Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end (gjb)

2009-07-29 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end (gjb)

2009-07-29 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end (gjb)

2009-07-29 Thread Seref Arikan
Hi Tim,
Two questions regarding your comments:

I want to speak on (what **I** think) is this underlying REAL problem.

I could not understand what the real problem you describe is. Could you
please define it once more?

But the reality is that we have been battling this for more than 45
years while the rest of the world has moved on... (see the video on
Youtube about IBM at Johns Hopkins in 1963)

Would you mind explaining to where the world has moved on? I'd like to think
that I have a decent view of the major work around the issues we have been
So if someone has made significant progress about the things we've been
discussing I'd really like to know.

Best Regards
ps: sending this again due to a dns problem

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Tim Cook timothywayne.cook at gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 17:28 +0100, Thomas Beale wrote:

   But one could build a UI that is not so mundane.  We have many more
   properties in the model behind our forms than is currently included
   in the templates to achieve that and soon we will have a web client
   to complement our fat client using the same underlying data model

 I want to speak on (what **I** think) is this underlying REAL problem.

 This is NOT a DATA MODEL issue.  (damn I wish educators would quit
 teaching this).  It is NOT a Java problem it is not a SQL
 is an INFORMATION problem.

 YOUR (or my) data model don't mean crap.   It's about representing the
 information in a semantically meaningful way.


 Yep...this was an abrasive, affrontive attack on the status que...
 most especially in academia and monpolistic business.

 Since I am an independent consultant/researcher I guess I have the
 liberty to say so.

 We can delve into technical issues if you wish and I'll be happy to
 debate them with you.

 But the reality is that we have been battling this for more than 45
 years while the rest of the world has moved on... (see the video on
 Youtube about IBM at Johns Hopkins in 1963)

 Think about it.

 ?We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when
 we created them.?
 --Albert Einstein

 Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
 different results.
 --Albert Einstein

 Yeah; I like to quote him.  He was a man of great intellect and

 You *MUST* think beyond today or you are just padding your
 pocket instead of caring about the tomorrow.

 --Tim Cook (2009)

 Timothy Cook, MSc
 Health Informatics Research  Development Services
 LinkedIn Profile:
 Skype ID == timothy.cook
 *You may get my Public GPG key from  popular keyservers or*
 *from this link *

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-28 Thread gjb
Thomas Beale wrote:
 To clarify one thing: UI structures have to be based on templates, which are 
 essentially specific 'data set' definitions, not archetypes, which 
 all content irrespective of any particular use. But I agree with the point 
 any such artefact cannot be assumed to be a direct basis for automated GUI 
 building. I don't think it is impossible, merely difficult (which reminds me 
 the Galen motto: making the impossible very difficult).
 Re: ADL files; the reason ADL exists is because an ADL archetype is 
 definitive - 
 there is only one possible expression. With XML on the other hand, we have 
 current published schema; in the near future, I suspect it will be upgraded 
 be more efficient (seems everyone hates innefficient XML), and that could 
 happen a few more times into the future.
 Practically speaking, you are right, most normal system / product 
 developers/vendors don't need to care about the ADL if they don't like it, 
 can just use the XML, and everything will work fine.
 If ADL is 'hampering adoption' then we need to improve how we communicate the 
 notion of archetypes, how to use them etc. Suggestions in this area are 
 - thomas beale
Hi Thomas

May be I can frame the question in a different way:
Is what we have now (including imminent Template Spec) an advantageous 
starting point for building EHR data entry / GUI interfaces or is it 
perhaps an impediment: requiring a compliance which might pragmatically 
only be obtained by retro-fitting software to the published 
archetypes/templates ?

My doubts arise from the fact that in traditional Object-Oriented Design 
(OOD) the overall architecture is informed _simultaneously_ by two 
independent formative factors: structure and behaviour. The structural 
factor appear to be dominant in the formation of openEHR archetypes - 
even in the CKM - with any behaviour / methods / operation being left as 
technical afterthoughts. This might not matter if programming a GUI 
interface can simply be made a question of implementing any required 
behaviours in the objects of the classes derived (via templates and 
slots etc) from the openEHR archetypes. But if the nature of these 
behaviours do not conform to the containment model specified by the 
openEHR archetype hierarchy then the implementer is right to ask the 
question: should I refactor the archetypes (as normal OOD requires) or 
should I accepted reduced behaviours to avoid their impacting those 

Personally I like the ADL specification - it is human-readable in a way 
that neither XML nor any programming language like Java, or even Python, 
is. But the very fact that it omits behaviour implies that is 
declarative and is actually Declaring Documents and not Modelling 
Information per se.

I would have thought the openEHR would have become more document-centric 
than it is now. I know there are archetypes for document Sections - but 
that marginalises the fact a document-based interface is what most 
non-techie humans are capable of comprehending and  not to follow this 
venerable tradition leads to information disorientation. So why 
facilitate the freedom to diverge from it?

An analogous approach to openEHR would be simply to specify constraints 
on the legal content of particular Health Record documents. 
Commonalities between the document sections might be marked up - in the 
same spirit of inheriting reuse as is adopted for discovering archetypes 
in openEHR .

Of course today's web-fed technologies attempt to do all this in ugly 
unreadable XML which gets transformed into humanised GUI pages/screens. 
As I commented else where recent advance in server and browser 
implementations mean that xForms armed with well designed schema 
specifications might be up for this job. Yet I am still not sure what to 
make of MS-CUI - its demos seem particularly disorientating and 

My problem here is that any data-entry objects  get instantiated when 
they arrive in browser's document object model and (to me at least) it 
seems that they may be completely different objects to those archetyped 
at the highest level of the design and  so - even with an excellent 
template specification - it may be unprofitable to think about adding 
methods to classes based on archetypes as OOD is usually progressed.

I am interested in ways of reconciling openEHR archetype/templates with 
browser mediated documents ? based on open-standards. I'd be pleased if 
anyone else might care to comment on this could be achieved.

Gavin Brelstaff
CRS4 Sardinia Pula (CA) Italy

Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-26 Thread Diego Boscá
This reminds me a thing. Would be useful to have at ADL level
something like postconditions? (In your example, something stating how
to obtain or validate MBP from available values). I think this falls
into knowledge level.

2009/7/25 Thomas Beale thomas.beale at
 Bert Verhees wrote:

 yes - but to do this, they need to be working with templates.
 Archetypes on their own don't make sense as direct data-capture models.

 Thomas, I wonder why this is, maybe you can explain this or point to an

 Archetypes act as a way to standardise the *possible* data points that could
 be captured about some topic, in any possible context (i.e. type of patient,
 type of clinic etc). So for example, the blood pressure archetype (see contains
 the following data points in the 'data' part:

 systolic pressure (SP)
 diastolic pressure (DP)
 mean arterial pressure (MAP) - perfusion pressure used by anaesthetists
 pulse pressure (PP) - difference between SP and DP

 Now, in actual real contexts, the things that can be used in a meaningful
 way are one of the following:

 SP, DP // the usual one
 MAP - which is related by a formula to SP  DP (see
 PP - either computed from SP - DP, or measured directly by some devices

 MAP will never be needed in a normal GP or nursing context, and PP won't
 usually be either, although I believe it is becoming moreso, because the PP
 history is recognised as an indicator of some problems. The point is, you
 will (probably) never create any data set (such as a form or a message) that
 corresponds to a particular clinical event (such as GP visit, etc) that
 contains all of these. Instead, you will make a template, that contains the
 SP and DP, possbly some other BP archetype items, and also a bunch of other
 items from other archetypes. This latter combination of items is what is
 being recorded in the specific situation. For another context, e.g.
 emergency department admission, a different combination of items will be
 recorded. Both could easily contain common elements from the archetypes they
 use; this is why archetypes exist - to standardise the semantic definitions
 of the information items; templates exist to put them together (sometimes
 with further constraints) for specific use cases.

 One reason that this is not always clear is that there are some archetypes
 that would normally be used in their entirety in the template, e.g. Apgar,
 Barthel, some lab results and so on (although even then, the protocol
 information may or may not be included).

 hope this clarifies

 - thomas beale

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

Diego Bosc? Tom?s diebosto at
  yampeku at
Instituto ITACA - Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia
Acceso B
Edificio 8G
Camino Vera s/n
46022 VALENCIA (Spain)
tel: +34 963 875 277

Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-26 Thread Bert Verhees
 hope this clarifies

Thanks, Thomas, it clarifies why archetypes do not suffice in
application-context for data entry/presentation.
For the moment, we can live without templates (leave it to form-developers
to define where to use a specific archetype-item), or fabricate
template-definition for internal use. In initial phase, it does not have
to be very complicated.

 for UI:s. The problem is the there is no complete template

I agree with Olof that there is a need for formal template-specification.

I think that when there is, it will be possible to exchange templates,
application forms, or even better, develop to exchangeable
application-functionality. This would cause the openehr-kernel to become a
supporting module which presents forms and stores data. But the real
application will be defined in the templates.

Is this the road-map we are looking at? Or are the goals different?

My thoughts on a Sunday-morning:
Medical-information-application-development will be a matter of writing
templates and archetypes. This can than be done by people specialized in
writing/defining GUI's and specialized in medical applications. I remember
this to be one of the original goals of the openehr-kernel.

The mix needed for software development, not only medical, is that an
application-developer needs to have technical knowledge, but also
domain-knowledge. Very often this prevents developers to be as good
skilled as would be possible if they could concentrate on either.
(no flame bait intended, there are many positive exceptions)

Software-developers than can concentrate on writing a good kernel, writing
good tooling. They can concentrate on the technical part of an
application. For example: It would even be possible to write a OpenEHR-OS,
highly optimized for this purpose. This could, for example, be based on
the Linux-kernel which is available for this, because it is open source
and therefore modifiable.

It also fits in the idea of having a separate OS-instantiation for each
separate service-application possible running in virtual environments.
If for scalability-purpose needed, it can also run on separate servers,
clusters, or even distributed. A matter of modularity.


Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-26 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-26 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-25 Thread Heath Frankel
There is an open source ADL to XML conversion library for .NET written in c#
located at
er.  This is used by the Archetype Editor to generate a pure XML
representation of the ADL file via the ADL_Parser so that it can create a
canonical xml representation of the archetype model for hashing purposes.
The XML displayed and files generated directly from the Archetype Editor
uses a different (legacy) mechanism and is not as reliable as that produced
by the conversion library, the result is slightly different XML output.  We
just have not had enough volunteer time to replace this legacy approach
within the Archetype Editor.  


If anyone need assistance in using this conversion library I can provide an
NUnit test library that shows how it can be used, or you can sift through
the Archetype Editor code if you prefer VB.


We actually have a publishing tool using this library that can run a batch
process against an entire Archetype file repository that can be run within
an auto-build process and committed back into svn.  This is how the XML
archetypes on openEHR used to get generated prior to CKM.


I am not sure if CKM supports XML output of archetypes as yet but if it is
felt that not having archetypes available in XML is holding back openEHR
adoption then I am sure this can be put on the change request list for







Heath Frankel

Product Development Manager

Ocean Informatics


heath.frankel at

+61 (0) 8 7127 5574 







[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at] On Behalf Of Greg Caulton
Sent: Thursday, 23 July 2009 8:45 PM
To: openehr-technical at
Subject: Re: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end



Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:16:20 +0200
From: hepabolu
Subject: Re: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end
To: For openEHR technical discussions openehr-technical at
Message-ID: 4A671124.7020002 at
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
 Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
 complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset
 of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than
 it solves.
 IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative
 markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if,
 then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply

I agree, to start integrating UI related content into the archetypes is a
very bad idea.

Most modern UIs follow a Model-View-Controller
approach.  For PatientOS Archetypes provide the data elements.  The
relationships and constraints within the archetype data elements is
implemented in our model.  We have different views - fat client, web client
which are implemented through controllers written in java or javascript.

Atttempts to push everything into the archetype definition would create a
complex beast which would defeat KISS principal.

As a side note I also think the ADL files is hampering adoption - not for us
as there is a Java parser.  Since everything that is the ADL must be
expressable in XML (otherwise interoperability of the definitions would be
problematic) - why have both - XML is ubiquitous and I think the benefits of
readibility of an ADL file is no longer needed since there are tools which
replace it - how many people read an ADL file any more? 

Gregory Caulton
Principal at PatientOS Inc.
personal email: caultonpos at
corporate: (888)-NBR-1EMR || fax  857.241.3022

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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-25 Thread Greg Caulton

 Message: 1
 Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 01:59:36 +0930
 From: Heath Frankel heath.frankel at
 Subject: RE: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end
 To: 'For openEHR technical discussions'
openehr-technical at
00db01ca0c7b$f05e67f0$d11b37d0$@frankel at
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 There is an open source ADL to XML conversion library for .NET written in
 located at
 er.  This is used by the Archetype Editor to generate a pure XML
 representation of the ADL file via the ADL_Parser so that it can create a
 canonical xml representation of the archetype model for hashing purposes.
 The XML displayed and files generated directly from the Archetype Editor
 uses a different (legacy) mechanism and is not as reliable as that produced
 by the conversion library, the result is slightly different XML output.  We
 just have not had enough volunteer time to replace this legacy approach
 within the Archetype Editor.

 If anyone need assistance in using this conversion library I can provide an
 NUnit test library that shows how it can be used, or you can sift through
 the Archetype Editor code if you prefer VB.

 We actually have a publishing tool using this library that can run a batch
 process against an entire Archetype file repository that can be run within
 an auto-build process and committed back into svn.  This is how the XML
 archetypes on openEHR used to get generated prior to CKM.

 I am not sure if CKM supports XML output of archetypes as yet but if it is
 felt that not having archetypes available in XML is holding back openEHR
 adoption then I am sure this can be put on the change request list for



Generating XML from ADL is one piece - but what is needed is the schema
definition and not the generic one that fits all archetypes but rather one
that is specific to the data elements and content of each archetype.

The technical people working with Archetypes today are obviously content
with working with an ADL file but IMHO the software developers of tomorrow
need to spend about 1 hour evaluating archetypes, import the definitions and
then demonstrate that this well thought out, well structured OpenEHR data is
of more value that defining ones own data hierarchy using HL7, LOINC, SNOMED

XML, XSD has orders of more tooling support, ADL only has the few tools
available that we know of and that affects productivity.  If XML/XSD became
the defacto standard I could take our administrative and billing data model
and convert into 'archetypes' and quickly people could begin to review them.

As the CKM clinical reviews take place and the quality and quantity of the
clinical archetypes increases the content becomes more valuable.  But
without easy access to that content I believe it does hamper adoption.

Gregory Caulton
Principal at PatientOS Inc.
personal email: caultonpos at
corporate: (888)-NBR-1EMR || fax  857.241.3022
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-25 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-25 Thread Bert Verhees

 yes - but to do this, they need to be working with templates. 
 Archetypes on their own don't make sense as direct data-capture models.
Thomas, I wonder why this is, maybe you can explain this or point to an 


Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-25 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-24 Thread Sebastian Garde

Heath Frankel wrote:

 I am not sure if CKM supports XML output of archetypes as yet but if 
 it is felt that not having archetypes available in XML is holding back 
 openEHR adoption then I am sure this can be put on the change request 
 list for prioritisation.

No, it doesn't yet, but shouldn't be too hard.
There is a Java XML Generator as well, but not sure if it is consistent 
with the C# conversion library yet.


Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-23 Thread Greg Caulton
 Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:16:20 +0200
 From: hepabolu hepabolu at
 Subject: Re: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end
 To: For openEHR technical discussions openehr-technical at
 Message-ID: 4A671124.7020002 at
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
  Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
  complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset
  of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than
  it solves.
  IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative
  markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if,
  then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply

I agree, to start integrating UI related content into the archetypes is a
very bad idea.

Most modern UIs follow a
 For PatientOS Archetypes provide the data elements.  The
relationships and constraints within the archetype data elements is
implemented in our model.  We have different views - fat client, web client
which are implemented through controllers written in java or javascript.

Atttempts to push everything into the archetype definition would create a
complex beast which would defeat KISS principal.

As a side note I also think the ADL files is hampering adoption - not for us
as there is a Java parser.  Since everything that is the ADL must be
expressable in XML (otherwise interoperability of the definitions would be
problematic) - why have both - XML is ubiquitous and I think the benefits of
readibility of an ADL file is no longer needed since there are tools which
replace it - how many people read an ADL file any more?

Gregory Caulton
Principal at PatientOS Inc.
personal email: caultonpos at
corporate: (888)-NBR-1EMR || fax  857.241.3022
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-23 Thread Seref Arikan
Hi Greg,
I for one read ADL. We have Java parser, and .NET people has a .NET parser.
If there are others out there with technologies without a parser (Python?
anyting else?) I'd like to hear it voiced as a request.
Here is the reason I'd rather see ADL instead of XML: According to me, ADL
is a machine processable representation for humans, and XML is a human
processable representation for machines, and for some reason I find myself
reading ADL from time to time.

Kind regards

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Greg Caulton caultonpos at wrote:

 Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:16:20 +0200
 From: hepabolu hepabolu at
 Subject: Re: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end
 To: For openEHR technical discussions openehr-technical at
 Message-ID: 4A671124.7020002 at
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
  Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
  complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset
  of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than
  it solves.
  IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative
  markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if,
  then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply

 I agree, to start integrating UI related content into the archetypes is a
 very bad idea.

 Most modern UIs follow a 
   For PatientOS Archetypes provide the data elements.  The
 relationships and constraints within the archetype data elements is
 implemented in our model.  We have different views - fat client, web client
 which are implemented through controllers written in java or javascript.

 Atttempts to push everything into the archetype definition would create a
 complex beast which would defeat KISS principal.

 As a side note I also think the ADL files is hampering adoption - not for
 us as there is a Java parser.  Since everything that is the ADL must be
 expressable in XML (otherwise interoperability of the definitions would be
 problematic) - why have both - XML is ubiquitous and I think the benefits of
 readibility of an ADL file is no longer needed since there are tools which
 replace it - how many people read an ADL file any more?

 Gregory Caulton
 Principal at PatientOS Inc.
 personal email: caultonpos at
 corporate: (888)-NBR-1EMR || fax  857.241.3022

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-23 Thread Diego Boscá
More people than you think still read and write ADL by hand, as
openEHR clinical model is not the only language you can build
archetypes (for instance, you can do archetypes of openEHR
demographics, CEN EN13606 clinical model or demographics). However,
it's true that available tools support or plan to support different
models, but the tools that support those models are still unknown to a
lot of potential users

2009/7/23 Greg Caulton caultonpos at

 Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:16:20 +0200
 From: hepabolu hepabolu at
 Subject: Re: Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end
 To: For openEHR technical discussions openehr-technical at
 Message-ID: 4A671124.7020002 at
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
  Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
  complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset
  of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than
  it solves.
  IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative
  markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if,
  then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply

 I agree, to start integrating UI related content into the archetypes is a
 very bad idea.

 Most modern UIs follow a Model-View-Controller approach.? For PatientOS
 Archetypes provide the data elements.? The relationships and constraints
 within the archetype data elements is implemented in our model.? We have
 different views - fat client, web client which are implemented through
 controllers written in java or javascript.

 Atttempts to push everything into the archetype definition would create a
 complex beast which would defeat KISS principal.

 As a side note I also think the ADL files is hampering adoption - not for us
 as there is a Java parser.? Since everything that is the ADL must be
 expressable in XML (otherwise interoperability of the definitions would be
 problematic) - why have both - XML is ubiquitous and I think the benefits of
 readibility of an ADL file is no longer needed since there are tools which
 replace it - how many people read an ADL file any more?

 Gregory Caulton
 Principal at PatientOS Inc.
 personal email: caultonpos at
 corporate: (888)-NBR-1EMR || fax ?857.241.3022

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

Diego Bosc? Tom?s diebosto at
  yampeku at
Instituto ITACA - Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia
Acceso B
Edificio 8G
Camino Vera s/n
46022 VALENCIA (Spain)
tel: +34 963 875 277

Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-23 Thread Thomas Beale
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-22 Thread Seref Arikan
Hi Gavin,
Thanks for the input, Now, to see a little bit more, please visit
Omer Hotomaroglu notified me of this some time ago, and I guess everyting
here is not in CUI specs yet, but this is a much better demonstration of how
GUI specialization can end up.
Of course I'm not a clinician, but assuming MS has someone telling them that
clinicians would be happy with this, I'm focusing on the functionality.
As you've said it is about interactions between UI controls, and if you
check this page you'll see that layout related capabilities are also
important, I'll write about the in the wiki in detail, but the link above
shows that making use of every UI capability is useful, actually, I've
written about this in my blog some time ago :
The problem, especialy with these specific controls is, what will we do when
a widget binds to multiple models? or there is an overlap between two
models, which are used by two widgets on the same UI? I have reason to
believe that our binding approaches are a little bit naive at this point,
and I'd be satisfied when I can bind GUIs like in the Patient Journey
Demonstrator to openEHR back end.

Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset of
the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than it
IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative markup
for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if, then it may
be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply leave certain
things out of the specifications. Templates may have some space in them
where you can act naughty? Like the Z segment of HL7 V2, a redlight district
where everyone visits every once in a while, but does not mention so much..

I've never heard about Orbeon, and I'll be taking a good look at it, if it
looks handy, I can simply add a link to it from Opereffa, to see how things
will shape up.

Thanks again for the input, and the useful discussion.

Kind regards

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 6:05 PM, gjb gjb at wrote:

 Hi Seref,

 Seref Arikan wrote:
  I've written an initial set of things here :
  based on Opereffa, but I'd really like to hear how others are tackling UI
  I'm a little bit worried since I can see MS CUI ...
 I had a look at these Silverlight controls - such as
 etc - perhaps I missed something, but
 I can't see anything greatly different from what a Luddite
 like me might achieve with XHTML-like select, check-boxes etc.

 Complexity grows, in any case, when one considers screens where
 one data-value (e.g. drop-down list) should vary in accordance with
 another control's value (e.g. another list's item).
 I am not even sure how openEHR archetypes fully allow such co-occurrence
 constraints to be defined - I guess I'd try using invariant rules.
 This isn't just a case of panels/containers being present/visible or not
 - as archetype-slot toggling ought to be able to handle.

 If we assume that detailed co-occurrence variations can be declared as
 ASL invariant rules then - IMHO - it makes sense to take that
 declarative approach down to the GUI level and interpret such rules at
 data entry.
 This is what xForms was supposed to be designed to do (using it's bind
 declarations) - but the majority opinion of openEHR developer is that
 xForms are dead in the water - and we should instead instantiate
 object-oriented widgets to implement our GUIs.

 I am not so convinced -  I've played with the Orbeon xForms server
 which embeds the eXist xml-db an I am quite impressed just how far
 you can get in modern browsers without writing javascript or
 requiring plugins. XML in XML out.  It's nice to be web-based/RESTful
 since it gives you so much for free.
 It would be nice to implement a demo that compiles-down ADL to a form
 Orbeon can serve - but, as I noted earlier, this is not a main-line
 idea here: for one thing it mostly throws out the O from the AOM.

 Good work with Opereffa

 Gavin Brelstaff
 CRS4 Sardinia Italy.
 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-22 Thread hepabolu
Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
 Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too 
 complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset 
 of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than 
 it solves.
 IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative 
 markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if, 
 then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply 

Hi, I must confess I've only half followed this discussion due to time 
constraints, but this remark comes very close to my findings in a paper 
I've written on this topic, which is now available as epub:

Generic screen representations for future-proof systems, is it possible? 
There is more to a GUI than meets the eye.
van der Linden H, Austin T, Talmon J.
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2009 Sep;95(3):213-26. Epub 2009 Apr 15.

Re Orbeon: I think that's a nice start. Should dive into it more in the 
near future.

With regards,

Helma van der Linden

Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-22 Thread Seref Arikan
Thanks Helma,
Very interesting feedback. Considering one of the authors, Tony Austin, is
in the next room, and here I am hearing about this work from you :)

Kind regards

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:16 PM, hepabolu hepabolu at wrote:

 Seref Arikan said the following on 22/7/09 11:39:
  Now about UI - model relationship, my view is the GUI layer is way too
  complex and diverse to include in openEHR specifications, even a subset
  of the UI related stuff would be enough to introduce more problems than
  it solves.
  IF there emerges a cross platform AND cross technology declerative
  markup for GUI and GUI interactions and bindings, and this is a big if,
  then it may be considered, otherwise, my personal opinion is to simply

 Hi, I must confess I've only half followed this discussion due to time
 constraints, but this remark comes very close to my findings in a paper
 I've written on this topic, which is now available as epub:

 Generic screen representations for future-proof systems, is it possible?
 There is more to a GUI than meets the eye.
 van der Linden H, Austin T, Talmon J.
 Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2009 Sep;95(3):213-26. Epub 2009 Apr 15.

 Re Orbeon: I think that's a nice start. Should dive into it more in the
 near future.

 With regards,

 Helma van der Linden

 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at

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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-21 Thread Seref Arikan
Even if it feels a little bit too implementation related I'd like to get
your opinions about the various UI implementation ideas/practices you may
have, especially about web based applications.
I've written an initial set of things here :
based on Opereffa, but I'd really like to hear how others are tackling UI
I'm a little bit worried since I can see MS CUI being a little bit isolated
from model driven approaches. If we are going to make use of this work (and
I think we should), along with our own work, we'd better try to see how
implementations of rich UI widgets can be put into use for clinicians.
Your comments will be appreciated

Kind regards
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Issues around UI technologies and bindings to back end

2009-07-21 Thread gjb
Hi Seref,

Seref Arikan wrote:
 I've written an initial set of things here :
 based on Opereffa, but I'd really like to hear how others are tackling UI
 I'm a little bit worried since I can see MS CUI ...
I had a look at these Silverlight controls - such as
etc - perhaps I missed something, but
I can't see anything greatly different from what a Luddite
like me might achieve with XHTML-like select, check-boxes etc.

Complexity grows, in any case, when one considers screens where
one data-value (e.g. drop-down list) should vary in accordance with
another control's value (e.g. another list's item).
I am not even sure how openEHR archetypes fully allow such co-occurrence 
constraints to be defined - I guess I'd try using invariant rules.
This isn't just a case of panels/containers being present/visible or not
- as archetype-slot toggling ought to be able to handle.

If we assume that detailed co-occurrence variations can be declared as 
ASL invariant rules then - IMHO - it makes sense to take that 
declarative approach down to the GUI level and interpret such rules at 
data entry.
This is what xForms was supposed to be designed to do (using it's bind 
declarations) - but the majority opinion of openEHR developer is that 
xForms are dead in the water - and we should instead instantiate 
object-oriented widgets to implement our GUIs.

I am not so convinced -  I've played with the Orbeon xForms server
which embeds the eXist xml-db an I am quite impressed just how far
you can get in modern browsers without writing javascript or
requiring plugins. XML in XML out.  It's nice to be web-based/RESTful
since it gives you so much for free.
It would be nice to implement a demo that compiles-down ADL to a form
Orbeon can serve - but, as I noted earlier, this is not a main-line
idea here: for one thing it mostly throws out the O from the AOM.

Good work with Opereffa

Gavin Brelstaff
CRS4 Sardinia Italy.