Thomas, thanks for your effort, it is very interesting, but now I am not
able to respond more to it. I'll come back to this in a few days.


Op vrijdag 22 november 2013 schreef Thomas Beale (
thomas.beale at

> I spent a bit of time trawling back through that last discussion on
> C_OBJECT.node_id (the property that carries at-codes) and whether it should
> be mandatory or optional, and also whether empty is valid.
> Currently it is mandatory, and can't be empty.
> We need to make the spec work for 2 distinct styles of modelling:
>    - 13606 style  - requires an at-code on every node, but only some have
>    to be defined in the ontology section
>       - in this case, the node codes really are like identifiers only,
>       some of which happen to have a 'meaning' define for them
>       - the result of this is the ability to do more mechanical
>       processing of structures, since absolutely every node has an id.
>        - openEHR / CIMI style - at-codes required according to rules
>    needed to ensure uniqueness; if present, always defined in ontology
>    section; they are optional on any other node;
>     - in this case, the node codes (where they exist) really are codes,
>       and are always defined as terms
>       - the result of this, especially in larger archetypes is far fewer
>       node ids (since very few at leaves), and shorter paths.
> In theory, in both approaches the ontology section comes out about the
> same, since the LinkEHR-style ontology only contains at-codes with some
> 'interesting' or meaningful definition.
> I would think our goal would be that archetypes written by anyone should
> work in anyone else's tool. At the moment this probably isn't the case:
>    - the AE and ADL workbench would both complain about archetypes with
>    at-codes with no definition in the ontology section
>    - LinkEHR would complain about archetypes that had some nodes with no
>    at-codes
> As Pablo Pazos said in that previous discussion, we should make this work.
> Can we arrive at a single set of rules that can accommodate everyone?
>  The thing that I think is the greatest point of difficulty isn't node_id
> optionality (since a tool built with this assumption will accommodate
> archetypes with at-codes everywhere), but the question of whether there can
> be codes with no definitions in the ontology.
> The original idea of archetypes was to 'overload' the basic types
> available in a generic information model to have domain level meanings. To
> my mind that is still the basis of the approach, as per this example from
> the blood_match archetype:
> The driver for node codes isn't primarily uniqueness, it is 'meaning'. So
> above we have 3 ELEMENTs representing 'ABO', 'Rhesus' and 'Anti-bodies
> detected', and two others representing 'Antibody' and 'Details' - that's
> the idea of domain 'overloading' of a reference model.
> So it seems logical that:
>    - any 'overloaded' node should have a definition of its id, otherwise,
>    why overload?
>     - Additionally, it seems obvious that where there are multiple
>    sibling object nodes under an attribute, they all should have distinct
>    codes and meanings, since otherwise .... you don't know what they mean, and
>    the archetype isn't doing it's job.
>     - It can also be the case that for some nodes, the RM default meaning
>    (e.g. something like 'OBSERVATION.protocol') needs to be overloaded by a
>    more specific meaning. So an at-code is added there as well.
> So far so good. I think both camps agree on this - which nodes are
> 'semantically overloaded' should always come out the same in a proper
> modelling discussion.
> Now, we also agree (as far as I know) that it's a good idea to be able to
> identify any node in an archetype by a unique path, so that archetype nodes
> can reliably be associated and re-associated with data instance nodes (and
> also processed in all kinds of ways inside design time tools). Due to the
> above requirements, this is more or less guaranteed to be satisfied anyway.
> However, LinkEHR has an additional requirement an id must exist on every
> single object node - including nodes with no special 'meaning', nor
> requiring a uniqueness marker - and so it adds that. It doesn't require
> such nodes to have ontology section definitions, so the ontology isn't
> affected, but it does now mean that there are node ids with no definition
> in the ontology. This is the point of breakage between tools.
> I know the UPV guys have probably explained this before (maybe some years
> ago) but I am struggling to remember why this is needed, and what it adds.
> Can someone provide a summary of the explanation here (and any comments on
> the above)? I think that would help to know where we should go next with
> this.
> - thomas


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