[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] ***SPAM*** Re: SQL help needed

2012-09-12 Thread John C. Houser

Here's a perl script I used to make some changes to 856 tags in our 
system. You might be able to use it as a model for what you're trying to
 do. Let me know if I can answer any questions about it.




use strict;
use DBI;
use Config::IniFiles;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::File::XML;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $cfg = Config::IniFiles-new( -file = 
"/usr/local/vufind/web/conf/Evergreen-production.ini" );
my $port = $cfg-val( 'Catalog', 'port' );
my $hostname = $cfg-val( 'Catalog', 'hostname' );
my $database = $cfg-val( 'Catalog', 'database' );
my $username = $cfg-val( 'Catalog', 'user' );
my $password = $cfg-val( 'Catalog', 'password' );

my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port";
my $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $username, $password, {AutoCommit = 
0, RaiseError = 0, PrintError = 0});
die("Could not connect to database!") unless $dbh;

$/ = "\035";
$| = 1;

my $total = 0;
my $updated = 0;
my $errors = 0;

my @ids = ();

my $sql = "
 SELECT record_entry.id
 FROM biblio.record_entry
 WHERE record_entry.deleted IS FALSE
 AND record_entry.active IS TRUE

print "$sql\n";

my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
my $rv = $sth-err;
die($sth-errstr) if $rv;

while ( my $id = $sth-fetchrow ) {
 push @ids, $id;


LOOP: while ( my $record_id = pop @ids ) {


 my $sql2 = "
  SELECT record_entry.marc
  FROM biblio.record_entry
  WHERE record_entry.id = $record_id

 my $sth2 = $dbh-prepare($sql2);
 my $rv2 = $sth2-err;
 die($sth2-errstr) if $rv2;

 my $hashref = $sth2-fetchrow_hashref;
 my $marc_xml = $hashref-{'marc'};
 # Read in MARC and set values
 my $record = '';
 eval { $record = MARC::Record-new_from_xml($marc_xml, 'UTF-8'); 
 if ( $@ ) {
  print STDERR "ERROR LOADING TCN $record_id\n";
  next LOOP;

 # Fix the leader to indicate UTF-8

 my @f856 = $record-field('856');

 if ( @f856 ) {

  print "\nTCN $record_id\n";

  FOR: foreach my $field (@f856) {

   print 'FOUND ', $field-as_formatted(), "\n";

   # Check for URL in the 856 $u 
   my $u = $field-subfield('u');
   if ( ! $u ) {
next FOR;

   # First make the fixes
   my $z = $field-subfield('z');
   my $s3 = $field-subfield('3');

   # Remove spaces from the URL
   $u =~ s/\s//g;

   # Copy $3 to $z if no $z
   if ( ! $z  $s3 ) {
$field-add_subfields('z' = $s3);
$z = $s3;

   # Fix LC links
   if ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/bios/ ) {
$field-delete_subfield(code = 'z'); 
$field-add_subfields('z' = 'Contributor 
biographical information');
   } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/samples/ ) {
$field-delete_subfield(code = 'z'); 
$field-add_subfields('z' = 'Sample text');
   } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/description/ ) {
$field-delete_subfield(code = 'z'); 
$field-add_subfields('z' = 'Publisher 
   } elsif ( $u =~ m/www\.loc\.gov\/catdir\/toc/ ) {
$field-delete_subfield(code = 'z'); 
$field-add_subfields('z' = 'Table of contents');

   # Change first "www.http" to "http"
   $u =~ s/www\.http/http/i;

   # Change "www.loc/gov" to "www.loc.gov"
   $u =~ s/www\.loc\/gov/www\.loc\.gov/i;

   # Change "hhtp" to "http" at beginning of $u
   $u =~ s/^hhtp/http/i;

   # Add "http://" if protocol missing from start of $u
   unless ( $u =~ m/^http/i || $u =~ m/^ftp/i ) {
$u = 'http://' . $u;

   # Save changes
   $field-delete_subfield(code = 'u');
   $field-add_subfields('u' = $u);

   # Now check the link
   my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new;
   my $response = $ua-get($u);

   if (! $response-is_success) {

print 'ERROR ', $response-status_line, "\n";

my $status = $response-status_line;

if ( $status =~ m/400 URL missing/i ||
 $status =~ m/^401 Unauthorized/i ||
 $status =~ m/^403 Forbidden/i ||
 $status =~ m/^404 Can't chdir to/i ||
 $status =~ m/^404 - File not found/i ||
 $status =~ m/^404 Object Not Found/i ||
 $status =~ m/^406 Not Acceptable/i ||
 $status =~ m/^410 Gone/i ||
 $status =~ m/^500 Can't connect to .* \(certificate 
verify failed\)/i ||
 $status =~ m/^500 Can't connect to .* \(No route to 
host\)/i ||
 $status =~ m/^500 No Host option provided/i ||
 $status =~ m/^501 Protocol scheme .* is not 
supported/i ||
 $status =~ m/^503 Server Error/i 
 ) {

 print "DELETED 856\n";
 next FOR;

} elsif ( $status =~ m/500 read timeout/i ) {

 next FOR;

} else {

 # Copy subfield 856 $z to 999 $z
 my $f999 = $record-field('999');
 if ( $f999 ) {
  $f999-add_subfields('z' = $z);
 } else {
  my $new = MARC::Field-new('999', ' ', ' ', 
'z' = $z);

 # Delete subfield z from 856 (causes link not to 
 $field-delete_subfield(code = 'z');

 # Show what we did

[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] ***SPAM*** Re: Should we have a systems administrators list?

2012-05-01 Thread John C. Houser
I also think it's a great 


   	Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich  
  May 1, 2012 10:12
  Yes, this is an excellent 
idea.  Alexey LazarPALSInformation System Developer and 
   	Justin Hopkins  
  April 30, 2012 
8:11 PM
  We just wrapped up the 
post-conference systems administrator training,which was awesome. 
Afterwards we were talking about the utility of anew discussion list
 focused on Evergreen systems administration.I think the topic 
is deep enough to warrant a list, and if this groupis any indication
 there is also sufficient interest. Systemsadministration 
(troubleshooting server config issues,installing/setting up 
Evergreen, using git, performance tuning,network issues, cluster 
configuration, security, etc) seems to be anarea that deserves it's 
own forum. I've received plenty of great helpon those topics in IRC,
 which I'm very appreciative of, but let's faceit - IRC is and 
probably always will be the domain of developers.I'm hoping that
 if enough people on this list express an interest thatsomeone 
(Chris Sharp?) could create such a list. So let's hear itsysads - 
should we create the "missing list"?Regards,Justin HopkinsCoordinator,
 IT  Web ServicesMOBIUS Consortium Officec: 573-808-2309--sent
 from a mobile device--

John Houser

Technology Coordinator


