[OpenAFS] AFS DB server upgrade advice

2013-02-14 Thread Jack Neely

I'm planning out an upgrade path for our AFS DB servers.  A lot of
changes need to be made, so I wanted to see if folks know of a
safer/better way to do the below.

We have 3 cells, each of which as 3 DB servers running Solaris 8 and
OpenAFS 1.4.7.  We would like to upgrade to RHEL 6 based servers running
OpenAFS 1.6.1.  Two DB servers in the EOS cell need new IPs, the other
IPs will stay the same.  99% of our clients use --afsdb, except the few
remaining Solaris 8 machines.

Our plan for this is below.  One server at a time, we start with the
highest IP to do the sync master last.

1 Shutdown the AFS server processes
2 Take Backups
3 Build/Install 1.6.1 on the server
4 Recreate an empty db/ directory unless we are upgrading the sync
  master -- it gets a pre-populated db and config files (upclient
5 Start the AFS server processes 
6 Check for sanity

Once this process has produced a stable DB environment we had planned on
running the process again where step 3 is replaced by shutdown solaris
machine and replace it with a RHEL box.

In the EOS cell 2 servers must change IPs.  One of these new servers
will end up being the sync master as it will have the lowest IP.  (The
current sync master gets to keep its IP.)  So we were thinking about a
similar upgrade path.  

1 Upgrade all solaris servers to openafs 1.6.1
2 Create two new RHEL/1.6.1 DB servers on what will be the new IPs and
  let one become the new sync master.  Update DNS records and CellServDB
  files on the other EOS DB servers as appropriate.  5 DB servers at
  this point.
3 Check for sanity.
4 Upgrade via above the old sync master to RHEL
5 Remove the solaris DBs from afsdb DNS records and CellServDBs on the
  EOS DB servers.
6 Monitor existing solaris servers to see usage drop off
7 Shutdown the 2 existing solaris servers and surplus

Any recommendations for making this process any smoother?

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.4.x, select() and recent RHEL kernels beware

2012-11-26 Thread Jack Neely
On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 06:20:18PM +0100, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 On Nov 8, 2012, at 16:41 , Dan Van Der Ster wrote:
  All of the nasty details of this incident here:
  We're now running with a workaround,
   ulimit -Hn 1024; ulimit -Sn 1024
  in our init scripts until we manage to upgrade to 1.6.
  Hope this saves someone the effort of troubleshooting this again.
 Great work (again). Thanks a lot for sharing this!

We've had this issue occur at NCSU as well.  I'm trying to figure out if
1.6.2 will be out soon enough to wait for it, or have multiple outages
for installing the ulimits and then upgrading to 1.6.2 when its
available.  (Or spend weeks moving volumes.)  There are another fix or
two in 1.6.2 I'd like to apply to our servers.

Jack Neely

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS kernel panic

2012-11-02 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:15:43AM -0500, Andrew Deason wrote:
 On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 14:44:15 -0400
 Jack Neely jjne...@pams.ncsu.edu wrote:
   You can save us a little time by providing the disassembly of
   afs_Conn.  You can get this by running
   objdump -d -r /path/to/libafs.ko  /some/file
 This looks like 'objdump -d', not 'objdump -d -r', but okay.
 This is issue 130714. Were you moving fileservers around at the time, or
 trying to change their addresses or something?

Yes, this was in the middle of lots of volume moves so that we could
upgrade the storage space allocated to each AFS server.


 A fix is already in the tree and will be in the next 1.6 release.
 Andrew Deason
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS kernel panic

2012-10-29 Thread Jack Neely
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 01:52:24PM -0500, Andrew Deason wrote:
 On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 09:30:30 -0400
 Jack Neely jjne...@pams.ncsu.edu wrote:
  Had an OpenAFS 1.6.1 client crash last night and I received the
  following screenshot of the kernel panic.
 You can save us a little time by providing the disassembly of afs_Conn.
 You can get this by running
 objdump -d -r /path/to/libafs.ko  /some/file

 And trimming the output to just contain the section that starts with
 It's also better to get more of the output, a little above that cutoff.
 If the screenshot is all you have, obviously there's nothing you can do,
 but if that stuff was logged anywhere, it'd be good to see.

Alas, the screenshot is all I have, nothing was present in the logs.

 I think CR2 gives the access address, though? 0x30 seems plausible...

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

00029600 afs_Conn:
   29600:   55  push   %rbp
   29601:   48 89 e5mov%rsp,%rbp
   29604:   41 57   push   %r15
   29606:   41 56   push   %r14
   29608:   41 55   push   %r13
   2960a:   41 54   push   %r12
   2960c:   53  push   %rbx
   2960d:   48 83 ec 38 sub$0x38,%rsp
   29611:   e8 00 00 00 00  callq  29616 afs_Conn+0x16
   29616:   48 c7 01 00 00 00 00movq   $0x0,(%rcx)
   2961d:   41 89 d6mov%edx,%r14d
   29620:   ba 01 00 00 00  mov$0x1,%edx
   29625:   83 05 00 00 00 00 01addl   $0x1,0x0(%rip)# 2962c 
   2962c:   48 89 4d c8 mov%rcx,-0x38(%rbp)
   29630:   49 89 fcmov%rdi,%r12
   29633:   49 89 f5mov%rsi,%r13
   29636:   e8 00 00 00 00  callq  2963b afs_Conn+0x3b
   2963b:   48 85 c0test   %rax,%rax
   2963e:   48 8b 4d c8 mov-0x38(%rbp),%rcx
   29642:   0f 84 74 02 00 00   je 298bc afs_Conn+0x2bc
   29648:   4c 8b 78 48 mov0x48(%rax),%r15
   2964c:   4d 85 fftest   %r15,%r15
   2964f:   0f 84 41 02 00 00   je 29896 afs_Conn+0x296
   29655:   49 8b 57 40 mov0x40(%r15),%rdx
   29659:   48 85 d2test   %rdx,%rdx
   2965c:   0f 84 34 02 00 00   je 29896 afs_Conn+0x296
   29662:   44 0f b7 42 68  movzwl 0x68(%rdx),%r8d
   29667:   8b 90 b0 00 00 00   mov0xb0(%rax),%edx
   2966d:   85 d2   test   %edx,%edx
   2966f:   75 5f   jne296d0 afs_Conn+0xd0
   29671:   4d 85 fftest   %r15,%r15
   29674:   74 5a   je 296d0 afs_Conn+0xd0
   29676:   49 8b 5f 60 mov0x60(%r15),%rbx
   2967a:   f6 43 30 20 testb  $0x20,0x30(%rbx)
   2967e:   75 50   jne296d0 afs_Conn+0xd0
   29680:   41 80 7d 12 00  cmpb   $0x0,0x12(%r13)
   29685:   0f 8e 21 02 00 00   jle298ac afs_Conn+0x2ac
   2968b:   41 80 7d 13 01  cmpb   $0x1,0x13(%r13)
   29690:   74 3e   je 296d0 afs_Conn+0xd0
   29692:   48 85 dbtest   %rbx,%rbx
   29695:   74 39   je 296d0 afs_Conn+0xd0
   29697:   f6 80 2a 01 00 00 01testb  $0x1,0x12a(%rax)
   2969e:   48 89 c2mov%rax,%rdx
   296a1:   41 bf ff ff ff ff   mov$0x,%r15d
   296a7:   0f 84 55 01 00 00   je 29802 afs_Conn+0x202
   296ad:   48 83 7a 48 00  cmpq   $0x0,0x48(%rdx)
   296b2:   0f 84 4d 01 00 00   je 29805 afs_Conn+0x205
   296b8:   41 83 c7 01 add$0x1,%r15d
   296bc:   48 83 c2 08 add$0x8,%rdx
   296c0:   41 83 ff 0c cmp$0xc,%r15d
   296c4:   75 e7   jne296ad afs_Conn+0xad
   296c6:   e9 3a 01 00 00  jmpq   29805 afs_Conn+0x205
   296cb:   0f 1f 44 00 00  nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
   296d0:   4d 8d 5d 13 lea0x13(%r13),%r11
   296d4:   45 31 d2xor%r10d,%r10d
   296d7:   41 b9 ff ff ff ff   mov$0x,%r9d
   296dd:   0f 1f 00nopl   (%rax)
   296e0:   4c 89 dfmov%r11,%rdi
   296e3:   31 f6   xor%esi,%esi
   296e5:   31 db   xor%ebx,%ebx
   296e7:   eb 46   jmp2972f afs_Conn+0x12f
   296e9:   0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00

[OpenAFS] OpenAFS kernel panic

2012-10-26 Thread Jack Neely

Had an OpenAFS 1.6.1 client crash last night and I received the
following screenshot of the kernel panic.


This one is new to me.  Of course, no kdump, alas...

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] DAFS Salvager failure

2012-10-18 Thread Jack Neely

One of our AFS file servers crashed this afternoon.  OpenAFS 1.6.1 on
RHEL 6 with kernel 2.6.32-279.9.1.el6.x86_64.  It looks like the
salvager hung and eventually the dafileserver stopped responding to

We're rebooted, fsck'd the ext4 partitions, and finally ran the
dasalvager -force by hand to attempt to correctly salvage the server.
In all cases once the dafs instance starts up, it serves requests, it
dispatches a volume salvage or 4, all the salvager processes get stuck
and we start all over again.  We've salvaged the server multiple times
at this point -- our next hope is that we can restart the file server
with the traditional file server process.  (BTW, 2 and 3 GiB cores from
dafileserver and dasalvager abound.)

SalsrvLog messages are usually along the following:

10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: No response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: protocol communications failure on circuit
'FSSYNC'; attempting reconnect to server
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: No response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: protocol communications failure on circuit
'FSSYNC'; attempting reconnect to server
10/18/2012 17:55:11 SYNC_ask: too many / too latent fatal protocol
errors on circuit 'FSSYNC'; giving up (tries 1 timeout 1350597266)
10/18/2012 17:55:11 FSYNC_askfs: internal FSSYNC protocol error 2
10/18/2012 17:55:11 AskOffline:  request for fileserver to take volume
offline failed; trying again...
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: No response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: protocol communications failure on circuit
'FSSYNC'; attempting reconnect to server
10/18/2012 17:55:11 SYNC_ask: too many / too latent fatal protocol
errors on circuit 'FSSYNC'; giving up (tries 1 timeout 1350597265)
10/18/2012 17:55:11 FSYNC_askfs: internal FSSYNC protocol error 2
10/18/2012 17:55:11 AskOffline:  request for fileserver to take volume
offline failed; trying again...
10/18/2012 17:55:08 SYNC_ask: No response on circuit 'FSSYNC'


10/18/2012 22:20:49 dispatching child to salvage volume 540007729...
10/18/2012 22:19:33 SYNC_ask: No response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
10/18/2012 22:19:33 SYNC_ask: protocol communications failure on circuit
'FSSYNC'; attempting reconnect to server

and from FileLog (this looks like I'm restoring from backups)

Thu Oct 18 22:25:30 2012 FSYNC_com:  invalid protocol version
Thu Oct 18 22:25:30 2012 FSYNC_com:  invalid protocol version
Thu Oct 18 22:25:30 2012 FSYNC_com:  invalid protocol version
Thu Oct 18 22:25:30 2012 Volume 539458481 now offline, must be salvaged.
Thu Oct 18 22:25:30 2012 Scheduling salvage for volume 539458481 on part
/vicepb over SALVSYNC
Thu Oct 18 22:25:31 2012 nUsers == 0, but header not on LRU
Thu Oct 18 22:25:31 2012 SYNC_getCom:  error receiving command
Thu Oct 18 22:25:31 2012 Scheduling salvage for volume 539894230 on part
/vicepb over SALVSYNC
Thu Oct 18 22:25:31 2012 FSYNC_com:  read failed; dropping connection
Thu Oct 18 22:25:37 2012 FSYNC_com:  invalid protocol version

I've checked, all my binaries are from my 1.6.1 build.  What's going on?

Jack Neely

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Distro vs. @sys. Round 1: FIGHT!

2012-08-23 Thread Jack Neely
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 08:16:37AM -0600, Ken Dreyer wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Jeff Blaine jbla...@kickflop.net wrote:
  Any other options, or is the standard thing everyone does?
 The last time this was brought up[1], it sounded like there was rough
 consensus for the following default upstream @sysname list on Linux:
 ... and then whatever else your distro or site wanted to put in front of that.
 - Ken
 [1] http://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/2012-March/037784.html

I've used for a few years now a bit of code in /etc/sysconfig/openafs
that sets the sysname to be


As first in the list with the OpenAFS default as second.  So,

Current sysname list is 'amd64_redhat_6' 'amd64_linux26'


Current sysname list is 'i386_redhat_6' 'i386_linux26'

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] idle dead timeout issue?

2012-04-04 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 11:21:10AM -0400, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
 On 4/3/2012 11:13 AM, Jack Neely wrote:
  What's the status of the idle dead timeout issue?  We are continuing to
  have issues with 1.6.1pre2.  I've seen a lot of git activity and am
  wondering if the idle dead issue has been resolved at this point.
 What are the issues and why do you believe they are idle dead related?

Because Russ told me so.  ;-)


See the bottom of the email.

I've grabbed 1.6.1, read the release notes and saw some notes that
probably apply to this situation.  I'm still unclear if the OpenAFS
folks believe this issue is solved or just better.  In any case there's
nothing like tossing it on one of the web servers and giving her a spin.

Performance appears better compared to our other web servers, slightly.
However, we are still getting periods of time where AFS takes multiple
seconds to 30 seconds to respond.  Then suddenly, all hanging AFS
transactions return at the same time.

See the graph.  The Y-axis is the number of httpd processes, the X-axis
is the number of seconds past 13:00 today.  (Data gathered from the http
logs of how long each request took.)


Servers are still on 1.6.1pre2 and we are making plans to do more
testing and then upgrade the servers to 1.6.1 final.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] idle dead timeout issue?

2012-04-03 Thread Jack Neely

What's the status of the idle dead timeout issue?  We are continuing to
have issues with 1.6.1pre2.  I've seen a lot of git activity and am
wondering if the idle dead issue has been resolved at this point.

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Timeouts and odd behavior with 1.6.0 file servers

2012-01-31 Thread Jack Neely

We've pushed patches to our servers to bring us up to 1.6.1pre2.
However, we are still seeing a lot of reader_wait states and load spikes
on our web servers.  I know this is the idledead issue now.  Is there
anything else we can do to reduce the issue here?  (Web server afs
clients are 1.6.0.)

Jack Neely
Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Timeouts and odd behavior with 1.6.0 file servers

2012-01-26 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 02:22:26PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Jack Neely jjne...@pams.ncsu.edu writes:
  We are working our way through a migration from old Sun AFS hardware
  running Openafs 1.4.11 to HP Blades running RHEL 6 with OpenAFS 1.6.0.
  At this point we've completed most of our file servers.
 Don't use the 1.6.0 file server.  It has a data corruption problem when
 you have an inode clone (such as a backup volume or a migration clone) and
 directories are moved with mv.  These are fixed in 1.6.1pre1 and in the
 Debian 1.6.0-3 packages.  This may be what you're running into.
  RHEL 6 / 1.6.0 clients wired into network occasionally have long pauses
  when doing AFS operations, such as running ls.  It may take 30 seconds
  to a minute for the AFS server (the datacenter is downstairs) to
  respond.  We are not seeing high load or any signs on the server that
  something is wrong.
  The above applies as well to our web servers that are RHEL 6 / 1.6.0.
  Several times a week load on the web servers will suddenly spike and
  rxdebug tells us that RX calls to one of the AFS servers are all/mostly
  in the reader_wait state.  Just as suddenly as it starts, its over with.
  call 0: # 5231, state active, mode: receiving, flags: reader_wait
  Our cron job that mirrors CPAN to AFS space now often fails with time
  out errors.
  readlink_stat(/afs/...) failed: Connection timed out (110)
 Yes, this is consistent with the problems that we're seeing on our web
 servers with OpenAFS 1.4 as well, which are probably due at least in part
 to the pathological idledead interactions with the way that server threads
 can back up waiting for vnode locks.  1.6.1pre2 (coming shortly) has both
 client and server fixes for the idledead part of this.
 Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu) http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

So, I grabbed the current HEAD of the openafs-stable-1_6_x branch which
looks to be prep'd for 1.6.1pre2.  I build that and deployed it to a
server I could do some testing on.  I'm seeing good results, but we
haven't finished our testing yet.

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Timeouts and odd behavior with 1.6.0 file servers

2012-01-25 Thread Jack Neely

We are working our way through a migration from old Sun AFS hardware
running Openafs 1.4.11 to HP Blades running RHEL 6 with OpenAFS 1.6.0.
At this point we've completed most of our file servers.

With most of our volumes on 1.6.0 DAFS servers we have started to see
some odd behavior.  Our Subversion servers have kept SVN repos in AFS
for years, we've not upgraded the Subversion software.  (SVN servers are
RHEL 5 with OpenAFS 1.4.11.)  But now SVN often tells us:

Transmitting file data ...svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: database disk image is malformed

At this point we know that the SQLite databases in Subversions fsfs
backend has become corrupt.

RHEL 6 / 1.6.0 clients wired into network occasionally have long pauses
when doing AFS operations, such as running ls.  It may take 30 seconds
to a minute for the AFS server (the datacenter is downstairs) to
respond.  We are not seeing high load or any signs on the server that
something is wrong.

The above applies as well to our web servers that are RHEL 6 / 1.6.0.
Several times a week load on the web servers will suddenly spike and
rxdebug tells us that RX calls to one of the AFS servers are all/mostly
in the reader_wait state.  Just as suddenly as it starts, its over with.

call 0: # 5231, state active, mode: receiving, flags: reader_wait

Our cron job that mirrors CPAN to AFS space now often fails with time
out errors.

readlink_stat(/afs/...) failed: Connection timed out (110)

All of these by themselves is just a fluke or a network glitch.  But as
time progresses we are starting to see a pattern emerge.  Any clues of
what may be happening?

Jack Neely
Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Tracking down AFS Fileserver corruption

2011-12-02 Thread Jack Neely

To follow up, I was able to solve or work around this particular issue.
Turns out, the emcpower devices do need some sort of abstraction layer
to work properly.  This could be using linux's LVM system or having a
partition table with one large partition.  Those configuration scenarios
do not exhibit the corruption issues I was having when attempting to
utilize the raw block device.

Jack Neely
Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Tracking down AFS Fileserver corruption

2011-11-28 Thread Jack Neely

I'm deploying new OpenAFS 1.6.0 DAFS file servers on fully update RHEL
6.1 servers and I've stumbled across a data corruption problem.  My ext4
filesystem on the vice mounts are not getting corrupted, just the AFS
volume data.

Our /vicep[ab] mounts are provided by an EMC Clariion SAN array using
the PowerPath driver.  Each of the two vice mounts have 4 paths and are
not partitioned.  I've directly formatted the /dev/emcpower[ab] block
device as ext4.  Of course, the /dev/emcpowerX device is mounted on

Every hour our OCS Inventory agent runs which eventually runs fdisk -l
to get statistics for the storage on the server.  When I was moving test
volumes to the new server and the agent ran fdisk -l the kernel would

Nov 28 13:01:39 xxx kernel: sdc: unknown partition table
Nov 28 13:01:39 xxx kernel: sde: unknown partition table
Nov 28 13:01:49 xxx kernel: sdc: unknown partition table
Nov 28 13:01:49 xxx kernel: sde: unknown partition table

and the volume being moved at that exact time would be corrupt.  Usually
the server would soon detect this and salvage the volume, but the level
of corruptions has varied.

The above messages and corruption only seem to happen when volume moves
are in progress.  Running fdisk -l on an idle server produces no

Other things cause the above messages to be re-printed, such as running
fsck -yf /dev/emcpowera.  They occur during the early hours of the
morning as well from something that appears to be related to a cron job
I've not tracked down yet.  

I need some help in figuring out what is causing the corruption and,
more importantly, how to fix things.

Jack Neely

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Tracking down AFS Fileserver corruption

2011-11-28 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 08:34:00PM +0100, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
 Hi Jack,
 no help, just a few dumb questions inline:
 On Nov 28, 2011, at 19:13 , Jack Neely wrote:
  I'm deploying new OpenAFS 1.6.0 DAFS file servers on fully update RHEL
  6.1 servers and I've stumbled across a data corruption problem.  My ext4
  filesystem on the vice mounts are not getting corrupted, just the AFS
  volume data.
  Our /vicep[ab] mounts are provided by an EMC Clariion SAN array using
  the PowerPath driver.  Each of the two vice mounts have 4 paths and are
  not partitioned.  I've directly formatted the /dev/emcpower[ab] block
  device as ext4.  Of course, the /dev/emcpowerX device is mounted on
 emcpower{a,b} map to sdc{c,e} ?

emcpowera is made of the paths: sdc sde sdg sdi

emcpowerb is made of the paths: sdb sdd sdf sdh

Here's the information from the powermt tool:

  Every hour our OCS Inventory agent runs which eventually runs fdisk -l
  to get statistics for the storage on the server.  When I was moving test
  volumes to the new server and the agent ran fdisk -l the kernel would
 Nov 28 13:01:39 xxx kernel: sdc: unknown partition table
 Nov 28 13:01:39 xxx kernel: sde: unknown partition table
 Nov 28 13:01:49 xxx kernel: sdc: unknown partition table
 Nov 28 13:01:49 xxx kernel: sde: unknown partition table
 If the devices aren't partitioned, why would it ever find a partition table?

It shouldn't.  But why does it keep looking (and cause corruption)?
Before I figured out that the corruption was happening at the same time
as these messages I didn't think that there was any connection.

 This may have changed, but Red Hat used to not support setups with 
 filesystems on unpartitioned block devices, I believe.

I have a support case open with Red Hat as well and they have not
indicated this.  In fact, not partitioning SAN devices (especially large
ones) seems to be accepted practice nowadays.

  and the volume being moved at that exact time would be corrupt.  Usually
  the server would soon detect this and salvage the volume, but the level
  of corruptions has varied.
 I don't have experience with running 1.6 servers in production yet, but since 
 the AFS fileserver is entirely running in userland, it should not cause this 
 kind of corruption. That being said, there's an open BZ regarding ext4 
 corruption due to Ceph userland processes...

The ext4 file system is not corrupted...so I think the afs daemons are
somehow being disturbed and not writing complete data.

  The above messages and corruption only seem to happen when volume moves
  are in progress.  Running fdisk -l on an idle server produces no
 Any messages if you run bonnie++ or iozone on the filesystem when the agent 

Haven't tried yet.  Good idea though.

  Other things cause the above messages to be re-printed, such as running
  fsck -yf /dev/emcpowera.
 Is this safe to do on a mounted ext4 filesystem?

I ran fsck on the unmounted SAN LUN to make sure I didn't have file
system corruption.  I was surprised that it seemed to trigger partition
rescans again


   They occur during the early hours of the
  morning as well from something that appears to be related to a cron job
  I've not tracked down yet.  
  I need some help in figuring out what is causing the corruption and,
  more importantly, how to fix things.
 If the AFS fileserver could be run under a different account than root, one 
 could be completely confident it's not the culprit. As things are, I'm only 
 99% confident...
 Best regards,
  Jack Neely
  Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
  Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
  Office of Information Technology, NC State University
  GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
  OpenAFS-info mailing list
 Stephan Wiesand
 Platanenenallee 6
 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] maximum volume size in OpenAFS 1.6

2011-11-28 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 03:20:53PM -0500, Rich Sudlow wrote:
 What's the maximum volume size with OpenAFS 1.6?

 I don't believe that quota's are enforced when going over
 2 TB volumes - is that correct?

 Does any site run this routinely?



 Rich Sudlow
 University of Notre Dame
 Center for Research Computing - Union Station
 310 West South St
 South Bend, In 46601

 (574) 631-7258 (office)
 (574) 807-1046 (cell)

Volume sizes can grow to a max of 16EiB on 64 bit systems.  Partition
sizes also have the same limit.

The quota size is still a signed 32 bit int IIRC.  So the max quota you
can set is 2TiB.  However, setting the quota to 0 or unlimited will
allow you to use any available space on the partition that volume is on.

I've seen 10TiB AFS partitions.  Things worked normally although the
output from fs lq does show some integers that have overflowed.

Jack Neely

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Fedora 15 bugs

2011-06-08 Thread Jack Neely

I'm building OpenAFS packages on Fedora 15 and having some trouble
getting 1.6.0-pre6 working well.  Consistently, afsd is segfaulting to
some degree.  Dmesg reveals:

afsd[1319]: segfault at 0 ip 4e4476de sp bf912864 error 4 in 

Although the AFS service seems to start.

I've gathered all the debug information, core dumps, and the packages
I'm using here:


The coredump-abrt-1301.tar.bz2 contains the coredump and other
information recorded by ABRT.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Fedora 15 bugs

2011-06-08 Thread Jack Neely
I do.  I'd very much like the package to work equally with and without
SELinux.  Indeed, things do behave much better without SELinux enabled.

I do not see any avc denials so this doesn't appear to be a SELinux
policy related matter.


On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 01:34:40PM -0400, omall...@msu.edu wrote:
 I assume no, but I will ask anyway. Do you have selinux enabled?

 Quoting Jack Neely jjne...@pams.ncsu.edu:


 I'm building OpenAFS packages on Fedora 15 and having some trouble
 getting 1.6.0-pre6 working well.  Consistently, afsd is segfaulting to
 some degree.  Dmesg reveals:

 afsd[1319]: segfault at 0 ip 4e4476de sp bf912864 error 4 in  

 Although the AFS service seems to start.

 I've gathered all the debug information, core dumps, and the packages
 I'm using here:


 The coredump-abrt-1301.tar.bz2 contains the coredump and other
 information recorded by ABRT.


 Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
 Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
 Office of Information Technology, NC State University
 GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

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Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Packaging OpenAFS 1.6 for Fedora 15

2011-04-14 Thread Jack Neely

I'm updating the Fedora 15 packages of OpenAFS in rpmFusion.  I'm using
1.6.0pre4 and I've applied the 2 patches from git relating to changes in
the 2.6.39 kernel.  Specifically:


At this point the kernel module compiles but complains about GPL only

FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module libafs.ko uses GPL-only
symbol '__init_work'

I don't see anything in git that addresses this.  Any ideas?


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] openafs packages for Fodera 13?

2010-06-14 Thread Jack Neely
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:29:07PM +0100, Simon Wilkinson wrote:

 On 10 Jun 2010, at 22:52, Derrick Brashear wrote:

 Does anyone know when the yum repository for Fodera 13 would come  
 out?  It
 looks like RPM fusion has openafs rpms available already. But I  
 think I read
 somewhere before that they are not directly from openafs.org.

 Indeed, the RPM Fusion RPMs are not the same as the openafs.org ones.  
 I've ranted on this subject to this list too many times before [1], but 
 the summary is that the RPMFusion RPMS install things in such a way that 
 you are likely to find much of the OpenAFS documentation misleading, and 
 you are unlikely to be able to get community support as readily as when 
 you use an OpenAFS build.



 [1] - https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/2010-March/033162.html

 OpenAFS-info mailing list

I'll be glad to help out folks with the RPMFusion RPMs as I maintain
them.  You're welcome to file a bug there:


Or email me or the list.

My motivation for doing so are two fold.  First, I needed OpenAFS
packages that conformed to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS).
Secondly, the current OpenAFS packages use an older kmod standard for
supporting kernel modules in Fedora/RHEL, and I needed the more recent
kmod standard to integrate with the other kernel modules I deal with.

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: openafs packages for Fodera 13?

2010-06-14 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:35:34AM +0200, Angel Marin wrote:
 A couple days ago I tried them, the worst offenders for us were:
 Well, that and the fact that there are no man pages on the packages ... WTF?
 Angel Marin

Thanks a bunch for the bug reports.  Stick one in there about the man
pages too. 

I'm about to leave for vacation outside my country, so if I don't have
these fixed in the next few days it will be a couple weeks.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] kernel panics in afs_GetDCache

2010-02-16 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:07:00PM +, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
 I suspect we should probably move this into RT, but I thought recording the 
 steps taken so far might be of use to others.

Thanks Simon!  Do I need to open the RT ticket on this?


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] kernel panics in afs_GetDCache

2010-02-15 Thread Jack Neely

I'm seeing regular kernel panics on our apache web servers.  The servers
are RHEL 5.4 with kernel version 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 or at least
2.6.18-164.*.  They are running OpenAFS 1.4.11.  It appears to always be

EIP: [f8bebfd9] afs_GetDCache+0x1c0a/0x2d6d [libafs] SS:ESP 0068:f78f2e68


I'm using the options:

-stat 2000 -dcache 800 -daemons 3 -volumes 70 -nosettime -memcache

and I'm thinking that the high volume apache server is busting its
cache.  (Most of those arguments have been used...historically at this

Am I going in the right direction with this, or is this panic being
caused by something else?

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] kernel panics in afs_GetDCache

2010-02-15 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 08:23:11PM +, Simon Wilkinson wrote:

 On 15 Feb 2010, at 20:11, Jack Neely wrote:

 Am I going in the right direction with this, or is this panic being
 caused by something else?

 Are you using the kmod's from openafs.org (if you are, I can turn that  
 stack trace into something understandable, if you aren't it's going to  
 be harder)


No, I'm using my own kmods.  But sounds like you are looking for the
debuginfo package?


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] kernel panics in afs_GetDCache

2010-02-15 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:09:59PM +, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
 On 15 Feb 2010, at 20:11, Jack Neely wrote:
  I'm seeing regular kernel panics on our apache web servers.  The servers
  are RHEL 5.4 with kernel version 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 or at least
  2.6.18-164.*.  They are running OpenAFS 1.4.11.  It appears to always be
  EIP: [f8bebfd9] afs_GetDCache+0x1c0a/0x2d6d [libafs] SS:ESP 0068:f78f2e68
 The stacktrace in that image, and the version details you report, don't 
 match. Can you confirm that the crash you're seing on 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 is 
 at afs_GetDCache+0x1c0a?

Gah...  My reading skills need help, apperently.  That was
2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 with openafs 1.4.11.



Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Building 1.4.11 on fedora 12 ppc64

2010-02-09 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 07:40:18PM +, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
 So, I think the problem here is that your RPM is telling OpenAFS to  
 build for the 'ppc_linux26' architecture, whereas you should actually  
 building for the ppc64_linux26 architecture.

 From the output, I don't think you're using the OpenAFS RPM specfile, so 
 you're probably best asking whoever produced your RPMs how they're  
 generating the sysname that they pass to configure.

Thanks Simon.  The package maintainer is me and that was exactly what I
was trying to figure out.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Building 1.4.11 on fedora 12 ppc64

2010-01-06 Thread Jack Neely

I'm trying to build some packages on Fedora 12.  The package works well
for intel arches that I'm familar with.  But it fails on ppc64, which
I'm not very familar with.  The full logs are here:


Things look to go off the wall around here, right when the kernel build

 warning: ignoring old commands for target `.c.o'
make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
  CC [M]  
  CC [M]  
  CC [M]  
In file included from 
 warning: 'struct flock64' declared inside parameter list
 warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably 
not what you want

I'd appreciate some help in figuring out what's not right.

Jack Neely

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] dynroot question

2009-09-02 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 07:08:30PM +0100, Simon Wilkinson wrote:

 On 5 Aug 2009, at 19:03, Russ Allbery wrote:

 Apache recursively ascends the file hierarchy looking for .htaccess  
 even if that directory itself is not being served, so it will attempt 
 read /afs/.htaccess if you are serving any directory anywhere under / 

 I haven't looked at the code, so we may be already doing this, but it  
 seems to me that we could just bounce requests for /afs/.htaccess  
 immediately. In fact, there's probably a range of things that it makes  
 no sense to do DNS lookups for.


I agree here.  Turns out I am sending out DNS queries from each of the
web servers for the htaccess cell 20 or so times a second.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] dynroot question]

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 07:08:30PM +0100, Simon Wilkinson wrote:

 On 5 Aug 2009, at 19:03, Russ Allbery wrote:

 Apache recursively ascends the file hierarchy looking for .htaccess  
 even if that directory itself is not being served, so it will attempt 
 read /afs/.htaccess if you are serving any directory anywhere under / 

 I haven't looked at the code, so we may be already doing this, but it  
 seems to me that we could just bounce requests for /afs/.htaccess  
 immediately. In fact, there's probably a range of things that it makes  
 no sense to do DNS lookups for.


I agree here.  Turns out I am sending out DNS queries from each of the
web servers for the htaccess cell 20 or so times a second.


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] dynroot question

2009-08-07 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 10:02:21AM -0400, Derrick Brashear wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Jack Neelyjjne...@pams.ncsu.edu wrote:
  I'm having an issue with the dynroot functionality on my web servers.
  I've straced the httpd process and discovered that it is attempting to
  stat() /afs/.htaccess which, of course, doesn't exist.  The problem
  being that AFS takes 10 to 20 seconds or more to return the stat call.
  The problem comes and goes.  I'm not exactly sure what is triggering it
  and would like some help figuring that out.
  We're running 1.4.10 client side and the servers with the web volumes
  are 1.4.7 and 1.4.10.  We are in the process of moving everything to
  1.4.11 but wanted to try to track down this issue.
 tcpdump. i assume you see no afs traffic, but you do see dns traffic.
 yes? what's the round trip time on that?
 fstrace. what do you see?

We did find the cause for this specific problem.  Our DNS servers'
firewall was dropping packets when the ip_conntrack table became full.

Thanks for the help!


Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] dynroot question

2009-08-05 Thread Jack Neely

I'm having an issue with the dynroot functionality on my web servers.
I've straced the httpd process and discovered that it is attempting to
stat() /afs/.htaccess which, of course, doesn't exist.  The problem
being that AFS takes 10 to 20 seconds or more to return the stat call.

The problem comes and goes.  I'm not exactly sure what is triggering it
and would like some help figuring that out.

We're running 1.4.10 client side and the servers with the web volumes
are 1.4.7 and 1.4.10.  We are in the process of moving everything to
1.4.11 but wanted to try to track down this issue.

Turning dynroot off, of course, fixes the issue.

Jack Neely jjne...@ncsu.edu
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] com_err issues building afs-krb5

2008-05-15 Thread Jack Neely

I'm attempting to build the AFS krb5 migration kit.  I haven't done so
in a while and ran into some problems with our friend com_err.  I'm
using the patches offered on the OpenAFS website and an additional patch
to handle the /usr/lib v /usr/lib64 issues.  The patches, spec and such
can be found here:


The afs-krb5 stuff finds the system's libcom_err.so but AFS builds and
links against its own and always complains about missing symbols of
afs_com_err and friends.  Is there a better way to correct this rather
than just adding /usr/lib64/afs/libcom_err.a to the LIBS variable in
the proper place in configure.in?

Jack Neely
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
gcc -o aklog aklog.o aklog_main.o aklog_param.o krb_util.o linked_list.o 
adderrtable.o -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err  -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib 
-L/usr/lib64/afs -L/usr/lib/afs -lsys -lprot -lubik -lauth -lrxkad -lrx -llwp 
-ldes -lsys /usr/lib64/afs/util.a -lresolv
aklog_param.o: In function `aklog_init_params':
/home/slack/RPM/BUILD/afs-krb5/src/aklog_param.c:213: warning: the `getwd' 
function is dangerous and should not be used.
/usr/lib64/afs/libprot.a(ptuser.o): In function `pr_Initialize':
(.text+0xea6): undefined reference to `afs_com_err'
/usr/lib64/afs/libprot.a(ptuser.o): In function `pr_Initialize':
(.text+0x101c): undefined reference to `afs_com_err'
/usr/lib64/afs/libprot.a(ptuser.o): In function `pr_Initialize':
(.text+0x11f7): undefined reference to `afs_error_message'
/usr/lib64/afs/libprot.a(pterror.o): In function `initialize_PT_error_table':
(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `afs_add_to_error_table'
/usr/lib64/libubik.a(uerrors.o): In function `initialize_U_error_table':
(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `afs_add_to_error_table'
/usr/lib64/afs/libauth.a(acfg_errors.o): In function 
(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `afs_add_to_error_table'
/usr/lib64/afs/libauth.a(ktc_errors.o): In function 
(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `afs_add_to_error_table'
/usr/lib64/librxkad.a(rxkad_errs.o): In function `initialize_RXK_error_table':
(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `afs_add_to_error_table'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [aklog] Error 1
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.8046 (%build)

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.4.7pre3 client success on EL45 - and a question

2008-04-09 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 05:45:59PM +0200, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
  1.4.7pre3 builds, and the client works, for us on SL4 and SL5, i386 and 
  And here's the question:
  We're trying to do something that doesn't work in AFS space under certain 
  circumstances. We don't know yet what makes it fail or work, but it 
  consistently either fails or works on any client, and all clients have a 
  very similar setup.
  All clients are SL4, amd64, latest kernel (2.6.9-67.0.7.ELsmp).
  The failing procedure is a bit convoluted, and I don't know in every detail 
  what it's doing. But the part that fails on some clients is that RPMs get 
  installed, with the RPMDB in AFS, and if it fails we get three messages 
  afs: failed to store file (13) and a wedged RPMDB. And, with 1.4.7pre3 but 
  not 1.4.6, we see two more messages:
  WARNING: afs_ufswr vcp=10396e494c0, exOrW=0
  WARNING: afs_ufswr vcp=10396e49140, exOrW=0
  Any hint what these are about would probably be very helpful.
  PS On SL3, inserting the module from 1.4.7pre3 fails with the message that 
  hlist_unhashed is GPLONLY. I'll file a bug in RT.
  Stephan Wiesand
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen, Germany
  OpenAFS-info mailing list

Well, the RPM db is a sleepycat database.  Which is not known to work
well in AFS space.

Jack Neely
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] fakestat-all weirdness

2008-03-17 Thread Jack Neely

With my RHEL 5 deployment I've begun using the -fakestat-all flag which
I'd hoped would make things work better and faster producing less load
on our AFS servers.

However, we have discovered that if AFS client B altered files used by
AFS client A with the fakestat-all flag that AFS client A would exhibit
some weird behavior.  When we removed the fakestat-all option and
rebooted the normal behavior resumed.  We noticed this when folks would
update their web content and the web server would either not see the
updated files or the updated files would produce read errors.

We have also discovered that our Solaris 10 machines with OpenAFS 1.4.6
using the fakestat-all option does not exhibit the broken behavior.

To my understanding the fakestat option only affects mount points.
Anyone know what's going on here?  I've included the tests that we've
been using to reproduce.

Jack Neely
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

Login to my home directory: /afs/xxx/brabec
users.brabec  538563526 RW 759295 K  On-line
uni10f.unity.ncsu.edu /vicepa 
RWrite  538563526 ROnly  0 Backup  538563561 
MaxQuota150 K 
CreationWed Jan  8 15:33:44 2003
Last Update Thu Mar 13 17:18:56 2008
15582 accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references)

RWrite: 538563526 Backup: 538563561 
number of sites - 1
   server uni10f.unity.ncsu.edu partition /vicepa RW Site 

SunOS uni10f 5.8 Generic_117350-04 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
@(#) OpenAFS 1.2.13 built  2004-11-03 

on these hosts:
- mosa = my desktop rh9 machine with working AFS

- web03rmw = a rhel5 server exhibiting the problem

- also tried uni42ws, which is a rhel3 box without this problem

# creating a file works
mosa% vi afstest1
# add some text content
mosa% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   31 Mar 13 16:48 afstest1
web03rmw% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 31 Mar 13 16:48 afstest1

# editing a file on mosa does not
mosa% vi afstest1
# add more content
mosa% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
web03rmw% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 31 Mar 13 16:48 afstest1
# note the old timestamp and unchanged file size

# attempted to edit same file on web03rmw... this time I got
# a read error, and an empty file in vim. ls now shows the correct
# file size and subsequent reads work correctly.

# on other tries, I have gotten the cached copy of the file, and I could 
# make changes and overwrite the file in AFS, quietly losing the
# changes made on mosa.

# creating a file on rhel5 works
web03rmw% vi afstest2
# add some content
web03rmw% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 24 Mar 13 16:52 afstest2
mosa% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   24 Mar 13 16:52 afstest2

# editing the file on rhel5 works
web03rmw% vi afstest2
# add some more content
web03rmw% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 36 Mar 13 16:55 afstest2
mosa% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   36 Mar 13 16:55 afstest2

# edit the second file on mosa first, web03rmw second
mosa% vi afstest2
# found 2 comments, added a third
web03rmw% vi afstest2
# found only 2 comments, added a different third
web03rmw% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 53 Mar 13 16:57 afstest2
mosa% ls -al afs*
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   53 Mar 13 16:57 afstest2
# cat on both machines shows the same content... that added second by the 
# rhel5/rmw host. the changes made on mosa were lost.

# timing...
# made edits to afstest2 and afstest3 on mosa, the ls looks like this
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   79 Mar 13 16:59 afstest2
-rw-r--r--1 brabec   ncsu   31 Mar 13 17:01 afstest3
# and the second edit was made at precisely Thu Mar 13 17:01:27 EDT 2008

# on web03rmw...
Thu Mar 13 17:07:46 EDT 2008
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 60 Mar 13 16:50 afstest1
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 53 Mar 13 16:57 afstest2
-rw-r--r-- 1 brabec ncsu 12 Mar 13 17:01 afstest3
% cat afstest3
cat: afstest3: No such file

Re: [OpenAFS] why linux sysnames are different

2008-01-02 Thread Jack Neely
I've been using my own sysname scheme ever since we've
been able to provide a sysname list.  So an i386 normally has
ia32_rhel4 and i386_linux26.  For RHEL 5 ia32_rhel5 and i386_linux26.

Jack Neely
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] get-time errors from working afs server

2007-12-10 Thread Jack Neely
On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 03:07:42PM -0500, Derrick Brashear wrote:
 On Dec 7, 2007 2:56 PM, Jack Neely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a specific client workstation that refuses to talk to an AFS server
  vice versa).  Of course its the server that contains the user's home
  directory that normally uses this workstation.  Other identical clients
  are able to work with this server and the server appears to be working
  normally.  The workstations are RHEL 5 with OpenAFS 1.4.4 and kernel
 And the server?

Solaris 8.  OpenAFS 1.2.13
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] gnome-vfs and AFS home directories

2007-08-22 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 05:24:57PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Jack Neely [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  We are starting to deploy RHEL 5 with OpenAFS 1.4.4.  All users have
  there home directories in AFS.
  The Trash can on the gnome desktop doesn't work.  I found out that the
  Trash functionality in gnome-vfs was turned off for AFS filesystems.  I
  patched this in Red Hat Bug #253090.
  Now, the Trash works for some users and not for others.  I can sit and
  watch the opened Trash folder full of items.  Suddenly all the files
  vanish...then reappear.
  If my research is right, gnome-vfs/nautilis use the kernel inotify stuff
  to monitor files.  It appears that AFS isn't properly supporting this.
  Can anyone clarify what's happening here?  
 Does it help to uninstall fam and install gamin instead?

RHEL 5 (RHEL 4 as well) use gamin by default.  Although, to confirm that
I did discover gamin's config file (or lack thereof in RHEL).  Tomorow
I'll see if I can tweek its options and get better results.


NCSU Campus Linux Services Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] gnome-vfs and AFS home directories

2007-08-21 Thread Jack Neely

We are starting to deploy RHEL 5 with OpenAFS 1.4.4.  All users have
there home directories in AFS.

The Trash can on the gnome desktop doesn't work.  I found out that the
Trash functionality in gnome-vfs was turned off for AFS filesystems.  I
patched this in Red Hat Bug #253090.

Now, the Trash works for some users and not for others.  I can sit and
watch the opened Trash folder full of items.  Suddenly all the files
vanish...then reappear.

If my research is right, gnome-vfs/nautilis use the kernel inotify stuff
to monitor files.  It appears that AFS isn't properly supporting this.
Can anyone clarify what's happening here?  

Jack Neely
NCSU Campus Linux Services Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Fun kernel panics on RHEL 4

2007-02-15 Thread Jack Neely

While poking around to figure out how to get the afsd daemon with the
-verbose and -debug flags to log someplace useful (*grumbles at
initlog*) I discovered a neat kernel panic.  With AFS already running
typing afsd -debug as root results in a kernel panic and a frozen
machine.  I have attached the output of the afsd -debug command and
the resulting kernel panic.

This is OpenAFS 1.4.2 on RHEL 4, kernel version 2.6.9-42.0.8.ELsmp.

I know that's not the proper way to run the daemon in debug
mode...but I shouldn't be able to trick fellow sysadmins to kernel
panic their machine so easily.  Although, it is amusing.  :-)


Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: openafs: afs_InitCacheInfo --- called for 
non-ufs cache![ cut here ]
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: kernel BUG at 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: invalid operand:  [#1]
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: SMP 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: Modules linked in: i915 parport_pc lp parport 
autofs4 i2c_dev i2c_core libafs(U) sunrpc ipt_REJECT ipt_state ip_conntrack 
iptable_filter ip_tables dm_mirror dm_mod button battery ac md5 ipv6 uhci_hcd 
ehci_hcd hw_random snd_intel8x0 snd_ac97_codec snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss 
snd_pcm snd_timer snd_page_alloc snd_mpu401_uart snd_rawmidi snd_seq_device snd 
soundcore 3c59x mii floppy ext3 jbd ata_piix libata sd_mod scsi_mod
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: CPU:0
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: EIP:0060:[e042d237]Tainted: PF VLI
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: EFLAGS: 00010216   (2.6.9-42.0.8.ELsmp) 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: EIP is at afs_InitCacheInfo+0x1f/0xd7 [libafs]
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: eax: 003b   ebx: c1622980   ecx: d3755e24   
edx: e0478290
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: esi:    edi: 0007   ebp: c1622980   
esp: d3755e20
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: ds: 007b   es: 007b   ss: 0068
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: Process afsd (pid: 4872, threadinfo=d3755000 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: Stack: e0478290 d3755e2c c02d2e82 0246 
 e04905e0  d3755e44 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:c02d2e82 e04905e0 e046b2a8  
d46ad8b0 2d29ad35 c016728c d5342580 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:d3755ebc d3755ef8 0001 0101 
 de9b401a dee9d180 d400c804 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: Call Trace:
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c02d2e82] __cond_resched+0x14/0x39
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c02d2e82] __cond_resched+0x14/0x39
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [e046b2a8] afs_syscall_call+0xe6e/0x1b2a 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c016728c] __link_path_walk+0xafd/0xbb5
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c01673d8] link_path_walk+0x94/0xbe
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c01c32da] memmove+0xe/0x24
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [e046c244] afs_syscall+0x1c1/0x4c4 [libafs]
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c01663a7] permission+0x4a/0x4f
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [e0465026] afs_ioctl+0x82/0x8c [libafs]
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c016ab45] file_ioctl+0x19d/0x1af
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c016ad5f] sys_ioctl+0x208/0x269
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  [c02d48d7] syscall_call+0x7/0xb
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel: Code: 38 49 e0 89 d8 ff 52 10 31 c0 5b c3 53 83 
ec 20 89 c3 ff 05 7c 8c 49 e0 83 3d b0 38 49 e0 00 74 13 68 90 82 47 e0 e8 67 
56 cf df 0f 0b 51 01 cc 82 47 e0 59 89 d8 e8 65 75 03 00 85 c0 0f 85 9b 
Feb 14 18:32:40 tweety kernel:  0Fatal exception: panic in 5 seconds

Description: BZip2 compressed data

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: 1.4.2 client on RHEL5 beta 2

2007-02-12 Thread Jack Neely
On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 11:43:51AM -0500, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
 On Tuesday, January 23, 2007 02:14:55 PM -0500 Derrick J Brashear 
 On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Rainer Laatsch wrote:
 I circumvented the MODPOST issue by patching
 around line 1103 ; replacing 'fatal' by 'warn'
 We can't reasonably do that. The problem is the loose binding isn't loose
 enough for this check.
 No, but with the new AC_TRY_KBUILD test, we should be able to reliably 
 determine at build time whether tasklist_lock is exported -- or at least, 
 whether a weak reference will cause the build to fail.

Jeff, is there a patch I can try the AC_TRY_KBUILD test with the
1.4.3 RCs?  Pointer into CVS?  I really need to work on some RHEL5-ish
stuff for work.  :-)


Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: 1.4.2 client on RHEL5 beta 2

2007-02-12 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 01:46:04PM -0500, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
 It's being tracked at 53441 in RT, incidentally.

Thanks!  That helps.


 On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
 On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Jack Neely wrote:
 No, but with the new AC_TRY_KBUILD test, we should be able to reliably
 determine at build time whether tasklist_lock is exported -- or at least,
 whether a weak reference will cause the build to fail.
 Jeff, is there a patch I can try the AC_TRY_KBUILD test with the
 1.4.3 RCs?  Pointer into CVS?  I really need to work on some RHEL5-ish
 stuff for work.  :-)
 I'm not Jeff, but, there is such a test, and it doesn't work correctly yet.
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Re: 1.4.2 client on RHEL5 beta 2

2007-01-23 Thread Jack Neely

I still see this bug with OpenAFS 1.4.3rc1 on RHEL5 Beta 2

Derek, was there a patch that I can test out your suggestion?

LD [M]
  Building modules, stage 2.
FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module libafs.ko uses GPL-only symbol

Jack Neely
Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] New problem regarding ROCKS client

2006-11-10 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 02:49:40PM -0500, Paul Mitchell wrote:
 Having solved the openAFS problems on solaris10 (x86) platform, I'm now 
 turning to a ROCKS client. Here's the client:
 uname -a
 Linux compute-0-1.local 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Aug 23 00:17:26 CDT 
 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 And I've a set of RPM's which I downloaded:
 I'msure this is a function of my newness to Linux, however, the following 
 is totally perplexing:
 rpm -i openafs-1.4.0-rhel4.1.i386.rpm
 package openafs-1.4.0-rhel4.1 is already installed
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] RPMS]# rpm -q openafs-1.4.0-rhel4.1.i386.rpm
 package openafs-1.4.0-rhel4.1.i386.rpm is not installed


You need to give rpm the package name to query off of.  You want to do
something like

rpm -q openafs

This command

rpm -ql openafs

will list out what files where installed by that package and where they


 How can it be installed and not installed?  I actually don't believe it is 
 installed as I can find no evidence of the packages contents on the 
 system.  Any advice will be appreciated.
 Paul Mitchell
   Paul Mitchell
   phone: (919) 962-9778
   office: I have an office, room 14, Phillips Hall
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Campus Linux Services Project Lead
Information Technology Division, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] New FC4 Kernel == Can't Find System Call Table

2006-03-13 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 11:18:45AM -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 09:10:04PM -0500, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
  If this is the bit where the syscall table has been moved into the .rodata 
  section, the resolution is to lose. Maybe someday we will get to use 
  kernel keyrings. We could actually do that today if we were willing to 
  break backward compatibility with every userland tool that did pags that 
  was compiled before today. For many sites this would simply be a different 
  form of sadness.
 How hard would it be to make this an option, so we can pick our sadness? :)

We've all complained and flamed about the sys_call_table hook sadness.
I think its definitely time to look at using the kernel keyrings.  Its a
much better solution and will lead toward much happiness in the end.

I use several third party tools with OpenAFS that this would break.  I'm
willing to work with maintainers and fix them to use the kernel
keyrings.  I've actually been trying to find some time to see what would
be involved in porting OpenAFS.  

Pointers to what would be involved?

Jack Neely

Campus Linux Services Project Lead
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Slow Logins on RHEL 4

2005-06-17 Thread Jack Neely

Thanks for the advice.  Looks like there was some issues in the version
of pam_krb5 I was using after all.  I thought that I had eliminated that
possibility but...alas...

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Slow Logins on RHEL 4

2005-06-16 Thread Jack Neely

I'm seeing slow logins on RHEL 4.  My current configuration is OpenAFS
1.3.84 and kernel version 2.6.9-11.ELsmp.  I also see the same problem
on earlier RHEL 4 kernels, non-smp machines, and earlier releases of

If I shutdown AFS (login scripts create users a temporary home
directory) then logins are quite quick.  With AFS they take a good 5 to
15 seconds.

I've checked my PAM configuration.  No slow downs there.  It auths me
and opens my session pretty quick.  Also don't have any problems getting
tokens.  I get the same slow performance with either memcache or
diskcache.  Console logins, GDM, SSH...all slow.

Any suggestions for locating the cause of this?

Jack Neely

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] unable to stop openafs

2005-02-08 Thread Jack Neely

I can confirm this.  My test machine is RHEL 4 Beta 2 running OpenAFS

After a fresh boot, cat'ing a web page, I can shutdown AFS cleanly.
However, after I reboot again, then run fs la on that same web page
AFS will not shut down.  

umount: /afs: device is busy
afsd: Shutting down all afs processes and afs state
AFS isn't unmounted yet! Call aborted
afsd: AFS still mounted; Not shutting down

The kernel module cannot be removed either.

Jack Neely

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 12:31:10PM -0500, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 08, 2005 11:13:20 AM +0100 Vladimir Nadvornik 
 On Sunday 06 February 2005 19:07, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
 I'm unable to umount an afs partition: umount /mnt/afs fails because
 peripheral is still occupied, however I can't see any process using any
 file located under /mnt/afs using lsof.
 I have the same problem with 1.3.78 and vanilla linux kernel 2.6.10.
 It seems to happen only if afs syscall is used, for example fs listacl.
 Hm.  This is a problem we haven't been able to track down so far.
 Can you confirm that if you start AFS then read a file, you can unmount 
 /afs, but if you do something like 'fs la' on the same file, you stop being 
 able to unmount it?
 If that's the case, we may be well on the road to finding the problem.
 -- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sr. Research Systems Programmer
   School of Computer Science - Research Computing Facility
   Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-14 Thread Jack Neely

That patch works.  OpenAFS seems to work fairly well in memcache mode.
Not seeing file corruption of missing files.

The attached version of the patch (mainly for the list) applies to
1.3.77.  So, I'm using this + Matthew's patches for a working 1.3.77.

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
--- src/afsd/afsd.c.old 2005-01-14 13:27:10.557882648 -0500
+++ src/afsd/afsd.c 2005-01-14 13:28:06.141432664 -0500
@@ -1932,7 +1932,11 @@
 if (afsd_debug)
printf(%s: Calling AFSOP_VOLUMEINFO: volume info file is '%s'\n, rn,
-call_syscall(AFSOP_VOLUMEINFO, fullpn_VolInfoFile);
+/* once again, meaningless for a memory-based cache. */
+if (!(cacheFlags  AFSCALL_INIT_MEMCACHE))
+   call_syscall(AFSOP_VOLUMEINFO, fullpn_VolInfoFile);
  * Pass the kernel the name of the afs logging file holding the volume

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-13 Thread Jack Neely
I was starting to wonder what that other patch actually did.  :-)

I also did s/printk/printf/ in your patch.

Attached is dmesg output.

Jack Neely

On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 04:45:32PM -0500, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
 correct diff.
 and no, once you get an oops, you can't start afs again.

 ? .gdb_history
 ? diff
 ? ppc_darwin_70
 ? src/libafs/afs.ppc_darwin_70.plist
 ? src/packaging/MacOS/OpenAFS.pkg
 ? src/packaging/MacOS/OpenAFS.pkg.tar.gz
 ? src/venus/kdump.c.
 Index: src/afs/afs_memcache.c
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/afs/afs_memcache.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.16
 diff -u -r1.16 afs_memcache.c
 --- src/afs/afs_memcache.c1 Dec 2004 23:38:56 -   1.16
 +++ src/afs/afs_memcache.c11 Jan 2005 22:13:19 -
 @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
   memCacheBlkSize = blkSize;
  memMaxBlkNumber = blkCount;
 +printk(memMaxBlkNumber %d\n, memMaxBlkNumber);
  memCache = (struct memCacheEntry *)
   afs_osi_Alloc(memMaxBlkNumber * sizeof(struct memCacheEntry));
 @@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
  return 0;
 -#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV)
 +#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) || 
  void *
  afs_MemCacheOpen(ino_t blkno)
 @@ -100,6 +101,7 @@
  struct memCacheEntry *mep;
  if (blkno  0 || blkno  memMaxBlkNumber) {
 +  printk(blkno %d\n, blkno);
   osi_Panic(afs_MemCacheOpen: invalid block #);
  mep = (memCache + blkno);
 Index: src/afs/afs_prototypes.h
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/afs/afs_prototypes.h,v
 retrieving revision 1.57
 diff -u -r1.57 afs_prototypes.h
 --- src/afs/afs_prototypes.h  1 Dec 2004 23:38:56 -   1.57
 +++ src/afs/afs_prototypes.h  11 Jan 2005 22:13:19 -
 @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
  /* afs_memcache.c */
  extern int afs_InitMemCache(int blkCount, int blkSize, int flags);
  extern int afs_MemCacheClose(struct osi_file *file);
 -#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV)
 +#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) || 
  extern void *afs_MemCacheOpen(ino_t blkno);
  extern void *afs_MemCacheOpen(afs_int32 blkno);
 @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
  /* ARCH/osi_file.c */
  extern int afs_osicred_initialized;
 -#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV)
 +#if defined(AFS_SUN57_64BIT_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI62_ENV) || 
  extern void *osi_UFSOpen(ino_t ainode);
  extern void *osi_UFSOpen(afs_int32 ainode);
 Index: src/afs/LINUX/osi_file.c
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/afs/LINUX/osi_file.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.22
 diff -u -r1.22 osi_file.c
 --- src/afs/LINUX/osi_file.c  8 Dec 2004 17:21:04 -   1.22
 +++ src/afs/LINUX/osi_file.c  11 Jan 2005 22:13:19 -
 @@ -27,7 +27,11 @@
  extern struct super_block *afs_cacheSBp;
  void *
 +#ifdef AFS_LINUX26_ENV
 +osi_UFSOpen(ino_t ainode)
  osi_UFSOpen(afs_int32 ainode)
  register struct osi_file *afile = NULL;
  extern int cacheDiskType;

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
ng delay loop... 3923.96 BogoMIPS (lpj=1961984)
Security Scaffold v1.0.0 initialized
SELinux:  Initializing.
SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
There is already a security framework initialized, register_security failed.
selinux_register_security:  Registering secondary module capability
Capability LSM initialized as secondary
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
CPU: After generic identify, caps: 078bfbff e1d3fbff  
CPU: After vendor identify, caps:  078bfbff e1d3fbff  
CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: L2 Cache: 1024K (64 bytes/line)
CPU: After all inits, caps:078bf3ff e1d3fbff  0010
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 146 stepping 08
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
ACPI: IRQ9 SCI: Edge set to Level Trigger.
checking if image is initramfs... it is
Freeing initrd memory: 476k freed
NET: Registered protocol family 16
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf0031, last bus=1
PCI: Using configuration type 1
mtrr: v2.0 (20020519)
ACPI: Subsystem revision 20040816
ACPI: Interpreter enabled
ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing
ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (00:00)
PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 *11 14 15)

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-12 Thread Jack Neely
 = aslot;
 +tdc-bucket = 0;
  afs_indexUnique[aslot] = tdc-f.fid.Fid.Unique;
  if (existing) {
 @@ -2840,6 +2939,17 @@
   lasterrtime = osi_Time();
   afs_indexUnique[aslot] = tdc-f.fid.Fid.Unique;
 + tdc-bucket = 0;
 +} else {
 + /*  this should be functionalized better. GetVCache on fid? */
 + struct volume *tv = afs_FindVolume(tdc-f.fid, READ_LOCK);
 + if (tv-states  VRO) {
 + tdc-bucket = 2;
 + } else if (tv-states  VBackup) {
 + tdc-bucket = 1;
 + } else {
 + tdc-bucket = 1;
 + }
  tdc-refCount = 1;
  tdc-index = aslot;
 @@ -3235,6 +3345,7 @@
  afs_dcentries = aDentries;
  afs_blocksUsed = 0;
 Index: src/afs/afs_vcache.c
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/afs/afs_vcache.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.69
 diff -u -r1.69 afs_vcache.c
 --- src/afs/afs_vcache.c  13 Oct 2004 00:36:59 -  1.69
 +++ src/afs/afs_vcache.c  18 Oct 2004 10:24:55 -
 @@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@
  tvc-vmh = tvc-segid = NULL;
  tvc-credp = NULL;
 -#if defined(AFS_SUN_ENV) || defined(AFS_ALPHA_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
 +#if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_ALPHA_ENV) || 
  #if  defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
  rw_init(tvc-rwlock, vcache rwlock, RW_DEFAULT, NULL);
 Index: src/lwp/lwp.h
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/lwp/lwp.h,v
 retrieving revision 1.14
 diff -u -r1.14 lwp.h
 --- src/lwp/lwp.h 15 Jul 2003 23:15:45 -  1.14
 +++ src/lwp/lwp.h 18 Oct 2004 10:25:00 -
 @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
  #if defined(USE_UCONTEXT)  defined(HAVE_UCONTEXT_H)
  #define AFS_LWP_MINSTACKSIZE  (288 * 1024)
 -#if defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV)
 +#if defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
  #define AFS_LWP_MINSTACKSIZE (192 * 1024)
  #define AFS_LWP_MINSTACKSIZE (48 * 1024)
 Index: src/rx/rx.c
 RCS file: /cvs/openafs/src/rx/rx.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.65
 diff -u -r1.65 rx.c
 --- src/rx/rx.c   15 Oct 2004 06:01:35 -  1.65
 +++ src/rx/rx.c   18 Oct 2004 10:25:10 -
 @@ -5742,7 +5742,7 @@
   rx_interface_stat_p rpc_stat, nrpc_stat;
   size_t space;
 - MUTEX_DESTROY(peer-peer_lock);
 + /*MUTEX_DESTROY(peer-peer_lock);*/
   for (queue_Scan
(peer-rpcStats, rpc_stat, nrpc_stat,
 rx_interface_stat)) {

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
g ACPI for IRQ routing
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:07.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:08.0[A] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] enabled at IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0a.0[A] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0b.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0f.0[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0f.1[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.1[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.2[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.3[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.4[C] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:11.5[C] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :01:00.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac)
apm: overridden by ACPI.
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
audit(1105546100.521:0): initialized
highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0
VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
Initializing Cryptographic API
ksign: Installing public key data
Loading keyring
- Added public key E07BC3E85BE30CFD
- User ID: Red Hat, Inc. (Kernel Module GPG key)
pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
vesafb: probe of vesafb0 failed with error -6
ACPI: Processor [CPU1] (supports C1)
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12
Linux agpgart interface v0.100 (c) Dave Jones
agpgart: Detected AGP bridge 0
agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 941M
agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xf800
serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 8 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
ttyS0 at I/O

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-11 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 01:05:16AM -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 06:43:09PM -0500, Jack Neely wrote:
  I keep RHEL/FC install trees in AFS which are served out via HTTP.  I
  build the tree on a test machine and use rsync to move it out to AFS
  land.  In this case my server is a RHEL3 linux box running OpenAFS
  1.2.11.  After moving the tree with rsync (a little over 2G worth) I
  see that the cache gets out of sync on large files (20MB, 70MB, etc.)
  Rsync complains it cannot delete its dot-files (the file it creates
  before moving it to the real filename).  These . files show in an 'ls'
  and when I try to rm them I get No file or directory yet they still
  appear in AFS.  Many of my RPM pacakges are corrupt as well.
 This is *exactly* the problem I've seen. It's reported at


This is going to be a showstopper for us.


 Matthew Miller   [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.mattdm.org/
 Boston University Linux  --http://linux.bu.edu/

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-11 Thread Jack Neely
Any in reply to my own post...

Has anyone tried opening up FC3/RHEL4 beta's natilus window on a
directory in AFS, such as a home directory?  Really, really, slow.  The
window has been scaning my home directory for 15 minutes now and is
still not complete.  Load has gone to 6.

Lots of small files and some larger ones...only about 145MB worth...

Jack Neely
Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-11 Thread Jack Neely
And this is what happens when I try to use memcache...

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 *10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 *5 7 10 11 14 15)
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 7 10 11 14 15) *0, disabled.
Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
usbcore: registered new driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new driver hub
PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] enabled at IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:07.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] enabled at IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:08.0[A] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] enabled at IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0a.0[A] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0b.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0f.0[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0f.1[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.1[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.2[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.3[B] - GSI 10 (level, low) - IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:10.4[C] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:11.5[C] - GSI 5 (level, low) - IRQ 5
ACPI: PCI interrupt :01:00.0[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac)
apm: overridden by ACPI.
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
audit(1105455518.017:0): initialized
highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0
VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
Initializing Cryptographic API
ksign: Installing public key data
Loading keyring
- Added public key E07BC3E85BE30CFD
- User ID: Red Hat, Inc. (Kernel Module GPG key)
pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5
vesafb: probe of vesafb0 failed with error -6
ACPI: Processor [CPU1] (supports C1)
Real Time Clock Driver v1.12
Linux agpgart interface v0.100 (c) Dave Jones
agpgart: Detected AGP bridge 0
agpgart: Maximum main memory to use for agp memory: 941M
agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xf800
serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 8 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 16384K size 1024 blocksize
divert: not allocating divert_blk for non-ethernet device lo
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
VP_IDE: IDE controller at PCI slot :00:0f.1
ACPI: PCI interrupt :00:0f.1[A] - GSI 11 (level, low) - IRQ 11
VP_IDE: chipset revision 6
VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
VP_IDE: VIA vt8237 (rev 00) IDE UDMA133 controller on pci:00:0f.1
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc00-0xfc07, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc08-0xfc0f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
Probing IDE interface ide0...
hda: WDC WD1200JB-00FUA0, ATA DISK drive
Using cfq io scheduler
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Probing IDE interface ide1...
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
Probing IDE interface ide2...
ide2: Wait for ready failed before probe !
Probing IDE interface ide3...
ide3: Wait for ready failed before probe !
Probing IDE interface ide4...
ide4: Wait for ready failed before probe !
Probing IDE interface ide5...
ide5: Wait for ready failed before probe !
hda: max request size: 1024KiB
hda: 234441648 sectors (120034 MB) w/8192KiB Cache, CHS=16383/255/63, UDMA(100)
hda: cache flushes supported
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4  hda5 hda6 hda7 
hdc: ATAPI 52X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
usbcore: registered new driver hiddev
usbcore: registered new driver usbhid
drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.0:USB HID core driver
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
input: ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse on isa0060/serio1
md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 64Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind

Re: [OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-11 Thread Jack Neely

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] 1.3.77 Brokenness

2005-01-10 Thread Jack Neely

I've been doing some testing with OpenAFS 1.3.77 on the RHEL4 betas.
Just been testing the client against Transarc/OpenAFS 1.2.x servers.

Mostly, things work pretty well.  However, I'm having problems with
large files and have a pretty easy test case.

I keep RHEL/FC install trees in AFS which are served out via HTTP.  I
build the tree on a test machine and use rsync to move it out to AFS
land.  In this case my server is a RHEL3 linux box running OpenAFS
1.2.11.  After moving the tree with rsync (a little over 2G worth) I
see that the cache gets out of sync on large files (20MB, 70MB, etc.)
Rsync complains it cannot delete its dot-files (the file it creates
before moving it to the real filename).  These . files show in an 'ls'
and when I try to rm them I get No file or directory yet they still
appear in AFS.  Many of my RPM pacakges are corrupt as well.

When I do the same operation with the 2.4 kernel runnign OpenAFS 1.2.11
things work as expected.

That should be easy enough to reproduce...if you need any more
information just let me know.

Jack Neely
Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Unknown symbol force_sig on RHEL 4 beta

2005-01-07 Thread Jack Neely

I'm working on building OpenAFS RPMs for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
betas.  I'm using the most recent kernel (which I will be glad to
provide as I'm not sure you can find it outside of RHN) which is


Build works fine using the patches from Matthew, but on modprobe I get

libafs: Unknown symbol force_sig

Which appears to be in the above kernel.  Any clues?

Matthew: RHEL4 looks as if it will have kernel-devel and
kernel-smp-devel packages.  They are quite handy.  :-)

Jack Neely

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Unknown symbol force_sig on RHEL 4 beta

2005-01-07 Thread Jack Neely

I'm working on building OpenAFS RPMs for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
betas.  I'm using the most recent kernel (which I will be glad to
provide as I'm not sure you can find it outside of RHN) which is 


Build works fine using the patches from Matthew, but on modprobe I get

libafs: Unknown symbol force_sig

Which appears to be in the above kernel.  Any clues?

Matthew: BTW, RHEL4 looks as if it will have kernel-devel and
kernel-smp-devel packages.  They are quite handy.  :-)

Jack Neely
Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Unknown symbol force_sig on RHEL 4 beta

2005-01-07 Thread Jack Neely

Sorry for any multiple posts...

Also, acording to the Red Hat folks this was a bug in that particular
kernel that's been fixed.

Jack Neely
Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] SQLite?

2004-12-02 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 01:40:23PM -0500, John S. Bucy wrote:
 Does anyone here have any experience putting SQLite databases in AFS with
 concurrent access from multiple clients?
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

I believe SQLite (which I think is great, BTW) uses POSIX advisory
locking.  The documentation suggests that you should avoid network file
systems.  I actually haven't tried this, but I wouldn't trust SQLite dbs
to work in AFS.



Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Status on 2.6 Kernel?

2004-10-12 Thread Jack Neely
On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 07:55:15AM -0700, e r0ck wrote:
 no change. but why would there be? the kernel headers in there are the
 same as in /usr/src/linux.

The 2.6 kernel has a completely different build system from the 2.4
kernel.  All the build magic that you need to build third party kernel
modules for your running kernel are to be found in 

   /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

/usr/src/linux is the directory that contains the actual source code for
your kernel.  Very different.  However, if your running kernel was
compiled in /usr/src/linux then all the build stuff will have been
created there as well.

 i'm gonna try to get arla to work. 

Arla is much more stable than my patches.  Although, I do not understand
why you would be getting no space left on device with my patches and
normal behavior without.  I'd have to poke a bit more at it.

Jack Neely

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Status on 2.6 Kernel?

2004-10-11 Thread Jack Neely
On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 09:46:57AM -0700, e r0ck wrote:
 it supposedly works with 1.3.71. but i have not been able to get the
 kernel modules going. see my note from last week, which no one answered.
 someone at ncsu supposedly has PAGs going (see link below). i'm actually
 only in need of the client at this time. is there a way to get that
 going without PAGs? 
 here is the text of my note from last week.:
 hi all,
 i'm trying to get just the client going on linux 2.6.8.
 kernel is running fine.
 (new install)
 i patched the openafs source with the hooks for PAGs from here:
 had to hand apply one of them...
 built the openafs source by hand via:
 ../configure --with-afs-sysname=i386_linux26
 --with-linux-kernel-headers=/usr/src/linux --enable-transarc-paths

You want 

   --with-linux-kernel-headers=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

Build with that instead and see if it doesn't work better.


 make install
 /usr/vice/etc/modload is empty
 so i tried copying:
 cp libafs/MODLOAD-
 cp libafs/MODLOAD-
 but when i try to load the module i get module not found. even if i
 specify the path directly.
 /usr/vice/etc/ looks like this:
 cacheinfo CellServDB.rpmsave modload ThisCell.rpmsave
 cacheinfo.rpmsave libafs- rc_afs
 CellServDB libafs- ThisCell
 in src/libafs/ i have MODLOAD blah blah for SP, and MP. should there be
 a UP in there?
 this is a uniprocessor i686 P3 coppermine.
 any ideas?
 -Original Message-Previous posts on this list have said it
 works other than PAGs (which,
 for desktop use, is likely fine), but I don't know what version of the
 code this was talking about. I'd also be interested in knowing.
 On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 08:58:05PM -0700, Dark Avenger wrote:
  Just curious...do we know approximately when OpenAFS (stable) will be
  released for the 2.6 kernel? I'm considering moving to FC2 sometime
  but can't unless I have stable AFS capability.
 dan pritts - systems administrator - internet2
 734/352-4953 office 734/834-7224 mobile
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on Fedora Core 1 [working RPMs]

2003-11-17 Thread Jack Neely
Its difficult to do that.  My RPMs are not a fork or the RPMS form the
OpenAFS folks.  That have been built up from scatch over the years.  You
folks are welcome to take a look.  I'll attach the spec file.

Jack Neely

Realm Linux Administration and Development
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
%define thiscell unity.ncsu.edu
%{!?ksource_dir: %define ksource_dir /lib/modules/%(uname -r)/build}
%define uts_release %( gcc -E -D__BOOT_KERNEL_H_ -dM 
%{ksource_dir}/include/linux/version.h | grep UTS | sed 's/^#define UTS_RELEASE 
//;s///g' )

%ifarch i386 i586 i686 athlon
%define sysname i386_linux24
%ifarch alpha
%define sysname alpha_linux24
%ifarch ia64
%define sysname ia64_linux24
%ifarch ppc ppc64
%define sysname ppc_linux24
%ifarch s390
%define sysname s390_linux24

%define basearchs i386 alpha ia64 ppc s390
%define build_enterprise 0

Summary: OpenAFS Enterprise Network File System
Name: openafs
Version: 1.2.10
Release: 2
License: IBM Public License
Group: System Environment/Daemons
URL: http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/afs/downloads.html
Source0: http://www.openafs.org/dl/openafs/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}-src.tar.bz2
Source1: /afs/transarc.com/service/CellServDB
Source2: cacheinfo
Source3: openafs.init
Source4: afs.conf
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
BuildRequires: kernel-source = %{uts_release}, kernel = %{uts_release}, 
BuildRequires: pam-devel

The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides common files shared across all the various
OpenAFS packages but are not necessarily tied to a client or server.

%package client
Summary: OpenAFS Filesystem client
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Prereq: bash, fileutils, chkconfig
Requires: openafs, openafs-kernel = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}
Obsoletes: afs-client
Conflicts: arla

%description client
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides basic client support to mount and manipulate

%package devel
Summary: OpenAFS development header files and static libraries
Group: Development/Libraries
Obsoletes: afs-devel
Conflicts: arla-devel
Requires: openafs
Prereq: /sbin/ldconfig
%description devel
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides static development libraries and headers needed
to compile AFS applications.  Note: AFS currently does not provide
shared libraries.

%package server
Summary: OpenAFS Filesystem Server
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Requires: openafs-client = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}, openafs = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}
Prereq: openafs-client
Obsoletes: afs-server
Conflicts: milko
%description server
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides basic server support to host files in an AFS

%package kernel
Summary: OpenAFS Filesystem Kernel Modules
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Requires: openafs = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}, kernel = %{uts_release}
Obsoletes: afs-modules afs-module
Conflicts: arla

%description kernel
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides the kernel modules for use with OpenAFS. The
package was built for kernel versions %{uts_release} and

%package kernel-source
Summary: OpenAFS Filesystem Kernel Modules Source
Group: Development/System
Requires: openafs = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}, kernel = %{uts_release}

%description kernel-source
The AFS distributed filesystem.  AFS is a distributed filesystem
allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers.
Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and
administrative management.

This package provides source to build OpenAFS kernel modules for a
different kernel.  Largely useful if you build custom kernels from
scratch; with rpm-based kernels, you are likely better off just
rebuilding the source RPM with the command 
rpm --rebuild --target=arch openafs-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}.src.rpm 
where arch

Re: [OpenAFS] sys_call_table for RH8.0 kernel

2002-10-16 Thread Jack Neely

On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 05:14:14PM +0530, Omkar Sathe wrote:
 Hi -
 Can someone please point to a tested patch for exporting sys_call_table for
 RH8.0 kernel ?
 omkar sathe
 IBM India, Pune Lab.
 OpenAFS-info mailing list

Edit the RHL kernel spec file to include this patch...say somewhere
around patch # 10050.  It needs to be toward the end.

Linux Realm Kit Administration and Development 
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89

diff -ru kernel-2.4.18-old/linux/kernel/ksyms.c kernel-2.4.18/linux/kernel/ksyms.c
--- kernel-2.4.18-old/linux/kernel/ksyms.c  2002-10-08 15:17:21.0 -0400
+++ kernel-2.4.18/linux/kernel/ksyms.c  2002-10-08 15:25:06.0 -0400
@@ -522,6 +522,9 @@
 EXPORT_SYMBOL(system_utsname); /* UTS data */
 EXPORT_SYMBOL(uts_sem);/* UTS semaphore */
+#ifndef __mips__

Re: [OpenAFS] Viewing files through Gnome

2002-07-15 Thread Jack Neely

On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 07:50:20PM -0500, Jack Britton wrote:
 I have afs up and running.  I can access /afs/cellname/home/username
 after logging in with klog.  I have set my user up with all permissions
 except for administer.  When I traverse the file structure all is well
 until I get into my user's home directory on the afs server.  When I
 select a file through Nautilus in Gnome the file disappears.  Do I have
 something set up wrong???

This problem actually has nothing to do with AFS.  Nautilus uses a
utility called fam to monitor files for changes.  Fam is quite broken by
design and with AFS just doesn't work because there's no way to run the
daemon with the authentication of the user.  Stop fam by doing a 

chkconfig sgi_fam off

and see if that doesn't clear up the problems.  Also, it seems to work
with the rights for anyuser set to 'l'.  

As a side note, are you running Red Hat Linux with the default Gnome
user environment?  Have you seen the problems with GConf?  That /IS/ an
AFS problem.  GConf depends on proper file locking via fcntl() which
simply doesn't work right.  Are these locking issues being worked on?
They are quite a misfeature that is causing me, and others, lots of

Jack Neely

Linux Realm Kit Administration and Development 
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Viewing files through Gnome

2002-07-15 Thread Jack Neely

On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 07:50:20PM -0500, Jack Britton wrote:
 I have afs up and running.  I can access /afs/cellname/home/username
 after logging in with klog.  I have set my user up with all permissions
 except for administer.  When I traverse the file structure all is well
 until I get into my user's home directory on the afs server.  When I
 select a file through Nautilus in Gnome the file disappears.  Do I have
 something set up wrong???

This problem actually has nothing to do with AFS.  Nautilus uses a
utility called fam to monitor files for changes.  Fam is quite broken by
design and with AFS just doesn't work because there's no way to run the
daemon with the authentication of the user.  Stop fam by doing a 

chkconfig sgi_fam off

and see if that doesn't clear up the problems.  Also, it seems to work
with the rights for anyuser set to 'l'.  

As a side note, are you running Red Hat Linux with the default Gnome
user environment?  Have you seen the problems with GConf?  That /IS/ an
AFS problem.  GConf depends on proper file locking via fcntl() which
simply doesn't work right.  Are these locking issues being worked on?
They are quite a misfeature that is causing me, and others, lots of

Jack Neely

Linux Realm Kit Administration and Development 
PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4  EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89
OpenAFS-info mailing list