC för Alla has one of the most popular download sites for free programs 
in the Nordic region, and we have just put together some statistics for 
our downloads. 

I am glad to inform you that Openoffice is one of the programs on our "Top 

You can see the entire list and an article (in Swedish) on 

If you want to use the medal you are free to download and use it (as long 
as you do not modify it of course). You can download it here: 

"Våren" is the Swedish word for spring, and "Topp" is spelled like that in 
Swedish! :-) 

Congratulations, and have a nice summer! 

Martin Appel 

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