While trying to move some volumes from one server to another, I have the following error:

Dumping from clone 536871423 on source to volume 536871161 on destination ...
Failed to move data for the volume 536871161
   VOLSER: Problems encountered in doing the dump !
vos move: operation interrupted, cleanup in progress...

Looking at Volserlog, I see:
Volser: Clone: Cloning volume 536871161 to new volume 536871423
Volser: DumpVolume: Rx call failed during dump, error 1492325122

and translate_et  1492325122 returns "badly formatted dump"

vos examine is OK on the volume and I can move other volumes, but I've got some others which always raise errors.

Any idea?


GĂ©rald Macinenti - Administrator

   / /   ___  / /_     /  _/ /_     | |     / /___ __   _____
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