CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Gerard Freriks

Can you answer the question:
When 'formal classifications' are unimportant, what is the use of such 

> we get caught up on the
> philosophy and do not focus on the utility

Caring for the correct meaning is at the same time caring for utility.
It is not a philosophical issue.
Although some philosophical notions,
and linguistic ones
are helpful.

Practicalities, translated as ?corners quickly cut', ?quick fixes', 
look nice in the short run.
But how about the long(er) run?

Gerard Freriks
+31 620347088
gfrer at

On 17 feb. 2014, at 23:17, Ian McNicoll  wrote:

> Hi Bert,
> I think the problem here is that many people get hung up on the idea
> of the ENTRY classes being a formal classification upon which some
> sort of abstract computing will take place e.g. query for all
> OBSERVATIONS but not EVALUATIONS. i.e. we get caught up on the
> philosophy and do not focus on the utility. In other words if I
> weirdly decide to make problem/diagnosis an ADMIN_ENTRY nothing will
> be lost computationally.

-- next part --
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CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
Hi Ian,

Maybe it is hard to find an classified evaluated observation. You are 
right. Maybe this is a bad example.

Maybe it is only a matter of art or style, I am talking about.

What I see is that there is no congruent style in archetypes.
They are (excuse me, no offense meant) a collection of archetypes 
written by several people in several styles.

(Sorry I have to bring in some styling in this message, it is to keep it 

Ad hoc styling of archetypes is bad.
It is not that one writes an archetype, and everyone agrees that is a 
good one, that there does not exist another way to write also a good 
one, and for which everyone agrees that it is a good one.
So there is no absolute superiority in the individual archetypes itself. 
There is no best archetype.

It is like having a taxi-company and having cars from different branches 
which were good at the moment of buying, good price/quality. The owner 
was sharp paying attention, when buying.
So all cars are good, more or less. There are other cars on the market 
which are good too.
So all the cars are different, but they have four wheels and are fit and 
safe to transport people.

And then there is a garage maintaining those cars, and for every car the 
mechanic needs to find another manual.
The old mechanic who is in the garage long time has no trouble with 
this. But younger mechanics, they hate some cars.

In fact, carwise, that taxi-company is a mess, all cars are good, but 
they are all different. Only look how many different types of 
spare-tires are needed.
Styling of products is good:
This is the same with archetypes, they are good ones (I cannot qualify 
that anyway), but also the good ones are all different.

Developers, programmers maybe know what I mean.
There are frameworks, good frameworks, like Turbo C++, old but reliable.
There are many of these, also in Java or Pascal, or maybe Eiffel.

Developers who don't use frameworks are less productive, make more 
errors, and write harder to maintain code. Have to invent the wheel many 
When you read frameworked sourcecode, you know at forehand how things 
are solved, because the frameworks have a preferred way.

It would be nice if there could exist congruent frameworks of 
archetypes. A new competition-playfield would come to life.
Which university, which company writes the best framework of medical 
data-classification and worked out in the best styling of archetypes?

Turbo Archetypes!
Change is the only way to improve things.
We are in a lucky time, we have two-level-modeling software. We can 
write our own frameworks.
We can express ideas about classes and ideas about styling.

But there are still some legacy-ideas: maybe good ideas, but still, they 
do not fit on some new ideas which might be good too, so these 
legacy-ideas are blocking innovation. Because they are enforced in the RM.

And of course, most medical data-analyst like the (in Netherlands we 
call it SOEP) idea of four nouns to classify medical data. It is not for 
them freedom is important. They just want to be productive.
Those are important people, they cure other people. But there are also 
people, who want to rethink things. Some of those write the guidelines 
for tomorrow.

To have true and innovative advantage of two level modeling, we need a 
RM that stands back as much as possible.

Let thousands flowers bloom, and let for example, CIMI, trying to be one 
of these blooming flowers.

But as Thomas already mentioned yesterday, we will get the generic 
ENTRY-class, I don't know how it looks like, but that seems good news.
Maybe it was not meant for this, it will surely fit in the idea to give 
freedom in innovation.

I still wonder why the OpenEHR-community decided to have a concrete 

Best regards

Ian McNicoll schreef op 17-2-2014 23:17:
> Hi Bert,
> I think the problem here is that many people get hung up on the idea
> of the ENTRY classes being a formal classification upon which some
> sort of abstract computing will take place e.g. query for all
> OBSERVATIONS but not EVALUATIONS. i.e. we get caught up on the
> philosophy and do not focus on the utility. In other words if I
> weirdly decide to make problem/diagnosis an ADMIN_ENTRY nothing will
> be lost computationally.
> I think there is value in having a true generic ENTRY since it avoids
> getting into these kind of marginal ontological discussions but I
> still think there is place for the more complex constructs where these
> make sense i.e when data requires a consistent date/event pattern as
> in OBSERVATION or to support consistent state machine behaviour as in
> I'm not sure that you gain a whole lot from moving th

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Gerard,

Good question. The value is not in the classification but in the
attributes provided by the class. These save me some work as a
modeller, should help the developer optimise some system aspects
optimally (e.g by knowing that every ACTION archetype inherits a time
and status that can be optimised for querying).

The first thing to say is that I do not see a particularly clear
distinction between 'classes' modelled in a Reference model and
'top-level' i.e rigid patterns modelled in archetypes. In both cases
you are providing modellers with some fixed attributes which are
inherited by child archetypes.

I am going to use Contsys as an example since this is alternative
example of where the modellers have introduced specific
classes/top-level patterns to reduce variability and enhance

IMO it does not really practically matter whether the Contsys
'Assessed Condition' is modelled in UML as part of the RM or provided
as a 'reference archetype' sitting on top of a leaner RM. In both
cases, if I want to adhere to the ContSys model, I have to inherit
from 'Assessed Condition'. That puts severe constraints on the way
that 'Assessed Condition' develops over time. It must remain very
stable and carefully managed whether an RM construct or a top-level

So whilst the full-blown generic ENTRY has value, both openEHR and
Contsys do offer semi-rigid top-level patterns either via RM or
'reference archetypes'. In fact 'onotologically' there is a pretty
close match between the ContSys 'Entry' models and openEHR Entry

AssessedCondition = EVALUATION
Observed/PerceivedCondition = OBSERVATION
Activity = ACTION

which is unsurprising since both work from the same 'clinical process model'.

If we accept that there is some utility in establishing these
'top-level patterns', we are inevitably going to run into use-cases
where it is unclear if an ENTRY is an Observation or Evaluation but
equally where it is unclear if a Condition is Assessed or Observed
(smoking or housing summary being a prime example), or a least where
there is variable interpretation.

In most case this mixed or muddled classification is not at all
important for querying purposes. I am not aware of any situations
where I want to query for Observations. I want to query for 'Smoking
Summary'., If I happened to model it as an Observation I would get the
'observation time' as part of the RM (or top-levle archetype). If I
modelled it as an Evaluation, I would have to create a date
recorded/verified' node explicitly in the archetype.

So t value of the Classes/top-level archetypes are in the attributes
that child archetypes can inherit, saving modelling effort and
applying some consistency which can be exploited by developers, but
there is little value in the classification per-se, other than as a
guide. We do not query on archetype ENTRY sub-classes.


On 17 February 2014 23:50, Gerard Freriks  wrote:
> Ian,
> Can you answer the question:
> When 'formal classifications' are unimportant, what is the use of such
> classifications?
> we get caught up on the
> philosophy and do not focus on the utility
> Caring for the correct meaning is at the same time caring for utility.
> It is not a philosophical issue.
> Although some philosophical notions,
> and linguistic ones
> are helpful.
> Practicalities, translated as 'corners quickly cut', 'quick fixes',
> look nice in the short run.
> But how about the long(er) run?
> Gerard Freriks
> +31 620347088
> gfrer at
> On 17 feb. 2014, at 23:17, Ian McNicoll  wrote:
> Hi Bert,
> I think the problem here is that many people get hung up on the idea
> of the ENTRY classes being a formal classification upon which some
> sort of abstract computing will take place e.g. query for all
> OBSERVATIONS but not EVALUATIONS. i.e. we get caught up on the
> philosophy and do not focus on the utility. In other words if I
> weirdly decide to make problem/diagnosis an ADMIN_ENTRY nothing will
> be lost computationally.
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at

Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at
ian at

Clinical Analyst  Ocean Informatics
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, University College London
openEHR Archetype Editorial Group
Member BCS Primary Health Care SG Group / BCS Health Scotland

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Bert,

The reason that I have pushed to introduce an ENTRY class is to avoid
having these kind of arguments!! Fundamentally I think your post
beautifully highlights the problem.

At first you rightly complain about the ad-hoc styling and variability
of archetypes i.e we need more consistency, more frameworks. more
top-level patterns. In theory, I agree, in practice, I could point to
the very many inconsistent java coding frameworks available, the very,
very many competing code libraries in the open source space and simply
assert that trying to enforce consistent style will be impossible. The
experience of clinical modellers and the clinical requirements they
are trying to model are just too varied to have any realistic prospect
of imposing control.

Then at the end you say you want more freedom (via the ENTRY
archetype) and to let 'a thousand flowers bloom'. This of course will
result in even greater variation in the way that archetypes are
modelled with no consistency at all. You may be correct that some
useful frameworks emerge through competition, but you can be certain
that developers will end up using multiple 'frameworks' just as tends
to happen in other developments, simply because no clinical modelling
team will ever have the capacity to 'drink the ocean'.

As I understand it, the idea of the ENTRY sub-classes was to remove
some of this variability in the top-level patterns and strike some
sort of balance between your two contradictory wishes. That balance
may be wrong but I am struggling to understand how you would reconcile
the simultaneous need to reduce 'ad-hoc styling' and to increase
innovation - these two wishes are completely opposed.

The ENTRY sub-classes is an attempt to introduce some sort of
framework to clinical models at a very abstract level. Contsys is
attempting to do something very similar.

I think we probably agree that having a generic ENTRY class will help
reduce angst about 'which class is appropriate' and may help people
examine alternative approaches but ultimately this will create more
variability not less.


On 18 February 2014 07:20, Bert Verhees  wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Maybe it is hard to find an classified evaluated observation. You are right.
> Maybe this is a bad example.
> Maybe it is only a matter of art or style, I am talking about.
> What I see is that there is no congruent style in archetypes.
> They are (excuse me, no offense meant) a collection of archetypes written by
> several people in several styles.
> (Sorry I have to bring in some styling in this message, it is to keep it
> readable.)
> -
> Ad hoc styling of archetypes is bad.
> -
> It is not that one writes an archetype, and everyone agrees that is a good
> one, that there does not exist another way to write also a good one, and for
> which everyone agrees that it is a good one.
> So there is no absolute superiority in the individual archetypes itself.
> There is no best archetype.
> It is like having a taxi-company and having cars from different branches
> which were good at the moment of buying, good price/quality. The owner was
> sharp paying attention, when buying.
> So all cars are good, more or less. There are other cars on the market which
> are good too.
> So all the cars are different, but they have four wheels and are fit and
> safe to transport people.
> And then there is a garage maintaining those cars, and for every car the
> mechanic needs to find another manual.
> The old mechanic who is in the garage long time has no trouble with this.
> But younger mechanics, they hate some cars.
> In fact, carwise, that taxi-company is a mess, all cars are good, but they
> are all different. Only look how many different types of spare-tires are
> needed.
> -
> Styling of products is good:
> -
> This is the same with archetypes, they are good ones (I cannot qualify that
> anyway), but also the good ones are all different.
> Developers, programmers maybe know what I mean.
> There are frameworks, good frameworks, like Turbo C++, old but reliable.
> There are many of these, also in Java or Pascal, or maybe Eiffel.
> Developers who don't use frameworks are less productive, make more errors,
> and write harder to maintain code. Have to invent the wheel many times.
> When you read frameworked sourcecode, you know at forehand how things are
> solved, because the frameworks have a preferred way.
> It would be nice if there could exist congruent frameworks of archetypes. A
> new competition-playfield would come to life.
> Which university, which company writes the best framework of medical
> data-classification and worked out in the best styling of archetypes?
> Turbo Archetypes!
> -
> Change is the only way to improve things.

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
On 02/18/2014 01:36 PM, Ian McNicoll wrote:
> As I understand it, the idea of the ENTRY sub-classes was to remove
> some of this variability in the top-level patterns and strike some
> sort of balance between your two contradictory wishes.
I don't think so.

It is the wish, I know, of all working on Health-ICT-projects/standards 
that their standard will serve the whole world, or at least an important 
part of it.

Because if that happens, all the interoperability problems are gone.

This strong wish motivates many decisions, which, after some time, need 
to be adjusted.

For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the world 
with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong 
archetypeId-system, because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously 
were in CKM.
Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition 
regarding archetypeIds changed.

Now, I can read between your lines that variability should not occur. It 
should be avoided.
This reflects the same old wish for one standard for all.

But not to focus on you, not to focus on you or OpenEHR, just because 
this is close on this list. It happens in all other 
standard-communities. It happens everywhere where they define standards.

Maybe you know the joke, I told it a few times:

Andrea: Sigh, there are 51 HL7 standards, this is bad. I am going to 
solve that, I will create a new HL7 standard which will make all others 
Few months later
Carlos: Sigh, there are 52 HL7 standards, this is bad. I am going to 
solve that, I will create a new HL7 standard which will make all others 
Few months later
Francis: Sigh, there are 53 HL7 standards, this is bad. I am going to 
solve that, I will create a new HL7 standard which will make all others 

A world that speaks one language and sings Song of Joy before sleeping 
will not happen. There will be variability, there will be a free market, 
there will be free software development, there will be good and bad 
frameworks. This will always be.

The best we can do is provide means on which good things can come 
forward and the world has a chance here and there to do better.

By the way, do they in the UK still use British Standard Whitworth?

Have a nice day

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Sebastian Garde

On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the 
> world with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong 
> archetypeId-system, because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously 
> were in CKM.
> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition 
> regarding archetypeIds changed. 
Hi Bert,
I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers 
from me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when 
we started to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even then 
we were far more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will serve the 
world with archetypes.
We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as 
much agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype 
development efforts where possible.

That a stronger/better/different archetype-id system is needed is true 
in my opinion - but a different story: for starters the archetype-id 
system predates CKM (or even any vision of it) by many years as far as I 
am aware.

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
On 02/18/2014 02:56 PM, Bert Verhees wrote:
> By the way, do they in the UK still use British Standard Whitworth?
In response of my own rather cynical looking post, I must say that I am 
not cynical at all. I have other expectations.

I think the health-ICT should focus on interoperability on base of 
independent systems. Thus, one or some system-independent 
message-formats. System developers should write routines to 
import/export them.

And besides that, health-ICT should make fabulous platforms, which serve 
their customers and their needs.
I think, archetypes, two level modeling are a great tools from this 

So the world should be grateful for the work of the OpenEHR community, 
and that is my honest opinion.
I am proud to be involved even for just this little bit

Best regards,
Bert Verhees

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the 
>> world with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong 
>> archetypeId-system, because, all archetypes ever to be taken 
>> seriously were in CKM.
>> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition 
>> regarding archetypeIds changed. 
> Hi Bert,
> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers 
> from me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when 
> we started to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even 
> then we were far more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will 
> serve the world with archetypes.
> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as 
> much agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype 
> development efforts where possible.

Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had 
to convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based 
on only a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.

You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion 
about here:

Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only 
a bit more then a year.

> That a stronger/better/different archetype-id system is needed is true 
> in my opinion - but a different story: for starters the archetype-id 
> system predates CKM (or even any vision of it) by many years as far as 
> I am aware.
It is true that the CKM archetypes are of high quality (as far as I can 
judge), and that their existence is a good thing.
But, archetypes can be much more then only having a specific high 
quality contents.

They can, for example be structured, as I am thinking of, for example in 
a framework which causes some leaf-nodes to have predictable paths. This 
can have good effects on system-performance, data-mining, easy 
development, and other aspects.

It is only a thought, not everyone will agree this is necessary, but 
that does not mean that it is useless to think in such a way.

I think it is time to make that step forwards in two level modeling 


CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Sebastian Garde

On 18.02.2014 16:48, Bert Verhees wrote:
> On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
>> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
>>> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the 
>>> world with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong 
>>> archetypeId-system, because, all archetypes ever to be taken 
>>> seriously were in CKM.
>>> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition 
>>> regarding archetypeIds changed. 
>> Hi Bert,
>> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and 
>> papers from me and others about managing archetypes from around the 
>> time when we started to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you 
>> that even then we were far more realistic as to say that the openEHR 
>> CKM will serve the world with archetypes.
>> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as 
>> much agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype 
>> development efforts where possible.
> Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I 
> had to convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was 
> based on only a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
> You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion 
> about here:
> Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? 
> Only a bit more then a year.
Hi Bert, I am not arguing with that, I am just pointing out that you are 
relating two things (CKM and the archetype ids) that are not related in 
the way you said.
If anything, the existence of several CKMs around the world now - which 
can all talk to each other to get each other's archetypes - /highlights 
/the need for a different archetype id system.

As for the one-archetype-per-concept-principle in that discussion you 
link to: It is what I said in other words above, the lofty aim to agree 
where possible. It is not one step, but rather a very long process with 
potentially many archetypes about the same concept in e.g. different 
regions/countries in the meantime (and likely more than one forever).

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CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Bert,

I don't think you need to convince anyone that the archetype_id
mechanism 'would do'.  The question of namespacing/ oids etc started
to be discussed long before 2012, although it is blindingly easy to
get around most namespace collisions with some 'pseudo-namespace'
suffixes e.g. EVALUATION.adverse_reaction_uk.v1. From memory the
discussion was about the best solution, not about the need to make
some sort of change.

If there ever was a vision that a single set of archetypes might rule
the world, that has long since disappeared. I think there will be
gradual convergence as the economics increasingly dictate that
interoperating is better than local but it will take time and a fair
bit of confusion/ competition of ideas and frameworks. I think you and
i have a similar vision of progress through an open source-like market
of ideas.

However, you cannot easily square that with your desire for leaf nodes
to have predictable paths. The only way for that to be absolutely
achieved is to describe those leaf-nodes on the RM e.g ACTION.time or
OBSERVATION.origin. The second-best alternative is to construct a
hierarchy of top-level 'reference archetypes' (the approach taken by
CIMI) but if these are to work consistently, everyone has to use them
and their paths have to be fixed and consistent, just as if they had
been defined in the reference model. There may be other advantages to
using reference archetypes in this way but I can't see that you gain
anything over an RM expression of predictable paths.

I think there are many aspects of the openEHR class structure that can
be simplified and improved but I can't see how you can provide the mix
of flexibility and 'fixed leaf node paths' other than declaring them
in the RM or in 'reference archetypes' which have to be managed just
as strictly as an RM. Either you have a commitment to a framework
(however expressed) or you do not.

Perhaps I am not understanding .. Can you give a specific example of
how you might model differently?


On 18 February 2014 15:48, Bert Verhees  wrote:
> On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
>> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
>>> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the world
>>> with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong archetypeId-system,
>>> because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously were in CKM.
>>> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition
>>> regarding archetypeIds changed.
>> Hi Bert,
>> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers
>> from me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when we
>> started to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even then we were
>> far more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will serve the world with
>> archetypes.
>> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as much
>> agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype development
>> efforts where possible.
> Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had to
> convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based on only
> a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
> You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion about
> here:
> Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only a
> bit more then a year.
>> That a stronger/better/different archetype-id system is needed is true in
>> my opinion - but a different story: for starters the archetype-id system
>> predates CKM (or even any vision of it) by many years as far as I am aware.
> It is true that the CKM archetypes are of high quality (as far as I can
> judge), and that their existence is a good thing.
> But, archetypes can be much more then only having a specific high quality
> contents.
> They can, for example be structured, as I am thinking of, for example in a
> framework which causes some leaf-nodes to have predictable paths. This can
> have good effects on system-performance, data-mining, easy development, and
> other aspects.
> It is only a thought, not everyone will agree this is necessary, but that
> does not mean that it is useless to think in such a way.
> I think it is time to make that step forwards in two level modeling
> thinking.
> regards
> Bert
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at

Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at
ian at

Clinical Analyst  Ocean Informatics
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, University College London
openEHR Archetype Editorial Group
Member BCS Primary Health

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Sebastian,

I think the original 'one-archetype-per-concept' statement was really
applicable within a single repository or 'framework'. Much as we might
want there only ever to be one for the world, this was clearly only
ever going to be possible in the very long term, and quite impossible
for some concepts.


On 18 February 2014 16:05, Sebastian Garde
> On 18.02.2014 16:48, Bert Verhees wrote:
> On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the world
> with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong archetypeId-system,
> because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously were in CKM.
> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition
> regarding archetypeIds changed.
> Hi Bert,
> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers from
> me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when we started
> to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even then we were far
> more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will serve the world with
> archetypes.
> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as much
> agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype development
> efforts where possible.
> Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had to
> convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based on only
> a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
> You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion about
> here:
> Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only a
> bit more then a year.
> Hi Bert, I am not arguing with that, I am just pointing out that you are
> relating two things (CKM and the archetype ids) that are not related in the
> way you said.
> If anything, the existence of several CKMs around the world now - which can
> all talk to each other to get each other's archetypes - highlights the need
> for a different archetype id system.
> As for the one-archetype-per-concept-principle in that discussion you link
> to: It is what I said in other words above, the lofty aim to agree where
> possible. It is not one step, but rather a very long process with
> potentially many archetypes about the same concept in e.g. different
> regions/countries in the meantime (and likely more than one forever).
> Sebastian
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at

Dr Ian McNicoll
office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at
ian at

Clinical Analyst  Ocean Informatics
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, University College London
openEHR Archetype Editorial Group
Member BCS Primary Health Care SG Group / BCS Health Scotland

CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Sebastian Garde
Hi Ian,

Not sure if you are agreeing or disagreeing with me, but I couldn't have 
said this better, total agreement.


On 18.02.2014 17:22, Ian McNicoll wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> I think the original 'one-archetype-per-concept' statement was really
> applicable within a single repository or 'framework'. Much as we might
> want there only ever to be one for the world, this was clearly only
> ever going to be possible in the very long term, and quite impossible
> for some concepts.
> Ian
> On 18 February 2014 16:05, Sebastian Garde
>  wrote:
>> On 18.02.2014 16:48, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
>> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the world
>> with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong archetypeId-system,
>> because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously were in CKM.
>> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition
>> regarding archetypeIds changed.
>> Hi Bert,
>> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers from
>> me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when we started
>> to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even then we were far
>> more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will serve the world with
>> archetypes.
>> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as much
>> agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype development
>> efforts where possible.
>> Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had to
>> convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based on only
>> a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
>> You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion about
>> here:
>> Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only a
>> bit more then a year.
>> Hi Bert, I am not arguing with that, I am just pointing out that you are
>> relating two things (CKM and the archetype ids) that are not related in the
>> way you said.
>> If anything, the existence of several CKMs around the world now - which can
>> all talk to each other to get each other's archetypes - highlights the need
>> for a different archetype id system.
>> As for the one-archetype-per-concept-principle in that discussion you link
>> to: It is what I said in other words above, the lofty aim to agree where
>> possible. It is not one step, but rather a very long process with
>> potentially many archetypes about the same concept in e.g. different
>> regions/countries in the meantime (and likely more than one forever).
>> Sebastian
>> ___
>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>> openEHR-technical at

*Dr. Sebastian Garde*
/Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
Senior Developer
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb
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CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
Sorry I misunderstood you.


Op dinsdag 18 februari 2014 heeft Sebastian Garde <
sebastian.garde at> het volgende geschreven:

> On 18.02.2014 16:48, Bert Verhees wrote:
> On 02/18/2014 03:52 PM, Sebastian Garde wrote:
> On 18.02.2014 14:56, Bert Verhees wrote:
> For example, in the OpenEHR, the idea was that CKM would serve the world
> with archetypes, and there would be no need of a strong archetypeId-system,
> because, all archetypes ever to be taken seriously were in CKM.
> Now it is recognized that this is not the case, and the proposition
> regarding archetypeIds changed.
> Hi Bert,
> I think you would find a sufficient number of presentations and papers
> from me and others about managing archetypes from around the time when we
> started to work on CKM (2007) that would convince you that even then we
> were far more realistic as to say that the openEHR CKM will serve the world
> with archetypes.
> We were and still are just striving towards the (lofty) aim to get as much
> agreement/convergence as possible as well as unite the archetype
> development efforts where possible.
> Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had
> to convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based on
> only a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
> You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion about
> here:
> Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only a
> bit more then a year.
> Hi Bert, I am not arguing with that, I am just pointing out that you are
> relating two things (CKM and the archetype ids) that are not related in the
> way you said.
> If anything, the existence of several CKMs around the world now - which
> can all talk to each other to get each other's archetypes - *highlights *the
> need for a different archetype id system.
> As for the one-archetype-per-concept-principle in that discussion you link
> to: It is what I said in other words above, the lofty aim to agree where
> possible. It is not one step, but rather a very long process with
> potentially many archetypes about the same concept in e.g. different
> regions/countries in the meantime (and likely more than one forever).
> Sebastian


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CIMI archetype examples using latest openEHR AOM & ADL

2014-02-18 Thread Bert Verhees
fforts where possible.
> >
> >
> > Hi Sebastian, I remember, it must be a year ago, how much problems I had
> to
> > convince this community that the archetypeId-system, which was based on
> only
> > a few serious archetypes worldwide, would not do.
> >
> > You also participated in this discussion. I started that discussion about
> > here:
> >
> >
> > Do you see how long ago it was, we needed to have this discussion? Only a
> > bit more then a year.
> >
> >
> >> That a stronger/better/different archetype-id system is needed is true
> in
> >> my opinion - but a different story: for starters the archetype-id system
> >> predates CKM (or even any vision of it) by many years as far as I am
> aware.
> >
> > It is true that the CKM archetypes are of high quality (as far as I can
> > judge), and that their existence is a good thing.
> > But, archetypes can be much more then only having a specific high quality
> > contents.
> >
> > They can, for example be structured, as I am thinking of, for example in
> a
> > framework which causes some leaf-nodes to have predictable paths. This
> can
> > have good effects on system-performance, data-mining, easy development,
> and
> > other aspects.
> >
> > It is only a thought, not everyone will agree this is necessary, but that
> > does not mean that it is useless to think in such a way.
> >
> > I think it is time to make that step forwards in two level modeling
> > thinking.
> >
> > regards
> > Bert
> >
> >
> > ___
> > openEHR-technical mailing list
> > openEHR-technical at 
> >
> --
> Dr Ian McNicoll
> office / fax  +44(0)141 560 4657
> mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
> skype ianmcnicoll
> ian.mcnicoll at 
> ian at 
> Clinical Analyst  Ocean Informatics
> Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, University College London
> openEHR Archetype Editorial Group
> Member BCS Primary Health Care SG Group / BCS Health
> Scotland
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at 


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