I've given this some thought, and have concluded:

(a) It doesn't make all that much sense to make all the exercises available
via Start --> All Programs. We want people to look at the code, not just run
it to see unfinished dialogs in most of the exercises (the idea of the Guide
being to build up towards a reasonable sample app). And they can only do
that via the actual file path, not via Start --> All programs.

(b) It will however make sense to put the final app, with maybe everything
packaged in only a few files, in the Samples part of the Start --> All
programs --> etc. There it would be another sample of what can be done with
ooDialog, and in that sense separate from the Guide. 

So in the Guide I'll point people to the folder in Program Files. 

Many thanks, though, for your support.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Miesfeld [mailto:miesf...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 02 April 2012 15:09
To: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooDialog - User Guide Exercises - not in

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Oliver Sims
<oliver.s...@simsassociates.co.uk> wrote:
> I noticed that the Guide exercises are not available through the Start 
> menu (Start --> All Programs --> Open Object Rexx --> ooRexx Samples 
> --> ooDialog (ooDialog

No, they are not there.

> Is it intended to provide a link from there? Just wondered, as am 
> doing a run through the first chapter of the Guide, and noticed that I 
> direct people there.

It wasn't intended to provide a link, but if you want a link we can put it

> But is it's deemed not appropriate to put them in start programs then 
> absolutely no problem - I can guide readers to the directory path instead.

As a committer, you get to decide what is appropriate or not.  Or at the
very least, your input goes a long way in deciding what is appropriate or
not.  Unless it is something that you think is going to be controversial, if
you do the work to add it, you can just go ahead and add it.  And, I don't
think this would generate any controversy.

Now I realize you might not know where to start to add it, so I'll give you
some hints.  If you give it a try and have problems, I'll help finish it up
for you.

The Start Menu entries for ooRexx are all done through the Windows
installer.  The installer itself is generated using NSIS, by feeding a
script to it.  The script is located at:


If you search for "shortcut" case insensitive in the script you should be
able to locate the entries that set up the current ooRexx Start Menu entry.
Then it is merely a matter of adding some similar entries.

I'd say go ahead and give it a shot, commit what you think will work.
If it doesn't work, or breaks the build on Windows, no big deal.  (As long
as you do this in
https://oorexx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/oorexx/main/trunk)  It actually
can only break the packaging step and if it does we'll fix it.

At some point, I would guess that you'll want to set things up so you can
build yourself.  Normally you'd want to add your changes and then build on
your system to see what happens.  This might be a good time to experiment
with that.  But you don't need to, if it is too much at one time.  If you
commit something, I'll build  and see if it works.
We can go from there.

Mark Miesfeld

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