I am trying to build a new openafs file server.  I have been following the 
instructions in the Quick Start Guide and some other guides on the internet.  
I have gotten to the point of trying to create the root.afs via the following 
vos create userv.slug.home /vicepa root.afs -cell slug.home

When I do this it returns the following messages:
  Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server
  rxk: ticket contained unknown key version number
  rxk: ticket contained unknown key version number

I have not found any great detailed instructions on the kerberos configuration 
and thus, this is how I setup the Kerberos principals for this server - I am 
guessing something is wrong in this sequence of steps.

1.#> kadmin.local
        1.> addprinc afsadmin
        2.> addprinc -randkey afs/slug.home
2.Now lets export the afs key to a file and copy over to the afs server.  So 
still from within kadmin.local....
        1.> ktadd -k  /tmp/afs.keytab afs/slug.home
        2.> getprinc afs/slug.home
                1.This command will provide some output.  We are looking for 
the Key: vno 
<#> section of the output.  The <#> section will be a number.  Remember that 
we will need it in next set of steps.
3.Copy file to your afs server.  I put the file in /etc/openafs/
4.Add the key to the AFS server.
        1.#> asetkey add <#> /etc/openafs/afs.keytab afs/slug.home

Thanks in advance for your help.
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