Seems we missed a bit of process...

>From a mobile device - forgive errors and terseness
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Henri Yandell" <>
Date: Jul 8, 2012 3:22 AM
Subject: Old projects with incomplete copyright diligence
To: "general-incubator" <>

The following projects haven't signed off on the copyright checklist item:

2009-02-09  kato
2009-02-13  stonehenge
2009-05-13  socialsite
2010-05-19  amber
2010-09-05  nuvem
2010-11-12  kitty
2010-11-24  stanbol
2011-06-13  openofficeorg

Said checklist item is:

  "Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF
been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the
package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project. "

How long do we host software without explicitly stating we have these

Personally I think 1 year is more than enough, even for OpenOffice.

Note that this list comes from


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