Re: transfer/move archetype?

2018-11-12 Thread Birger Haarbrandt

Hi Heath,

it's been a while, but sometimes the old stuff becomes relevant again :) 
Would still be great to take a look at this Archetype, as my colleague 
Sarah Ballout is currently working on this topic. It would also be great 
to learn how you use this in practice!

Thank you very much in advance!


*Birger Haarbrandt, M. Sc.
Peter L. Reichertz Institut for Medical Informatics (PLRI)
Technical University Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School
Software Architect HiGHmed Project *
Management Board, openEHR Foundation
Tel: +49 176 640 94 640, Fax: +49 531/391-9502

Am 08.09.2014 um 01:14 schrieb Heath Frankel:

No problem from me. I'll need to find out how this is done.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: transfer/move archetype?
From: Birger Haarbrandt 
To: For openEHR clinical discussions 

Hi Heath,

do you think it would make sense to share this one at the ckm? While 
it would be easy for us to generate an archetype that fits our local 
needs,  it might be worth to contribute this archetype as a starting 
point in the openEHR ckm to create something reusable.



Am 05.09.2014 14:43, schrieb Heath Frankel:
We use a patient location archetype in addition to a patient 
admission archetype so that we can track patient movement around the 
hospital as part of a hospital episode.


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: transfer/move archetype?
From: Dr Sam Heard 
To: For openEHR clinical discussions 

Would a patient location archetype be better? Apart from Hospital, 
Building, floor, Ward, Room, Bed for example, there is a need for 
planned time of transfer, actual time, time of arrival, time of 
planned departure, actual time of departure.

Updates could be managed by versioned data in a persistant 
composition if you wanted only one location per patient.

Needs some thought.

Cheers Sam

From: Birger Haarbrandt 
Sent: ‎5/‎09/‎2014 12:03 PM
To: For openEHR clinical discussions 

Subject: transfer/move archetype?

Hi again,

I was wondering if somebody has put some thoughts on a "patient 
transfer" archetype which would serve to record the transfer of 
patients between different wards within a hospital. Why would it be 
interesting to have this information archetyped? For example we'd 
like to calculate the time that a catheter has been applied at the 
ICU. As a catheter often doesn't get removed when the patient leaves 
the ICU, we need to calculate the time by using both the catheter 
documentation and the patient transfer data.

In our case, SAP i.s.h. med has a simple data model for patient 
transfers (Patient-ID, Type of transfer/move, timestamp, department, 
ward, sometimes (bed)). Are there any use cases you can think of that 
would require additional information? Would the creation of such an 
archetype would be of interest for someone else?

Kind regards,

*Birger Haarbrandt, M.Sc.*

Peter L. Reichertz Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Technische Universität Braunschweig und
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
D-38106 Braunschweig

T +49 (0)531 391-2129
F +49 (0)531 391-9502

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Archetypes for consent, end-of-life planning and advance decision to refuse treatment

2018-11-12 Thread Dileep V S
Dear Ian,

We are in discussions with a state government in India for the use of our
EHR.Network platform for implementing a public Mental Health Management
System(MHMS) in line with the Indian National mental healthcare act

Some of the requirements of this system are registration of advance
directives, consent and designated persons. As the MHA defines mental
healthcare as a right, these directives hold a very critical role in care
related decisions.

While exploring options and trying to understand how others have gone ahead
with such requirements, we came across some archetypes that (I think) you
had posted in the following link

Can you give some background on how these were used and if you believe that
they are still relevant? Is there any plans to port these to the OpenEHR
CKM for more wider use?

My specific questions are

   1. Were these meant to be used as the source of ultimate truth or just
   for information at point of care?
   2. In our case there is a formal registration process with submission
   and approval by people in authority. Was this envisaged when creating the
   above archetypes?
   3. Are you aware of any previous OpenEHR implementations for Mental
   health care?

Thanks in advance

Dileep V S
HealtheLife Ventures LLP
m: +91 9632888113
a: 106, Innovation Centre, IIIT, Electronics City, Bangalore 560100
w:  e:
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RE: Question about: openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_breast_carcinoma.v1

2018-11-12 Thread Heather Leslie
Hi Thérèse,

Sorry for the delay in response.

There was a large project carried out here in Australia in 2010-2011, so quite 
a few years ago. Templates were created for reporting for a number of cancers 
from a few countries. I vividly remember Ian McNicoll, who  carried out most of 
the work, presenting it remotely to a meeting with RCPA representatives in 
Sydney between 11pm and 4am local time for him!

I found some of those templates and I’ve finally managed to upload the 
breast-related templates up into an incubator on CKM - It wasn’t an easy task and 
there are some minor issues with the templates in order to get them uploaded 
but they are largely intact. You will be able to download the template and 
component archetypes as a file set now. I

Please note that as far as I’m aware,  these protocols are outdated and many of 
the archetypes that were developed for this work are also now rejected and 
superseded. The ones on microscopy that you’ve found relate to this project and 
would possibly be developed slightly differently with the experience we have 
gained since then. So please take a look at the work but be reminded that these 
are for demonstration purposes, mainly.

I believe that as a result of this work it triggered a larger block of 
collaboration between Australia, Canada and UK resulting in more recent 
protocols with (hopefully) increased alignment which makes these templates even 
more outdated.

I hope this helps



From: openEHR-clinical  On Behalf 
Of Thérèse Högberg Mårder
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2018 10:40 PM
Subject: Question about: openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_breast_carcinoma.v1


I'm a master student at Linköpings University and are writing my master thesis 
as a part of the Biomedical engineering program. The thesis is about 
investigating the possibility to create a dynamic template for breast specimen, 
with openEHR and SNOMED CT,  in the pathology lab to replace four static 
locally created templates.

I've found the archetype openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.microscopy_breast_carcinoma.v1 and 
I was wondering if someone has done anything similar?
If someone has created a template I could have a look on.
If someone has started to work on a macroscopic part archetype in the same area.
If someone has any tip or opinions, everything is welcome.

I'm quite new on openEHR and I'm trying to learn as much as possible!

Thanks in advance,
Thérèse Högberg Mårder

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