Python / Django experience??

2012-02-07 Thread Heath Frankel
 after the course.
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
From: Ian.McNicoll at
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:10:57 +
Subject: Python / Django experience??
To: openehr-technical at
Hi all,
Would any of you with Python / Django experience be interested in
helping with a small open-source project to establish a 'Clinical
Knowledge Incubator' website under the auspices of the Foundation?
intention is to establish a very lightly-governed archetype
collaboration, simple review and discussion space to enable early
communication between possible archetype developers. This is not
intended to compete with a more formally-governed repository such
CKM but to allow archetypes, requirements and specification
to be shared and discussed prior to more formal governance and
development processes kicking in.
The site will be based on the open source Snowcloud Clinical
framework see
The work needing done to adapt this for openEHR is broadly ..
1. Add some sort of persistence/ repository back-end for
and associated documentation e.g Github and/ or Dropbox. There is
very nice Python API for the latter which I got working. This does
need to be be particularly complex. Github would probably be a
solution but the limited versioning afforded by Dropbox is
2. Add the ability to import from openEHR ADL/XML and .opt XML )
the native XML format. Derek Hoy, the Snowcloud developer, has
partially implemented this but it does need further work. Derek
been good enough to offer further support and guidance.
3. At some point some sort of integration with CKM would be
I will be taking an interest in the developments but have very
Python skills.
Anyone interested?
Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at
Clinical Modelling Consultant, Ocean Informatics, UK
Director/Clinical Knowledge Editor openEHR Foundation
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
SCIMP Working Group, NHS Scotland
BCS Primary Health Care
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Python / Django experience??

2012-02-07 Thread Erik Sundvall

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 18:19, pablo pazos pazospablo at wrote:
 I don't know if this is crazy talk or if it's seems reasonable to you. Please 
 let me know :D

Not crazy, but maybe overly complicated.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to use a layered approach?
1. An existing distributed version control system (DVCS) like GIT (and
an agreed directory structure and naming conventions within it) for
storing versioning and distributing archetype source files etc.
2. A set of tools (that can also be run in batch mode or by commit
hooks in the DVCS) that can validate and convert sources to
alternative formats and create html pages (and other formats) for
listing and browsing the resulting assets
3. A search function (maybe also using existing online search
services) that can be used by both humans and machines (via an API)
4. Clinician-friendly GUIs with CKM-like functions that
hides/incorporates layers 1,2, and 3 to end users that want CKM.

#1 is available already including free hosting possibilities (but
without provider-lock in since the whole version history is

#2 I think e.g. Seref, Tom and others have come very far with already

The output from #1  #2 could be served as static files on any
webserver and thus make it easy for any organization to set up. No API
more than normal HTTP will be needed for read operations, for write
operations the API of the DVCS will likely be enough.

#3 should be considered carefully before putting too much resources
into new development. If processes in step #2 can create good enough
labeling/tagging/ontology-linking to resources or meta-resources (like
auto-generated descriptive web pages) then both existing online search
engines and locally run ones could just pick that up using standard

#4 will need more work, I don't know if any parts of the CKM can be
useful and open sourced to help such an effort. It would be nice if
the discussions relating to an artifact (e.g. an archetype) could be
stored and versioned in the same backend system as the artifact
itself, there are GIT/DVCS-based wikis that might do part of the job.

The key benefit of a DVCS based approach is the distributed nature
that allows creative initiatives without asking for centralized
permission. It allows easy (auditable) cross-pollination of ideas and
code/archetypes between developers or regional developer organisations
in a way that is a lot harder with centralized approaches like
Subversion, the current CKM etc. It's hard to describe, but techies
can have a look at some active projects at Github to get a feel for

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at Tel: +46-13-286733

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 18:19, pablo pazos pazospablo at wrote:
 Hi all,

 What I've been thinking is to share the same interface/protocol to do simple
 tasks on distributed CKMs like:

 Adding an artifact (archetype, template, termset, terminology service,
 process definition, gui template, etc.), lets think only about archetypes
 for now.
 Updating an archetype (with version management)
 Listing all the archetypes
 Listing all the archetypes for one RM type (i.e. composition, entry, action,
 Listing all the archetypes that archetype_id match a regexp
 Listing all the archetypes that match some text (free text search)
 Retrieve archetype in ADL/XML/JSON/YAML by archetype_id

 Ian, about the requirements you mention:

 Basic requirements

 1. Query across multiple repositories using multiple criteria, based
 on something similar to the CKM ontology.

 For this I think something like DNS protocol will do the job
 ( DNS could do a
 distributed search by redirecting the query if some server doesn't have the
 answer. So, if we have a service to register artifacts on CKM servers
 (service 1. on the list above), with an artifact registered notification
 protocol, and another protocol for CKM server discovery, we could
 implement the distributed search.

 2. Establish references to remote assets, almost certainly caching the
 referenced asset locally

 This would be the a mix of adding and artifact and artifact registered
 notification protocol.

 3. Establish subscriptions to remote assets, to enable change notification

 And this would be included in the CKM server discovery protocol, that
 could defined like some services provided by the NDP protocol, using
 messages like RA, NS, NA, ... to discover CKM servers to create a CKM
 network over Internet:
 I think some of these services could be found also in the ICMP

 Just to clarify my thoughts, I don't think we need a network protocol!!! I
 think we could create our protocols to handle artifacts in a distributed way
 reusing some ideas from those proven 

openEHR service specifications - EHR service

2012-02-07 Thread Thomas Beale

Over the last few years the number of openEHR implementations, both 
commercial and research, has grown. There should now be a significant 
amount of experience with service interfaces, and it seems time to get 
moving on defining some openEHR standards for them.

In the interests of 'starting small', I would suggest that the EHR 
service is the best starting point. See here
for one view of what this is, but even this description may change, as 
the world apparently progresses toward a more RESTful stateless 
architecture style.

In summary, one view of an 'EHR service' is the interface to the EHR 
data store: a place to put and retrieve EHRs. Obviously lots of other 
services are needed to build a whole solution (as described in the page 
above), but this one has a small interface and is not complicated to 

It seems reasonable to work towards a standard version by posting 
service definitions from existing systems / products, and following some 
discussion, to attempt to create a merged consensus version. Note: more 
than one service interface is ok! For example, a stateless REST style 
interface is just one approach; a stateful interface is just as valid 
for some purposes. Other flavours may also make sense.

As an example of an EHR service interface, the Ocean Informatics one is 
posted here,
and is only about a dozen functions long.

It would be great to see some other service interfaces posted - please 
do that here - 
i.e. add an entry like the Ocean one, and then add a child page.

Once we get a feel for the diversity (or unanimity), we might be able to 
make some quick progress toward a proper openEHR EHR service.

- thomas beale

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Python / Django experience??

2012-02-07 Thread pablo pazos

Hi Erik and all,

 On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 18:19, pablo pazos pazospablo at wrote:
  I don't know if this is crazy talk or if it's seems reasonable to you. 
  Please let me know :D
 Not crazy, but maybe overly complicated.
 Maybe I don't present the idea in the best way, but in the end is just some 
 services to advertise/discover artifact repositories/servers, services to do 
 distributed queries, and services for notifications (subscribe/notify). Some 
 of this ideas are in use out there for zillions since Internet born and 
 Perhaps it would be a good idea to use a layered approach?
 1. An existing distributed version control system (DVCS) like GIT (and
 an agreed directory structure and naming conventions within it) for
 storing versioning and distributing archetype source files etc.

About using some version control system (VCS), I don't think this is a good 
solution because the semantics of archetype version are not the same 
semantics as in plain text versioning (here changing one character will 
create a new version of the artifact). With VCS you can handle local/internal 
evolution of an archetype in development, but for a global/public archetype 
versioning system, IMO this is not the right tool to handle archetype versions 
(and other artifact versions).
I think we need to define the versioning system/semantics/context of an 
artifact, and then implement this spec on design tools or in each artifact 
repository. If I'm not mistaken, a discusion about this topic took place a 
while ago and I don't know if there was consensus on the proposals.
Kind regards,Pablo.   
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Python / Django experience??

2012-02-07 Thread pablo pazos

Hi Sam, I agree: we need to consider what are the tools that are needed now to 
make openEHR more attractive to clinical application developers, and what are 
the functions of those tools.
Here we agreed on the tool chain we need to start openEHR development and 
We need a CKM with some special characteristics. The current CKM is great, but 
we need a completly open source solution to generate confidence from the 
goverment and institutions.
In order to create a good and open CKM, I thought about the minimum 
functionalities needed (see my email from 2/2/2012), and IMO is better if we 
could define a common service layer in order to provide this functionality and 
create a CKM that is capable of interconnecting with other CKMs around the 
The idea of having several CKM instances is to maintain independency, so we 
don't incur in political issues (having one centralized CKM generates political 
problems and we end up unable to use available tools).
And, if we have several CKM instances (maybe different implementations of the 
same interfaces and funcionalities) and we want to interconnect them, we need 
to define some kind of protocol (I don't see another solution). And yes, 
protocols are tough but we need them.
Now I don't see that these problems could be solved by combining some available 
tools, I think we need to define something new. I hope others can convince 
otherwise, but this is how I feel right now.
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

To: openehr-technical at
Subject: RE: Python / Django experience??
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 06:29:26 +0930

Hi, We started archetype development in the NHS using Subversion and it got in 
a real mess very quickly. As Pablo says the version and dependencies are not 
the same as in code. I think we need to consider what are the tools that are 
needed now to make openEHR more attractive to clinical application developers, 
and what are the functions of those tools. Let?s ensure that businesses can 
thrive working in the openEHR environment and make sure we try and fill the 
gaps as the first priority. Cheers, Sam 
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