License and copyright of archetypes

2009-09-01 Thread David Moner
Dear all,

These days I have been thinking about the legal issues involving the use of
existing archetypes. I have seen that openEHR archetypes available on the
Clinical Knowledge Manager are all Copyright (c) 200X openEHR Foundation.
But, what does this exactly implies? I can download them freely, but can I
use them in a commercial environment? Must I make public specialized
archetypes or adaptations from them? Obviously, I is not me but anybody

I have searched the openEHR page and wiki but I have not found anything
about this topic, just a point in the copyright notice of the specifications
linking to the non-existing page

I think it would be good to start a discussion about licensing. I'm not
talking about open source implementations, but about the archetype artifacts
that anyone can develop. A first approach that can be made is the use of a
Creative Common license. I think that one of them can fit the interests of
the openEHR community. In my opinion, the main aspects that a license for
archetypes must cover are:

- To maintain the attribution to the original author (the openEHR Foundation
or whoever)
- To allow a commercial use of archetypes (like or not, health is a
- To allow modifications and derivations of the archetype.
- On behalf of the openEHR community, the new derived archetypes should be
made public with the same conditions. This is arguable and could be

As I said, one of the Creative Commons licenses covers all this properties.
It is the Attribution Share Alike license: This license lets others remix,
tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they
credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This
license is often compared to open source software licenses. All new works
based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also
allow commercial use.

Finally, this leads to a secondary point. Maybe, the copyright attribute
of an archetype should be renamed to license to best fit the conditions of
usage of archetypes.

What's your opinion?

David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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License and copyright of archetypes

2009-09-01 Thread Thomas Beale
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License and copyright of archetypes

2009-09-01 Thread David Moner
Ok, that page didn't appear to me because I was not logged in the wiki when
I made the search :-)

It is good to see thar there are discussed more or less the same points as
in my mail.

Best regards,

2009/9/1 Thomas Beale thomas.beale at

 There is now a page for discussing this -

 - thomas beale

 David Moner wrote:

 Dear all,

 These days I have been thinking about the legal issues involving the use of
 existing archetypes. I have seen that openEHR archetypes available on the
 Clinical Knowledge Manager are all Copyright (c) 200X openEHR Foundation.
 But, what does this exactly implies? I can download them freely, but can I
 use them in a commercial environment? Must I make public specialized
 archetypes or adaptations from them? Obviously, I is not me but anybody

 I have searched the openEHR page and wiki but I have not found anything
 about this topic, just a point in the copyright notice of the specifications
 linking to the non-existing page

 I think it would be good to start a discussion about licensing. I'm not
 talking about open source implementations, but about the archetype artifacts
 that anyone can develop. A first approach that can be made is the use of a
 Creative Common license. I think that one of them can fit the interests of
 the openEHR community. In my opinion, the main aspects that a license for
 archetypes must cover are:

 - To maintain the attribution to the original author (the openEHR
 Foundation or whoever)
 - To allow a commercial use of archetypes (like or not, health is a
 - To allow modifications and derivations of the archetype.
 - On behalf of the openEHR community, the new derived archetypes should be
 made public with the same conditions. This is arguable and could be

 As I said, one of the Creative Commons licenses covers all this properties.
 It is the Attribution Share Alike license: This license lets others remix,
 tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they
 credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This
 license is often compared to open source software licenses. All new works
 based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also
 allow commercial use.

 Finally, this leads to a secondary point. Maybe, the copyright attribute
 of an archetype should be renamed to license to best fit the conditions of
 usage of archetypes.

 What's your opinion?

 David Moner Cano
 Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
 Instituto ITACA

 Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
 Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
 Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)


 openEHR-clinical mailing listopenEHR-clinical at 

 *Thomas Beale
 Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Informatics

 Chair Architectural Review Board, *open*EHR 
 Honorary Research Fellow, University College 
 Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS, British Computer 

 openEHR-clinical mailing list
 openEHR-clinical at

David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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Medinfo 2010.. Re: clinically useful set of archetypes for a connectathon demo

2009-09-01 Thread Erik Sundvall

In addition to deciding on archetypes to use, I believe circulating a
couple of complete instance examples fairly soon (this week?) would be
very helpful in detecting differences in specification
interpretations. Having more than one archetype editor certainly
helped detect differences and ambiguities in other parts of the
specification earlier.

Things to include in the instance examples:
- EHR instance data constructed using comoposition archetypes with a
couple of nested entry archetypes
- Several versions within a versionied composition, both IMPORTED
- Several creating systems producing version branches (and possibly a merge).
- Realistic demographic content including some example clinicians,
organisations and patients.
- Use of the participations attribute of EVENT_CONTEXT
(- Possibly also folders)

The examples do not right now need to use exactly the optimal
archetype set intended for the connectathon, we'll probably raise many
important implementation issues  discussions anyway.

Question: Is CONTRIBUTION information never sent explicitly between
systems, but only backward-referenced via AUDIT_DETAILS via the
composer attribute of COMPOSITION?

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erisu at imt.liu.se +46-13-227579

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 20:51, Tony Shannontony.shannon at wrote:
 Thanks Tim,

 Thats useful.
 Some other feedback from clinical colleagues would be useful on this.
 Certainly the high level use cases you posted , ie Newborn and then 65yo
 with Chronic Diseases should be useful.
 The detailed candidate content posted up about these 2 I'm not so
 concerned about directly replicating.. if we can tackle the archetypes
 needed to do SOAP and Summary noting these can form the basis of the
 material needed to support both journeys.

 The top 10 Emergency Archetype work Heather is currently over seeing
 will begin that. Not sure what timetable is realistic for broadening out
 ?CKM input to cover the other material needed for SOAP, but Im sure it
 will be months rather than weeks.

 It may be that a few of us produce ?a candidate subset of archetypes
 that can handle both SOAP and Summary for the Connectathon purposes
 ahead of any ARB/CRB checks, given the time pressures you were
 suggesting earlier. Dec 1 gives us about 12 weeks I guess.
 My sense is there must be value in agreeing a small set of very basic
 set of ?archetypes over the next weeks for these purposes if that helps
 move forward the Connectathon..
 Others may have a view on that?
 #Heather do you want to comment on this thanks..

 Perhaps other can comment on the date time and technical issues for the

 I've updated the wiki as we will be aiming to use Opereffa within the
 Connectathon, Serefs time will likely be constrained but thankfully he
 is certainly willing to try...



 Tim Cook wrote:
 Hi Tony,

 I have added two potential use cases

 now I need clinicians to tell the rest of us is this a doable situation.
 Can we do these two with the 15-20 archetypes that were discussed below?

 If not, what needs to change?

 I also need feedback on the other items on that page.

 Also, please start making commitments to participate.

 If we do not have systems signed up and committed to participate then we
 are wasting our time in planning the event.


 On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 10:22 +0100, Tony Shannon wrote:
 Thanks Tim,

 In reply..
 I am a believer in keeping things simple where possible.
 My sense is that we can demostrate an impressive solution if we offer
 support around a single/few patient journey(s) and a limited set of

 Let me play devils advocate and suggest all we need to address for the
 majority of this is just 2 overlapping groups of archetypes.
 1) The Emergency Summary set (Top10) that Heather has been polling for
 2) The SOAP note set
 Note that these have significant overlap.

 That journey could begin in any/many ways..
 Newborn .. with a SOAP note
 Home with a Summary note
 To the Primary Care doc.. with a new SOAP note
 At end of visit.. an updated Summary
 To the ED/other Unit.. where we access the Summary
 Then we add a new SOAP note
 Then we update the Summary
 4)..into old age..
 When a Long Term condition requires more SOAP notes
 and updates to the Summary
 and so on and so on..
 OK a very simplistic example, but I hope it illustrates a point.
 If some think that its too broad then we could use a subset of that
 journey..again only needing with SOAP and Summary.

 The top 10 Summary drive has already begin the process of now starting
 to explore